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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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Maybe you need to look at the explanations and criteria for the list on WWE's site, because I don't even understand your complaints. Yes, Vader was a WCW champ and had some big feuds in the early 90's, but he was completely MIA during WCW's biggest boom- who does he replace? Booker T, who was a great worker for the company for years, won every title, and was briefly their top babyface? Everybody in front of him had more of an impact.


And while Austin's a bit high and Rick Rude and Ricky Steamboat are a bit low, Austin was a great worker who had great matches with Steamboat, who carried a very green Dustin Rhodes to some very good matches, and was in a great tag team with Pillman. Not having him on the list at all would be pretty ridiculous, considering Konnan and Meng are on the list- what, no Vampiro?!


Bischoff wasn't a wrestler, but it's not a list of great wrestlers in order, it's about the greatest superstars measured by things like impact and longevity. He was never the equal of the "Mr. McMahon" character, but he was a major heel for years including WCW's highest point from 96-98.


It's a kayfabe list, and definitely not a bad one. Like I said, the biggest exclusion if 4 Horseman member Mongo McMichael*, whose best of 7 series with Booker T was considered a classic.


I kind of wish WCW had done even more Dennis Rodman stuff. Like Scottie Pippen comes in Ultimate Warrior style, cuts a terrible, flat promo about how Rodman has dishonored the Bulls, challenges him to a match, but then SWERVE Pippen turns heel! Pippen joins the NWO! Pippen goes crazy along with Rasheed Wallace as part of the Portland Trailblazers!

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Bischoff was a monster heel for them. Generated heat seemingly at will. On a list of wrestlers, he doesn't belong but if you're acknowledging the top 50 "superstars" as WWE seems to define them, he's in the discussion for sure.


He was a top heel during a period of time when wrestling was getting massive ratings. He wasn't solely responsible or anything as WCW was doing A LOT of things right back then, but he was still one of the top heels in the company for a good while.

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Austin shouldn't be on a list of WCW's best wrestlers? Thats might be the most unexplainable flat out wrong comments I've ever seen on this board.


Also Sid should be on there. He should be lower but if it wasn't for Sid's stint in WCW he would have never gotten known. The guy was over and a big big deal in that company. In fact his first run in WCW is the biggest and best run he ever had anywhere.


This is not a wrestling skillz list or anything of that sort. Why shouldn't Rick Steiner be higher than Rey and Brian Pillman? Rick accomplished way more in WCW and was in it for much longer than either Rey and Pillman.

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It's a kayfabe list, and definitely not a bad one. Like I said, the biggest exclusion if 4 Horseman member Mongo McMichael*, whose best of 7 series with Booker T was considered a classic.


I truly hope that you made a mistake in saying that Mongo McMichael had a best of seven series with Booker T. Booker T had a best of 7 series with Chris Benoit not Steve McMichael.

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The mystery opponent graphics last night were quite annoying. Not really a mystery opponent(s) when they use the silhouettes of the actual competitor(s).

They've been doing that for a while now. I figure it's a "Guess who that shadow is" thing, and if you can you will know who it is. I didn't figure it out though.... but I have in the past quite a few times.

a Top 50 WCW list without Disco Inferno?




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He was clearly joking, hence the asterisk, since Benoit obviously can't be mentioned.


Ah I C, I kind of figured he was but I wasn't exactly sure and even though Benoit isn't mentioned by any wrestling history sites (WWE's for the most part) he still gets mentioned in this thread from time to time but I completely understand people who dont want to mention him.

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Ah I C, I kind of figured he was but I wasn't exactly sure and even though Benoit isn't mentioned by any wrestling history sites (WWE's for the most part) he still gets mentioned in this thread from time to time but I completely understand people who dont want to mention him.


Yeah I don't mention him anymore either. He was my favorite wrestler in the world by far for over a decade now I can't even say the guys name.


Anyway though its a list and any list of 50 people is going to have people saying "OMG this person isn't two spots higher". I think the most interesting thing is Ric Flair isn't number one. I get Sting never leaving, always being there but without Ric Flair there is no Sting there is no a lot of guys on that list. I don't mind Sting being number one just interesting.

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They've been doing that for a while now. I figure it's a "Guess who that shadow is" thing, and if you can you will know who it is. I didn't figure it out though.... but I have in the past quite a few times.


Who's that Superstar?



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Since nobody else has mentioned it:


In speaking to a few people today, I was able to confirm that the WWE online "Revolution" campaign that has been promoted on their website via articles and videos is not leading to the debut of a new character in the company.


The campaign is actually part of the reveal for the new WWE videogame next week in advance of the annual E3 videogame convention, which is being held the first week in June.




Very disappointing. The games have been atrocious, and I was really hoping Dean Ambrose was coming.

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a Top 50 WCW list without Disco Inferno?




I try not to get too bent up about WWE's "historical review" of WCW as it has been hot garbage for the most part, but some of that list bothered me lol.


Dennis Rodman on the list? at 48? Ahead of Juvi and Jarrett? I think that tells you how Vince feels about those two knuckleheads.


Dustin Rhodes and Kevin Sullivan in the low 40s? WCW didn't begin in July 1996 despite what a lot of people want to believe today. Sullivan and Rhodes were major parts of WCW. Ron Simmons is at #16? Because he won the world title in the early 90s? Simmons was a favorite of Bill Watts, but there is no way he is higher on the list of WCW's stars than Barry Windham, Dustin Rhodes and Kevin Sullivan.

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So first they put Sting at their alumni section, then they put him #1 in this list...


I'm a huge Sting mark, so I'm not complaining, but is it just wishful thinking or might they have struck some sort of deal with TNA for one or more appearances by him down the line...?


They did talk when doing the "Flair at Hall of Fame" arrangement, and Dixie Carter mentioned that more came out of it...

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Also Sid should be on there. He should be lower but if it wasn't for Sid's stint in WCW he would have never gotten known. The guy was over and a big big deal in that company. In fact his first run in WCW is the biggest and best run he ever had anywhere.


Never said he shouldn't be on there, just kind of confused he's ranked as high as he is, considering his accomplishments. And while his WCW run did help get him over in the first place, the guy did main event two Wrestlemanias in WWF, so it's not as though he wasn't a major name there, too.


This is not a wrestling skillz list or anything of that sort. Why shouldn't Rick Steiner be higher than Rey and Brian Pillman? Rick accomplished way more in WCW and was in it for much longer than either Rey and Pillman.




I truly hope that you made a mistake in saying that Mongo McMichael had a best of seven series with Booker T. Booker T had a best of 7 series with Chris Benoit not Steve McMichael.


I don't know who you're talking about? This is just like WWF No Mercy's version of Wrestlemania 2000's main event: it was Triple H, Mick Foley, The Rock, and Steven Richards in a four man elimination match.


I try not to get too bent up about WWE's "historical review" of WCW as it has been hot garbage for the most part, but some of that list bothered me lol.


Dennis Rodman on the list? at 48? Ahead of Juvi and Jarrett? I think that tells you how Vince feels about those two knuckleheads.


Dustin Rhodes and Kevin Sullivan in the low 40s? WCW didn't begin in July 1996 despite what a lot of people want to believe today. Sullivan and Rhodes were major parts of WCW. Ron Simmons is at #16? Because he won the world title in the early 90s? Simmons was a favorite of Bill Watts, but there is no way he is higher on the list of WCW's stars than Barry Windham, Dustin Rhodes and Kevin Sullivan.


Again it's kayfabe and based on impact, not necessarily talent. Rodman gets a token mention as their biggest "celebrity" wrestler. Simmons accomplished more in WCW and main evented more shows than Windham, Rhodes, or Sullivan. He's rated pretty low among WCW champs because as you said, he wasn't all that important as world champs go. It's not surprising he's ranked in a kayfabe list higher than guys that never won any major championships, especially because two of them were way over the hill by their WCW runs.


Also I love the idea that Vince is personally editing content for WWE's website. "No, rank Jarrett lower, I still hate that guy for leaving in 1999!"

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I don't know why, but I have never been able to think of Jeff as a Main Event type of guy, outside of a few promo's he done for TNA. In TNA I can think of him as a Main Event guy, because of what they have there and how they utilize them, but WCW/WWE Main Event I always thought of him as a generic Flair crossed with Honky Tonk Man... I know there is more to him, but most of the time I couldn't see it. Much later in his career I could, as I said in TNA I can see him as a Main Event talent.... I think would work in WWE as well, just to be sure that's not because TNA isn't on the same level... but Jeff IMHO has been better with them then he was before. It's just my opinion, I'm not talking work-rate or anything like that, just how he presents himself now as opposed to then.
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So first they put Sting at their alumni section, then they put him #1 in this list...


I'm a huge Sting mark, so I'm not complaining, but is it just wishful thinking or might they have struck some sort of deal with TNA for one or more appearances by him down the line...?


They did talk when doing the "Flair at Hall of Fame" arrangement, and Dixie Carter mentioned that more came out of it...


Yeah RVD and Sting where added to the WWE alumni section and Hogan's twitter got added to WWE's twitter list and other small stuff like that.

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Yeah RVD and Sting where added to the WWE alumni section and Hogan's twitter got added to WWE's twitter list and other small stuff like that.


So maybe it's bigger than just Sting... maybe it's... an invasion storyline! :eek::eek::eek:


Well, one can always dream. :p

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So maybe it's bigger than just Sting... maybe it's... an invasion storyline! :eek::eek::eek:


Well, one can always dream. :p


That could only work if it was the other way around as McMahon would just bury em despite it being one of the few clear chances left to get rating's traction. Anyhoo there will be a "small invasion" lol as it is rumored a current WWE talent will be doing some stuff for a TNA dvd also as part of the deal.

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I don't think I would even buy a TNA invasion at this point. Let's face it, TNA hasn't done itself any favors.


Seems since Prichard has taken over they are in repair mode, except for the GB stuff, but it will take probably more then a year of solid booking like now to repair all the previous damage. And if they wanted too WWE could make them seem like a threat. Hell for a while Nexus looked like a threat and apart from Wade they where/are all midcarders at best unless some really improve.

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So first they put Sting at their alumni section, then they put him #1 in this list...


I'm a huge Sting mark, so I'm not complaining, but is it just wishful thinking or might they have struck some sort of deal with TNA for one or more appearances by him down the line...?


They did talk when doing the "Flair at Hall of Fame" arrangement, and Dixie Carter mentioned that more came out of it...


I feel like Sting could still have one decent run in WWE. The guy's limited nowadays, but I feel he had some decent matches in TNA. Nothing that tore the roof down, but Sting's still a gifted storyteller in the ring and could have some meaningful matches.

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