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The Official TNA / Impact / GFW Discussion Thread

Adam Ryland

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My surprise was more with Joe losing.


Joe has gotten lazy if you ask me. I dont blame TNA for pushing him down the card. Sure he can have the standard good matches with Styles and or Daniels, but with everyone else he seems to just be going through the paces. Reminds me of RVD near the end of his WWE run (sans the part where he got motivated again with ECW for a bit). Why wouldnt you highlight Burke & Wolfe, guys who are trying to make their mark just as hard and have as much name value a Joe (to new fans at least) and seem a lot more impressive (to new fans).


I was never a big fan of Joe anyway. He always fell into the catagory of guy who works stiff for the sake of being stiff (sometimes) and claims 'big man' status while throwing around the super little guys of TNA. I met Joe, good guy, but I'm bigger then him. I'm 6'0" and 3/4 of an inch (most people who see me think I'm 6'2" or something because SO many people in real life say they are 6 feet when they are barley 5'10" or such). And was noticeably taller then him. Whats going to happen if Joe has to work with guys like Val Venis and such? He's going to look stupid.




Tomko looks a lot... puffier than last time I saw him.

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Joe's lost a ton of momentum in the past year and doesn't seem nearly important in the scheme of things within TNA. Shame too, I like Joe and think he could be a solid star as TNA moves forward.


He's totally lost in the shuffle. I'd like to see him go back and revitalize the X Division.


That promo by Eric on Jarrett was tremendous (and mostly true) and it looks like they are going out of their way to pain Jarrett as a heel after the mixed reaction last Monday.


Flair...eh. He sounds like he's phoning it in a little.

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He's totally lost in the shuffle. I'd like to see him go back and revitalize the X Division.


Red's opponent at Genesis is a "mystery". Joe would fit in nicely there. Who else could it be? Only logical choices are Joe, Hardy, Moore, or Homicide.


I'm waiting for a "Stay Puft Tomko!" chant. Would fit perfect.

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Red's opponent at Genesis is a "mystery". Joe would fit in nicely there. Who else could it be? Only logical choices are Joe, Hardy, Moore, or Homicide.


I'm waiting for a "Stay Puft Tomko!" chant. Would fit perfect.


Three letters for ya R...V...D and it wouldn't suprise me if the mystery acquistion is Mr. Anderson!!!!!

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He's totally lost in the shuffle. I'd like to see him go back and revitalize the X Division.


Joe going back to the X Division could be awesome actually. Have him basically run over the division for awhile after winning the X Title and give him a good lengthy run with the belt. Make him look almost unbeatable and than pick a guy to get the huge upset over Joe to push whomever into the territory of being a star and the X title in general importance.

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On pure name alone, as soon as I heard people talking about "The Young Bucks" I shuddered. Awful name. Completely generic, limited time potential (not gonna be young forever), just no value to it at all.


"Generation Me" isn't a WHOLE lot better, but it definitely is better. Their individual names being changed slightly, and still sounding like "Matt" and "Jeff" is troublesome - couldn't they go the Major Bros / Ryder & Hawkins route?

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Three letters for ya R...V...D and it wouldn't suprise me if the mystery acquistion is Mr. Anderson!!!!!


Mmmmm...RVD is kind of a waste in the X Division.


Plus if it's that way then your 'mystery opponent' totally overshadows your GIANT mystery aquisition...unless you want to say that Kennedy is somehow a bigger name than RVD.

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Joe going back to the X Division could be awesome actually. Have him basically run over the division for awhile after winning the X Title and give him a good lengthy run with the belt. Make him look almost unbeatable and than pick a guy to get the huge upset over Joe to push whomever into the territory of being a star and the X title in general importance.


Uh, didn't we just try going this route in August through October?

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Uh, didn't we just try going this route in August through October?


Could be, was probably poorly executed than because I honestly don't remember. I actually don't remember who Red beat for the title to be honest.


If Anderson is the surprise, I consider it a letdown.


I agree. The only name that I know of out there that I would consider to be a good surprise at this point is Rob Van Dam.

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Could be, was probably poorly executed than because I honestly don't remember. I actually don't remember who Red beat for the title to be honest.




Yeah, it wasn't done particularly well, in my opinion. While I like the basic idea, I didn't think it did much when they did in the summer, so I don't really have much hope it would be different now.

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Uh, didn't we just try going this route in August through October?


It's a re-boot so none of that happened. :p


Plus...you go title vs title down the line somewhere.


(it's a reach, but there's roughly 278 people on the roster, Hernandez and Morgan are now teaming regularly so it completely wasted their push; i have no clue what else to do with Joe.)

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Yeah, it wasn't done particularly well, in my opinion. While I like the basic idea, I didn't think it did much when they did in the summer, so I don't really have much hope it would be different now.


You're probably right about it not being a whole lot different. The X Division does need some help though. It really seems to of lost its focus, where it used to be one of the highlights of TNA Wrestling.

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Here's what I have to say about this show, and it's not from my mouth, but from Orange-kun's (my long time lady for those not privy):


"When we saw them live they were good, but on tv they looked like a high school show. They look all grown up now."


All grown up. Nice way of summing it up.


Love generation me, and will always love MCMG.


Liked angry Dudley's


Liked Desmond v. Joe.


Loved the Angle and AJ showdown. Subtle. Nice.


Disliked Flair on commentary.


I like the idea of the mystery opponent being Paul London and the BIG name being RVD or Mr. Anderson.

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I question more and more why I watch now.


Hall and Nash on the PPV. Awesome. I loved them in 1996. They were great. So instead of watching this PPV and cringing, I'll watch some of their work from back then. Thanks anway.


The Jarrett-Hogan-Bischoff segment was so messy. Just Jarrrett and Bischoff trying to out-shout each other, yet no real emotion. It felt sloppy as Jarrett seemed off the mark. It didn't start well, with Jarrett yelling at Hogan that no, its his turn talk... then giving Hogan a chance to talk... Downhill from there...


A McGuiness-Joe match should be awesome, especially when it has a pretty cool ending. Except, of course, when its a 4-minute match which absolutely wastes a cool finish. All about the wrestling, TNA... Right...


How many months was Tomko stalking and attacking AJ for? How many promos did they run for Tomko through the show. For a 5 minute main event here where AJ wins clean. What a waste. If the Hogan regime didn't want to do anything with the angle, find a way to drop it better than that. I just don't get it sometimes...

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A McGuiness-Joe match should be awesome, especially when it has a pretty cool ending. Except, of course, when its a 4-minute match which absolutely wastes a cool finish. All about the wrestling, TNA... Right...


If I may, I think it was supposed to be a shock finish, as Joe was kind of winning the match more often than not iirc.

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Fun match, even if I hate the pointless re-branding of The Young Bucks.


When they showed Hall & Waltman, I was afraid they would come down & beat all four of them down. I'm glad that didn't happen.


Only pointless if the Young Bucks didn't agree on TNA getting full rights for that name, otherwise decent new name.

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It's a re-boot so none of that happened. :p


Plus...you go title vs title down the line somewhere.


(it's a reach, but there's roughly 278 people on the roster, Hernandez and Morgan are now teaming regularly so it completely wasted their push; i have no clue what else to do with Joe.)


Especially seeing as Joe has the feast or fired briefcase for the world championship belt. If the briefcases are still in effect that is.


Can't wait to see the show but based of the comments its a mixed bag again with short matches. A well giving them time.



Oh and yeah Joe lost the X Belt to Red due to distraction from Lashley but he only held it shortly after winning it of Homicide who won it using his briefcase on Suicide.

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