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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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Surely, two people as close to McMahon as Undertaker and, especially, Triple H did not plan something like chair shots without getting a green light from Big Vince first... he probably said something like "sure, go ahead with it... but officially, I don't know about this and I'll have to fine you symbolically for it".
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I was really disappointed with Wrestlemania. Taker vs. HHH kinda lived up to the expectations I had for it but the rest of the card were **½ matches or even below. I guess I'm losing the touch for WWE because of all the PG-stuff and non-blood and chairshots and all of that. I marked hard when HHH did the Tombstone on 'Taker, my Wrestlemania moment right there.


The Rock wasn't as hot opening the show and it showed, it seemed he was struggling to get the crowd going. The ending of the main event was way too predictable for my taste. Wrestlemania's Main event, a World title match, should never, never have a tainted finish like that, it made me sick to my stomach. Not even if it would lead to Rock vs. Cena one year later which is utter nonsense.


Few thoughts on about who's gonna meet Taker at next year at Wrestlemania: Think about it, Taker is 19-0 now.. Shawn Michaels couldn't beat him, he tried twice. Same goes for Triple H. So Sheamus won't do it, CM Punk won't do it, no one with less then a decade in the business won't be able to do it or even try to look good trying to beat him. It just won't have any feel of credibility, none. The streak will never end but in order to make it even have a little hint of a chance that it might happen Taker's opponent must be a veteran of the business like Triple H. I'm predicting Hell in a Cell, Streak vs. Career for next year's Wrestlemania.


EDIT: Now that I think of it, Kane vs. 'Taker HIAC would be awesome too. Or some gimmick match. Or make it Kane vs. Triple H vs. 'Taker, that I'd mark out for.

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...or they could get Sting vs. Undertaker for next year, since they failed this year. If they could secure both The Rock vs. John Cena and Sting vs. The Undertaker for Wrestlemania 28, it wouldn't really matter what the rest of the card would look like. With a proper introduction and build of Sting, they'd get insane buyrates for that show.


EDIT: Or Brock Lesnar vs. The Undertaker. That would sell like crazy as well.

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They never 'failed' to do Sting vs Undertaker. They were never going to hire Sting at all.


Lesnar vs Undertaker isn't going to happen again either, Lesnar is content with UFC and has a bigger payday and less travel dates to keep him from even considering going back to WWE. Dana White is also not interested in cross-promotion with WWE at all, and he doesn't have to either.


The only feasible 'legend vs Undertaker' match is Taker vs Austin, and that would be awful with Austin's body in the shape that it is.

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I'm never disappointed by Mania because I treat it the same as every other PPV.


As for Raw, I enjoyed the Cena/Rock segment. They both sounded genuinely passionate. Outstanding mic work.


And Sin Cara rocks! I love how he pointed at Sheamus like he marked him for death, yet he's a face.

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They never 'failed' to do Sting vs Undertaker. They were never going to hire Sting at all.


Lesnar vs Undertaker isn't going to happen again either, Lesnar is content with UFC and has a bigger payday and less travel dates to keep him from even considering going back to WWE. Dana White is also not interested in cross-promotion with WWE at all, and he doesn't have to either.


The only feasible 'legend vs Undertaker' match is Taker vs Austin, and that would be awful with Austin's body in the shape that it is.


I thought Austins body was in good enough shape to work a few more matches if he chose? That's what I heard somewhere.


...or they could get Sting vs. Undertaker for next year, since they failed this year. If they could secure both The Rock vs. John Cena and Sting vs. The Undertaker for Wrestlemania 28, it wouldn't really matter what the rest of the card would look like. With a proper introduction and build of Sting, they'd get insane buyrates for that show.


EDIT: Or Brock Lesnar vs. The Undertaker. That would sell like crazy as well.


I don't know if Sting vs Undertaker would be as huge a draw as people think. As I said most casual fans of now don't know who Sting even is. You may draw in some of the old WCW fans from the 90s that died when that company died but how many would really come back? I think you truly would need a really strong proper build up for it.


Brock Lesnar vs Taker would sell really well I think. If Lesnar losing his next 2 matches he may end up not being much of a UFC draw anymore but I don't think that is going to happen. That's what I think it would take for him to come back to the E.

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The Rock wasn't as hot opening the show and it showed, it seemed he was struggling to get the crowd going. The ending of the main event was way too predictable for my taste. Wrestlemania's Main event, a World title match, should never, never have a tainted finish like that, it made me sick to my stomach. Not even if it would lead to Rock vs. Cena one year later which is utter nonsense.


Would it make more sense to book The Rock in a throwaway PPV like Extreme Rules to nip up the feud and have Cena return to his usual antics thereafter? They're clearly selling this match huge. And rightfully so, this has been a dream match for half a decade. They may not necessarily build it up properly but if they do, with the level of Cena/Rock's mic skills, talent and star power it could be one of the biggest main-events in Mania history.


People are still throwing their toys out of the pram because they have to wait one year, and it's funny to watch.

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They never 'failed' to do Sting vs Undertaker. They were never going to hire Sting at all.


Lesnar vs Undertaker isn't going to happen again either, Lesnar is content with UFC and has a bigger payday and less travel dates to keep him from even considering going back to WWE. Dana White is also not interested in cross-promotion with WWE at all, and he doesn't have to either.


The only feasible 'legend vs Undertaker' match is Taker vs Austin, and that would be awful with Austin's body in the shape that it is.


I pretty much disagree with everything you say here. :D


News surfaced a week ago that Sting himself said WWE reached out for him and that he was close to signing, but eventually decided not to and that he was happy with that decision. I first thought it was a weird April Fool's joke, but it turned out I was wrong. So they *were* going to sign Sting.


Also, if it could be worked out with Dana White and UFC (Vince reportedly had a meeting with him 1-2 months ago), I'm sure Lesnar could be convinced to come back and work one more match. The WWE never seems cheap when it comes to spending insane cash on bringing celebreties for Wrestlemania, so I find it hard to see that the financial aspect should be a problem for Lesnar.


Finally, Austin has said that his recent participation in Wrestlemania and Tough Enough is as close as he'll ever get to re-entering the ring... so I see that possibility as being the most far-fetched of the three.


Another choice could perhaps be, if they can get him, Kurt Angle vs. The Undertaker? Have they met at a major PPV before?

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I don't know if Sting vs Undertaker would be as huge a draw as people think. As I said most casual fans of now don't know who Sting even is. You may draw in some of the old WCW fans from the 90s that died when that company died but how many would really come back? I think you truly would need a really strong proper build up for it.


Well yes, as I mentioned it would require a good and strong build by WWE. But I definately think it's doable. They could show packages with Sting from his major moments in WCW, defeating known WWE people like Hogan, Flair, Savage, Vader, The Giant, etc. I definately think they can make the WWE fans of today care for that match if done right. Sting is easy to love for kids, to boot. Always has been. And as you mention, it would likely draw in old die-hard WCW'ers... and I could definately see some hardcore TNA-fans wanting to see it as well.


But I'll admit that Lesnar-Undertaker would likely be a bigger draw. But also much more expensive and complicated to do, I'd imagine.

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Another choice could perhaps be, if they can get him, Kurt Angle vs. The Undertaker? Have they met at a major PPV before?


I really doubt Kurt is that big a name, and yes, Undertaker and Angle have had high profile matches. One of Angle's last big matches was a great contest against 'Taker at No Way Out 2006. And while it was forever ago, he also had two one on one matches with 'Taker on PPV in 2000.

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I really doubt Kurt is that big a name, and yes, Undertaker and Angle have had high profile matches. One of Angle's last big matches was a great contest against 'Taker at No Way Out 2006. And while it was forever ago, he also had two one on one matches with 'Taker on PPV in 2000.


I see. Maybe they've had too many matches, then... but I personally feel he's a pretty big name. But yeah, it really have to be a big name at this point in the whole "streak saga"... which is a shame, in a way. I could really see John Morrison vs. The Undertaker being a really good match that, if built correctly, could really make a name for Morrison. Kind of like the Steve Austin vs. Bret Hart submission match did for Austin or like the The Rock vs. Mankind match did for The Rock. But from now and untill The Undertaker retires, they probably need big names to feed him.

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I really doubt Kurt is that big a name, and yes, Undertaker and Angle have had high profile matches. One of Angle's last big matches was a great contest against 'Taker at No Way Out 2006. And while it was forever ago, he also had two one on one matches with 'Taker on PPV in 2000.

I disagree, but only partially. He's no longer big as a name as he once was, but he's still a big name. I would say he's a bigger than most WWE stars, save for the very top (Edge, Cena, Taker, HHH, Randy Orton; maybe ADR, Christian, Miz). WWE would like to have him back, I think, but they might not absolutely need him.


I'm not sure if it's a good idea to bring him back, though. It's not his skills, but rather, he's rather driven in wrestling a paritcular hard style. The other issue is, he can't really be a heel at this point his career if went back to the WWE. Too much fan respect.

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As far as Sting goes, I gotta think that they'd be hesitant now at giving Taker's 20th match to someone who's been openly anti-WWE for so many years, and who the vast majority of fans won't have heard of. They could easily build an interesting feud, but it wouldn't make much sense.
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Former WWE talent Scott Hall has been hospitalized following a drug overdose, reports WrestlingNewsWorld.com. No further details are available at this time.


The former Intercontinental Champion has been battling serious health issues over the past year. He was hospitalized last June for double pneumonia, which had affected both lungs. He was hospitalized again in August due to complications from pneumonia. After recovering, Hall checked into a WWE-sponsored rehabilitation facility, and checked out in early October. Hall was hospitalized weeks later as he needed a pacemaker implanted into his heart.


Hall announced last week he would not be on hand for the WrestleMania XXVII festivities in Atlanta, Georgia because the atmosphere would be detrimental to his quest to stay sober.


He posted his last Twitter message Sunday night while watching WrestleMania XXVII, writing "Taker wins!"


****, this is sad. I'm not going to jump to conclusions as to what happened ... but after all the progress I thought he was making, this is a pretty awful thing to hear. Here's hoping he makes it out of this.

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Surely, two people as close to McMahon as Undertaker and, especially, Triple H did not plan something like chair shots without getting a green light from Big Vince first... he probably said something like "sure, go ahead with it... but officially, I don't know about this and I'll have to fine you symbolically for it".


Wrestler's plan things without Vince's say so all the time. Bret talks about how blading was banned in the mid 90's and him and other wrestlers would do it regardless even if it meant suffering punishment. All in the name of a good match.

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As far as Sting goes, I gotta think that they'd be hesitant now at giving Taker's 20th match to someone who's been openly anti-WWE for so many years, and who the vast majority of fans won't have heard of. They could easily build an interesting feud, but it wouldn't make much sense.

Well, it would have made sense... 10 years ago. Now? It's hard to justify anything, other than nolstalgia. I'm not too sure Sting is too keen to be in the WWE. He's been smart with his money, and if he can't do wrestling, there are quite few things he can do that's non-wrestling.

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Ironically, Vince McMahon had a chance to buy out Sting's Time Warner contract ten years ago, but didn't. By the time that contract was over, the InVasion had long passed and Vince buried a lot of ex-WCW talent in the process. Like it's been said before, Sting didn't need the money (unlike Flair) and was content to be in retirement.


Austin IS the only legend who can realistically be next to wrestle Taker at Mania. More likely he'll end up facing Kane yet again, or possibly with someone on the verge of being a solidified main eventer (Swagger? Sheamus?). With Taker's career on it's last legs he should give a younger worker the rub on the way out.

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Wrestler's plan things without Vince's say so all the time. Bret talks about how blading was banned in the mid 90's and him and other wrestlers would do it regardless even if it meant suffering punishment. All in the name of a good match.


But we're talking about two of the guys closest to Vince, here. And it's not the 90's anymore.

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Ironically, Vince McMahon had a chance to buy out Sting's Time Warner contract ten years ago, but didn't. By the time that contract was over, the InVasion had long passed and Vince buried a lot of ex-WCW talent in the process. Like it's been said before, Sting didn't need the money (unlike Flair) and was content to be in retirement.


Not strictly how it worked. Sting was never under any obligation to sign. It was something like Ted Turner owned the contracts of the roster not WCW. The WWE never bought the contracts in a bundle. Many of the guys that did sign with Vince agreed to terminate their deal with Turner, with Vince paying the fees in return for them signing with Vince, probably on a reduced salary.


Many of the top level guys on big contracts like Goldberg, Nash, Hogan, Steiner, Sting, Jarrett opted to do nothing and still collect a paycheck as they ran down the contract with Turner. Vince was hesitant to pay the big money to buy out the contracts so that's why alot of these guys missed the invasion and joined in 2002 and 2003.


This is why DDP was so notable. Vince balked at the buy-out figure so Page paid the fees to Turner himself in order to make sure he got through the WWE door early.


But we're talking about two of the guys closest to Vince, here. And it's not the 90's anymore.


Vince and Bret were very close though. Bret talks of him as a father figure in his book and he was Vince's golden boy and I'm not sure what the decade has to do with it. If anything Vince has become less involved in the running of the business, especially details such as match planning, over time. So arguing that case is only to your detriment.


Back in the 90's he only had a small staff of agents and played an active part in every aspect of the show. Nowadays everything is delegated. They knew it was wrong and did it anyway.


I was even arguing against you, just pointing out wrestlers do things they know are wrong just because.

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EDIT: Now that I think of it, Kane vs. 'Taker HIAC would be awesome too. Or some gimmick match. Or make it Kane vs. Triple H vs. 'Taker, that I'd mark out for.


Good god no. The notion that there's even the possibility of Taker losing his streak without getting pinned or submitting makes me sick to my stomach. It must be a one on one match. Period, end of discussion.


I thought Austins body was in good enough shape to work a few more matches if he chose? That's what I heard somewhere.


This is correct. Austin himself just did an interview where he didn't just say he could work a few more matches, he said he could work for "two years on a full-time basis." He said he's not returning because he wants his body to still be in good shape in 10 or 20 years, not because it's not in good shape now. http://xfinitytv.comcast.net/blogs/2011/tv-news/wwes-stone-cold-steve-austin-on-tough-enough-wrestlemania/


EDIT: He also thoroughly praises CM Punk, and even mentions how great a Punk/Austin fued would be...IF Austin comes back for a match or two, I'm guessing it'll be with Punk. That would be awesome.


I don't know if Sting vs Undertaker would be as huge a draw as people think. As I said most casual fans of now don't know who Sting even is. You may draw in some of the old WCW fans from the 90s that died when that company died but how many would really come back? I think you truly would need a really strong proper build up for it.


So true. I think a lot of people don't realize that Sting hasn't been in a major wrestling promotion in 10 years now, and he was NEVER in the WWE. Sure, a lot of people will know who he is, but a lot of people won't, too. You're going to need a serious buildup to make that match the level of Taker-HBK, Taker-HHH, or even Taker-Edge/Batista.


News surfaced a week ago that Sting himself said WWE reached out for him and that he was close to signing, but eventually decided not to and that he was happy with that decision. I first thought it was a weird April Fool's joke, but it turned out I was wrong. So they *were* going to sign Sting.


You know, just because it wasn't an April Fool's joke, that doesn't mean you were wrong. :p I have no doubt that they offered him a spot in the Hall of Fame and I bet they would've loved to have him on as a Tough Enough trainer. A Wrestlemania match with Undertaker? Not buying it for a second.


As for who Undertaker faces next year, I don't think it's a guarantee that he wrestles again. But if he does, I can't imagine it'll be anybody but Triple H.


And speaking of Triple H, reports are that that rumored overhaul of development that Triple H was pushing for is officially underway, and Triple H is now in charge of the developmental department. In fact, he had signed his first talent...who? Sin Cara. Not a bad start.

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