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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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I wasn't keen on Sting last time but after the way Taker performed above expectation at SummerSlam, I'm hopeful they can get a decent match out of Rollins and Sting. So long as it's a one-off. Better than a Rollins vs Cena rematch with another screwjob. My only fear is that Cena will wrestle someone chosen by Jon Stewart and it'll probably be Kane.
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I wasn't keen on Sting last time but after the way Taker performed above expectation at SummerSlam, I'm hopeful they can get a decent match out of Rollins and Sting. So long as it's a one-off. Better than a Rollins vs Cena rematch with another screwjob. My only fear is that Cena will wrestle someone chosen by Jon Stewart and it'll probably be Kane.


Nah, Kane will come back face to feud with Rollins.


Cena will go back to mindlessly burying the midcard guys.

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Looking forward to seeing WWE have babyface Barrett as a flop.


(Yes, I have heard the ''Stardust is crazy'' excuse before, but no, I think Barrett really turned face. If not, Neville wouldn't have come for his aid, even though they did not interact afterwards. Let's see if he really is in a bit.)

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Looking forward to seeing WWE have babyface Barrett as a flop.


(Yes, I have heard the ''Stardust is crazy'' excuse before, but no, I think Barrett really turned face. If not, Neville wouldn't have come for his aid, even though they did not interact afterwards. Let's see if he really is in a bit.)


I just think that Barrett is so pointless in the eyes of creative that they don't even care what he is. He'll disappear for a few weeks and then randomly come back with a max of two mentions about Stardust and no ensuing feud, probably.

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I just think that Barrett is so pointless in the eyes of creative that they don't even care what he is. He'll disappear for a few weeks and then randomly come back with a max of two mentions about Stardust and no ensuing feud, probably.


And that is a shame. Stardust has also been directionless since Fastlane, and now after this minor bump in that (lack of) direction, I think that he will just continue being Stardust and doing nothing, while looking like a complete moron. If I was booking, he would have been pinned by Amell at SummerSlam, and would have turned back to being Cody Rhodes last night en route to his push, which has been long overdue ever since his Undashing days, where he was the most entertaining part of SmackDown on a constant basis. Heck, if they want Stardust to keep hanging around, have him be just a split personality and Cody alternates between the two, being a face as Cody and a heel as Stardust, because Stardust, and not Cody Rhodes, has been the mind of all the heelish actions that Cody has been performing since 2014. It's more effective, more creative and quite frankly, much better than the way they have been going and will probably keep going with Cody and the Stardust character.

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I'm just waiting for Thursday on Smackdown when The Dudleys come out and Bubba Ray takes the mic and asks, "Do you know who we are?" If that occurs, I will mark the hell out. If Barrett goes back to the "I'm afraid I've got some Bad News" bits and mocking faces, the fans are gonna get behind that and he could be an okay face.
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I'm just waiting for Thursday on Smackdown when The Dudleys come out and Bubba Ray takes the mic and asks, "Do you know who we are?" If that occurs, I will mark the hell out. If Barrett goes back to the "I'm afraid I've got some Bad News" bits and mocking faces, the fans are gonna get behind that and he could be an okay face.


To me; this feels like Barrett's last chance to mean a thing in the WWE. But I can see how he could be an awesome face.

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They might use this as a catalyst to start a feud between Sting and someone else for the exact reasons you're stating ("You don't deserve a title shot etc") That person, whoever it might be, could even cost Sting the match.


Well if they want Rollins to retain in another overbooked, tainted finish at NOC they could have the Wyatt Family lay waste to Sting. Ambrose & Reigns make the save so Reigns can look strong. Rollins retains and Sting joins Shield 2.0 so we don't have to suffer through 3 months of handicap matches.

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Raw ratings were down from 3.78 million last week to 3.72 million and the football season hasn't started yet. That's what they get for putting on a good NXT event and following it up with a 4 hour, overbooked SummerSlam "extravaganza" that fell short of the hype.


Shame, too. All things considered this was a decent RAW. If this weekend was supposed to be Mania weekend in the summer, NXT and RAW both did their jobs well in that regard.

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Raw ratings were down from 3.78 million last week to 3.72 million and the football season hasn't started yet. That's what they get for putting on a good NXT event and following it up with a 4 hour, overbooked SummerSlam "extravaganza" that fell short of the hype.


Considering I had absolutely no interest in the event beforehand, I actually thought SummerSlam was pretty damn good. I've definitely seen way, way worse from WWE.

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Considering I had absolutely no interest in the event beforehand, I actually thought SummerSlam was pretty damn good. I've definitely seen way, way worse from WWE.


He's right. For every WrestleMania 17, there's always going to be that King of the Ring 95 that sneaks up on you.


SummerSlam 2015 to me was alright. I have my disagreements on how some of the matches went, but overall; I was satisfied with what I got.

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I very much enjoyed the John Cena - Seth Rollins match, and was literally dancing at the finish, (and the fact that... certain people in my circle... were ALL OF A SUDDEN ridiculously pro-Sheamus and hoping to see the most brutal Brogue Kick in the recorded history of man only added to the festivities).


Honestly, after that match I like Seth Rollins more than I ever have before, (and I liked him to begin with).


Can't say the rest of the show did all that much for me, but it wasn't all that bad either. The New Day is starting to grow on me, and I did kinda groove with them when they won their match, so there is that.


Not a big fan of the Undertaker - Lesnar match though, almost let that turn me against the show as a whole. I didn't though. Was really hoping for a good Lesnar win there. Seeing Bo Dallas take his little trip to Suplex City was a lot of fun too.


Loved NXT TakeOver: Brooklyn, nothing but good things to say about that show. Very much enjoyed the Raw also, although I called Sting being in the box instead of a statue. I also called the reason why Jon Stewart did what he did, and my accuracy there impressed my friends and family more than I would have thought. After what Stewart had said to Paul Heyman at Summerslam though, it seemed kind of obvious to me.


All in all, a pretty good weekend of wrestling.

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I was turned off by the finish of Lesnar vs Taker as well but the match as a whole was really good. As a huge fan of both of them, I was still happy that Taker finally got a one-on-one victory over Lesnar. I'm just getting to the point that I don't care what happens with Taker, I just figure why not just enjoy him while he's still around. I'm sure I'm not the only one that has shared that here.


I really enjoyed most of Summerslam. And yeah, there's always something that sucks about PPV shows (the six woman divas matches getting annoying) but even the backstage segments with Stewart were good. Even though Stewart over-used "The Great One" but that was just a minor annoyance over everything else. I think he did a great job overall... except that it was really obvious that he was attacking Cena when he got in the ring. But I give him the benefit of the doubt there as well since he's obviously not used to a live WWE crowd and more used to a live studio audience.


IMO, it was a very entertaining and almost perfect show. Monday night RAW was really great too.


It was great to see The Dudley Boys again and the huge surprise return at the end was beyond awesome. The Brooklyn crowd was pretty good for all three shows with the exception of trying to put themselves over... All in all, a solid weekend of WWE programming.

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Slow-mo of Bayley's poisoned frankensteiner that ended with Sasha's head hitting the mat. No wonder she barely featured at SummerSlam and missed Raw and Smackdown this week.




Wow. I couldn't tell from the replay on the show if she hit her head or not, but she did seem woozy afterwards. I guess that explains it, and also explains why she didn't really do anything in the SummerSlam match and wasn't on RAW. Hope she's okay.

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Becky's promo video on NXT was the only one time I've heard one of the call-ups talk about gunning for Nikki's championship. I'm hoping they follow through with that. It was bittersweet seeing her get the win at Summerslam - she's always been my favourite and it's a great thing on paper, but man did that much suck.
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NXT (from Brooklyn):


Enzo & Cass/Hype Bros vs The Mechanics/Jordan & Gable - Fun tag match. Enzo pinned Gable to make the Brooklyn crowd happy. Served as a teaser for the Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic.

Eva Marie vs Carmella - Looked like a training match. Both girls are green and Eva is way too slow at her transitions. At least they booked Eva as a heel this time. They should have had Charlotte beat Eva and made Becky vs Emma the main event.

Elias Samson (aka The Drifter) vs Bull - OK match. Samson's "anti-social hipster hobo with a guitar" gimmick isn't going to get him over. The Bull-Fit gimmick is already over but Dempsey's top rope finishers are still lame.

Emma vs Dana vs Becky vs Charlotte - Started off solid with Charlotte & Becky squaring off but Dana sucked and they botched the ending. Emma pinned Becky and everyone looked shocked. Charlotte speared Emma, hit her finisher and pinned her without the ref. Dana attacked Charlotte, Becky suplexed Dana and Charlotte kneed Dana in the face. Either Becky got knocked out by Emma's stiff crossbody into the turnbuckle or she wasn't supposed to kick out. Supposedly Dana missed her cue to break up the pin. Charlotte was supposed to win the match so she had legit heat. You can't really blame her for being mad but it was still unprofessional to bury Emma & Dana like that.


Verdict: Had the potential to be a really fun show but they dropped the ball. Eva, Dana and Carmella need a lot of work.

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