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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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Pretty much what Astil just said. As a Yankee fan who lives in Rhode Island (not even Massachusetts) I have had to deal with Red Sox fans my whole life. So trust me when I say that is a huge insult to them especially if the person is a die hard fan.


Brian Cash-Man, is that you?

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If that was a serious question, he is Colt Cabanna or formerly Scotty Goldman in WWE.


No ADR you.already knew that piece here because he only had like 5 WWE matches.


Oh so he was just a jobber. So why is Punk all mad about him are they friends IRL?

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So he's talented? I'll youtube him in a little because I only remember seeing him like 2 times on WWE as scotty goldman.


To be honest with you I would not waste my time on his WWF stuff. Check out his Ring of Honor stuff, that is were he got to show his talent.

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So he's talented? I'll youtube him in a little because I only remember seeing him like 2 times on WWE as scotty goldman.


Is Colt Cabana talented. heh. The reason Punk used him as an example is not just because they're friends. It's because here you have a worker who can WORK, in ring and out, and they saddle him with some lame gimmick while shackling him and not allowing him to show his talent. Kinda like what they did with Punk when he started in WWE (except for the lame gimmick part). Colt is easily one of the best workers on the stick in wrestling (not just the indies, overall). Larry Sweeney (RIP) was too but you probably haven't heard of him either.


There are a lot of workers you probably haven't heard of who would do far better than many folks currently in WWE. I mean, who wouldn't trade Colt Cabana for someone like David Otunga? That would be like the Babe Ruth trade (another way to get under a Red Sox fan's skin :p).

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I have an idea for Punk to make Cena even more infuriated (not that the promo that he did on Cena/McMahon that he OWNED them both)


What Punk should have said as far as alluding to the point that Cena is no longer the Underdog, Punk should have said this.


Punk: Cena, you know you are no long a "underdog" anymore, your a "dynasty" and "franchise" and you know what I realized? The ONLY reason that you HATE the Rock/Dwayne so much, is that ...sadly you want to BE HIM"


Speculating to the fact that Cena at MITB would turn heel. Now what could happen is that Punk could win at MITB, and who ever wins the "MITB" (preferably a heel) challenges Punk the same night, but Cena does the unthinkable and helps the Heel win and beat Punk.


Vince comes out and starts to fire Cena, Cena can explain to Vince that he cant fire him because clearly in the stipulation, Vince said that Punk could NOT take the title when leave the WWE with the title. Which he has clearly "prevented". Cena does the AA to the Heel, Vince, and finally to Punk, and to solidify his heel turn, he will turn on the fans. Saying that he tried to be "role model" and that the people turned on him, just like Hogan and Ironically, The Rock. So now he basically hes says SCREW the Fans and hes going to do things for the one person that matters....HIMSELF.



Now this is just and idea. ...:) And I could be wrong, But I doubt it..(actually I could be wrong for real :)



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Cena's not turning heel. If I could go back and read how many different times people were POSITIVE Cena's turn was coming. Its not happening for a long long long long long long long time.


CM Punk is going to lose to Cena or the MITB winner, either way he loses and thats the end of this storyline. Its sad they didn't start this storyline directly after Wrestlemania. Its a shame this is basically two weeks worth of television since they somehow decided to start this with a taped week in between two hot weeks of television. Either way it was fun but there is no corporate heel Cena goin on here, there is no Austin like Punk face movement. It was fun but it ends Sunday.

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Cena's not turning heel. If I could go back and read how many different times people were POSITIVE Cena's turn was coming. Its not happening for a long long long long long long long time.


CM Punk is going to lose to Cena or the MITB winner, either way he loses and thats the end of this storyline. Its sad they didn't start this storyline directly after Wrestlemania. Its a shame this is basically two weeks worth of television since they somehow decided to start this with a taped week in between two hot weeks of television. Either way it was fun but there is no corporate heel Cena goin on here, there is no Austin like Punk face movement. It was fun but it ends Sunday.


As Miz (and Seth Meyers) would say... really? You're going to go all the way with that? Really?




The WWE can't just build Punk up like this and let him go. With the momentum he has and the buzz he's been generating, Punk could conceivably become the next Rock/Hogan/Austin-type "face of the industry" kind of guy.

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Colt Cabana is amazing. I saw him in the 16 Carat tournament in Germany this year and he is a phenomenal live act. So different. So much interaction from the crowd. Such a great comedy performer. Solid technician too. He's not a guy you'd put the world title on, but as a second or third match on the card comedy guy, there's no one better. I firmly believe every wrestling show should have a Colt Cabana match on it.


Also has a really cool podcast. Search 'Art of Wrestling' on iTunes or go to WeLoveColt.com. One of the early episodes is a cool conversation with CM Punk.

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I'm pretty sure this is what's going to happen:


Cena retains. CM Punk is now out of the WWE without any championship to punish Vince.


But suddenly, Alberto Del Rio, winner of MITB comes out and cashes it in on Cena, with the obvious approval of Vince McMahon. Next night on Raw, Vince rips Cena a new one, telling him he's sick of being threatened by ungrateful talent, and he's building a new star to replace Cena just like he replaced Hogan and Michaels and Austin.

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Colt Cabana is amazing. I saw him in the 16 Carat tournament in Germany this year and he is a phenomenal live act. So different. So much interaction from the crowd. Such a great comedy performer. Solid technician too. He's not a guy you'd put the world title on, but as a second or third match on the card comedy guy, there's no one better. I firmly believe every wrestling show should have a Colt Cabana match on it.

I think Colt's good enough to be much higher up on the card than second or third match. I think Colt is ideal for the role of being the strong workhorse of a tag team, where the other guy might be lacking in actual ability but has an abundance of charisma and flair and gets the crowd going through his showmanship.

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I think Colt's good enough to be much higher up on the card than second or third match. I think Colt is ideal for the role of being the strong workhorse of a tag team, where the other guy might be lacking in actual ability but has an abundance of charisma and flair and gets the crowd going through his showmanship.




I don't mean 2nd or 3rd match to be any kinda of insult though. I don't think matches should necessarily get 'better' as a show goes along. I just think Colt's technical/comedy style is perfect for that early slot. After an exciting opener or two, you change the pace with comedy and shenanigans, before getting the hard-hitting balls-to-the-wall guys back in there. It's a question of style, rather than talent.

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Whatever happens, no matter what the result is going to be this Sunday, I've been loving this storyline from the start. Awesome promo's three weeks ago and this week too.


I predict that CM Punk wins, but the new MitB winner comes and wins the title. The funniest and most interesting thing here is the fact that nobody really knows what will happen as there are so many mismatching news and rumours going on.


And not only will we have Cena vs. Punk, we'll have MitB match(es)! Which I dearly love. I'm happy, I'm excited and I can't wait for Sunday. :)

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He's not a guy you'd put the world title on, but as a second or third match on the card comedy guy, there's no one better. I firmly believe every wrestling show should have a Colt Cabana match on it.

You know he did win the NWA World Heavyweight Championship earlier this year, right?


Cabana is awesome. As well as his excellent podcast, his series of sketches with Marty DeRosa is off to a fun start:



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As Miz (and Seth Meyers) would say... really? You're going to go all the way with that? Really?




The WWE can't just build Punk up like this and let him go. With the momentum he has and the buzz he's been generating, Punk could conceivably become the next Rock/Hogan/Austin-type "face of the industry" kind of guy.


It just looks like this is a case of optimism vs. pessimism in terms of the WWE capitalizing on this and how. Whatever the case, IWC is suggesting all the possible outcomes in the book left and right, which may cheapen the end result if it's one of the original ones... but heck that's what we do I suppose. Personally, I just can't wait for the conclusion however it's gonna be.


I love Punk to bits as well but I actually dare think it wouldn't be the worst thing if he leaves for a period of time. Momentum's hot on him, there's a chance it might stick until he returns. Could be hard to envision, but IMO it's possible depending on how the WWE situates itself once he's gone. Dividends will be paid once he returns. But I'd think Vince would've even offered him a Taker-time off kind of deal, at least I would've.

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