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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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I will stake the farm that we don't see that happening.


I remember watching WCW Worldwide in early 1994 and seeing this wrestler called Terra Ryzing and I thought he is going to go places. And he did. Of course, he had to pack on 40lbs but he did go places.


I was just thinking about the rumours going around about a Mr Helmsley going up against Taker at Mania (which I do not want to see at all) guessing he will re-appear before then.

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chris, as usual, you miss the forest for the trees. He dropped 'The Rock' from his name for monetary reasons. Go back and look at the credits for every movie he did where he was billed as 'The Rock' or 'Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson'. You see that 'In Association with WWE Films' blurb? The name had to be licensed because it's owned by the 'E. Thus, cutting ties and dropping that from his name made him more attractive for a wider variety of roles since producers wouldn't have to give points to the 'E to use his 'stage name'.






Yeah, I mean look at the blockbuster numbers The Marine, 12 Rounds, and See No Evil did! Boy, those wrestling fans showed up in force. :rolleyes: You do realize that 'Race to Witch Mountain' (the first movie he did solely as Dwayne Johnson, with his name above the title (thus, "carrying" the film) that didn't have a star-studded cast (like Get Smart)) grossed more money by itself than The Marine, 12 Rounds, and See No Evil combined, yes? Heck, throw 'The Condemned' in there too and it's still true. Sorry chris, I'm just not seeing this point of view that alienating wrestling fans (if you want to call it that) should be something you never do. He did what was best for advancing his career and I see nothing to prove that cowtowing to the wrestling audience would have increased the end result. Wrestling fans are notorious for ignoring movies starring the biggest wrestling names of the time. Notorious. Look it up. They can produce TV ratings (Nash Bridges) but box office magic? No. I guess they spend all their money on merch. :p


Also keep in mind that the Rock is a uniquely talented individual who crossed over effortlessly. Could you see Austin playing Elliott in 'Be Cool'? Hogan? Cena? I think you are grossly overestimating the impact of wrestling fans on other areas of entertainment. As someone has said already, there's still a stigma, a sort of taint, surrounding wrestling. So while WWE might be the most mainstream wrestling company, that doesn't make them 'mainstream' exactly. By that I mean, being a "star" in WWE doesn't necessarily make you a "star" outside of wrestling circles.


All that said, I loved that segment. I kinda hope chris is right and he doesn't come back fulltime (or more than sporadically) and I'd definitely hope he doesn't wrestle more than once more. I'd like to see him do more movies, being the more lucrative avenue available to him. By the time Simone's ready for college, it'll cost like a hundred grand a year. :p I just don't want to see him wind up like seemingly everyone else: physically devastated due to working that ridiculous schedule and dealing with injuries and such. I swear, wrestlers are getting up there with retired NFL players as far as post-retirement physical condition is concerned (no cartilage in the knees, need for hip/knee replacements, early onset arthritis/rheumatism, mental problems due to multiple untreated brain injuries, devastated financial status, etc). Get that money and pull a Will Smith. :)


There is nothing you said there that gives me reason to change my thoughts, so I must still be missing the forest for the trees (although that statement was followed by a false statement).:p


Also..... You didn't just compare a Disney movie to WWE films... Films that 90% of don't even go to the box office unless it's a "test", intentionally.;)


As I said though... My thoughts are just my thoughts, what I believe. Doesn't mean I'm right. :eek:


If there is one person I would never want to debate with you, it's the Rock.... I'm a fan, but your more then a fan, so there is no doing wrong for the Rock in your book, even if I prooved I was right somehow, you would find an excuse to make it right for The Rock.:cool:


Just remember, I'm a fan of The Rock as well, and want as much success for him as you do. I'm not an enemy. All I'm saying is I believe there was a way he could have been more successfull then he has been, and I believe he could be even more successful in the future if he stays connected. Meaning, I think he's taking my advice now.:D

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I have a question that I always wondered and feel that some of you smarter fans can answer better then I can, what exactly shows that a guy is going to be a superstar?


For some reason I've been thinking this for a few days now, a few winters ago I went to a house show in Buffalo, NY where I live. My older brother who didn't/doesn't watch wrestling since he was younger told me after the show that Randy Orton was going to be a star one day. Orton was fueding with the Undertaker at the time (if this is any indication of the time period? Also Bobby Lashley just made the main roster).


His explanation? Anyone could look good doing the moves but Randy Orton "Knew how to take an ass whooping and that's whats most important". So as I said I've been thinking about it over the past few days, and I guess he is kind of right. How do YOU know and who is a good example of a young guy that you feel is your prospect for the future?


Very tough one on that. I remember when the Rock first came on television and I thought he was lame. I had no clue he would become what he became.


Same thing with The Undertaker, I was in Junior High School (yeah I am old) when he first became The Undertaker and I remember thinking he was lame and this new character he was doing was lame. I mean how could they take the guy from The Skyscrapers who walked the top rope and turn him into an Undertaker?:D Well they did.


I was always a huge fan of Steve Austin going back to when he first came into the NWA/WCW. I am not sure why that was but I was. That being said, I found him to be a good wrestler who was a little bland. Never in my wildest dreams did I think his popularity would either equal or surpass that of Hulk Hogan's. Weird thing I actually was not a huge Stone Cold fan, because I felt like I was a fan of his before it was cool to be a fan of his. And once everyone and their brother loved him, I kind of felt blah about him.:D


So I guess I am just a poor judge of talent.

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Very tough one on that. I remember when the Rock first came on television and I thought he was lame. I had no clue he would become what he became.


Same thing with The Undertaker, I was in Junior High School (yeah I am old) when he first became The Undertaker and I remember thinking he was lame and this new character he was doing was lame. I mean how could they take the guy from The Skyscrapers who walked the top rope and turn him into an Undertaker?:D Well they did.


I was always a huge fan of Steve Austin going back to when he first came into the NWA/WCW. I am not sure why that was but I was. That being said, I found him to be a good wrestler who was a little bland. Never in my wildest dreams did I think his popularity would either equal or surpass that of Hulk Hogan's. Weird thing I actually was not a huge Stone Cold fan, because I felt like I was a fan of his before it was cool to be a fan of his. And once everyone and their brother loved him, I kind of felt blah about him.:D


So I guess I am just a poor judge of talent.


Yeah I agree its difficult to see into the future. Orton had a look to him that you might speculate he is going to be a big star plus if he was feuding with UT at the time it would seem the WWE did as well but a lot of these guys come out of no where. Orton was probably one more mess up from being done with the WWE. I dont think many would have expected Cena to become a megastar either.

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Yeah I agree its difficult to see into the future. Orton had a look to him that you might speculate he is going to be a big star plus if he was feuding with UT at the time it would seem the WWE did as well but a lot of these guys come out of no where. Orton was probably one more mess up from being done with the WWE. I dont think many would have expected Cena to become a megastar either.


I think a huge part of Orton's push was who his father is and his look. I know a lot of female wrestling fans that swoon over him. So I think Orton had a slight advantage but I do agree with what you said.


As for Cena, I agree with you on that one. It is weird how fans take to one person and not to others. Even the Pope in TNA, I never got why he had such a big reaction when he was a fan favorite (big reaction for TNA that is). However, this is coming from someone who was a huge fan of Bobby Eaton growing up so I am not exactly the mainstream fan I guess.

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I've just assumed Vickie gets Ziggler back in the match somehow and moved on. It's not like they haven't had Vickie get around things before over and over again. I presume it's still Edge vs. Del Rio for the title at Wrestlemania which means Edge walks out the winner and I don't see Triple H or Undertaker coming back as a surprise only to lose unless it's something special. Wrestlemania main event? That would count as something special. Elimination Chamber match on a secondary PPV? That would not. If Christian is fit, then it could be him. Could be someone from the 12-man tag on Smackdown. But I still say they find a way to get Ziggler back in it so he can get speared for the umpteenth time in six-weeks.
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So I was on YouTube and came across some promos of a guy that ran on wwe and he was like a mordici(sp) gimmick mixed with the fallen angel gimmick and I was think this could be the guy who debuts monday doubtful but idk :) and if somebody knows any info about this guy let me know his name was like hade venson or somthing. The gimmick could have been huge IMO he was look it up I'd post a link but I'm on my iPod
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So I was on YouTube and came across some promos of a guy that ran on wwe and he was like a mordici(sp) gimmick mixed with the fallen angel gimmick and I was think this could be the guy who debuts monday doubtful but idk :) and if somebody knows any info about this guy let me know his name was like hade venson or somthing. The gimmick could have been huge IMO he was look it up I'd post a link but I'm on my iPod

His name was indeed Hade Vansen. He was a British wrestler and was set to lead a group of some kind in a major feud with The Undertaker. And after they aired that vignette, and I know the one you mean because it was the only one they ran, Vince changed his mind, canned the idea of the feud and Vansen was released a short time later.


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So I was on YouTube and came across some promos of a guy that ran on wwe and he was like a mordici(sp) gimmick mixed with the fallen angel gimmick and I was think this could be the guy who debuts monday doubtful but idk :) and if somebody knows any info about this guy let me know his name was like hade venson or somthing. The gimmick could have been huge IMO he was look it up I'd post a link but I'm on my iPod



Your right it is Hade Vansen, that promo was years ago. Has potential but I would say there is a 0% chance he debuts as the result of the 2/21/11.


Edit- Beaten to the punch.

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Just incase anyone in the UK hadn't realised (like me until now), Elimination Chamber is on regular Sky Sports. In normally is each year, but I'd forgotten until I realised that Sky weren't advertisign it on Box Office.


I love this. Elimination Chamber is normally an interesting PPV so am glad its free (well if you have Sky Sports)...even if it is just to gain interest for Wrestlemania.

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Let's assume Vince saw the Hansen vignette before it aired. If he had any qualms about the vignette, Hansen or the feud in general, why air it? Why give TV time to something you might change your mind on? I would think Vince would want to be damn sure of something, especially involving a feud with one of his top acts, before putting it out there. Then again, he may have done all that, seen the vignette and loved the idea and come Friday after it aired, changed his mind.
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Let's assume Vince saw the Hansen vignette before it aired. If he had any qualms about the vignette, Hansen or the feud in general, why air it? Why give TV time to something you might change your mind on? I would think Vince would want to be damn sure of something, especially involving a feud with one of his top acts, before putting it out there. Then again, he may have done all that, seen the vignette and loved the idea and come Friday after it aired, changed his mind.


One word: Kizarney.


Vince has day-to-day approval of everything that goes on in a WWE ring, but by no means is he said to pay that close attention to it. Even back in the mid-90s, Vince signed Mick Foley on the recommendation of his advisors.


There's a story going around that Vince didn't know that the Major Brothers (Zack Ryder and Curt Hawkins) weren't actually brothers. When he found that out, he ordered that they be repackaged. Eight months on TV and he didn't know?




Not only is EC on free TV tomorrow night, but coincidentally I have Monday off work. So early Monday morning I'll sit down with my breakfast and get my Chamber on.


Or something slightly less dreadful sounding...

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I was just watching NXT (yes it is still going) and there was a moment where I genuinly cracked up. Daniel Bryan took on Derrick Bateman and they shook hands at the start of the match. Dolph Ziggler ever the opportunist for a good insult quipped, "This isn't ROH, don't shake hands!" via the live microphone.



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