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The Official TNA / Impact / GFW Discussion Thread

Adam Ryland

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What a ppv the AJ heel turn was great that was great I'm marking like crazy right now. The whole PPV was GREAT 9.5/10 imo good matches through the nig the weakest one to me was Anderson/Abyss. Was Hall suposed to smack the kid in the audince? but that match with Beer Money and Pac and Nash was better than I was expecting.
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Very strong ppv. The AJ/Angle match wasn't as good as the one on Impact, but still good. The heel turn was smart imo, and Flair working as his heel manager will be great I think.


Rest of the show was all good. Weakest parts were Anderson/Abyss which was just boring and the knockouts match. ODB just isn't special and I hope they keep her out of the title picture now. The rest of that roster is so much more talented imo.


Aside from Angle/AJ, the guys that stood out to me were Kendrick and Pope. Those two guys have a lot they do in the ring that I'm a fan of. I know Wolfe is the bigger guy right now, but I think Pope could easily be TNA's Booker T long term. I hope Kendrick sticks around long term as I really really liked what I saw out of him.

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Here are my thoughts:


Great stuff in-ring. The matches were solid up and down the card.


I HATE the way the end of the Hall/Pac vs Beer Money and Anderson vs Abyss matches were booked.


Hall looked like hell and him slapping around a fan who looked 12 to distract Nash was ridiculous. Unless this latest outburst get's Hall "fired" on Thursday I felt like that really hurt the match.


And having Anderson beat a semi-midcarder like Abyss with brass knuckles, after all that hype and calling him a future world champion, was a TERRIBLE idea.


But besides those two booking mistakes, I really enjoyed the show. AJ/Angle was awesome and I actually loved the swerve. AJ would need someone like Flair to get him over as a heel.

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Screw Scott Hall. He knew he was coming in and had been wrestling regularly on the indies. And now the day of the PPV, he gets worried cause he has a gut as if he's never noticed? Ridiculous. This is, what, the third time he's punked out on a match? And a PPV match at that?


Christopher Daniels losing to Sean Morely is an absolute joke. I love Sean Morely too, but he has no business cleanly going over a guy who was just main eventing in two MOTY candidates.


Other than that, great show. The wrestling was solid and I loved the ending. AJ officially turns heel and Ric Flair screws Kurt over. Great stuff.

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Ok... I'm a week behind (I think), and am starting to get through Impact when the wifey gives me leave to use the TV!!!


Have only seen the first match of that show, Generation Me versus MCMG. Wow! The "This is awesome" chants should have been echoing around the arena. Only thing counting against Generation Me is physically they are rather bland. They really time in a solarium and at the gym. I like MCMG and obviously now Generation Me, and I have a lot of time for Lethal-Creed, so I'm kind of hoping to see someone out of those teams starting to move up the card. I feel MCMG have been left to stagnate too long, even though they've excelled down the card its time to let them go up the card I feel.

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Someone posted that ODB popped a breast implant and that led to the quick 2-0 finish.


Now, I didn't watch the PPV and have no idea if that's true or not.


lol i don't think that is what happend. There was a point where she took something out of her top and looked at it for a moment and threw it out of the ring and shrugged her shoulders. It was near the end if i remember....but i don't think she "popped a implant"

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No, he means a solarium. Just because you don't understand what a word means, doesn't mean it's not the correct thing to say.


A "solarium" is bassically a sun room. Also, it has been used to explain a tanning bed or room as well. By the post, it's not easy to figure out what he means by solarium for sure, but it sounds like he meant they were well tanned, although he might mean something entirely different.

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lol i don't think that is what happend. There was a point where she took something out of her top and looked at it for a moment and threw it out of the ring and shrugged her shoulders. It was near the end if i remember....but i don't think she "popped a implant"


I just seen something on TV last night when I should have been asleep about implants these days. From what I seen (they were going over durability), it's darn near impossible to break them from just pressure. A bullet will penetrate them, but it looks like it's much easier to break a bone then an implant from all the testing they did on them on the show (to include hitting them with a baseball at record speed). So I'm pretty much going to agree with you and say that her busting one is highly unlikely.

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I did not see the PPV, so did I read that right they got rid of the six-sided ring.:( That sucks!


I read the write up and I must say I have to agree with Gouge, there is no way Daniels should have lost to Val Venis of all people. Yeah Sean is talented but Christopher has been one of the backbones of this company since it started.

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Did you just say that they think having Chris Daniels FINALLY beat Val Venis is gonna make non-TNA fans think he is good?


Wow. Is Russo still booking? I understand a feud, don't get me wrong, but if they are attempting to get Daniels "over" by beating Venis? No chance. Venis was a comedy character for most of his WWE tenure, and Daniels (other than his stints as Suicide and Curry Man) is a SERIOUS wrestler who has already proven himself to the TNA fanbase.


I'm shocked that the PPV is getting such rave reviews. I watched it, and thought I ordered the wrong show...


Sure, there were some decent matches, though most of them weren't up to the standards of TNA, but the PPV was packed to brim with Hogan, Bischoff, and pointless segments. Borash being "fired" on a PPV? Save that lame crap for Impact, or better yet, don't do it.


I'm getting tired of TNA main events. You reverse my finish, I'll reverse yours, then we'll both take a huge bump that would finish any match, we'll get up, hence destroying any psychology that the match had, along with the credibility of said move, and then we'll go into a spot where we reverse and counter each others finishers again, then we'll end the match five minutes after it should have already ended. 5-Stars! MotY candidate! OMGZ!

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A "solarium" is bassically a sun room. Also, it has been used to explain a tanning bed or room as well. By the post, it's not easy to figure out what he means by solarium for sure, but it sounds like he meant they were well tanned, although he might mean something entirely different.


Not quite, I meant they had little tan. Basically, I believe the sky is the limit for them if they could work on their look, they look kinda... ordinary, ordinary by context of pro wrestling standards. In terms of the ring work, I was popping "WOW"'s and "OH MY GOD" relentlessly through that match.


LOL@ crying over terminology. Down here we call them solarium Craig, don't get too upset by the wording.

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I think the idea is for them to have longer feud than 3 days. you gotta think Most WWE fans know Sean more than Daniels so when Daniels finaly beats him down the Road the WWE fans that TNA is trying to get are going to think Daniel is really good.


Who is to say that the WWF fans will stick around that long?


And I know that this is not going to be very popular opinion but I for one am not happy that they took the titles off of UK Invasion. What is the point of giving the titles to Morgan and Hernandez? I thought the whole point of Morgan and Hernandez was to push them as the future main event wrestlers. I mean if you are going to give Hernandez another tag team title then you should have not broken up LAX. And yes I was an LAX mark so my opinion on this subject could be clouded.

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Everyone watching this thing with me commented on just how huge Morgan looks. Extended squash. Morgan/Hernandez win the belts.


If Morgan isn't a major singles star by the end of the year, this writing team is dropping the ball. He has EVERYTHING you could ask for...promos' are decent, an amazing look, he can definitely work a match, and he moves exceptionally well for a man his size.


The E missed on Burke. They missed HUGE on Morgan.


EDIT: That Lashley segment was moronic. Just get rid of that guy.


Yep, I agree, Matt Morgan has an enormous future if booked semi-right.


Also, I can't believe what I'm hearing about 'paper-scissors-rock'. What is wrong with Scott Hall? Seriously, this to me is his LAST chance. His peak was 10 years ago and on nostalgia value he gets one LAST chance. And he doesn't want to take it?


I also cannot believe that they've done away with the six sides. That was a big point of difference, and I think really benefited the X Style with more access to top ropes.

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