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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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NXT Review:


Enzo & Cass vs Lucha Dragons (#1 Contender) - Solid match won by the Full Sail favorites. Now is the time for Enzo & Cass to step up their in-ring game.

Carmella vs Bliss - Solid 5 minute match (which is 3 minutes longer than the divas got on Raw and Smackdown) between 2 green rookies. Carmella dominated but Bliss won with the Sparkle Splash. It helps set her apart since most of the women in WWE favor mat-based wrestling.

Parker vs A-Ry - Riley delivered a passionate promo backstage. I marked for his old entrance theme and so did the crowd. Solid match. Owens showed up to take the mickey out of A-Ry.

Breeze vs Itami - Good match but give them another 5 to 10 minutes and they could do even better.


Verdict: Enjoyably consistent show. No wasted matches or segments (except for the Owens hype vid). I just wish they would cut out the Raw/PPV advertising and extend the show by 10 minutes.


It's still televised in most of the world, so they can't give it a full 60 minutes

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Really interesting interview with Bret Hart at this link. Here are the highlights that LordsofPain posted



All I can say is when I wrestled Lex Luger in the Royal Rumble back in 1994 and I ended up getting the title a few months later, it was very similar to what is going on with Roman Reigns and Daniel Bryan now but they went against what the fans wanted and I think that it may bite them on the ass because my logical thinking is you give the fans what they want or you should anyway. I don't know why they went against the grain, I think Daniel Bryan was a great champion and had his run was cut short and I think fans wanted to see him get that moment that he deserves. Even though he won the title and WrestleMania last year was such a big thing for him, the fans want to see him get his proper chance and I think the WWE put a line through that and I think that's probably a mistake.



I always tried to bring the best out of all of my opponents and especially in a pay-per-view scenario, I wanted them to have their best match they ever had with me. When Kevin Nash was champion I really tried to support him, he was a good friend of mine back in those days and still a good friend of mine now. I tried to boost his position and help him stay in place and I always had respect for him even as champion, I thought he was a great champion. I think they made a big mistake in giving him a push too early, they should have waited and let him build himself up for another year and I think if they had given Kevin just a little more time to get more experience and get prepared for that role, if that next year he had gotten that big push that they gave him, he may have stayed champion but they sometimes push things they want now and it wasn't going to happen then, he was still learning a lot.



I think Roman Reigns is ready and he is really good, I think he is a really great talent and has a lot of potential. I can see why they want to push him but I really think the hearts and minds of the wrestling fans are with Daniel Bryan. His work rate in the ring and what he gives through the match just means so much more to the wrestling fans than anything else.



Well I know we were a lot closer than Hogan was. I'm not quite sure why Hulk Hogan of all people is inducting him because my last conversations I had with Randy, he didn't have much good to say about Hogan. Regardless, it is a night to remember Randy for all the great contributions he made. He was undoubtedly one of the greatest wrestlers of all time, he was a great champion in the dressing room, he was a Wayne Gretzky, Mark Messier, a real team guy and always had a lot of respect and love with all of the wrestlers. We will always miss the Macho Man.

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Uh, he does realize that it's a dead horse right? Meaning, No one cares anymore. DeMott resigned. The end.


Except this is 100% opposite of the truth. If the lawyers are being sent out to silence people who are speaking up, it's a pretty big flag that WWE haves something to hide.

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I don't get why they don't just do what they did after Eddie and Benoit, pretend that they didn't know how bad the problem was, throw a couple people under the bus and promise real hard not to do it again...even though they will.


They would first have to admit there was a problem and WWE would rather take the bad publicity than admit they were wrong.

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Raw was solid but it was booked like a go-home show with the angles overshadowing the wrestling. Notes:


- The Lesnar and Orton pre-taped vids were effective.

- J&J Security are entertaining. I'd like to see them as a tag team.

- The long divas match was an improvement but still not NXT quality.

- Heyman stole the show again.

- The IC tag build continues to be silly fun. Despite being pinned Barrett finally kicked some ass.

- Bray's promos are getting good again.

- The lack of a main event was disappointing but Sting and Orton clearing house was cool.


On another note, Jimmy Jacobs is joining the WWE creative team next month.

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I heard that rumor too, along with some dang dirty chicken farmers going to Orlando.


And then Jay opens his mouth and they're out the door before their first match.


Glad to see someone as creative as Jimmy Jacobs getting a spot on the creative team though, hopefully they'll do what Final Countdown suggested and make him a manager too.

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The best thing on RAW was the pre-match promo from Kidd & Cesaro. I'm not really content with their position atm (even if they are champs), but they make the best of it. And only great talents do that. The hesitation from Cole when the bullfighters got Woods ("D&F going after...... ... new day") just indicates how much people care about that gimmick.


Good to see a longer Diva match but I'd rather have it short if this is the standard. They didn't botch anything but it just doesn't look as natural/good as when the male roster does it.

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The best thing on RAW was the pre-match promo from Kidd & Cesaro. I'm not really content with their position atm (even if they are champs), but they make the best of it. And only great talents do that. The hesitation from Cole when the bullfighters got Woods ("D&F going after...... ... new day") just indicates how much people care about that gimmick.


Good to see a longer Diva match but I'd rather have it short if this is the standard. They didn't botch anything but it just doesn't look as natural/good as when the male roster does it.


Kidd & Cesaro (/w Natalya) could be great but cheap losses to jobbers and a lack of quality opponents is hurting them.


I enjoyed the divas getting a longer match. The only way to change the casual fans' perception of the divas is to consistently give them longer matches regardless of the reaction they get. Treat them like a bathroom break and so will the fans. At least this crowd gave them a chance and didn't crap on the match. The in-ring problem still remains as you said. They are slower than the NXT divas and rarely do anything outside of their standard moveset. Vince can take most of the blame for now. But if they give the divas 15 minutes at Wrestlemania and they still can't put on a good match then they only have themselves to blame.

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but it doesn't take me a full 15 minutes to run to the bathroom...what do I do with the other wasted 14 minutes? Honestly I hate women's wrestling. NXT isn't as bad as other stuff but it is just boring, I don't care about it. Most of the time it is slower, choppy and filed with miscues because most weren't wrestlers until the model gig was over and WWE offered them a steady paycheck. The fact is I don't care about this give the dives a chance crap, and the majority of fans feel this way.
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but it doesn't take me a full 15 minutes to run to the bathroom...what do I do with the other wasted 14 minutes? Honestly I hate women's wrestling. NXT isn't as bad as other stuff but it is just boring, I don't care about it. Most of the time it is slower, choppy and filed with miscues because most weren't wrestlers until the model gig was over and WWE offered them a steady paycheck. The fact is I don't care about this give the dives a chance crap, and the majority of fans feel this way.


Have you really watched any NXT womens wrestling? The 4 way at the last big event was an awesome match. No not just a womens match but just awesome 4 way match. I have always been an anti-womens wrestling person but the stuff they are doing on NXT is pretty good.

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but it doesn't take me a full 15 minutes to run to the bathroom...what do I do with the other wasted 14 minutes? Honestly I hate women's wrestling. NXT isn't as bad as other stuff but it is just boring, I don't care about it. Most of the time it is slower, choppy and filed with miscues because most weren't wrestlers until the model gig was over and WWE offered them a steady paycheck. The fact is I don't care about this give the dives a chance crap, and the majority of fans feel this way.


I'll just leave these here.....










Those are the top 4 women in NXT. 3 women who have struggled and killed it on the indy circuit for years and Ric flair' daughter.


But yea, ok, they just got into wrestling when their "modeling gigs" flopped :rolleyes:


Listen, if you don't want to watch actual women's wrestling, I can't blame you. The WWE has trained it's fans to not care.


But to compare the women currently tearing up NXT to Kelly Kelly or the Bellas or some bullcrap is just laughable. The matches they have been putting on are better than most of the mens matches on Raw and Smackdown.

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