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The Official TNA / Impact / GFW Discussion Thread

Adam Ryland

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You know what I just realized? If neither Pope or Wofe were part of TNA, I honestly don't think I would watch anymore, kinda like how I stopped watching last year, there just wasn't anyone I cared about. These two guys are fresh, great in ring and out, have GREAT personalities/gimmicks, are they WWE Main event levels? Heck no, but for TNA they are damn good upper midcarders. Love it, love it, love it, this is what people mean when they say mix in the new guys with the old and like I said a long time ago, each Nasty promo/match, each time Bischoff/Hogan or Foley/JJ is on TV is time these guys could be having, yes we need the older guys, but taking off just 5 minutes from them is a whole new match.


BTW, Lethal also= awesome, eventhough is outfit was a bit odd for his first time on tv in awhile.


edit: however i did not like Wolfe beating the #1 contender but that is nitpicking.

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You know what I just realized? If neither Pope or Wofe were part of TNA, I honestly don't think I would watch anymore, kinda like how I stopped watching last year, there just wasn't anyone I cared about. These two guys are fresh, great in ring and out, have GREAT personalities/gimmicks, are they WWE Main event levels? Heck no, but for TNA they are damn good upper midcarders. Love it, love it, love it, this is what people mean when they say mix in the new guys with the old and like I said a long time ago, each Nasty promo/match, each time Bischoff/Hogan or Foley/JJ is on TV is time these guys could be having, yes we need the older guys, but taking off just 5 minutes from them is a whole new match.


BTW, Lethal also= awesome, eventhough is outfit was a bit odd for his first time on tv in awhile.


edit: however i did not like Wolfe beating the #1 contender but that is nitpicking.


Little disappointed by this match tonight but I agree with you on Wolfe and Dinero


Matter off act...Vince & Co have to be kicking themselves for not letting Dinero do this with the E. His character could've been PG pretty easy and if you put him in Killings place on SD you would've had ten times the return...he's younger, a better wrestler, a bettter promo, and he can work as a heel where the 'hip-hoppy' thing doesn't transition well to the bad guy thing.


The screwed that up big time. Put Dinero on the WWE roster and he's the most talented 'young guy' in the company.

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The match wasn't the best they've had but I think you got I didn't mean that, just in general they are awesome, waaay better than jack swagger or other WWE young guns, Pope is basically what WWE wants R-Truth to be.


edit (im on an edit kick tonight) Pope's promo tonight was Rock/Jericho caliber which sure as hell impressed me (and im a very pessimistic picky person :p )

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Crap keep forgetting, did any1 read anything this past week about Styles hand? ive stayed away from spoilers but he obvioulsy cut it on the guitar some how


edit once again! I keep forgetting all these weeks, who else is impressed with Nash's physique? I've thought that for aawhile but he is in damn good shape for his age and size.

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The match wasn't the best they've had but I think you got I didn't mean that, just in general they are awesome, waaay better than jack swagger or other WWE young guns, Pope is basically what WWE wants R-Truth to be.


edit (im on an edit kick tonight) Pope's promo tonight was Rock/Jericho caliber which sure as hell impressed me (and im a very pessimistic picky person :p )


Yup. like I said, you stick him back in the E and let him work THIS gimmick (which seems like a natural extension of his personality) and the only person who sniffs his potential is Morrison.

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The show is getting better. Heels going over all show long, but in the main event the faces get a measure of justice.


Am I the only enjoying the feeling of nostalgia of the wrestlers pushing "April 18th in St. Louis". Reminds me of the territory days.

Despite the fact that the Family Arena isn't in St. Louis, despite what TNA says. ;)

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another good show. it was a rough start but I think they finally found their happy medium.


I'm liking the talent being spread around every week so we don't see the same people over and over. In the long run, it's going to increase everyone's on-screen shelf life.




The opening segment was horrid. I really, really, dislike hearing Jeff Hardy trying to talk in a forceful manor. wow. So bad; even still after years.


Outside of that, It got much better! Here are some other thoughts:


* Orlando Jordan's new gimmick just made me laugh the entire time. I'm very liberal, So it's not the idea of the gimmick that made me laugh, but rather the way in which it was presented. It looked soo god awfully funny. That being said, I hope they keep on going over the top with his character. I dunno... Just seems to fit. ha.


* Shannon Moore can work pretty well, and I like his new gimmick, but get rid of the necklace. It's not a "be all/end all" thing but rather just my prerogative. That said, I never thought I would care for the guy but he's really intriguing to watch.


* I like Nash, Waltman, and Hall but even I'm somewhat bored with them already. ha.


* I still love Eric Bischoff. One of the best Heel authority figures of all-time. I know some may think his act is getting alittle to stale but I love the guy. I'd rather see him on a weekly basis versus Hogan. Then again, I would take Heyman over both Hogan and Bischoff if given the chance. Just call it ECW-loyalty.


* I really loved all that Jay Lethal did tonight. Hilarious! Good to see him pick up a flash-pinfall in the match too as it keeps us, the viewer, on our feet. Not the same outcome as the prior weeks with Beer Money.


* I don't know why... But I'm not feeling "The Pope". I'm sure he'll grown on me but I'd rather see TNA focus more on Desmond Wolfe instead. Develop him into an overly aggressive, cold-hearted, "killing machine". In the end, The Pope's character confuses me more than anything else. His attire, his persona, just everything about him. He's a great 'worker' though. Like I said, maybe it'll just take time as I really DO want to like him. Just having a hard-time doing so thus far.


* The people I would like to see pushed: Desmond Wolfe, AJ Styles (I know he's being pushed, but, I'd like to see a lengthy title reign to cement his newfound arrogance. Plus, I think he's great in this role with Flair), and Amazing Red (The next Rey Jr./WCW version).

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- Jason Powell of Prowrestling.net is reporting that The Nasty Boys (Brian Knobbs and Jerry Saggs) are no longer with TNA.


Ok. Would it have killed them (Nastys/Bookers) to job to say, the MCMG on their way out the door? I mean christ, you already spent time bringing them in and building them up. Waste of dollars to bring in guys for 2 months

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I agreed with almost everything you said til you said this. Red's not in his league. Not even close. Rey in his prime in WCW wrestles circles around Red.


Yea, He's not a carbon copy of him as pre-WWE Rey was simply amazing! However, the reason why I liken him to Rey is because of his lightning quick speed & the ability to chain wrestle in an accelerated manor. He would be the perfect underdog character if booked right. Then again, maybe it's just cause I like the guy.... ha.

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Yea, He's not a carbon copy of him as pre-WWE Rey was simply amazing! However, the reason why I liken him to Rey is because of his lightning quick speed & the ability to chain wrestle in an accelerated manor. He would be the perfect underdog character if booked right. Then again, maybe it's just cause I like the guy.... ha.


Yeah... okay... maybe if he came back rocking the rag on his head and the baggy pants, but he's got this Taka Michinoku look going on and well... hell... it didn't work for TAKA in 1996 it's not going to work now.

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Yeah... okay... maybe if he came back rocking the rag on his head and the baggy pants, but he's got this Taka Michinoku look going on and well... hell... it didn't work for TAKA in 1996 it's not going to work now.


WHAT?!?! I liked Taka!




That being said, I agree. His look needs to be revamped a little.

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1) I like Dinero. I liked his look, back when I wasn't watching and I downloaded a mod for TEW. Now that I'm watching again, he's just DRIPPING coolness!


2) Orlando Jordan's very risque entrance might've gone better (IMO) if he'd, say, wrestled a match some time during the show.


EDIT: Almost forgot:


3) I spent a few months as a closet fan, and if people would come by while I was watching wrestling, I'd turn the TV off. Since then, I feel like I've gotten to the point that I can comfortably keep on watching.


The exception is Shannon Moore, whose (IMO) ridiculous look makes me embarrassed to be watching.

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1) I like Dinero. I liked his look, back when I wasn't watching and I downloaded a mod for TEW. Now that I'm watching again, he's just DRIPPING coolness!


2) Orlando Jordan's very risque entrance might've gone better (IMO) if he'd, say, wrestled a match some time during the show.


Did anyone else find it kind of dis-respectful that he lowered from the rafters on a towel tied to two cords? Kinda brought back memories of Owen Hart and ticked me off kind of.

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2) Orlando Jordan's very risque entrance might've gone better (IMO) if he'd, say, wrestled a match some time during the show.



exatly, what was the point of it? Hence the nonsense booking, at least WWE would have him do a quick promo or have him wrestle a match, instead we just get this bi black guy dangling in yellow tape being lowered from the rafters in caution tape, seriously, what was with the rafters? Is this really what will make people tune in next week?

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You think they're hinging on viewers turning on the show next Monday on a 3 minute segment 1/2 way through the show?


No, he thinks that they're hinging on a series of 3 minute segments, as well as the overall logic that runs throughout them.


In short, "the chain's only as strong as the weakest link," in a sense.

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Ok. Would it have killed them (Nastys/Bookers) to job to say, the MCMG on their way out the door? I mean christ, you already spent time bringing them in and building them up. Waste of dollars to bring in guys for 2 months


Think the only team that could have used that was Lethal Consequences or after their Terry Squashes the British Invasion and even then it wouldn't have been a big of a rub. So really not minding if PWI has reconfirmed it.

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exatly, what was the point of it? Hence the nonsense booking, at least WWE would have him do a quick promo or have him wrestle a match, instead we just get this bi black guy dangling in yellow tape being lowered from the rafters in caution tape, seriously, what was with the rafters? Is this really what will make people tune in next week?


I'll say this for it...having a half naked 240lb bisexual wrapped in yellow tape up in the rafters makes me more wary of going up there than Sting ever did...

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I'll say this for it...having a half naked 240lb bisexual wrapped in yellow tape up in the rafters makes me more wary of going up there than Sting ever did...


Theres a storyline here, what was Orlando doing up in Sting's rafters huh? OMG SUDDENLY THE HEEL TURN MAKES SENSE! STINGER'S SWINGING HIS BAT FOR THE OTHER TEAM!

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