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The Official TNA / Impact / GFW Discussion Thread

Adam Ryland

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Yep and also Metlzer/WON is full of it. Multiple other sources including Bischoff and Foley have claimed the opposite. They where hoping for a little more then a 1.0 but where happy enough they got it and that the key demos are up


To be fair though, company reps are never going to say they are 'devastated' by the ratings their show got the first night of it's permanent move to oppose the opposition....


There's no way they were happy with that rating.

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Yeah I get that but when Bisch uses expletives to make that point, plus the fact he has been pretty straight so far on his facebook and Meltzer's general bias against TNA I ain't buying it. Plus other equally reliable sources reported the morale to still be good although they where slightly disappointed at the rating. A well not that it matters. If it ain't on PWI I don't buy it even if it is true lol and even PWI isn't infallible.
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Yeah I get that but when Bisch uses expletives to make that point, plus the fact he has been pretty straight so far on his facebook and Meltzer's general bias against TNA I ain't buying it. Plus other equally reliable sources reported the morale to still be good although they where slightly disappointed at the rating. A well not that it matters. If it ain't on PWI I don't buy it even if it is true lol and even PWI isn't infallible.


To be fair though, company reps are never going to say they are 'devastated' by the ratings their show got the first night of it's permanent move to oppose the opposition....


There's no way they were happy with that rating.


Sorry...what brash said still applies. There's absolutely no way anyone involved with the company wasn't disappointed by the rating.


That doesn't mean you throw in the towel or anything, but it had to hurt. And to be honest...TNA hasn't put on a show that deserves to be getting ratings.


All the things they did that turned off fans before: the hotshot booking, ignroring the younger guys for retreads, not having enough actual wrestling, the segments where 17 things are happening at once...


It's not getting better. The stories are the same, the faces are just more familiar.

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I was dissapointed with the rating until I saw thursday did the same rating. It doesnt help the Monday rating of course but it shows the fan base is still there and hopefully those thursday people are mostly people that didnt watch on monday (i said hopefully) and they will begin to watch on mondays.
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Just started a no more Nasty Boys on TNA tv group as it didn't exist yet. For those interested to join here is the link:




No offence is meant I just find them detrimental to the TNA product and dislike seeing them on my tv screen. Not in a heel way or personal way.


Would appreciate any advertising for this group. Do not know if it will help but you never know.


If anyone could make a picture for it would be great.

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b/c his promo was going nowhere, or b/c the fans were booing him and he punched himself in the head to show it was real (yes seriously that is apparentley what Flair needs to do cut a promo)...the segment was actually good except for Flair, AJ and Hardy's heat was going well and the black out to show the face paint was a real nice touch. More on the show later.
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meh, it's ok so far.


Right now I'm seeing the same mistake as last week. What is looking to be the worst segment is on right before the main event (and I like MMG, but they just aren't over right now, and while generation me has potential, they don't look like a serious threat to anyone except maybe spike and shannon moore)


let's see, for fans not familiar with TNA, the choice is Batista and Kofi with possible action from Stone Cold or 2 guys you've probably never heard of being up two other guys you've probably never heard of and who look like they are still in puberty. hmm....


... flipping back I see they added a high spot, but I'm a TNA fan and even I switched so I missed it so most people probably didn't see it.


EB stopping Hogan was interesting, curious to see where events take their business relationship. Also noted Hogan's theme is increasingly being made to sound more like the original nWo theme. The segment as a whole didn't seem very good.


Nash and Hall was blah, but it's two names so it might keep some newcomers attention.


Haven't seen anything on Joe..... again.


Hard to call with the 1.0 on the repeat, but I'm going to predict a 0.8 with a 0.5-0.6 during the MMG segment and most of the viewers in the 1st hour (and the main event if it runs past the end of raw). The only plus us that I didn't think Raw was that great either (btw Steve looks younger and healthier to me than when he left)


and what is up with hardy's face paint? I'm used to the goofy glow in the dark streaks on his face, but this seems a bit much. Is this something from his last run in the 'E

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Found it


Source: http://www.wrestlingnewsworld.com/tna-news/tna-epics-moved-again.php



Episode 3 of TNA Epics, featuring the X Division, has been moved again, according to TNA's website. The program will now air Tuesday, March 16th, at 11 PM on Spike TV.


Go to http://prowrestlingevents.tk or http://prowrestlingevents.webs.com for info about upcoming wrestling shows worldwide.

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why on earth is it tuesday ?(and did they plug it all during the show? I didn't hear anything)


if not monday it should be at impacts time on thurs or nobody will even know it's on.



and while I'm not fully behind it, I don't mind abyss's push. At least he's big and scary looking and may have just killed slick ric. The push I don't get is EY (who I like). He went over night from being scared of his own pyro to leader of the WE (btw what happened to WE? and somehow I missed how big Rob got EY's title a few weeks ago).

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lol some of you act like u really know wrestling its really funny to read things that people who have only watched wrestling and play tew say tna needs to do im sure eb knows what hes doing and trust me TNA is 10000000X more entertaining than wwe but really all of you smarks get a life i mean try getting friends or get out a little bit theres more to life than what you watch on wrestling and im glad eb dont listen to any of you nerds about "what he needs to do"
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lol some of you act like u really know wrestling its really funny to read things that people who have only watched wrestling and play tew say tna needs to do im sure eb knows what hes doing and trust me TNA is 10000000X more entertaining than wwe but really all of you smarks get a life i mean try getting friends or get out a little bit theres more to life than what you watch on wrestling and im glad eb dont listen to any of you nerds about "what he needs to do"



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lol some of you act like u really know wrestling its really funny to read things that people who have only watched wrestling and play tew say tna needs to do im sure eb knows what hes doing and trust me TNA is 10000000X more entertaining than wwe but really all of you smarks get a life i mean try getting friends or get out a little bit theres more to life than what you watch on wrestling and im glad eb dont listen to any of you nerds about "what he needs to do"


That has to be the longest run-on sentence I've ever seen... :p

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