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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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Trish, who hasn't been wrestling for years, is a much better wrestler at this point than Melina is and Trish got more charisma and is, as been said, better looking. Val is correct on everything he says, sure I like Morrison's in-ring abilities but he seems to be too attached to Melina.


As previously discussed, Snooki is better than Trish at this point. I haven't seen a Melina match in a while, but unless she botches literally two thirds of her spots, she's better in-ring than Trish.

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As previously discussed, Snooki is better than Trish at this point. I haven't seen a Melina match in a while, but unless she botches literally two thirds of her spots, she's better in-ring than Trish.


Melina is pretty bad. She was getting really good until that string of injuries she got. When she returned she started botching everything like crazy

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At one time, Trish was the most talented diva the WWE had. But that was years ago. Back then, wrestling was her passion. Today, it's not her passion. It makes a HUGE difference.


Passion is what seperates someone like Carlito who didn't have it despite having the talent and someone like Edge who put everything he had into it.


So sure Trish was the bigger star, but any current diva would have been better in that spot. WM makes careers. Putting Trish in there had about the same effect as having The Rock there. Or having Austin there. It's just nostalgia. And it has it's place in WM (like the HoF) but I really think having something like a Eve vs Natalia match for the Divas belt would have been better for the business.

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At one time, Trish was the most talented diva the WWE had. But that was years ago. Back then, wrestling was her passion. Today, it's not her passion. It makes a HUGE difference.


Passion is what seperates someone like Carlito who didn't have it despite having the talent and someone like Edge who put everything he had into it.


So sure Trish was the bigger star, but any current diva would have been better in that spot. WM makes careers. Putting Trish in there had about the same effect as having The Rock there. Or having Austin there. It's just nostalgia. And it has it's place in WM (like the HoF) but I really think having something like a Eve vs Natalia match for the Divas belt would have been better for the business.


I totally dissagree.. From the start Wrestlemania has been a "Star-Studded" event. Muhamed Ali and Aretha Franklin on the first One, before they knew it would even be a success for sure. They hired all the top wrestler's they could at the time, and had them all on the same show. That's what Wrestlemania is about, not "Making" someone. You have to know you can count on them being a show stealer of sorts to put them on... and not mess up as they have in the past (Candice for example... screwing up when it counts the most, doing great on normal shows).


Trish was the perfect person available for that spot. She is the most popular Diva they could get.


You have TV show's to "MAKE" stars, Wrestlemania is for the "MADE" stars, as is 90% of any PPV, or it should be if making money is your goal. Make them on TV, show your biggest stars on the PPV's. Not everyone can be on and Melina isn't winning any fans lately (screwing up left and right in the ring, and even though Trish is rusty, she was fun).


Beth vs. Nadya after they get them built up properly, would be great. Heck, Trish vs. either would be great, if she gets the rust out. Melina though.. Not lately. Might as well bring Candice back, would be the same result.

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After SD! ended, they gave Edge a little bit more of a sendoff. Everybody came onto the stage to applaud him, HHH made a special appearance, Edge gave another speech, and him and Xian did another five-second pose. I saw this because I watched SD! before it actually aired, yesterday... completely legally... :p


Apparently, they filmed it, but decided not to broadcast it.

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After SD! ended, they gave Edge a little bit more of a sendoff. Everybody came onto the stage to applaud him, HHH made a special appearance, Edge gave another speech, and him and Xian did another five-second pose. I saw this because I watched SD! before it actually aired, yesterday... completely legally... :p


Apparently, they filmed it, but decided not to broadcast it.

They'll probably save that bit for release as a DVD extra later.

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The Corre on commentary was funny with dissension in the ranks. Good to see Zeke get a singles match.


I hope Booker's right and Drew McIntyre steps up this year like Rhodes has. The match with Rey was good.


Good send-off for Edge. Let's hope he's a guest announcer at Extreme Rules.


The Battle Royale was fun and well-scripted. Good spots: Big Show v Zeke, Clay v Kane, Gabriel turning on Barrett, Cole taking a 619 for Swagger. Christian was always going to win.

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