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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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Edge looked so much more like a star than Christian. Not just the height. Not just in the periods when he had a bigger physique. From day one he looked better. Even now, if you dressed them in the same jeans and t-shirt, one looks like a star, and the other looks like some guy. WWE pushed the right one.
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Edge looked so much more like a star than Christian. Not just the height. Not just in the periods when he had a bigger physique. From day one he looked better. Even now, if you dressed them in the same jeans and t-shirt, one looks like a star, and the other looks like some guy. WWE pushed the right one.


I think it's just because Christian is so ugly.

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Edge looked so much more like a star than Christian. Not just the height. Not just in the periods when he had a bigger physique. From day one he looked better. Even now, if you dressed them in the same jeans and t-shirt, one looks like a star, and the other looks like some guy. WWE pushed the right one.


They could have pushed both. The TNA Christian Cage was one the best characters of the last decade.

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Christian was still never a convincing definitive top star even in TNA


He worked far better as the minor villain in the upper midcard or the upper midcard face everyone likes but he's not all the way there. I think he was similar to RVD but even RVD would have been better as a permanent top guy than Christian for whatever reason. He didn't stand out like a CM Punk where you think that this guy NEEDS to be in the top positions but he was respected and talented enough to be there if they needed someone

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Main event gatekeeper or second string main eventer should have been a good role in WWE, but he chose to bank his good momentum going to TNA and being one of the main stars there.


On the never convincing I have an opposite idea, but it's better discussing in the TNA thread than here.

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So it appears that 2 former WWE stars just did a few NXT tapings.

Rhyno and Brian Kendrick



Along with Crowe's debut it's a good way to freshen things up after the special and give guys like Balor someone decent to feud with. Plus Zayn and Kidd are on tour so it was a good time to bring them in.

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Watched the Smackdown highlights. As a whole the show was pretty average but they dedicated half of the show to Reigns and Bryan teaming up in 3 Tag Team Turmoil matches and it was entertaining. Just like with Batista they are course-correcting Reigns' character to good effect. Shame Vince is so out of touch he didn't have the foresight to do it organically instead of being forced into it because of fan backlash.
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So who wants to place bets on Vince doing the same thing next year? Bonus points if you correctly guess who it'll be. Personally, I'm going with Ryback.


IDK I think the reason that Reigns got so much backlash is because Bryan didnt really get a fair run with the belt before he lost it. I think if Bryan wins the title and gets a good 4-6 month run with the belt that people wont be so upset at whoever wins next year and if they do then they can f off tbh because Bryan cant win all of the time.


That being said, Bryan shouldve won the RR for the past 2 years.

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IDK I think the reason that Reigns got so much backlash is because Bryan didnt really get a fair run with the belt before he lost it. I think if Bryan wins the title and gets a good 4-6 month run with the belt that people wont be so upset at whoever wins next year and if they do then they can f off tbh because Bryan cant win all of the time.


That being said, Bryan shouldve won the RR for the past 2 years.


This. Bryan easily has the most momentum and he never lost it it just doesn't make any sense not to capitalize on it. Reigns hasn't evolved since disappearing for a while due to injury. Had he came back strong, maybe gotten some new moves/ new persona it'd be better. But they just think they can just make anyone whether they're ready yet or not.

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This. Bryan easily has the most momentum and he never lost it it just doesn't make any sense not to capitalize on it. Reigns hasn't evolved since disappearing for a while due to injury. Had he came back strong, maybe gotten some new moves/ new persona it'd be better. But they just think they can just make anyone whether they're ready yet or not.


If you watched the podcast, I think HHH actually agrees with you. He was saying something about how he thought he was ready back when Steve Austin was getting huge, but looking back from his position now (wiser, more realistic), he can clearly say he wasn't ready at that time period, but Steve was. The way they were talking, one of them were in line to have a huge push, and I think they were talking the time of the King Of The Ring. Looking back at it, HHH said he can see that Steve was the right choice, but had you asked him then, he would have disagreed. The whole conversation kind of took place after a question about Roman being ready, I got the feeling HHH was comparing one of them to Roman, and as much as he talked about himself, I believe he was comparing him to himself.


There was so much in the podcast that come out, and at the same time so much that I think you almost have to be working for them to understand exactly what they were talking about... kind of hidden truths in them. I honestly, almost every single time, have to listen to Steve a couple of times to actually hear, or get what he is really talking about. He compares himself quite a bit to current roster members and his own history, and different from McMahon, HHH seemed to be doing the same exact thing in a way that was almost hard to understand, unless you expected it (which I admittedly, didn't the first time I watched it).


The one thing I took away from that was it all falls on McMahon's shoulders, not HHH. He took credit for NXT, but made it clear he wasn't calling the shots on RAW/Smackdown. The McMahon podcast seemed to confirm it.


I'm not buying it though. Feels as though McMahon is just trying to make HHH look good in the eyes of shareholders (not necessarily trying to fool the fans). I mean, I'm not going to dispute that NXT is definitively Triple H's baby, but I honestly don't believe for a second he hasn't had his hands in a couple of bad idea's on Raw/Smackdown. Otherwise I would have to disregard Punk's whole podcast in which he painted a different picture... mainly that McMahon was easier to talk to then HHH. I do however, believe that Punk was perhaps the hardest person to talk to, taking everything said from all three (or four if you listened to the follow up to Punks) podcasts.

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Wonder what the 'disruption' during NXT Takeover was all about. Personally, I'd love to see some sort of Cyborg gimmick where they occasionally take control over the TV footage, but that's not really mainstream is it? But so is NXT...


Spoiler, but I'm fairly certain most people know what I'm about to say...


It's Solomon Crowe

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Wonder what the 'disruption' during NXT Takeover was all about. Personally, I'd love to see some sort of Cyborg gimmick where they occasionally take control over the TV footage, but that's not really mainstream is it? But so is NXT...


Solomon Crowe is a hacker so it can still happen

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Raw was decent. Nothing too good but less filler than usual. The best parts:


Harper vs Ambrose, Bryan on commentary, Paige winning in Leva Bates' Rosebud costume, Ziggler vs Rollins, Stardust promo on Dusty, Trips/Flair segment, Miz heeling it up, Kidd's treatment of Natalya after the mixed tag match, Reigns' ringside antics, Bryan/Reigns brawl.

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Loved how they're setting up a Mania match between the Rhodes brothers. Even though the main event is a little lackluster, I'm excited to see the culmination of the storylines this year for almost every section. Miz vs Sandow, the Sting vs Authority angle, the MitB buildup, Wyatt's scheme (Taker?), hell... even Cena vs Rusev. I assume nobody cares about the battle royal match as winning it seems like a meaningless thing (was it ever even on the card?).


The only one puzzling me is the Divas division, but that's an extra indication that it's going nowhere. What will they do: another Nicky vs Paige match no one cares about? The only thing I can see happening that would make a little sense is that Brie turns once again, but they'd be doing the exact thing as the Rhodes brothers angle so I'd rather not see it happen.


But come on... what are they doing? The constant 'vintage Bella' loser-signs, stealing clothes from the locker, spraying,... What is this, first grade? In contrast, the NXT aRival match was great. Heading into 'Mania, they might as well do a 'Total Divas'-related segment as it's seemlingly the only thing people care about (though I'd think few people watch the show; I know I'll never do, even though Paige is in there apparently :p). Makes me wonder why I'm even tuning into RAW.


edit: Quite frankly the only diva who could do something meaningful is Natalya if they set up a match with Kidd.

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Loved how they're setting up a Mania match between the Rhodes brothers. Even though the main event is a little lackluster, I'm excited to see the culmination of the storylines this year for almost every section. Miz vs Sandow, the Sting vs Authority angle, the MitB buildup, Wyatt's scheme (Taker?), hell... even Cena vs Rusev. I assume nobody cares about the battle royal match as winning it seems like a meaningless thing (was it ever even on the card?).


The only one puzzling me is the Divas division, but that's an extra indication that it's going nowhere. What will they do: another Nicky vs Paige match no one cares about? The only thing I can see happening that would make a little sense is that Brie turns once again, but they'd be doing the exact thing as the Rhodes brothers angle so I'd rather not see it happen.


But come on... what are they doing? The constant 'vintage Bella' loser-signs, stealing clothes from the locker, spraying,... What is this, first grade? In contrast, the NXT aRival match was great. Heading into 'Mania, they might as well do a 'Total Divas'-related segment as it's seemlingly the only thing people care about (though I'd think few people watch the show; I know I'll never do, even though Paige is in there apparently :p). Makes me wonder why I'm even tuning into RAW.


edit: Quite frankly the only diva who could do something meaningful is Natalya if they set up a match with Kidd.


My fiance watches Total Diva's and enjoys the drama between the girls, but actively hates that it's used as a plot point on Raw and Smackdown. to qoute her:


"This is so stupid. The stuff on the show is from months ago, so why do they treat it like it just happened?" She also doesn't want the Women from next to be called up, because she was a big fan of women's wrestling in the 80's and early 90's, and she hates that main roster Diva's matches are 2 minute affairs where a bella wins by a roll up. NXT women's matches are outstanding, and I don't want to see Charlotte, Banks and baylee going from having great matches to being the "go get the pop corn, 2 minute women's match coming on." on the main roster.


She would also argue that the first season was nice because it let her see the Divas just being regular girls outside the ring, but this season it's blatantly obvious that they are just running awful angles on the show (I.e the Paige "pot brownie" episode)


I would argue that the first season was just as scripted, but I can't deny the things they try to pass off as "real" this year are a whole new level of stupid and insulting to viewers intelligence.

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But come on... what are they doing? The constant 'vintage Bella' loser-signs, stealing clothes from the locker, spraying,... What is this, first grade? In contrast, the NXT aRival match was great. Heading into 'Mania, they might as well do a 'Total Divas'-related segment as it's seemlingly the only thing people care about (though I'd think few people watch the show; I know I'll never do, even though Paige is in there apparently :p). Makes me wonder why I'm even tuning into RAW.


Here you go. This guys posts Total Divas episodes edited to only show Paige scenes.


edit: Quite frankly the only diva who could do something meaningful is Natalya if they set up a match with Kidd.


I'vs watched a few episodes of Total Divas and Natalya is the worst person on the show. They must have promised her A LOT for her to allow them to potray her as an out of touch, jealous, hateful, insecure, too many adjectives to use cat lady.


The only people that don't look bad on the show are Naomi, Paige and the boyfriends.

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The only one puzzling me is the Divas division, but that's an extra indication that it's going nowhere. What will they do: another Nicky vs Paige match no one cares about? The only thing I can see happening that would make a little sense is that Brie turns once again, but they'd be doing the exact thing as the Rhodes brothers angle so I'd rather not see it happen.


But come on... what are they doing? The constant 'vintage Bella' loser-signs, stealing clothes from the locker, spraying,... What is this, first grade? In contrast, the NXT aRival match was great. Heading into 'Mania, they might as well do a 'Total Divas'-related segment as it's seemlingly the only thing people care about (though I'd think few people watch the show; I know I'll never do, even though Paige is in there apparently :p). Makes me wonder why I'm even tuning into RAW.


edit: Quite frankly the only diva who could do something meaningful is Natalya if they set up a match with Kidd.


I assume Nikki will retain with help from Brie. AJ will return (at Fastlane or next week's Raw) to set up a triple threat at Wrestlemania. That's how I'd book it anyway.

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