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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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I am still in disbelief that more people didnt think, even for just a split second that Trips would win. With the whole stay down followed by UT gettting up and struggling to stand before he gets a Tombstone, it looked like Taker would be laid to rest in the exact same fashion he did to Michaels.


and I enjoyed TE too. Woke up in the middle of it but it was the last replay so I didnt see it from start to finish.

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I am still in disbelief that more people didnt think, even for just a split second that Trips would win. With the whole stay down followed by UT gettting up and struggling to stand before he gets a Tombstone, it looked like Taker would be laid to rest in the exact same fashion he did to Michaels.


and I enjoyed TE too. Woke up in the middle of it but it was the last replay so I didnt see it from start to finish.


On at midnight tonight according to my TV

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I am still in disbelief that more people didnt think, even for just a split second that Trips would win. With the whole stay down followed by UT gettting up and struggling to stand before he gets a Tombstone, it looked like Taker would be laid to rest in the exact same fashion he did to Michaels.


and I enjoyed TE too. Woke up in the middle of it but it was the last replay so I didnt see it from start to finish.

Most people did seem to buy it, at least at one point or another in the match. I never did, but I was definitely in the minority.

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and I enjoyed TE too. Woke up in the middle of it but it was the last replay so I didnt see it from start to finish.


Wow, did something similar, I only caught the last half of the show of the replay. I was glued to the screen for some reason, and needless to say, I'll be watching this show. I'll need to catch the first half sometime.


There were some choice bits that I liked:

- The girl (Michelle?) who says she's been wrestling for 11 years and can't do a front roll + her awkwardness at running the ropes

- The fact that some of them show up out of shape, and then are asked to run the ropes hard for three minutes. Good luck.

- "If you ain't cheatin', you ain't tryin'"

- "Melina vs. Alicia Fox"

- Austin's star power shines through. Booker T was quieter than I expected. Bill DeMott was Bill DeMott. Trish is helpful, but stern.


I really don't want to see too much 'Real World' moments though. Not a fan of that stuff, but I will have to bear it through because the show seems intriguing enough. A pleasant surprise, considering I hadn't intended on watching the show at all.

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Wow, did something similar, I only caught the last half of the show of the replay. I was glued to the screen for some reason, and needless to say, I'll be watching this show. I'll need to catch the first half sometime.


There were some choice bits that I liked:

- The girl (Michelle?) who says she's been wrestling for 11 years and can't do a front roll + her awkwardness at running the ropes

- The fact that some of them show up out of shape, and then are asked to run the ropes hard for three minutes. Good luck.

- "If you ain't cheatin', you ain't tryin'"

- "Melina vs. Alicia Fox"

- Austin's star power shines through. Booker T was quieter than I expected. Bill DeMott was Bill DeMott. Trish is helpful, but stern.


I really don't want to see too much 'Real World' moments though. Not a fan of that stuff, but I will have to bear it through because the show seems intriguing enough. A pleasant surprise, considering I hadn't intended on watching the show at all.

I think there's a reason why they don't allow supposedly better people to do the training - it makes for boring TV.

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I want Matt Cross (M-Dog 20) to do well. but not to win. I'm happy that diva girl went home.


Also did anyone else laugh when Booker said" your not cheating, your not trying.

" Only in WWE would that be ok to cheat to win a contest.


I just thought it was an Eddie Guerrero reference.

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I know I'm reaching here, but if HBK's willing to do another 2-3 matches, I would definitely like one of them to be against The Rock. Maybe Summerslam 2012? It could be billed as the "lost match" or something.


It's generally accepted Rock won't fight HBK due to backstage troubles they have. There was talk of a match between the two in 2002/2003 but was supposedly nixed due to Rock's lack of enthusiasm towards the idea. Relating to Rock's friendship with Bret and the ill feeling over Screwjob, HBK using his backstage rep to try and put Triple H over Rock any chance he could back in 1998, even lobbying for the main event of WM15 to be Austin/HHH. As well as HBK refusing to wrestle Rock back in the mid to late 90's considering Rock not worth of being in the ring with himself.


/tittle tattle.


I don't know what truth there is to it but that's how the story goes.

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I would like to see a triple threat next year for the Streak match. I think it would add a lot more to the story with it now being that Taker doesn't even have to be pinned to lose his achievement.


I would go with it as Taker/HHH/Sheamus. If not Sheamus, then Orton or Punk. I think it would help the third man out a lot if he were to look like a serious threat to Taker, but somehow come up short with HHH getting in the way. In the end, Taker would win, but it would leave the possibility open with the younger talent.


What about Taker vs HHH vs Shawn!!!!!!!!!!!!

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The only way I'd ever be ok with a Triple Threat match for Taker at Mania now is if they did something creative like HHH being a super heel again and being hell bent on ending the streak. So hell bent that he uses his connections (Steph) to get a rematch, but it's a Triple Threat...


and participant three is: Shawn Michaels.


You could do a long buildup of HBK playing the tweener that the fans are still embracing that isn't sure about what to do. In order to make sure HBK cooperates with HHH, Steph adds the Taker/Kane rule from their match with Austin: You can't pin each other.


The match would have a ton of big spots with Taker surviving, Trips getting frustrated and bringing out the hammer on Taker. He goes for the pin but HBK pull him off. The two men argue and start fighting. We get HBK/HHH 1000 for several minutes while Taker recovers from a sledge shot or two. Finally, HBK hits HHH with the Sweet Chin Music. The crowd is going crazy and Taker is up. HBK turns around and gets tombstoned and pinned.


Good drama.



I always thought of a perfect way to retire Undertaker without him losing at Mania.


So he faces someone at Mania..... Like CM or someone young. The Story line is Taker is a heel and the young guy was champ. Then he gets beat bad in a match and Taker's droid take him away from the PPV. Then you see video's of the young guy being beat and taunted by Taker. You see the young guy turn evil and he starts doing Undertakers bidding. After like a month and leading up to the Rumble you start to see the young guy fight Taker's power. At the Rumble you see him turn on Taker, but Taker gets a hold of him, but both get eliminated at the same time. Taker is mad and starts to punish the guy again. This leads to the young guy fighting taker back and at Mania they have a match where the young guy fights Taker's mind control and they put on one hell of a match. Taker wins in the end, but the young guy attacks Taker from behind. Now also at this Mania they would have to schedule a buried alive match as well. That way so the Young can attack Taker and bury him in the set. Then the lights go out and a big lightning bolt hits from the rafters onto the tombstone and it says R.I.P The Undertaker.

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Heel Taker won't happen unless he possibly faces Cena (which I think is a possability if Rock/Cena falls through).


I think the best way to end the streak (which IMO is to not end it) is for Taker to face either Triple H or a very well built up heel (Sheamus maybe, Barrett maybe or Punk) and have them basically train so they know everything about Taker and his moveset (here is where I think Punk would be perfect), and essentially they beat Taker down, give him the closest defeat possible only for Taker to pull out the win. Then much like what happened with Triple H, have him super sell the injuries to the point where he "dies", retireing and killing off the Undertaker and keeping the streak alive, but also giving the opponent the rub that they took Taker out (despite the fact they lost).

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What about Taker vs HHH vs Shawn!!!!!!!!!!!!


Yeah, that too. I wouldn't mind seeing Shawn come back for another WM match. Have him work a couple PPV's going into it in order to shake off any rust. Would definitely be interesting to watch these two friends destroy each other in order to get to the streak.


To those who are against a triple threat match being main event quality, I refer you to Benoit/HBK/HHH.


You could do a long buildup of HBK playing the tweener that the fans are still embracing that isn't sure about what to do. In order to make sure HBK cooperates with HHH, Steph adds the Taker/Kane rule from their match with Austin: You can't pin each other.


Oooo, really like that rule too.


Another one I would add: Allow BLOOD.

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Del Rio v Edge - Strong opening match. I picked Del Rio to win. Hopefully this means a Triple Threat match in the near future.


Rhodes v Mysterio - A few really good spots in a well built-up match. Awesome that Cody won. They need to end the feud at Extreme Rules.


Punk v Orton - Great match with Randy selling his injury and Punk pulling out some interesting moves. I don't mind Randy winning so long as Punk gets his revenge at Extreme Rules.


Male Tag Match - Waste of time.


Cole v King - Swagger's face when Austin's music started = priceless. Swagger copping a Stunner = priceless. New match type: Hell in a Cole Mine! The commentary was funny. Entertaining filler match (obviously the wrestling was going to be crap). Picked King to win, though.


HHH v Taker - A few awesome spots out of the ring and a lot of finishers. I was rooting for HHH but I knew Taker would win. The Hells Gate was submission was epic. Just fell short of the HBK matches.


Mixed Tag Match - Surprisingly decent match. Trish looked good and even Snooki wasn't crap. Could have done with more Layla and Morisson v Ziggler in-ring.


Cena v Miz - Awesome pre-match Miz promo. Gospel Cena promo - not so awesome. Good but not great for a main event match. Glad it didn't finish in a draw, Miz retained and and Rock got involved. Can we please have Cena v Rock at Extreme Rules?


Conclusion: One of the more consistent Mania cards in recent history, IMO (tag matches aside). The jumbotron montages, hanging cube

and stage were cool. JR announcing was great. They should replaced the male tag match with Bryan v Sheamus.

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Del Rio vs Edge - I think this was a good match, even though it was a little short. I predicted ADR would have won the title, which I still think that he is going to do soon, maybe as soon as on Extreme Rules.

Rhodes v Mysterio - Also a good match, too bad that Mysterio's injury(/ies) makes him not able to wrestle longer matches. I'm glad that Cody won, even though I thought Rey would win on WrestleMania.


Punk vs Orton - I actually think that Orton sold his knee injury quite good, the selling could have been better, but at the same time he couldn't seem "too weak" to be able to pick up the win.


8 Man Tag Team match - Why was this on the main card instead of Sheamus vs. Daniel Bryan?


Cole vs King - Was, as expected, crap in the wrestling. Especially with Cole dominating most of the match. Austin's entrance was awesome and I love the look when Swagger hears his music and then coming down the ramp on the all terrain vehicle. The ending was ****ed up though. Why in the hell did you put in a special guest referee if you're going to revert the decision?! In the future I will say "You screwed King" as soon as the anonymous GM is on.


HHH vs Taker - Awesome match where I was rooting for HHH, but like all others I knew that Taker would win. But I started to think that The Game actually had him after those 10 chair shots and the tombstone. The ending was good as well even though I thought HHH would pass out due to that hold. Good selling, if it wasn't legit, by Taker after the match. It really gave the feeling that both men was giving it all in the match. But I have no idea why HHH wasn't allowed to check on the state of Taker.


Mixed Tag Match - Much better than the 8 man tag team match. This was actually a decent match and Snooki really impressed me. But too little Morrison vs Ziggler.


Cena vs Miz - The pre-match promo for The Miz was as already been said, awesome. But the Cena promo was not even close to being good and the gospel thing was too slow. Good match and I marked hugely when The Rock came out and changed the match to a no-count out and no-DQ match. When The Rock hit Rock Bottom on Cena I really thought that they were going to square of at Extreme Rules, maybe even making it a triple threat for the WWE Championship. But now we have to wait for a whole year for the match between Cena and The Rock?!


This was my first WrestleMania since WrestleMania XXIV and I must say that I liked this one more. But I miss the MITB match. They should put it on WM again and not as it's own event.

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I was planning on ordering this Wrestlemania. I was planning on watching it with friends, etc. However, I didn't. I was able to youtube some of the moments everyone has posted on here though, and I have some thoughts.


I think the dissapointment of not seeing Danial Bryan was huge, and set up for alot of people's dissapointments. I haven't heard as much about it, but it seems as though the "hottest" feud between Cole and Lawler, bassically didn't uphold to the standard that was set. Cena was a let-down (I think this is the first time I heard this on a Wrestlemania card).


There is a ton of reasons why I'm not going to watch it. I can't help but to think that since The Rock and Austin were going to be on the show, that they figured they wouldn't have to work as hard, but..... what it seems like more then anything to me is that they are combining the Wrestlemania "best of's" with something you might see on Saturday's Main Event. It's just something I kept thinking about as I read people's posts. This to me, overall is dissapointing.


However, I didn't see it, so I can't really say if I thought the show overall was good or bad.

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Didn't plan to watch. Didn't watch. Don't regret it. I'm tremendously apathetic towards WWE right now. Reading about Wrestlemania, none of that has changed. It was just another show.


However, Wrestlemania weekend sounds like a blast, what with the RoH & Dragon Gate shows on top of the WWE stuff. Despite my apathy, I might go next year. Miami sounds fun, and folks always say every wrestling fan should experience it once in their life.

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Didn't plan to watch. Didn't watch. Don't regret it. I'm tremendously apathetic towards WWE right now. Reading about Wrestlemania, none of that has changed. It was just another show.


However, Wrestlemania weekend sounds like a blast, what with the RoH & Dragon Gate shows on top of the WWE stuff. Despite my apathy, I might go next year. Miami sounds fun, and folks always say every wrestling fan should experience it once in their life.


I went to WM 23 in Detroit and it didn't feel like a WM should (As I been told) But I got a 1 IMO bad main event and 1 ok main event. Also I didn't do the ROH show. Got in Sunday left Monday morning.

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I was at Wrestlemania 23 but wish a casual fan and I am convince casual fans kinda bring shows down for me. They aren't as into it as me and the things they like and notice are completely different from the things I look for and notice.


Same with watching this past Sundays Wrestlemania. The casual fan liked completely different things and for different reasons.

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I was at Wrestlemania 23 but wish a casual fan and I am convince casual fans kinda bring shows down for me. They aren't as into it as me and the things they like and notice are completely different from the things I look for and notice.


Same with watching this past Sundays Wrestlemania. The casual fan liked completely different things and for different reasons.

From what I say from my TV screen, Wrestlemania this year was super-smarky. They booed the heck out of Cena.

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