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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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plenty of guys are booked like crap, and make more of it than Del rio ever did.


as but one example, Cody Rhodes first post legacy gimmick was a effeminate guy giving beauty tips. He took it, owned it, and made "dashing" cody Rhodes a great gimmick.


Also, there comes a point where blaming creative for your shortcomings outside the ring is just a guy trying to cover for being a crappy creative wrestler who can't develop his on screen character. Every guy that scrubs out always points to creative.


The best guys in the business take what they get, good or bad, and try make it work or try to evolve it. Del rio was lazy as shit outside the ring, and never bothered to work on his character. He cut the same damn promo for 5 straight years for gods sake. you can't tell me that was all WWE.


Del Rio is a Great in ring talent, awful outside of it.

While true to an extent, WWE is incredibly scrpted, so it is more of a miracle that guys like Cody could pull of those gimmicks rather than an enditement on Del Rio.

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While true to an extent, WWE is incredibly scrpted, so it is more of a miracle that guys like Cody could pull of those gimmicks rather than an enditement on Del Rio.


I guess we will agree to disagree. I realize it's scripted, but you aren't going to convince me that some guys don't try thier damndest to take the crap they are given and get over, while others punch the clock and cry when it doesn't work.


to me, when you don't bother to even evolve what you say in your promo's for 5 stinking years, that's more on you than creative. Del Rio was perfectly happy to punch the clock when it came to promo's, and it showed. I'm not saying WWE creative isn't trash, we all know it is, but to me this whole "oh, his complete lack of microphone skills or personality outside the ring is creative's fault" thing is overblown. It's an excuse that guys who are great in the ring but can't connect outside of it fall back on to justify there failure.


We're not talking about a guy who got an awful gimmick, did his best, but it didn't work out. We're talking about a guy who literally showed zero effort in trying in any way, shape, or form to evolve his promo ability during his run, and now cries it was all creative, and not him just punching the clock when it came to anything outside of the ring.


Great in ring guy, awful outside of it.

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plenty of guys are booked like crap, and make more of it than Del rio ever did.


as but one example, Cody Rhodes first post legacy gimmick was a effeminate guy giving beauty tips. He took it, owned it, and made "dashing" cody Rhodes a great gimmick.


What? How is that even close? Creative allowed him to do so much with his gimmicks. ADR was just a guy told to fight Kofi and Sin Cara between Sheamus matches. A promo for ADR in 2013-4 was basically nonexistent

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What? How is that even close? Creative allowed him to do so much with his gimmicks. ADR was just a guy told to fight Kofi and Sin Cara between Sheamus matches. A promo for ADR in 2013-4 was basically nonexistent


He had that great promo on Batista.


The thing I really hated is that when they turned him face they removed Ricardo from him. Del Rio was believable as a face BECAUSE he had had Ricardo his loyal employee and friend stand by his side. Without him what did face Del Rio have? He was still rich mexican royalty and nothing else.

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He had that great promo on Batista.


The thing I really hated is that when they turned him face they removed Ricardo from him. Del Rio was believable as a face BECAUSE he had had Ricardo his loyal employee and friend stand by his side. Without him what did face Del Rio have? He was still rich mexican royalty and nothing else.


Have to agree a whole bunch here. There was a time when he was hot, and he was right there with all of them, Randy, Sheamus, Batista, etc. When he turned face, he never recovered, and in my opinion it was handled all wrong.


I loved the watered down JBL more then I liked JBL.

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Have to agree a whole bunch here. There was a time when he was hot, and he was right there with all of them, Randy, Sheamus, Batista, etc. When he turned face, he never recovered, and in my opinion it was handled all wrong.


I loved the watered down JBL more then I liked JBL.


Speaking of watered down, how stupid was the whole bucket act that Del Rio / Ricardo did? Just awful.

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God damn it Cena, you talk way too much in your matches. Calling every other spot to Rusev so that everyone can hear it. -.-' I still hate Cena. Same boring gimmick, same stupid moves, same stupid face.


Subpar PPV thus far, nothing that interesting. Matches have been really slow and boring.. Bray Wyatt promo on Taker was awesome though.

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God damn it Cena, you talk way too much in your matches. Calling every other spot to Rusev so that everyone can hear it. -.-' I still hate Cena. Same boring gimmick, same stupid moves, same stupid face.


Subpar PPV thus far, nothing that interesting. Matches have been really slow and boring.. Bray Wyatt promo on Taker was awesome though.


I'm pretty sure the Wyatt promo was the highlight of the night.

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WOW! WWE has dropped the ball twice in two months. This match should have been used to make yet another Mania triple threat match, but they decide to give Roman the win. This might lead to a match with someone at Mania for Bryan, but it was a horrible decision. I feel like this PPV should have been Elimination Chamber, but for me this PPV was a 7/10.
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Wow. It's only February but I'm gonna go on a limb and say that Fastlane is the worst PPV of 2015.


Horrible booking.


Why is Wrestlemania so damn predictable.. :(


Yeah, this event was pretty terrible. Reigns is not ready for a Wrestlemania main event at all.


Maybe it's because I finally just listened to those podcasts yesterday, but the fact that Reigns already has one, and Punk never did just doesn't seem right to me. He's so green. I'm pretty sure I'd be ok if it were either of the other Shield members, but Reigns just isn't there yet.

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Yeah, this event was pretty terrible. Reigns is not ready for a Wrestlemania main event at all.


Maybe it's because I finally just listened to those podcasts yesterday, but the fact that Reigns already has one, and Punk never did just doesn't seem right to me. He's so green. I'm pretty sure I'd be ok if it were either of the other Shield members, but Reigns just isn't there yet.


Exactly. If this was after he learns how to do promos, and when he refines his skills more, I would be okay with it. This should be taking place in two years.

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Ghost Files: EP. 1:

“My silence is broken”


I am going to say my honest opinion and I know not everyone isn’t going to agree. But I am going to say what has been stewing in my head for the past few months...




And I don’t mean with Fastlane, WrestleMania, but I am talking about last 2 years AT LEAST. But before you guys flame me, insult me, I need you guys to understand, I am a fan of Professional Wrestling. Not just WWE, but WCW (when it was good), ECW, ROH, CZW just to name a few. The last time WWE was any good, was when the Monday Night Wars with ECW and WCW. And when they both were defeated by WWE, what happens? WWE gets lazy. WWE comes up with insulting storylines. Stupid gimmicks and “force feeding talent” who CLEARLY isn’t over…but yet, going to be the future of the ‘E. (Yes I am looking at you Roman). These guys have been screwing up since at least 2004. I know what you guys are going to say “Well you are a Roman Reigns hater” or you are a “Blind Sheep of the Yes movement”. For those who know me, I am a fan of Brian Danielson, Chris Benoit, Raven, and countless others. I am a fan of the Sport of Wrestling. Notice I said WRESTLING. Not Sports Entertainment.

I am sorry that I strayed away from my original point but here where WWE has screwed up.

1.They have not built enough Main Eventers. I mean when your Main Eventers consist of mainly team BOTCH (except for Hogan), and you have capable people on the roster who are MORE over than your M.E.’s then you have a problem. I mean why do you think that Bryan made WM last year? Because he was more over face than ANYONE! Than Cena, or any other Face on the roster.


2.You spend TOO MUCH Time on laughable vignettes (which that is bad if humor was not the desired effect). I mean here’s a question, why is it that NXT is only an hour and they tell a story and storyline, which tells more than your 3 HOURS of air time? And what does the 3 hours consist of? Celebrity cameos, squash matches, horrible storytelling, plugging of Total Divas and DQ/Count out Finishes. I mean creative has gotten TOO DAMN LAZY.


3.WWE feels untouchable. Let me explain, when you on top and your are #1, you have to continue to be the best because someone will be there to take your spot. WWE knew this in the 90’s to the 2000’s when they were going up to against WCW. And they knew if they were not willing to do whatever, to push the envelope and shock people, they were going to lose. Now, WWE is trolling the fans, because they know there is no alternative. But that’s where they are wrong. TNA, GFW (coming soon), NJPW, Lucha Underground to name a few. And they don’t realize is that for every time they pull this crap like this, they are going to lose another fan to one of those promotions that I just mentioned.


I thought this was going to be just one part but I realize that it’s going to be a “multipart” series. So I guess I will get to the point. Roman Reigns being Main Event of Wrestlemania is a MISTAKE. I didn’t even have to watch the PPV tonight. I knew that the E was going to make Bryan job to Reigns. And these are my opinions. So here goes.


1.He has no Character Development. I mean he’s wearing the same gear when he was in the Shield. In fact he has the same music and the same GIMMICK!!? I mean the Reigns reminds me of the Jock in High School that graduated from High School 2 years ago, and he prowls the parking lot trying to pick up Sophomore girls. Ambrose got his psychotic gimmick going on, and Rollins got the slimy heel. What is Reigns? The same guy as he was from the Shield.


2.Pushed too quickly. Back in old days, you didn’t even think about touching the Main Event until you received the Intercontinental title. Let see, Stone Cold Steve Austin, Triple H, Dolph Ziggler, heck even the ROCK won the IC title before they was EVER put in the main event. What does he have? A Lengthy reign (No pun intended) as Tag Team champion with Seth Rollins. NO SINGLES TITLES.


3.Technical/Wrestling Ability? Let’s face it he’s probably Greener than Michelangelo’s crap after eating a pizza buffet.


4.Charisma? I am sorry, the dude is has the charisma of Frankenstein’s monster downing a 40 ounce of Nyquil.


Bottom line, Reigns is going to WM, but to be honest they (WWE) are going to get the opposite of what they expect, the beast is going to be a FACE. And the golden boy they groomed for the main event is going to be hated, and not as a heel. But for the worse reason EVER, because he is NOT ready, but he is forced in the spot light because who his “Cousin” is.



Of course I could be wrong…..but I DOUBT IT.




(Episode 2 coming soon.)

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I agree with GhostDogg. Roman Reigns is hands down not ready. His lack of wrestling ability or charisma will make this years Wrestlemania main event about as exciting as a trip to the dentists office.


Agree except for the charisma skills. In TEW terms he has the charisma to play a cocky heel or the cool badass but lacks the mic skills to make it work :D


The biggest thing as Ghost said is his character development. Roman Reigns is a one man shield which is just boring. Same gear, same music, same everything. Rollins evolved, Dean evolved but Roman stayed the same.

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I also agree that Romans hasn't evolved and it was further proof in his match tonight against Bryan that he has major flaws in terms of wrestling ability. Vince doesn't care though, he just sees money in Reigns and that's it. I'm fine with Reigns winning though because I am 100% for the rumored Bryan vs Ziggler match at Mania and I hope they make that happen!


Also, what the hell is wrong with WWE crowds lately?! It's been like this for the last year or two now where WWE puts on a PPV in certain cities that are just completely dull until the final two matches. Maybe they should get one of the divas to shoot a smelling salt cannon to wake them up, eh?! :D

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Agree with the Romans thing. As for the charisma: I also thing it's rather lacking. Would he pull off a different 'cool badass' gimmick based on what I've seen? Probably not. That's probably why they haven't developed him much. Maybe there's fear of him being too limited? Cena also barely evolved (given the time he's been with E): from the generic faceless wrestler to the rapper to the Respect-inducing guy. That's it.
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