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The Official TNA / Impact / GFW Discussion Thread

Adam Ryland

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If we are talking just paying bills, I can name off at least fifteen indies in my region that pay the talent, and all other bills. Are they above ECW then?




They're above ECW financially speaking, yes. But not size-wise. Slagaholic wasn't talking size-wise, he was talking financially. As i said in the last post. This is nothing to do with size, popularity, whatever. This specific point is about money.

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Ehm size wise they are also a lot bigger then ECW mainly due to their international exposure. In the US not so much but still bigger ratings wise. And you did contradict yourself money wise pointing out the indies that are profitable and at the same time saying that its easier to run a profit when you are small. Both are true bit given the fact that TNA is much much much larger then any indie and turning a profit that means they are doing a lot better.


And if you are so negative about TNA with that "historical" summary you have been reading too many smark boards.

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I don't know why the comparisons to ECW - TNA is both bigger, more profitable, and more financially sound than ECW ever was or could ever hope to be. Yes, ECW was wildly popular and set a lot of trends, but that was thanks in large part to 2 things; the times and Paul Heyman. But the fact still remains that ECW died a long time ago, largely thanks to Paul Heyman. So the thing that made ECW was the thing that killed ECW essentially.


TNA have been going 7 years, they're already bigger than ECW ever was, much more financially sound, in a different time to the Attitude Era/ECW thing as well, sounds like sour grapes to me. Let ECW go and take comfort in the similarities that TNA do have to ECW, at least TNA will be in business years from now. And they'll have RVD soon, who knows maybe they'll hire Paul Heyman to take Vince Russo's position or maybe that's wishful thinking on my part since Bisch is there but stranger things have happened. Just remember anything can and sometimes does happen in life and pro wrestling lol.

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TNA is definitely bigger than ECW. ECW barely had a national television show. The majority of their viewership came from tape trading, they didn't do much touring (any?) and it wasn't really until WOW Magazine started pimping them that they gained any national exposure with common fans after the invasion of WWF.
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Disagree. It might be a big difference when it comes to the business world. However, in wrestling, companies aren't remembered for their amazing business skills. Companies are remembered for great storylines, innovations, and impact on the entire industry.

And if they don't last, they're remembered for failing.


Care to compare TNA with ECW?


ECW popularized hardcore in America, introduced lucha/cruiser/X-division style wrestling to America, introduced crash TV to the world of wrestling, and completely changed the way the indy scene is viewed.


Half the stuff you say ECW innovated wouldn't have been widely noticed if not for WWF and WCW adapting their technique and then after they bought em WWE going "oh yeah ECW was a huge influence on us!"


TNA has done....nothing. They have innovated one match type (Ultimate X), and that is it.

You sound completely unbiased.


"TNA was a glorified indy promotion that signed a bunch of washed up and/or drug addicted wrestlers, along with some talented cruiserweights, and got a TV slot on Spike TV before signing Hulk Hogan, who promptly ran the company into the ground."


The End...

The story of ECW must include it legitimately run into the ground by Paul Heyman as opposed to your psychic outlook's assertion.


And do me a favor, please explain how TNA could fail due entirely to poor booking.


And Vince McMahon lived happily ever after, being the victor of 3 wrestling wars in his lifetime.

Vince has been in far far more than 3 "wrestling wars"

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I'm so confused. Are Nash and Young faces now? is Samoa Joe? Who the hell am I supposed to cheer for?


Good questions all. And I'm sure I don't have the answers. But I tell you what. I don't believe a word that comes out of Nash's mouth or a punch thrown by his fist these days. I still believe he, Hogan, and The Band are playing everyone for chumps. Like that bill of goods Hogan sold Abyss about the ring. Everyone's selling their part well. But that's all it is in my mind. Salesmanship.


As for Joe if I'm him I'm jumping on Google and finding out what the going rate is for a consistent portrayal. He's been all over the place since they quit having him carry that funky looking tribal knife. And if they aren't going to expand it any or have Joe acting all crazy, could we please knock it off with the Nation of Violence? That shtick is a shell of its former self and it wasn't all that strong to begin with.

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Let me start this off by saying.... I am not a TNA-homer. I have barely watched their shows over the last couple years due to problems with them creatively; as well as the fact that I work most Thursday Night's right now. That being said, I was able to catch tonight's show and.....


I loved it.


I never thought I'd say this, but I really enjoyed watching the show from top to bottom.


The action is great. The storylines are stimulating. Overall, I'm really buying into what they did tonight. Now, I know there are a lot of people out there who bash them (I was one of them for a long time), but, TNA has a new consistent viewer in me (Especially when they move to Monday's).


So, yea, great work TNA.

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A good impact this week. Pope calling rick......well i know it will be edited so....pope is so great on the mic it is insane. I was never a fan of burke in ecw........he just never seamed to have IT........that one thing that would put him over. what a diffrence a gimmick can make. I am not sure if it is the gimmick or not but i am becoming a huge pope fan. He is getting a good but not insane push *he has lost a few matches* so it is not going to be a "goldberg" push. He is earning he sports i think.


I guess suicide is done.........unless they want to put chris under it again.....


and hogan giving abyss his hof ring??????????? Seams like a little bit of a slap in the face to what it was. I don't think we will ever EVER EVER see hogan in wwe again. He just took alot of credibility away from the hof........not that it had much to begin with.

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I'm so confused. Are Nash and Young faces now? is Samoa Joe? Who the hell am I supposed to cheer for?


I would like to know that answer as well. I tend to agree with what Cappyboy said, I think that Nash is a heel and he and Hogan are playing us the fans for fools.


is it me, or is TNAs ring smaller than wwe's? watching impact tonight it just seemed tiny.


Not sure about the ring they use on televison, but I know for a fact the ring they use for house shows is really small. If I had to guess I would say the TV ring is smaller due to the fact that they hold the show in a TV studio and space would probably be limited.


Therefore, the ring is probably smaller to fit more fans into the building. I no way know this to be a fact, I am just guessing.


Whoa.... I just realized.... (I haven't watched TNA for awhile now; since Hogan's debut).... BUT.... When did they drop the six sided ring?


They dropped it shortly after Hogan joined the company. I read that Hogan, along with a lot of the other workers did not like the six sided ring. So they decided to go back to a traditional ring.


Abyss: My precious...



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Overall good show, quick break down like I've been doing to share my thoughts but keep it readable :p


- Pope/ AJ: Flair and Pope mic battles are/will be good but I think they make AJ look like the third wheel. Also dont think Pope's ready to be feuding with AJ but on the other hand I like they are pushing home growns (Elijah never really counted)


-Jordan/Joe: Not much needs to be said, they are clearly doing something with Joe but did he really need to lose cleanly to Jordan? I think losing to someone like Pope or Daniels or even a returning Kazarian would have been better


-MCMG/ Generation Me, etc: Good match, really glad Kazarian is back as he is a favorite.


- Abyss/Jarrett: I actually thought this was one of the best TNA matches I've seen in awhile and made up for the Foley/Nash hardcore match. JJ is still fighting the man so we will see where that goes.


OMG, Rhyno, Homicide, Raven? Didnt even know they were still with the company, Raven hasnt been in TNA for 2 years. Looks like they are Bischoffs little goons so we'll see.


-Abyss: Wel...I'm glad it seems he will go back to being the monster, just at the cost of him being so dumb he believes its due to a ring, I liked where they were going with it until then.


-Invasion/beer money: Good for what it was, was never a fan of beer money or the british invasion workers but it looks like we are heading toward a good Global title feud so thumbs up.


- Daniels/Angle: Man did Angle win quick. His speech was a little long but it go the crowd over so thumbs up, however I didnt like the brawl. I thought for sure Anderson was going to swing the mic at Kurt when he got close enough (to cheat) instead he basically beat Kurt in a straight up fist fight but cant be too picky I guess.


Nash, etc.: Dont mean this in a bad way for E.Y. but man did he look small next to Nash! And I dont really care about a storyline where one out of four people has had a match in two months so w/e, Hall and Waltman have closed out about half the impacts now it seems since January


womens division: as i said before im not a big womens division fan but liked Daffney being psycho at the end (better than the same old) however no beautiful after gettin so much time last month? unless i missed them (which is very possible)


Overall Rating: 7.5/10, it was good, cant be too picky and there were only a few "errors"

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OMG, Rhyno, Homicide, Raven? Didnt even know they were still with the company, Raven hasnt been in TNA for 2 years. Looks like they are Bischoffs little goons so we'll see.


Raven has been back for something like six months. He was in the whole Dr. Stevie storyline when Dr. Stevie was fighting Abyss.


I forgot all about the Angle vs. Daniels match. That is such a shame that Daniels was Main Eventing a few months ago and now he is a jobber.

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Raven has been back for something like six months. He was in the whole Dr. Stevie storyline when Dr. Stevie was fighting Abyss.


I forgot all about the Angle vs. Daniels match. That is such a shame that Daniels was Main Eventing a few months ago and now he is a jobber.


I see him going full on Fallen Angel again just to give him something to do.

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Sounds like EY is turning face again (although he was a good heel)

Finally the Suicide rubbish maybe coming to an end


That was what I wanted to ask people's opinion on, with Kaz coming back as himself does that mean the end of Suicide? What does everybody think on that subject?

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That was what I wanted to ask people's opinion on, with Kaz coming back as himself does that mean the end of Suicide? What does everybody think on that subject?


He could work as both as himself and Suicide simultaneously, he wouldn't be the first wrestler to do double duty like that (perhaps the first to do so at that level though, I'd have to check on that). If they decide to go that direct though, the question becomes does Kaz he have the range in his repertoire to pull it off without the marks in the crowd catching on.

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