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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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<p>Ryan writes the show and before that Dusty was involved with writing the show but the point still stands that Paul looks it over and approves every aspect of the show not too mention he's the guy signing Itami, and Balor and Owens and Neville as well as the influx in actually female athletes such as Baily, Flair's daughter, Paige, etc. </p><p> </p><p>

For as much crap as Paul gets its ironic that not only is he signing the very best indy talent of the last ten years he's also the guy that brought back Hogan, Bruno and so many other guys that had strained relationships with the company. The guy deserves a lot of credit and I think that if it was just him running things we would see a much different product.</p>

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<p>I'll say</p><p> </p><p>

You can just look at the Ascension and see how they had been tweaked immediately when they were deemed ready for the main roster, it just makes no sense. What's the point of having these guys down there for two years perfecting a gimmick only to change it when you call them up?</p><p> </p><p>

At the very least with HHH running the show there would be more synergy between NXT and the main roster. As it is now the Wyatt Family is the only gimmick from NXT that wasn't drastically changed upon being called up which kind of makes all of that character work pointless.</p>

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="djthefunkchris" data-cite="djthefunkchris" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="25169" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Thanks, that is the first time I saw that. I guess I can get behind that if they use it in the way he is explaining it, and I agree he could be the man to make it as the stepping stone but..... He has already been there, even before I got totally behind him. I think that's what bugs me more.<p> </p><p> I like the idea though, to create a definitive level to the titles, the IC being the one between the US and the World, but it's not going to work like that. What is going to happen eventually is that the US title is going to feel like a TV type title, with the IC Title staying right where it is. I just have no confidence in WWE being able to utilize it as the "Upper Card" level title, as they will continue to have other feuds that appear "above" that level.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I heard a rumor Lana & Rusev might change the US title to the European title. That could be fun for a while, especially if he refuses to face Americans while holding it, since he's beaten most of the American midcarders anyway.</p><p> </p><p> After he drops the US title they should add a TV title stipulation so that it has to be defended on at least 1 show per week (Raw, Main Event, Smackdown or PPV) with more frequent champions. That would set it apart from the IC title and set up some fun short feuds between newly promoted talent, midcarders and jobbers. As it stands, the US and IC titles are so similar it's hard to elevate one over the other. This would help the IC to be taken more seriously by comparison.</p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Hashasheen" data-cite="Hashasheen" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="25169" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>@crownsy: HHH doesn't do much in terms of booking for NXT, there's all of one guy doing it (former head writer for Smackdown), though I'm sure that HHH does the Vince role and oversees the development.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I believe Dusty plays a role I think and it wouldn't surprise me if Regal lends a hand, too, with Hunter as overseer.</p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="crownsy" data-cite="crownsy" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="25169" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>See, I don't think the problem is Hunter. Hunter books NXT with full creative control, and how's that working out?<p> </p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> You understand that my previous post was what people call a "joke," right? Just making that clear.</p><p> </p><p> Four tag matches leading up to the PPV tag match is kind of a hallmark of those modes.</p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="milamber" data-cite="milamber" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="25169" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I believe Dusty plays a role I think and it wouldn't surprise me if Regal lends a hand, too, with Hunter as overseer.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> They road agent and run the developmental classes I think.</p>
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NXT Review:


Neville & Owens - Strong opening segment. Neville's quite handy on the mic these days. Owens says he will fight everyone he has to get to the top of WWE.

Bayley vs Lynch - Solid match. After Becky's attack last week Bayley was more aggressive but Becky targeted her injured knee and made her tap to the 4 Leg Clover. Becky's on her 3rd entrance theme and it's the best one yet.

The Vaudevillians - Regal is giving them a rematch because the legal man wasn't pinned at Evolution. Seems like it was planned given that the announcers and referee missed it.

Bull vs Jobber (Indy wrestler Mr. 450) & Corbin vs Unknown Jobber - Squash matches. Corbin's lasted 14 seconds. Bull gave Corbin a weak shove and retreated. They need to start brawling soon.

Enzo & Cass vs The Ascension - Xmas themed promo from the Bonafide Studs. OK match. Victor and Cass beat each other for a minute. Enzo ran into Konnor like a brick wall in a good comedy spot and got pinned after paying too much attention to Carmella. Entertaining but far from a quality match. The Ascension need a mouthpiece if they want to be taken seriously on the main roster.

Neville vs Owens - Good match. Cat and mouse early on from Owens before he proceeded to kick Neville's ass. Neville turned it around with a high flying move out of the ring but Owens pushed him into the ring post for a double count-out. Wise of them to protect the former champ. The show ended with Owens powerbombing Neville into the apron like he did to Zayn. Owens has the WWE style nailed already, while adding personal flourishes like cutting promos during the match and a sick draping DDT from the turnbuckle that Neville sold like death.


Verdict: Strong follow-up to Evolution. Having Zayn absent after his big win is a good way to slow build the Zayn/Owens feud. Brennan, Graves & Albert are the best announce team in WWE.



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Was at RAW last night and I Really enjoyed it say what you will about the product right now but live shows are always an experience.


I was a bit worried going into it because the product has been so bad as of late but I was pleasantly surprised from a live experience anyways.


Of course smarks on twitter tried to ruin my experience somewhat but that's what the mute button is for and it definitely got used last night.


I've seen Hogan before (way back in 97 when he was a heel with the NWO at a Nitro) but seeing him as a face in the red and yellow is completely different and it made me feel like a kid all over again.


Rowdy Roddy Piper was a nice added bonus I've always enjoyed his work and enjoy it whenever he's on the show.

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His record, while not anything special, is comparable to Lesnars, who for some reason gets highly praised. 5-3 for Brock, 9-5 for Alberto. Not too dissimilar.


I think Lesnar was a crap mixed martial artist as well. TBH, I don't get this obsession some wrestlers have about "proving" themselves in MMA. You're a stuntman/crappy actor. Why are you trying to prove you're a fighter? The inverse thought applies to MMA guys too, see Shamrock, Ken (and he actually learned how to wrestle first).

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Yeah what a wash-out Lesnar was, with his Heavyweight title in UFC and all. Total wuss.


You're right, I guess I just got blinded by his two total wins as champion against criticized choices for contenders and the fact that he won the title from a man in his mid-forties. When you put it in perspective like that, even a non-MMA fan like me can realize his mistakes. I hope you can forgive me one day.

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His record, while not anything special, is comparable to Lesnars, who for some reason gets highly praised. 5-3 for Brock, 9-5 for Alberto. Not too dissimilar.


I would say the difference is quality of opponent. Brock beat one cupcake opponent. José Alberto Rodríguez (Del Rio) basically fought nothing but unranked fighters his entire career.


Brock's first UFC fight was against former champion Frank Mir. Brock made one rookie mistake and got caught by the guy who was, at that time, the best american BJJ practitioner active in MMA. At that time anyway. He then beat Heath Herring, who is easy to disregard in 2014 but when Brock fought him he was considered very good. I believe Herring was around rank #20 in the world at the time. He was coming off of a boring win over Kongo and before that had taken Big Nog (who at the time of that fight was a top 5 heavyweight) to a decision but got beat. A thing to note was that was Big Nog's UFC debut and Herring was supposed to be a cupcake for him. He was not.


Then it gets dicey for Lesnar. He had beaten one ranked opponent and got a shot at UFC hall of famer Randy Couture, who everyone discredits because of his age at the time of the fight but he was still an excellent fighter. Like, as in THE HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION. Now some say Dana White hated Randy and wanted him to lose, but he JUST SIGNED THE GUY for a massive contract. If anything he was setting up Brock. Brock was probably the least experienced fighter Couture had ever fought. And Randy was no stranger to beating up much bigger opponents. Of course, he'd been away for some time so I understand the discrepancies, but please. Brock TKOed UFC HAll of Famer Randy Couture in the second round. Give the man his due. Also of note, Randy would go on to win 3 more UFC fights. So he was not "done" when Lesnar fought him as many of his detractors would like to make you believe.


Anyway, after that fight Brock GnPed the face off of Frank Mir, who was ranked number 3 heavyweight in the entire world at the time only behind Fedor and Big Nog. Mir hasn't been in the top ten since :) Then Lesnar fought the scariest puncher in all of MMA at the time and took everything the guy had to throw at him. Then subbed his ass immediately in the second round.


Then Brock lost two fights. First against the guy who still holds the belt and is considered one of the greatest heavyweight fighters in the history of the sport in Cain. Finally by a guy who is the single greatest technical striking heavyweight of all time. And that's legit. Overeem is one of the most accomplished heavyweight strikers in the world. And Brock fought this guy 6 months after having a foot of his digestive tract removed....


Forgive me if I feel you're selling the man short a bit.


Now, José Alberto Rodríguez' career is also improperly disrespected too often. I'm not going to crap on his career simply to make a point. He fought nothing but professional MMA fighters, but his lone noteworthy opponent knocked him out in 45 seconds. And he was never even remotely considered good enough to be signed by the UFC. Their careers are in no way comparable to each other. They were simply in different leagues when it comes to their MMA careers. Literally.

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T, I wasn't discrediting Brock, if anything I was trying to stick up for Alberto :) in terms of record Alberto is very average, ignoring who he fought, but the numbers are very similar to Brock. That was my point.


Yeah, CroCop destroyed him and PRIDE gave him one more chance which he also blew, but I wouldn't think it fair to mock him with a "it worked out so well for him last time" comment, as there are plenty of fighters that make a career out of MMA with very similar records (regardless if people think they are good or not).


But like I said in a follow up post, I care very little for this "cross over" of sports. Brock managed to be a success, but I iust don't care enough about him as an MMA fighter, and it's soured me on him as a pro wrestler. Same as i don't care about Punk or Lashley, I didn't care about Batista, or Big Show doing boxing.

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To add to this Brock Lesnar MMA conversation, according to Paul Heyman, Brock Lesnar wasn't healthy at any time in the UFC because of his diverticulitis.


also According to Heyman Brock fought guys that were 100% when Brock himself again according to Heyman was only 50% because of his illness. Yet he still won the UFC Heavyweight Title and had an impressive run.


It may not be that impressive when you look at the numbers but if Heyman is to be believed and Brock wasn't 100% at any time in his UFC career that's a scary thought. The man is a freak of nature.

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Just watched the last episode of Lucha Underground. WWE really should copy that format for an upcoming Raw or Smackdown. Have 3 10-man matches and and a triple threat match to determine the last entrant in the Rumble. Whoever takes the pin can be first seed. Maybe Rusev, Ziggler and Reigns.
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Just watched the last episode of Lucha Underground. WWE really should copy that format for an upcoming Raw or Smackdown. Have 3 10-man matches and and a triple threat match to determine the last entrant in the Rumble. Whoever takes the pin can be first seed. Maybe Rusev, Ziggler and Reigns.


To be fair, I didn't catch the latest Lucha but I believe WWE has done something similar a few times.

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