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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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I'm not even one to criticize Roman all that much as I definitely think he's improving, but them calling his match against Bryan a 'bona fide classic' and 'one of the greatest matches I've ever seen' (I believe that was Booker) is absurd and clearly just a desperate tactic to get people to believe he's ready. It was a good match.


The entire build to Roman was for everyone to blow him. WWE did it, Daniel Bryan did it, The Rock did it, Paul Heyman, announcers, ect.


Basically it turns into a look how great Roman is show. I'm suprised they haven't shown him with his wife and daughter being the perfect father or training with his cousins.


Roman is potential being burned. If they had just waited, build him up organically, lets him run with one of the midcard titles as he learns to lead a match, work his character and evolve from something other the guy who can't let The Shield go he'd be unstoppable.


Imagine Reigns winning the US/IC Title at Wrestlemania and defending it for a year against Barett, Cesaro, Kidd, Ziggler, Ambrose, even Sheamus. If they really wanted to build him up have him win the Rumble (with actual contenders. No Big Show/Kane) as the IC champion and challenge in a Hogan-Warrior situation.

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I don't think it's the cities or the crowds, WWE have to give them something to get excited about and/or fill a card from top to bottom rather than relying on the aforementioned "final two matches". I mean Memphis is a wrestling town and has been traditionally a real hotbed for professional wrestling but unfortunately, even they couldn't get behind the product that WWE is offering right now.


Yeah, I agree to this and should've added that to my original comment about the dead crowds. The writing needs to change. Triple H said in the Stone Cold podcast that he'd rather get rid of the third hour of RAW since it's so hard to write the third hour. With this in mind, WWE should go back to the drawing board, go back to the two hour timeslot (which we all know probably won't happen anytime soon), and remember the formula's they used before (no, this isn't an attitude era reference) and remember how they've made certain feuds hot before like, for example, The Shield vs The Brotherhood when the Rhodes won the tag titles and got an insane crowd reaction. It's not like it's dead all the time but you can tell when they're slacking in the creative department with shows like Fastlane or even the Survivor Series that Orton vs Big Show headlined (dare I mention that?)


I know I'm meandering with this but I just want WWE to have an awesome product. I think we all want them to have an awesome and fun product right now but it's such a pain in the ass to watch especially with the current announce team. Now I'm going to steal a line from Stone Cold and say that's all I got to say about that.



This is an excellent promo! I really hope we get Cody back and he does go after all the Attitude Era guys like he mentioned. That would be so awesome and would make up for his God awful match at Fastlane (I was so mad when I saw the finish live I wanted the ref to be fired!) And don't get me wrong, Cody Rhodes is one of my favorite guys on the WWE roster right now and I hope to God that this means he'll get a big push now that he's not with Goldust anymore. And by the way, it almost seemed like the comments about "being hungry" and "wanting to eat a big fat steak and cutting the fat" was an old school reference that I can't pinpoint. Does anyone know an old school wrestler that might've said that in past promos?

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So AJ tweeted her displeasure about the lack of divas air time. Steph tweeted back "Thanks for your input." And Vince tweeted: "We hear you. Keep watching."


I don't think the AJ part was a work and I'm sure it wasn't a planned angle (well 90% sure anyway). But with Wrestlemania coming up I fully expect Vince to twist it into a storyline.


Yeah, I agree to this and should've added that to my original comment about the dead crowds. The writing needs to change. Triple H said in the Stone Cold podcast that he'd rather get rid of the third hour of RAW since it's so hard to write the third hour. With this in mind, WWE should go back to the drawing board, go back to the two hour timeslot...


If they put commercials between matches instead of during them they could keep the show at 3 hours to fulfill their contract but only need to book about 2 hours of content.

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To go with the Cody video, here are 2 Ambrose interviews after his Fastlane and Raw appearances.



It just further proves that Vince has no clue. It's character and feud building content like this (along with quality wrestling matches) that will turn WWE from casually entertaining to must-see. Instead they half-ass most of their matches and save these important promos for the App.

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Rumour running around on r/squaredcircle that Roman Reigns has failed a drugs test and it was known to the company on Monday morning. It's yet to be confirmed anywhere else but if true, it'll be interesting to see what happens.


Interesting. There's also a rumor Lesnar stormed out before the show, which replaced the initial rumor that a Vince rewrite was the reason he didn't appear. Either way it makes WWE look inept.

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Interesting. There's also a rumor Lesnar stormed out before the show, which replaced the initial rumor that a Vince rewrite was the reason he didn't appear. Either way it makes WWE look inept.


I dunno what to believe, but the reddit theory that Lesnar knows Reigns failed a PED test, and that he is going back to UFC and doesn't want to put over a guy who is using roids and have his reputation as a fighter be damaged by association since PED's are a hot issue in UFC right now makes sense.


Supposedly the walk out was over him telling Vince he won't be part of a coverup, and wants to put over someones else (reportedly Cena or Bryan) who can then put over Reigns once he is gone, and Vince telling him that no, we are going to do this, and your going out there and putting him over tonight via promo and the WM match. Lesnar supposedly walked out rather than do it.


Wheels within Wheels. Of note is that Reigns wasn't booked particularly strong on smackdown this week from all reports.

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Except WWE has to publicize these drug test failures as the testing is done by a third party


It was an obvious fake rumor


They have to publish, but not on any particular schedule. They can choose when and where to reveal those results, and punish any offenders.


And they have absolutely delayed officially announcing results before to preserve big matches. See Orton, Randy and Meysterio, Rey.


That said, of course all rumors are to be taken with a huge grain of salt.

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Rey Mysterio has been added to the WWE Alumni part of WWE.com.




Kinda semi confirms who Del Rio was talking about earlier this week. For those who missed it, he said "someone big, a game changer!" was coming to Lucha Underground but he couldn't say his name yet.


Can't wait to see the 487th Del Rio v. Rey "Your are a peasant!" match!


I keeed, I keeed.

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Kinda semi confirms who Del Rio was talking about earlier this week. For those who missed it, he said "someone big, a game changer!" was coming to Lucha Underground but he couldn't say his name yet.


Can't wait to see the 487th Del Rio v. Rey "Your are a peasant!" match!


I keeed, I keeed.


Chavo stormed out last week. I expect he'll return when Mysterio debuts to kick off a feud.

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Meh, all these overdone matchups that serve only to draw people to the show... I still loath TNA for doing it and sticking with it for some f'd up reason. Look where they are now. Maybe they've been worse of if they stuck with their original scheme, which was quite awesome (cruisers 'n midgets), but at least their reputation would've been up there. I don't really know if it works, too. Maybe some Mexicans might make the switch.


Oh well, now that we have NXT I don't care that much anymore. :p

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Meh, all these overdone matchups that serve only to draw people to the show... I still loath TNA for doing it and sticking with it for some f'd up reason. Look where they are now. Maybe they've been worse of if they stuck with their original scheme, which was quite awesome (cruisers 'n midgets), but at least their reputation would've been up there. I don't really know if it works, too. Maybe some Mexicans might make the switch.


Oh well, now that we have NXT I don't care that much anymore. :p


They obviously want some extra star power to draw in a more global audience. Which isn't a bad thing if it helps them get more international TV deals to keep Lucha Underground going. It's a new show on a new network so it's long-term future is not guaranteed.


It seems like Del Rio (and Texano) will be there mainly as representatives of AAA on short term contracts. Hopefully they will use Mysterio to put over the enhancement and midcard talent. So long as they don't start racking up a huge wage bill on old stars that can't produce the goods in the ring it seems like it could pay off.

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They obviously want some extra star power to draw in a more global audience. Which isn't a bad thing if it helps them get more international TV deals to keep Lucha Underground going. It's a new show on a new network so it's long-term future is not guaranteed.


It seems like Del Rio (and Texano) will be there mainly as representatives of AAA on short term contracts. Hopefully they will use Mysterio to put over the enhancement and midcard talent. So long as they don't start racking up a huge wage bill on old stars that can't produce the goods in the ring it seems like it could pay off.


Really? Rey's name value is huge in Mexico and he is still popular in the US. Rey should be an icon for the promotions. Rey should be in AAA wrestling on the biggest events against the most talented guys who are looking to test themselves against a legent. They should be tripping to battle Rey and Rey should win them all. Rey should be defeating whoever they put in front of him until they decide who's the young talented guy who can make something from that win.


For Lucha Underground it should be the same. Beating guys like Drago, Fenix, and Mundo in a big built match once a month or two until someone like King Cuerno hunts him down. Rey has been the definition of Lucha Libre for a long time and should be put down by someone young and talented. For me at least King Cuerno has all the ability in the world or Pentagon Jr. who is a big enough badass to not waste the opportunity.

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Really? Rey's name value is huge in Mexico and he is still popular in the US. Rey should be an icon for the promotions. Rey should be in AAA wrestling on the biggest events against the most talented guys who are looking to test themselves against a legent. They should be tripping to battle Rey and Rey should win them all. Rey should be defeating whoever they put in front of him until they decide who's the young talented guy who can make something from that win.


For Lucha Underground it should be the same. Beating guys like Drago, Fenix, and Mundo in a big built match once a month or two until someone like King Cuerno hunts him down. Rey has been the definition of Lucha Libre for a long time and should be put down by someone young and talented. For me at least King Cuerno has all the ability in the world or Pentagon Jr. who is a big enough badass to not waste the opportunity.


Honestly it depends on what shape Rey is in. Most of the luchadors in LU wrestle better than Rey has in years. I wouldn't put him against anyone important right away until he proves himself in the ring.

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