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The Official TNA / Impact / GFW Discussion Thread

Adam Ryland

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What pertaining RVD and Sting really needs resolution? RVD exacted revenge, Sting turned heel.


See...I don't get this at all. Sting has never ever worked as a heel, he's been put over as the defender of TNA for his entire run there, and really the only reason he's a "heel" is because hes' going after Hogan...a character that quite a few people in the audience are rooting against.


Sting returning to feud with Flair and AJ because he felt betrayed that AJ turned heel after Sting "passed the torch" would've made far more sense.


Beer Money's turn into Bischoff's goons hasn't been that bad, at least they're on TV. Morgan/Hernandez split HAD to happen eventually.


Again..why? Or more to the point...why throw them together in the beginning?


It's a feud to move two guys up the card when the only reason they were in the team was because no one had any idea what to do with them in the first place.


Rob Terry is looking like a long term investment, he's gotten about 5 mins every 2 weeks on TV, is that really something to complain about?



Yes. Because he's awful. This is a case where the booking makes sense, but pushing a no-talent roided up freak with limited charisma seems like a move that would be better in the 80s. Especially becaus I have no desire to see him move up the card by going over someone like Desmond Wolfe.

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So now RVD HAS to be in a program with Sting otherwise his entire run in TNA is going to be a waste when it just started? C'MON!


It's Booking 101.


The two exchange attacks, which leads to promos and confrontations in order to lead up to a big blow off match.


The confrontations and attacks take place on TV. These create interest.


The fact that a feud is happening between two HUGE names that have never worked against each other (a rarity these days) generates viewers and possibly helps ratings.


Weeks of build-up make people want to PAY MONEY to watch the final match on PPV.


It's a waste of opportunity.It's illogical and stupid booking. And, as someone else noted, the fact that it's "unpredictable" does not in fact make it good.

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See...I don't get this at all. Sting has never ever worked as a heel, he's been put over as the defender of TNA for his entire run there, and really the only reason he's a "heel" is because hes' going after Hogan...a character that quite a few people in the audience are rooting against.

He wasn't a heel in the Main Event Mafia?


Sting returning to feud with Flair and AJ because he felt betrayed that AJ turned heel after Sting "passed the torch" would've made far more sense.

I agree.


Again..why? Or more to the point...why throw them together in the beginning?

Is this about Beer Money or Morgan/Hernandez?


It's a feud to move two guys up the card when the only reason they were in the team was because no one had any idea what to do with them in the first place.

That's true.



Yes. Because he's awful. This is a case where the booking makes sense, but pushing a no-talent roided up freak with limited charisma seems like a move that would be better in the 80s. Especially becaus I have no desire to see him move up the card by going over someone like Desmond Wolfe.

Well...I think he's hot so I can't hate his push. When did Rob Terry go over Desmond Wolfe?

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It's Booking 101.


The two exchange attacks, which leads to promos and confrontations in order to lead up to a big blow off match.


The confrontations and attacks take place on TV. These create interest.


The fact that a feud is happening between two HUGE names that have never worked against each other (a rarity these days) generates viewers and possibly helps ratings.


Weeks of build-up make people want to PAY MONEY to watch the final match on PPV.


It's a waste of opportunity.It's illogical and stupid booking. And, as someone else noted, the fact that it's "unpredictable" does not in fact make it good.


Except the feud was NEVER exclusively RVD vs Sting. And for all we know they're still planning on doing an RVD vs Sting program. There was one week of no RVD v Sting confrontation and it's just become assumed that the whole idea was dropped.

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He wasn't a heel in the Main Event Mafia?


Worked as in "he's never been effective"


No..I don't think he was effective in the MEM.



Well...I think he's hot so I can't hate his push. When did Rob Terry go over Desmond Wolfe?


I meant Wolfe as an example. If you push Terry that piece of crap is going to have to go over some fairly talented midcard heels.


And I don't care about his looks. He sucks.

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Except the feud was NEVER exclusively RVD vs Sting. And for all we know they're still planning on doing an RVD vs Sting program. There was one week of no RVD v Sting confrontation and it's just become assumed that the whole idea was dropped.


It's being assumed because we're used to TNA's shoddy booking.

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Saying RVD's debut was a waste is a bit much. RVD did to Sting what Sting did to RVD. I doubt Sting is going to be on TV every week, and RVD is so over that the beatdown didn't hurt him at all. And they did do something with it, you just weren't satisfied with it I suppose. Sting beat RVD's ass for 10-minutes, RVD beat Sting's ass for 10-minutes.


From the start the storyline was Sting vs TNA, not Sting vs RVD.


I just don't think that every single attack has to create a long-term feud. Sting didn't show up and attack RVD, he showed up and attacked Hogan/Abyss. He had a match with RVD because he pissed off Dixie Carter, lost quickly, and beat the crap out of him to get back at TNA/Hogan. The next week RVD beat the crap out of Sting as retribution.


So now RVD HAS to be in a program with Sting otherwise his entire run in TNA is going to be a waste when it just started? C'MON!


It was a waste, in my opinion. The way it was done was a waste. It would have been a well-worked debut if they were going to feud. If they aren't going to feud, then what's the point? Not every beatdown needs retribution. But a 10-minute beatdown with a bat certainly does. And where did Sting get beatdown by RVD for 10 minutes? I missed that part


Where did I say that RVD's run in TNA would be a waste? I think his debut was wasted. They brought him out in a way that gave him momentum, and then basically killed that momentum with the post-match beatdown. If Sting gets in a couple of shots and then leaves off, or maybe gets fought off by RVD. But no, he just destroys RVD until Hogan shows up. As a viewer, I saw the entire segment as reasserting that Hogan and his feud are more important than RVD.

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It was a waste, in my opinion. The way it was done was a waste. It would have been a well-worked debut if they were going to feud. If they aren't going to feud, then what's the point? Not every beatdown needs retribution. But a 10-minute beatdown with a bat certainly does. And where did Sting get beatdown by RVD for 10 minutes? I missed that part


Where did I say that RVD's run in TNA would be a waste? I think his debut was wasted. They brought him out in a way that gave him momentum, and then basically killed that momentum with the post-match beatdown. If Sting gets in a couple of shots and then leaves off, or maybe gets fought off by RVD. But no, he just destroys RVD until Hogan shows up. As a viewer, I saw the entire segment as reasserting that Hogan and his feud are more important than RVD.



Don't doubt it. We're talking about the guy that still thinks nowadays that he is still the most over worker in the whole world. So, yeah...pretty much he thinks he is more important then anyone, although he is like...1024 years old. :D

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It's being assumed because we're used to TNA's shoddy booking.




It was a waste, in my opinion. The way it was done was a waste. It would have been a well-worked debut if they were going to feud. If they aren't going to feud, then what's the point? Not every beatdown needs retribution. But a 10-minute beatdown with a bat certainly does. And where did Sting get beatdown by RVD for 10 minutes? I missed that part


The following week. It wasn't 10 minutes, but Hogan also didn't miss his cue either which extended the original beatdown.


Where did I say that RVD's run in TNA would be a waste? I think his debut was wasted. They brought him out in a way that gave him momentum, and then basically killed that momentum with the post-match beatdown. If Sting gets in a couple of shots and then leaves off, or maybe gets fought off by RVD. But no, he just destroys RVD until Hogan shows up. As a viewer, I saw the entire segment as reasserting that Hogan and his feud are more important than RVD.


At the time it looked like they killed RVD's momentum. But last night he got the biggest pop of the night anyway. His momentum transcends crap booking...at least for now.

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The big problem issue is that they aren't in a 1 vs 1 feud. BARELY ANYONE IS The only people in a 1 vs 1 are Angle and Anderson. This why things seem like a cluster bunch, because... it is. All the faces hate all the heels consistently leading to big all out brawls which is the new regimes bread and butter.


Sting vs. RVD (since were on that) had (has) major potential. RVD has HUGE momentum, Sting is Sting, having those two go back and forth leading to a big PPV match would be aweseom and it if (hopefully the would and do) RVD wins, it gives a solid established babyface to go after the title which right now the only major face they have is Angle. It seems nearly everyone is feuding with Hogan or Bischoff in one way or another, instead of Sting vs. Hogan/Abyss/RVD/Hardy/Pope why not just give us a solid Sting vs. RVD feud that would even work in WWE? Because right now both Sting and RVD are floating and thats why people are dissapointed. When RVD got beaten down people criticized it, but the people that defended it said dont worry we will probably get an awesome Sting vs. RVD feud, and we haven't gotten that yet. Sting and RVD are bigger than Team Hogan or Team Flair

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I'm sorry. But that's a naive response. Because TNA has been doing this for too long to get the benefit of the doubt.


It was actually a good episode of Impact last night, but coming off that PPV, it's hard to believe this company will ever figure out that less is more.

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I'm sorry. But that's a naive response. Because TNA has been doing this for too long to get the benefit of the doubt.

Do I have to jam my tongue all the way through my cheek next time?


It was actually a good episode of Impact last night, but coming off that PPV, it's hard to believe this company will ever figure out that less is more.

Well I hope so.

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The big problem issue is that they aren't in a 1 vs 1 feud. BARELY ANYONE IS The only people in a 1 vs 1 are Angle and Anderson. This why things seem like a cluster bunch, because... it is. All the faces hate all the heels consistently leading to big all out brawls which is the new regimes bread and butter.


Sting vs. RVD (since were on that) had (has) major potential. RVD has HUGE momentum, Sting is Sting, having those two go back and forth leading to a big PPV match would be aweseom and it if (hopefully the would and do) RVD wins, it gives a solid established babyface to go after the title which right now the only major face they have is Angle. It seems nearly everyone is feuding with Hogan or Bischoff in one way or another, instead of Sting vs. Hogan/Abyss/RVD/Hardy/Pope why not just give us a solid Sting vs. RVD feud that would even work in WWE? Because right now both Sting and RVD are floating and thats why people are dissapointed. When RVD got beaten down people criticized it, but the people that defended it said dont worry we will probably get an awesome Sting vs. RVD feud, and we haven't gotten that yet. Sting and RVD are bigger than Team Hogan or Team Flair


Again it's just being assumed that the whole thing's been forgotten and that TNA wasted the opportunity. I know TNA has a history of bad booking, but bashing them for a booking decision before it's even been made/not made is ridiculous.

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Okay, for fun, let's try to recap all the feuds we're looking at right now...


1) EB vs JJ/Foley

2) Matt Morgan vs Hernandez (?)

3) Angle vs Anderson

4) Wolfpac (?)

5) Pope vs Styles (Sorta...)

6) Sting vs Everyone (?)



That's all I can remember. I'm sure I missed a bunch.

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Again it's just being assumed that the whole thing's been forgotten and that TNA wasted the opportunity. I know TNA has a history of bad booking, but bashing them for a booking decision before it's even been made/not made is ridiculous.


We don't hate TNA, so we are not biased, we just don't like their product now, or at least the majority of it. On the other hand...you clearly mark for them...whatever they do...and that makes you biased. Analyse what's been going on, think about it and then you'll see that we're saying sinteresting and valid points.

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Well I hope so.


I do to. Sincerely. That's the frustration with TNA. I've said it before: there's more actual in-ring talent on that roster.


If they booked a straigh forward wrestling show they could put on a card that would be incredibly entertaining.


Again it's just being assumed that the whole thing's been forgotten and that TNA wasted the opportunity. I know TNA has a history of bad booking, but bashing them for a booking decision before it's even been made/not made is ridiculous.


Happens all the time in all forms of media. You put oput a bunch of crappy CDs, people stop buying and you lose your record deal. Your movies all die at the box office, pretty soon you're only getting offers for direct to video releases.


Consumer confidence is a commodity. Nobody owes that to TNA. They've had seven plus years to earn it. That's their failure not ours.

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1) EB vs JJ/Foley

2) Matt Morgan vs Hernandez (?)

3) Angle vs Anderson

4) Wolfpac (?)

5) Pope vs Styles (Sorta...)

6) Sting vs Everyone (?)


8) Love vs Beautiful People

9) tara vs. Daffney (and BP?)

10) Terry vs. Magnus (formerly known as Brutus)

11) X-Division vs. X-Division

12) Beer Money vs. JJ and anyone Bischoff doesnt like

13) Hogan vs. Everyone

14) Hardy and RVD vs. People that dont want to have fun?


While the teams at Lockdown will hopefully provide excitment, (Sting & Wolfe seem to be a given vs. Abyss/RVD/Hardy I'm also strongly assuming its them) it just seems to go along the same stuff of putting everyone together just for the heck of it.

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And MCMG are heels? I ask that seriously. I never picked up on that, once.


They seem to be positioned as heels. In a recent 6-man, they were paired with Brian Kendrick, while the Young Bucks were with Kazarian/Red (I forget which). In their promo at Destination X Shelley said something to the effect of "I know people are saying we have an attitude lately" which sort of implied they're heel-esque. However, as I said, they either don't want to work heel, or they don't know how. They just do their regular moves regardless. Creative don't book them strong enough for it to matter, and the spot-acular X-Division doesn't lend itself to a typical babyface-heel divide anyway. I could be wrong on this, but I've sensed on several occasions that they're supposed to be heel.


If they treated them as real babyfaces they could be money. If Beer Money or British Invasion or some other heel team screwed them out of the titles, maybe knocked them around a bit (although MCMG would need to learn to sell a bit :) ) folks would want to see them get their revenge with their double-team moves.

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I do to. Sincerely. That's the frustration with TNA. I've said it before: there's more actual in-ring talent on that roster.


If they booked a straigh forward wrestling show they could put on a card that would be incredibly entertaining.


I agree with you, but I enjoy the awful mishmash as well.


Happens all the time in all forms of media. You put oput a bunch of crappy CDs, people stop buying and you lose your record deal. Your movies all die at the box office, pretty soon you're only getting offers for direct to video releases.


Consumer confidence is a commodity. Nobody owes that to TNA. They've had seven plus years to earn it. That's their failure not ours.


The average consumer is irrational, doesn't mean I have to be. I was speaking from my personal point of view.

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I would say it's totally rational to make a decision based on a company's track record.


Blind loyalty is by far the more irrational approach to anything imo


I'm not showing blind loyalty. Blind loyalty would be saying TNA is good when I know it isn't. I don't care if TNA is good or not as long as it entertains me. TNA entertains me, therefore I'll defend it.

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