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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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NXT Review:


Segments - Enzo gets Regal to watch Carmella wrestle. He's impressed and agrees to give her a tryout next week. She hugs Cass not Enzo. If only we got more of this character-building backstage stuff on the main shows. It would have helped Bo and Emma.

Breeze vs Mojo - Squash match. Breeze applied an armbar and wouldn't let go until the ref called the match.

Viktor vs Itami - OK match won by Itami despite a distraction. He looked wobbly (selling a concussion). The Ascension tied Itami up in the ropes, beat the crap out of him and made him watch while they hit their finisher on Funaki. Good acting from Itami.

The Vaudevillians vs Enzo & Big Cass - Entertaining smack-talking from the Jersey boys followed by a solid match won by the Vaudevillians.

Lynch vs Banks - Good match won by Sasha, who desperately needed it. This was Becky's best match to date.

Titus vs Zayn - Solid David vs Goliath style match won by Titus. I can deal with Zayn being used to make Titus look strong for a title shot against Neville so long we get a Zayn/Steen feud soon.


Verdict: Solid show. The Lucha Dragons need to be used more.

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Smackdown 15 Review:


The Great - The Rock/HHH segment. Miz TV with Ambrose & Cena (who helped Ambrose Double-Arm DDT Miz then AA'd Ambrose, which is as close to a heel turn as we're likely to see).

The Good - Teddy Long and Big Johnny trying to out-do each other with tag match booking. Steph dancing to Rose's music. Rollins vs Kofi. Rusev vs Ziggler.

The OK - AJ vs Fox. Team Teddy vs Team Johnny (fun but forgettable 14-man tag match).

The Bad - Kane vs Rose (only good part was Kane choke-slamming Rosebuds who were protecting the Bunny).


Verdict: Solid show but aside from the past highlights it wasn't that special for an anniversary show.



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I've come to believe all anniversary type shows will be less about actual in ring action and more on nostalgia, puns and silliness. So I don't expect much more then past superstars showing up (usually at least two), possibly taking out the current bad guy in a non-match circumstance.


I was actually hoping they had Sting show up, which would have been cool for me.

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I've come to believe all anniversary type shows will be less about actual in ring action and more on nostalgia, puns and silliness. So I don't expect much more then past superstars showing up (usually at least two), possibly taking out the current bad guy in a non-match circumstance.


I was actually hoping they had Sting show up, which would have been cool for me.


That would have made zero sense. Not only would they waste Sting's appearance on Smackdown, but why would he appear on Smackdown's 15 year anniversary? :confused:

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That would have made zero sense. Not only would they waste Sting's appearance on Smackdown, but why would he appear on Smackdown's 15 year anniversary? :confused:


I'm not sure what you mean by waste.... I would have liked to seen him show up is all I'm saying. I didn't "expect" him to, I hadn't heard any news or spoilers or anything that said he would show up.


I understand that they were celebrating 15 years of Smackdown, it's the only thing I can think of that you mean by wasting an appearance. For me though, it would have been cool.... Rock shows up on Raw, I didn't expect that. So I was hoping for another surprise.


If you were looking for a connection as to why I would have liked it... I would like him showing up on either show (Raw or Smackdown), I wasn't preferring Smackdown or anything. Just was hoping since it was a celebration, I might get another surprise. I suppose I could stretch the connection as an Undertaker/Sting thing, since Undertaker was/might still be/ Smackdown's locker room leader. We all know that Sting would love to do something with Undertaker.

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Just watched last week's NXT ... Titus actually impressed me, that was solid work. Liking the tag division right now, as the Vaudevillains, Amore/Cass, and the Lucha Dragons are all great. Hoping Devitt is the guy to fight the Ascension with Itami. Also, Becky Lynch is awesome.
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I'm not sure what you mean by waste.... I would have liked to seen him show up is all I'm saying. I didn't "expect" him to, I hadn't heard any news or spoilers or anything that said he would show up.


I mean waste because having him appear on Smackdown, which is very much the B-Show would just be a waste of an appearance. If it's not Raw or a Pay Per View, it's not going to be meaningful at all.

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I mean waste because having him appear on Smackdown, which is very much the B-Show would just be a waste of an appearance. If it's not Raw or a Pay Per View, it's not going to be meaningful at all.


But if he showed up, I would have been surprised and it would have made the show better for me. I imagine others might feel the same.


I understand your logic though, through purely a business point of view. Just in case he is ever used in ring, best to make an impression, etc. However, it was just for a feel good moment that I was hoping for it. If he is going to be an in ring performer, than by all means make his debut mean something more special.


I'm personally hoping after Rusov gets fed another "victim", Kurt Angle shows up to slay the beast.

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Rusev's streak should be broken by someone (relatively) young who can gain something from it. And they should have a bitter, hateful long rivalry afterwards. The kind of rivalry that makes you want to see these guys battle off and on for years not weeks. I think Swagger would have been a fine choice if they wanted to push him. Maybe Ryback when he comes back if they decide to repackage him somehow?


I don't think Rusev is quite in that title picture. I think he needs a nice long simmering feud to get on TV and make people care about him. Sure people already hate him. He and Lana get their boos. That''s no easy task. But I don't think he's particularly good television right now. That's what he needs: an interesting rival long term to make us care about watching him. I think the guy that stands up to him and beats him will be that guy.


And having the Rock feud with him for any longer than that one surprise angle I think would be a waste. The Rock is too important to job to someone like Rusev. And Rusev jobbing to Rock does nothing much for either guy, except maybe tell a "Rock's still got it" storyline if they choose to bring him in for something more long term.

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Just watched last week's NXT ... Titus actually impressed me, that was solid work. Liking the tag division right now, as the Vaudevillains, Amore/Cass, and the Lucha Dragons are all great. Hoping Devitt is the guy to fight the Ascension with Itami. Also, Becky Lynch is awesome.


If you ever get the chance to watch her matches from Shimmer, I would recommend them as they were brilliant.

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And if that happens, Angle should be promptly destroyed in all honesty


Rusev's streak should be broken by someone (relatively) young who can gain something from it. And they should have a bitter, hateful long rivalry afterwards. The kind of rivalry that makes you want to see these guys battle off and on for years not weeks. I think Swagger would have been a fine choice if they wanted to push him. Maybe Ryback when he comes back if they decide to repackage him somehow?


I don't think Rusev is quite in that title picture. I think he needs a nice long simmering feud to get on TV and make people care about him. Sure people already hate him. He and Lana get their boos. That''s no easy task. But I don't think he's particularly good television right now. That's what he needs: an interesting rival long term to make us care about watching him. I think the guy that stands up to him and beats him will be that guy.


And having the Rock feud with him for any longer than that one surprise angle I think would be a waste. The Rock is too important to job to someone like Rusev. And Rusev jobbing to Rock does nothing much for either guy, except maybe tell a "Rock's still got it" storyline if they choose to bring him in for something more long term.


I understand your points, and the Angle thing is just something I hope for if he returns (and is healthy/physically and mentally).


Here are my thoughts though. With the Wyatts being repackaged or whatever (off on their own), there isn't that big monster for someone to slay. I totally agree that Rusov needs someone to feud with. I just don't think it has to be someone new. One of the best things they do is build up monsters to give a high level babyface someone to feud with. I wouldn't be surprised if they fed him to Cena. I just know the reaction everyone will have (no matter how logical it is to do). Let someone like Dean Ambrose or an undercard take him out and everyone will be ok with it. Have someone already established, and it will be hated on, although it's the best way to make him look like he belongs up there with them. Build Rusov up, and build him up... no one can get that job done. After you have him established you bring the guy into the fold that WILL get the job done, end of streak/terror or whatever, everyone goes home happy.


I wouldn't mind either of the other options. I would love them to push Swagger back up to the Main Event, but I think they found his place on the card that they are comfortable with. Alternatively, they could bring a new face into the fold, and build him up to slay Rusov.

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Raw was pretty good. I liked that there were 2 running storylines (Cena & Ambrose being forced to earn their shot at Rollins and Orton & Rollins trying to prove themselves top dog in The Authority). All the matches except the Diva ones were good. The main event was a bit disappointing but they did the best they could with a pole match and Ambrose won.


I hope Orton turns on The Authority soon. There are rumors of him being unhappy with his direction and wanting a break but that's even more reason to turn him and give him the spotlight before Bryan and Reigns return.

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DJ I'm all for Cena fighting (and beating) Rusev. I believe you build guys like Rusev to be foils to guys like Cena. My thought process in having him feud with someone new would be that both guys would elevate. I still think Rusev's a touch green in a few areas. He's damn good for a guy his size though. Hell he's already damn good period. I am a big fan of his work so far. And I feel like a huge main event match with a guy like Cena would be best played out a year from now or something like that. When he can really polish up some of those finer points and get the psychology down to have a really great back and forth match with a guy like Cena. I think if Rusev fought Cena in the near future there's really only two ways it'll go: The predictable Cena win or the cheap swerve. I really don't know what that does creatively. But I do see what you're saying too.


As far as Orton I am very much looking forward to the teased break from the Authority. He's just too damn good to be a (slightly) glorified gatekeeper. He also shouldn't go full cheese babyface again. I want to see him be a badass tweener just RKOing the crap out of everyone and everything. He doesn't want friends. He doesn't need allies. Or the fan's support. He just does what he's got to do to win. Build that up as a threat to Brock Lesnar (with an obligatory Paul Heyman punt kick for good measure) for a match in the not-too-distant future and I think you have one hell of a championship PPV match.

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Lol. Even our main national news station had it as a news in the designated 'fun' section, even though the popularity of WWE is relatively small (though at an all-time high).


As for Rusev/Cena: They aren't seriously going to do that, right? The Cena pop-bucket is overflowing for years. It will have been pointless building him up as a monster heel. He's at his peak.

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