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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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NXT Review:


Kevin Owens - He's being booked as a cross between Bray and Lesnar and it's working. He's got main event written all over him if Vince doesn't screw him up on the main roster.

Sampson vs Rhyno - Squash match. I already knew Rhyno was appearing but it was still cool. Looking forward to him putting over Balor.

The Vaudevillians vs Enzo & Cass - Enzo's dark moustache/peroxide beard combo is hilarious :D The babyfaces won but the match was too short to really put them over. Blake & Murphy were entertainingly heelish in their promo.

Crowe Debut - Parker caution-taped the ring to protest not being on the Takeover card. Crowe beat the crap out him to the crowd chanting his name. Fun segment but Crowe seemed to be channeling Ambrose a bit too much.

Sasha vs Blue Pants - Solid match. Blue Pants got her usual huge pop and Sasha's disdain and treatment of her in the ring was perfect. Given how popular Sasha is after Takeover it was smart to have her act more heelish again.

Neville vs Owens - Great match. I dare say Adrian Neville is the best "wrestler" on the entire WWE roster right now. He pulled out half a dozen kick-ass spots including a 450 Splash from the apron, a Poisoned Frankensteiner, a Deadlift German Suplex and countered an F-Cynq into a DDT. That's not to take anything away from Owens who impressed the hell out me with his selling ability in this match.


Verdict: Good show. Only 1 quality match but the entire show was entertaining from start to finish.

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It's probably because it's fragmented into pieces (with Paige), but I can't follow this. It might give me shizofrenia or something. :pAnd what the hell is Brie mode anyway? I thought it was her personal fashion line (which, by her outfits, probably sucks :p). But nvm, I don't even wanna know.


I really liked NXT (again...). Neville pulled out almost all the spots (err... I means stops) in the high-flying department. It felt like overbooking to me, but that's probably the effect of WWE's years-long conditioning that "few exciting things should happen in a match".

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It's probably because it's fragmented into pieces (with Paige), but I can't follow this. It might give me shizofrenia or something. :pAnd what the hell is Brie mode anyway? I thought it was her personal fashion line (which, by her outfits, probably sucks :p). But nvm, I don't even wanna know.


I really liked NXT (again...). Neville pulled out almost all the spots (err... I means stops) in the high-flying department. It felt like overbooking to me, but that's probably the effect of WWE's years-long conditioning that "few exciting things should happen in a match".


Brie Mode is an awful rip off of American Football player Marshawn Lynch's "Beast Mode"...which he probably got the name from the cartoon Beast Wars. He's the right age for it anyway.

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Why have they been burying the Vaudevillains lately? They're probably the most interesting tag act NXT has. They had fairly decent momentum going into their last title match against Sin Cara and Calisto, but it has been down hill pretty fast since then. Definitely not buying the current tag champs as being worthy of having the belts. They're kind of vanilla.
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Why have they been burying the Vaudevillains lately? They're probably the most interesting tag act NXT has. They had fairly decent momentum going into their last title match against Sin Cara and Calisto, but it has been down hill pretty fast since then. Definitely not buying the current tag champs as being worthy of having the belts. They're kind of vanilla.


There's no depth to the division. You have the champs (Dubstep Cowboys), the #1 contenders (Enzo & Cass) and the rest are either jobbers or rookie tag teams getting squashed for experience. English will probably turn on Gotch soon. It's the only weak part of NXT's booking.

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There's no depth to the division. You have the champs (Dubstep Cowboys), the #1 contenders (Enzo & Cass) and the rest are either jobbers or rookie tag teams getting squashed for experience. English will probably turn on Gotch soon. It's the only weak part of NXT's booking.


I think that one problem with a lot of WWE's tag booking in general lately is that they generally don't let teams stay together long enough for their breakups to really be meaningful. Most teams stay together for a few months, then feud with each other, then they move onto another partner and do the same thing. The reason why the ultimate tag partner turning angle of Michaels and Jannetty worked was because they had such a storied history that lasted years as partners. I think they need to be more patient before they do the inevitable turning angle.


That said, I agree that they don't really have any tag depth. The fact that Enzo/Cass is one of their top tag teams is kind of depressing, but that may be because I can't really stand Enzo (I do like Cass, though). They do need to breathe some life into the division, and I think that the Vaudevillains seem like the most people to be able to do that. Having them job in an extremely short match to a team that doesn't have much momentum doesn't make sense to me. Though, I guess NXT does have a tendency to back burner people pretty abruptly sometimes. I haven't been watching NXT terribly long, but Breeze and Bayley (though I think hers was injury related) come to mind.

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Brie Mode is when Brie Bella gets passed out drunk and makes a fool out of herself.


Yeah, Total Divas was where the gimmick originated from in wrestling terms. I don't know if Brie Mode existed before Total Divas, nor do I care, because it is ridiculous.

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I think that one problem with a lot of WWE's tag booking in general lately is that they generally don't let teams stay together long enough for their breakups to really be meaningful. Most teams stay together for a few months, then feud with each other, then they move onto another partner and do the same thing. The reason why the ultimate tag partner turning angle of Michaels and Jannetty worked was because they had such a storied history that lasted years as partners. I think they need to be more patient before they do the inevitable turning angle.


That said, I agree that they don't really have any tag depth. The fact that Enzo/Cass is one of their top tag teams is kind of depressing, but that may be because I can't really stand Enzo (I do like Cass, though). They do need to breathe some life into the division, and I think that the Vaudevillains seem like the most people to be able to do that. Having them job in an extremely short match to a team that doesn't have much momentum doesn't make sense to me. Though, I guess NXT does have a tendency to back burner people pretty abruptly sometimes. I haven't been watching NXT terribly long, but Breeze and Bayley (though I think hers was injury related) come to mind.


Bayley's time will come soon. I'd rather Sasha feud with Becky and Bliss first though because Sasha and Bayley only feuded a couple of months ago and Bayley should take the belt off her after months of struggle (like Zayn did with Neville). I'd like to see Neville put over Breeze in a series of matches before heading to the main roster.

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Here's an interesting rumor:


Triple H is said to be lobbying for a top Hispanic star in WWE, as he feels the company is in need of one. While there are several Hispanic performers in WWE already, the company is apparently looking for someone with WWE’s “look”, can work well in the ring, is bilingual and stands at around 6 feet tall.


They should look at El Hijo del Fantasma (King Cuerno) and El Texano Jr from AAA & Lucha Underground. Not sure about their English skills but both guys are 30, around 5'11" to 6'1", impressive builds and skilled in the ring.

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Here's an interesting rumor:


They should look at El Hijo del Fantasma (King Cuerno) and El Texano Jr from AAA & Lucha Underground. Not sure about their English skills but both guys are 30, around 5'11" to 6'1", impressive builds and skilled in the ring.

If only Shawn Hernandez was ten years younger...

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He has the look but is sloppy as hell

Blasphemy! xD I've always thought he's highly underrated. He has the look, the charisma, the strength, the athleticism (one of the best over the top rope suicide dives I've seen performed by a big man) and he could actually talk on the microphone given half an opportunity. I'm not saying he's perfect by any stretch of the imagination and you're right, he's sloppy at times but I think WWE could have ironed out some of those problems if they had gotten their hands on him at an earlier age.

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Lol, that should totally be their official name. :p


And I'd also like the Vaudevillains to be featured more. But a title push seems awkward indeed.


I dunno, it doesn't seem any less awkward than the Dubstep Cowboys. Their attempted promo on Enzo and Cass after their match was pretty dreadful, and they don't really do anything interesting in the ring.

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I dunno, it doesn't seem any less awkward than the Dubstep Cowboys. Their attempted promo on Enzo and Cass after their match was pretty dreadful, and they don't really do anything interesting in the ring.


I dunno, I just don't see the evil vaudeville villains act being pushable at the champ level. I think they fill a good gate keeping role. And yes, I understand that the Gimmick shouldn't hold them back but...It just kinda does. I think they are best as a team that floats around the card, chasing the title or feuding with teams on the way up.

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I dunno, I just don't see the evil vaudeville villains act being pushable at the champ level. I think they fill a good gate keeping role. And yes, I understand that the Gimmick shouldn't hold them back but...It just kinda does. I think they are best as a team that floats around the card, chasing the title or feuding with teams on the way up.


I agree they should just be dicks to people who need a feud. Not jobbers as they are too good for that.


I like the Dubstep cowboys personally. It's just two similar guys wearing matching gear wrestling as a tag team with an actual name be it Dubstep Cowboys or Team Thick. All they really need to do is establish personalities as individuals which they will get the chance to do as champions and the tv time they get.

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I dunno, it doesn't seem any less awkward than the Dubstep Cowboys. Their attempted promo on Enzo and Cass after their match was pretty dreadful, and they don't really do anything interesting in the ring.


I think during that Lucha Dragons match they tried way too hard to do interesting things in the ring. The result was non-stop botching. Not that it was entirely their fault. They're definitely the greenest guys in top positions right now. Wesley Blake in particular.


They could do with individual personalities... to an extent. I like that they're an old school "dress alike, look alike" team, which sets them apart from the other NXT duos. It would be nice, however, to give them different roles in their matches. Different 'strengths'.

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They should have a look at that Alberto El Patron fella.


Mabey that Alberto El Patron Character should look into giving a diffrent promo than:


"You are all peasants compared to me!!"


for 5 years straight.


I like alberto in the ring, but talk about never evolving your character one bit beyond your opening gimmick. You could line a del rio promo from the first month against his last, and it would be the exact same formula minus ricardo.

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Mabey that Alberto El Patron Character should look into giving a diffrent promo than:


"You are all peasants compared to me!!"


for 5 years straight.


I like alberto in the ring, but talk about never evolving your character one bit beyond your opening gimmick. You could line a del rio promo from the first month against his last, and it would be the exact same formula minus ricardo.


Is it his fault? He was booked like crap


I don't have strong feelings on him but he had good matches and came in with a spark. When creative stopped caring, you could tell because he did too

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Mabey that Alberto El Patron Character should look into giving a diffrent promo than:


"You are all peasants compared to me!!"


for 5 years straight.


I like alberto in the ring, but talk about never evolving your character one bit beyond your opening gimmick. You could line a del rio promo from the first month against his last, and it would be the exact same formula minus ricardo.


I agree. I dont think Del Rio ever cut a great promo from what I've seen of his WWE work.

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Is it his fault? He was booked like crap


I don't have strong feelings on him but he had good matches and came in with a spark. When creative stopped caring, you could tell because he did too


plenty of guys are booked like crap, and make more of it than Del rio ever did.


as but one example, Cody Rhodes first post legacy gimmick was a effeminate guy giving beauty tips. He took it, owned it, and made "dashing" cody Rhodes a great gimmick.


Also, there comes a point where blaming creative for your shortcomings outside the ring is just a guy trying to cover for being a crappy creative wrestler who can't develop his on screen character. Every guy that scrubs out always points to creative.


The best guys in the business take what they get, good or bad, and try make it work or try to evolve it. Del rio was lazy as shit outside the ring, and never bothered to work on his character. He cut the same damn promo for 5 straight years for gods sake. you can't tell me that was all WWE.


Del Rio is a Great in ring talent, awful outside of it.

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