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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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Is it just me or did WWE screw up with Bray Wyatt it seems every since he lost to John Cena at Payback he hasn't been the same?


I HOPE not, because the Wyatt's have been one of the main reasons I've been tuning in lately.


However I do know what you mean in a manner of speaking. In TEW game terms I DO think it curtailed his momentum a good bit. Though at the moment I'd fear WWE Creative more than any match with Cena as they've shown the ability to on occasion kill any momentum, fan support, and so forth dead as a doornail.

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The problem is that they are still booking him as another paint by the numbers heel instead of as the destructive psychopath he used to be. The guy that damn near decapitated Kane, got Bryan to succumb into his family, playing mind games with Cena, etc


Now he just does normal beatdowns on a week to week basis that doesnt differentiate him from anyone and it's not like he's winning a lot either since he has lost at every PPV but one since Mania

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Ehh I blame Wyatt's momentum falling on a couple of things. Coming off of a feud with somebody at Cena's level is going to result in some momentum loss naturally. That'd be like going from a feud with Austin or Rock in the AE to a second tier guy like Jericho or Benoit. Another thing is that WWE aren't really trying to do anything new with Wyatt's feuds. It's all the same song and dance. To keep a character like Bray's interesting you have to constantly try new things in most of his feuds or else it all gets old quick like it is right now.
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Ehh I blame Wyatt's momentum falling on a couple of things. Coming off of a feud with somebody at Cena's level is going to result in some momentum loss naturally. That'd be like going from a feud with Austin or Rock in the AE to a second tier guy like Jericho or Benoit. Another thing is that WWE aren't really trying to do anything new with Wyatt's feuds. It's all the same song and dance. To keep a character like Bray's interesting you have to constantly try new things in most of his feuds or else it all gets old quick like it is right now.


I agree with the above and I believe the majority of WWE Creative nowadays is filled with 'TV People' not wrestling people, so they don't really 'get' wrestling or have no desire to and for most TV repetition is the order of the day. Heck, I DON'T watch TV at all for that reason, I've pretty much seen it all already.

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Smackdown Review:


Swagger vs Cesaro - Cesaro's theme is more annoying now with ambulance sirens replacing the air raid sirens (the only part I liked). Solid match. Cesaro dominated but had to do the job again. At least he never looks bad when he loses. Zeb accepted Lana's challenge for a Flag Match at SummerSlam.

Truth vs Dallas - OK match. Truth was in a bad mood and tried to pin Bo repeatedly. Bo got DQ'd and continued to beat the crap out of Truth to "You suck!" chants, then cut a delusional promo. A losing streak could be good for Bo's character but eventually he'll need a big feud.

Rosa vs AJ - 30 second squash match. Paige pushed AJ off the ramp and started babbling "I still love you AJ," "Don't worry she's fine" and "Call me when you're better AJ" before skipping away. This got a strong crowd reaction (assuming it wasn't piped in). This was my favorite segment of the show.

Kane & Rollins vs Ambrose - Solid match. Ambrose lost by DQ after he used a chair on Kane. I like how Ambrose is obsessed with chairs since Seth's betrayal. I hope their SummerSlam match is given plenty of time and isn't overbooked.

Fandango vs Diego - Poor Johnny Curtis. The only point of this storyling is to parade the divas around as eye candy.

Del Rio vs Ziggler - Solid match. Miz, on commentary, interrupted it to continue his acceptance speech. Ziggler tried to take out Miz but was caught by Del Rio and forced to tap out.

Jericho vs Rowan - Solid match. Jericho won with a Code Breaker. Rowan is banned from ringside at SummerSlam. So far so good. We need Bray vs Jericho 1-on-1 with Bray winning clean in a hard fought match.


Verdict: Solid but missable show.

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I agree with the above and I believe the majority of WWE Creative nowadays is filled with 'TV People' not wrestling people, so they don't really 'get' wrestling or have no desire to and for most TV repetition is the order of the day. Heck, I DON'T watch TV at all for that reason, I've pretty much seen it all already.


Yeah I think that the problen is that they dont have a legit wrestling booker in between all of those hollywood writers and Triple H. If they had a legit booker who could reel in all of those hollywood ideas and make it suitable for wrestling before going to Triple H, then maybe storylines and charactets would come across better. But even with that its Vince wgo finalizes and oks everything, so it may be that he shoots down good ideas and is too out of touch to know what is good creatively anymore.

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Spoiler post about RAW. Highlight below


Was the main event of RAW really HEATH SLATER vs Seth Rollins? With Slater winning?! I know it wasn't a clean win or even close, but still! This is fantastic!


Also tonight I really loved the HHH trolling of the internet about over promotion of the WWE Network. I can't wait to watch Summerslam...for $9.99!

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Raw Review:


The Authority - The SummerSlam/WWE Network promo was genius. As a running gag I found it more amusing than annoying.

Kane vs Reigns - Solid Last Man Standing match given who was involved. Ref count botch near the end was weird.

Lesnar vs Cena promo - That got me hyped!

Sandow vs Henry - Sandow is a natural heat magnet. Nice to see Henry back.

Ambrose vs Del Rio - Good match and much longer than expected. A+ injury selling by Ambrose as usual.

Team Russia & Team USA - They need to give Lana some fresh material but singing is a good start. This feud has had a good build-up. The SS match better deliver.

Zigger vs Cesaro - Solid match. Shame they didn't get another 5 minutes to really impress. Cesaro did the job to put over the IC Title feud.

Dust Bros vs Rybaxel - Solid match. Cody is fantastic.

Jericho vs Harper - Solid match. No backup for Bray at SummerSlam. Shame the feud got a rushed start and already feels like it's dragging.

Dallas vs Truth - Fast and furious match. Bo cheating to win continues the growth of his character.

Rollins vs Slater - Interesting bait-and-switch. Slater with the biggest win of his career. Dean's ringside antics were pure gold!

Steph & Brie - One of more entertaining contract signings despite Brie being a bad actress. Steph with 2 A+ Pedigrees!


Verdict: Solid Raw. Plenty of good segments but a few matches got short-changed in favour of filler like Adam Rose and Horndango. MVP: Dean Ambrose.



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Spoiler post about RAW. Highlight below


Was the main event of RAW really HEATH SLATER vs Seth Rollins? With Slater winning?! I know it wasn't a clean win or even close, but still! This is fantastic!


Also tonight I really loved the HHH trolling of the internet about over promotion of the WWE Network. I can't wait to watch Summerslam...for $9.99!


No, the main event was an angle to further a match between a diva and a non-wrestler.

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I don't know how Milamber, among others, can watch WWE so much. I just cannot tolerate the commentary team, they get under my skin so bad. They sit there making terrible jokes and laughing all night long, like RAW is just one big three hour joke. They don't call the in-ring action, often missing pivotal moments in a match and then they fail to sell the drama of the big moments. Zack Ryder picked up a big victory last week and they barely even said a word about it. Maybe I'm just being a commentary snob, but boy I wish J.R. was still the play-by-play.
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JR wasn't that great the last few years of his run...Hell, he hasn't been that great since late 1990s/early 2000's. It got really old hearing him call moves by the wrong names on a regular basis. I'm not saying Cole and Company are any better, but I don't think JR is the answer. I wish they had kept Matt Striker or that they'd force Lawler to retire and have Regal move up to commentating the main roster.
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But he understood important moments and added to the drama. I haven't watched for a while but there were several occasions when they would talk through the Wyatts' entrance, for example, and it completely killed the mood/aura. And I'd take JR miscalling moves but having some emotion to enhance the feel of the match over Cole miscalling moves and spouting bollocks, or bickering with JBL, while a match goes on underneath it.


I do agree about both Striker and Regal, though. Striker genuinely loves wrestling, I don't get that feeling from Cole at all.

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Can you really blame them? Both Cole and JBL have been awesome in their own right on commentary but it was on Smackdown...the show that Vince has never cared about. Even today they are much better on SD than raw though half is because Lawler has been awful for 10 years and the other half is because that's not saying much
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On the subject of RAW I thought it was a three hour piece of garbage, nothing of value happened in it outside of maybe the closing segment but otherwise it was just awful. It may the worst episode of Monday Night RAW I have ever seen. As a wrestling fan I never regret sitting down and dedicating two or three hours of my time to a wrestling show but that changed last night because that RAW was beyond terrible.
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One of the dullest and worst RAW ever. The only thing I could save it's the Ambrose-Rollins feud.


I'm lucky I can watch the live RAW without commentary and fast forward a lot of segments. My personal commentary table could be Joey Styles, William Regal and Renee Young.

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I often wonder how much of it has to do with Vince yelling in their earpiece about what to say (I am not sure if he still does this or not.). I mean Vince was a pretty bad announcer and he is now telling others what to say. Plus they have to plug stupid crap like what is trending on Twitter. Just because something is trending on Twitter does not mean it is bringing in viewers, it just means your current viewers are talking about the product.


I don't even bother with the WWE. I will catch it during the commercials for whatever I am watching at the time, which is usually Teen Wolf (Hey don't judge it is a good show and plus we are wrestling fans so we should really not judge the viewing habits of others.:p) or Under the Dome, but I cannot remember the last time I have actually sat through an entire RAW.

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I cannot remember the last time I have actually sat through an entire RAW.


Last night was the first full episode of RAW I have watched in maybe a year if not qutie a few months. I don't have cable so i used to watch RAW on Hulu but got rid of that about 3 months ago. Since then I haven't watched anything except WWE Network PPVs.


Last night I downloaded RAW and watched it. I actually enjoyed most of it. I think the build for Rollins vs Ambrose is great. Dean Ambrose is their next big face star. People like to say Roman Reigns is but Ambrose is connecting with the audience on an organic level which doesn't seem as forced as Roman.


Reigns vs Orton and eventually HHH is also a nice build. They have a jet back on Roman and are letting him move to the top of the card.


I thought the Lesnar vs Cena video was the best promotional video the WWE has done since the Miz's on Wrestlemania that one year. Excellent work as always by WWE production staff.


I even like the Swagger vs Rusev old school feel. Who would of thought Jack Swagger would get one of the bigger face pops?


I didn't even mind the Steph vs Bella build all though I thought it shouldn't of been the ending of RAW. I think that was rather dull.


Overall I feel like for the first time in a long time they are building more than just 2 or 3 matches for the PPV. When is the last time there was actually build for a PPV from top to bottom?


Cena vs Lesnar

Rollins vs Ambrose

Reigns vs Orton

Swagger vs Rusev

Steph vs Brie

Jericho vs Bray


I think people are just too emotionally invested into wrestling and get too critical over every little thing. I agree with the announcing being awful. Jim Ross brought emotion to the table. I love the Face Announcer/Heel Color combination. I feel like JBL, Lawler and Cole are all too buddy buddy. It's a sad day when I would take Heel Cole back.


And for all the haters...WWE just trolled the heck out of everyone with the $9.99 stuff. It was hilarious.

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I think people are just too emotionally invested into wrestling and get too critical over every little thing. I agree with the announcing being awful. Jim Ross brought emotion to the table. I love the Face Announcer/Heel Color combination. I feel like JBL, Lawler and Cole are all too buddy buddy. It's a sad day when I would take Heel Cole back.


And for all the haters...WWE just trolled the heck out of everyone with the $9.99 stuff. It was hilarious.


If you don't watch every week you don't get to see Cody/Goldust vs Rybaxel each week or Kane/Reigns every week so that makes a huge difference. The amount of repetitive booking is ridiculous. If two people are in a feud they are paired exclusively with each other every week because they dont think the audience can remember anything unless it is drilled into them with their "subtlety" hammer.

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