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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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Yeah after this week's RAW and last week's RAW, I think I am not going to watch this crap for a while. This is why I check out RAW maybe five or six times a year and I don't even bother with Smackdown. I will stick to reading the results of the show for a couple of months.


People always rag on TNA, but I would much rather watch that crap than this crap.

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No I won't watch next week anyway pretty much. I watch WWE every now and then, and TNA most of the time, but this is the last straw for WWE it has so many wholes and it is just worse than Russo booking.


You do know that Russo writes for TNA. Also, TNA has screwed up every chance they have gotten to become big or to make big name stars IMO. WWE has done some screw ups, but none of them were/are as bad as most angles/stories in TNA IMO.

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You guys look too deep into these videos. It's WWE, ffs. I remember when people were going ape shit over some 1's looking like Sting's scorpion or something. omg anuhlyze duh kluez!


Sorry for the double post, but from what I heard, WWE were trying to sign Sting to wrestle 'Taker at WrestleMania, but Sting turned them down. The promo videos were indeed going to be for Sting, but plans changed.

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People always rag on TNA, but I would much rather watch that crap than this crap.


TNA has improved drastically over the past few months if you ask me. They have been putting on decent storylines and great matches on TV. Is there still crap? Yep. But there's jus tmore good stuff than there used to be.


As for Raw "sucking". Disagree. It's still one of my favorite TV shows. It hasnt really changed much in the past couple of years. There's been some small bursts of better-than-average storylines. But other than that, same kinda thing. Take it or leave it.

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You do know that Russo writes for TNA. Also, TNA has screwed up every chance they have gotten to become big or to make big name stars IMO. WWE has done some screw ups, but none of them were/are as bad as most angles/stories in TNA IMO.


TNA will never have the chance to either "catch" or pass the WWE. You are right about TNA not being able to make big names and a lot of that is their fault but I think a lot of that is the fault of the fans as well.


Your average wrestling fan sees the WWE as the only major league promotion, the only promotion that matters. Same thing is true of your average MMA fan that only sees the UFC as the only promotion that matters.


Why is this the case? For the most part, it is the truth; both promotions have the majority of the best wrestlers/MMA fighters in their respective companies. I say the majority because in the UFC’s case they pretty much do have every single great fighter under their banner. To a lesser extent, that statement is true about the WWE (After all there are still huge stars in TNA and Japan.).


So how can a Bellator in MMA or TNA in wrestling compete against these two giant companies? The answer is they cannot and they should not even bother trying. They should cater to their niche market and be happy with it.


Granted I would love to see TNA give Vince a run for his money because Vince tends to put out a better product when his back is against the wall. Right now, he is so far ahead of any of his competition his promotion does not need to be good.

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The girl represents the IWC. Done.

Um, I'm not trying to be rude or anything, but you are basically showing hate for yourself, as you are a part of the IWC. Also, you can include nearly everybody who watches pro wrestling as a part of the IWC, as the majority of them go on the Internet. :D


I can't believe how many people here are apparently incapable of discussing opinions without being total dicks to each other.

The only time that disagreements get this heated is if something big is going on.



It's exactly that. WWE Creative is stupid, but not this stupid to just script it without some subtle meaning behind it...

Well, we don't exactly know what the WWE Creative is thinking, now do we? There have been excellent fueds/stories before, and horrible ones, all from the same creative team.


What is he supposed to do? Interrupt CM Punk like all the IWC wanted him to, and cut a standard Y2J promo with all the catchphrases and typical explanation as to why he's back? I mean, I'm all for a Jericho promo, but the stunt he pulled was so much better. I'll admit, I was even a bit semi-pissed half way through when he wouldn't just speak. But then I saw what he was doing, and how well he was at mocking the fans. Eh, w/e, either you'll watch it and enjoy/complain about it, or you'll go away. Either way I'm happy.


I didn't understand what had happened at first, but now I think that it was a fantastic return compared to most wrestlers' cookie cutter returns from injury/hiatus.


EDIT: Back on subject of WWE Discussion. I sadly missed pretty much the whole Punk-Ziggler WWE Championship match, but caught the very ending. How was the match? Ziggler has become one of my favorite WWE wrestlers, err, superstars and Punk has been a favorite of mine for a long time. Just wondering how their match was.


I only saw bits and pieces of it, and I wasn't really impressed. IMO it seems like CM Punk is a bit banged up from that TLC match, as is Miz and Del Rio. None of them have been putting on good matches or cutting good promos like they were before the PPV.


One more thing. Does anybody remember how Mick Foley turned heel in ECW? He turned heel by ceasing to do anything that the fans would enjoy, and by putting on the most boring matches he could. It seems that Chris Jericho is doing a similar thing here.

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TNA has improved drastically over the past few months if you ask me. They have been putting on decent storylines and great matches on TV. Is there still crap? Yep. But there's jus tmore good stuff than there used to be.


As for Raw "sucking". Disagree. It's still one of my favorite TV shows. It hasnt really changed much in the past couple of years. There's been some small bursts of better-than-average storylines. But other than that, same kinda thing. Take it or leave it.


Yeah I actually like TNA and I keep up with it every week. The Kurt Angle skit in the bar is the only thing that was really bad over the past couple of weeks. I better get back on topic before the poster who isn't a mod but thinks he is one, comes in here and yells at me to get back on topic...:D


The only thing I have really liked on RAW over the past year was the whole CM Punk thing. Like you said, it has been the same for the past couple of years and that is the problem. I shouldn't take a few months off and be able to pick up right where I left off.


Oh and sorry Cena but your match against The Rock is not going to be the biggest match of all time at Wrestle Mania. The biggest match of all time is still going to be and forever will be Hulk vs. Andre.

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Seriously? Just on a quick skim, there's people calling others who disagreed with them 'fanboys', 'marks', 'geeks', and 'dorks', and that's not to mention at least a half-dozen other snide disparagements. If you think that's civil, you have a really messed up standard for civil discussions.


Sorry I missed this earlier but...






Jesus christ yagottabekiddin me.

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TNA will never have the chance to either "catch" or pass the WWE. You are right about TNA not being able to make big names and a lot of that is their fault but I think a lot of that is the fault of the fans as well.


Your average wrestling fan sees the WWE as the only major league promotion, the only promotion that matters. Same thing is true of your average MMA fan that only sees the UFC as the only promotion that matters.


Why is this the case? For the most part, it is the truth; both promotions have the majority of the best wrestlers/MMA fighters in their respective companies. I say the majority because in the UFC’s case they pretty much do have every single great fighter under their banner. To a lesser extent, that statement is true about the WWE (After all there are still huge stars in TNA and Japan.).


So how can a Bellator in MMA or TNA in wrestling compete against these two giant companies? The answer is they cannot and they should not even bother trying. They should cater to their niche market and be happy with it.


Granted I would love to see TNA give Vince a run for his money because Vince tends to put out a better product when his back is against the wall. Right now, he is so far ahead of any of his competition his promotion does not need to be good.


Yes, that's how ROH does business, is by catering to their certain niche of fans for their product, while still slowly expanding. If only TNA would do that, then they would be similar to the late 80's of WCW, an entertainment style mixed with more of a realistic style. They seem to always forget who exactly their audience is. However, I will say that they have slowly started getting better ever since Russo stopped being head of creative, and in a few years time they may actually be a good alternative to the WWE IMO.

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Well, we don't exactly know what the WWE Creative is thinking, now do we? There have been excellent fueds/stories before, and horrible ones, all from the same creative team.


So you're saying it's a very good possibility that this angle was scripted without any subtle meaning behind it? I think that that idea is absolutely nuts.

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The way Jericho played the crowd was brilliant. To me, what they did was far more interesting than him simply showing up and attacking someone, or interrupting a promo, or appearing on the stage as the show went off the air, etc. I almost never watch Raw live, but I'll probably do so next week just to see what comes next.


Obviously they achieved the goal that they wanted...to get people talking.

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I just wanted to add that my comment before about not watching was not based on the Jericho segment. Because he is such a great worker, I am willing to follow a wait and see approach when it comes to what he is going to do.


My comment was based on the overall show, which I felt was really bland. I have watched better episodes of WCW Saturday Night, where the Main Event was Sgt. Buddy Lee Parker vs. Vader, than this. Okay maybe that is not true but maybe it is...

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Why are people obsessing over this "girl"? It was just some weird crap they threw in a video promo package.


For me, the girl was the most interesting part. The video's were well made, nicely atmospheric, but mostly cliches from my perspective. However, the 'girl'... There's something to that I'm digging. It's story. It's character. It's a real thing to grasp onto, not vague promising of things beginning and change happening. Without the girl, the mystery videos didn't really strike a chord with me.


Didn't see the return. Sounds a bit lame to me. As a piece of a larger narrative, it might be fine. As a one off deal, I'm glad I didn't stay up to watch RAW. Wouldn't have been worth it.

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For me, the girl was the most interesting part. The video's were well made, nicely atmospheric, but mostly cliches from my perspective. However, the 'girl'... There's something to that I'm digging. It's story. It's character. It's a real thing to grasp onto, not vague promising of things beginning and change happening. Without the girl, the mystery videos didn't really strike a chord with me.


Didn't see the return. Sounds a bit lame to me. As a piece of a larger narrative, it might be fine. As a one off deal, I'm glad I didn't stay up to watch RAW. Wouldn't have been worth it.


Well I highly doubt it's a "one-off deal" as that would be literally insane to have 6 weeks of video promos to have Jericho come out for 10 minutes and then leave for an extended period of time again.


I'm sure it's part of a larger storyline. Stay tuned.

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Interesting and strange Raw. First the Memphis Screwjob. Didn't think they had the balls to slap the belt on Ziggler so soon but they did it.


When the lights blacked out, I wonder how many people thought Undertaker was returning? Not me. Well, Jericho's way too long introduction didn't fit the tone of the promos at all. And who's the girl supposed to be? I'm eager to find out. Jericho was the most over wrestler on the show. Even Rock didn't get that good a reception on his return from memory. Then people started jeering and he left. WTF! I predict a quick heel turn where he claims to be so awesome he can control the crowd at will. The more I think about it the more I like it. As someone said, did we really need a cookie-cutter return. The answer is no.


Kane trying to pull Ryder through the mat into Hell made me laugh but the pyro was a nice touch.

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Back on subject of WWE Discussion. I sadly missed pretty much the whole Punk-Ziggler WWE Championship match, but caught the very ending. How was the match? Ziggler has become one of my favorite WWE wrestlers, err, superstars and Punk has been a favorite of mine for a long time. Just wondering how their match was.


Completely different to their match last week, which is a credit to both men and whoever scripted the match. Punk also took a couple of nasty looking bumps.


Interesting that Punk v Ziggler and Jericho were in the middle of the show and the tag match/Kane was the main event. Make of that what you will.

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Wait did you see RAW? Ziggler won via count out and stole CM Punk's belt. The title did not change hands. Ziggler just stole the belt.


We dont get Raw till wednesday afternoon :(. I thought id read the recap this week on gerwick and the guy who wrote it totally skipped the title match for some reason lol

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Now I'm confused about Ziggler v Punk. Granted I was falling asleep while watching it (not because I bored ;)) but at first I thought Punk retained via DQ. Then the announcers said Ziggler won the title (correct me if I'm wrong) and he was celebrating like he'd won it. Then Johnny Ace said Ziggler would get his championship match next week as promised. Oh well, I guess I wasn't paying enough attention.
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