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The Official TNA / Impact / GFW Discussion Thread

Adam Ryland

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Just a thought, Katie Lea would've been perfect with Desmond Wolfe as well as wrestling on the side. Damn timing :rolleyes:


Final Countdown would agree :)


So, I report and wow, it's looks like two in a row for TNA, 3 counting Lockdown. It seems everyone (well, most people, apparently Amazing Red is Dead, but hey not everyone can be winners) is fitting into a storyline and advanacing nicely which is what I always ask of my wrestling shows; that they give me reason to be invested in most of the characters, just like any other TV show.


Little question for the Big time TNA fans: How are you finding this Matt Morgan angle? People cried rehash when it first came out but it seems like its kinda going over now that it's offering nice plot stuff like tonight with Jesse Neal. Is that the case?

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Final Countdown would agree :)


So, I report and wow, it's looks like two in a row for TNA, 3 counting Lockdown. It seems everyone (well, most people, apparently Amazing Red is Dead, but hey not everyone can be winners) is fitting into a storyline and advanacing nicely which is what I always ask of my wrestling shows; that they give me reason to be invested in most of the characters, just like any other TV show.

Yes, I certainly do. :D Of course, I also don't book Nigel/Desmond to lose in 3 minute matches...


I didn't think Impact was anything special, but I still enjoyed it far more than Raw. I don't know what it was, but Raw just bored me to tears. Punk and Bourne had a pretty good match, and I enjoyed seeing Ziggler put Hornswaggle to sleep, but other than that, I was just waiting for the show to end. Impact at least managed to catch my interest a few times.

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Yes, I certainly do. :D Of course, I also don't book Nigel/Desmond to lose in 3 minute matches...


I didn't think Impact was anything special, but I still enjoyed it far more than Raw. I don't know what it was, but Raw just bored me to tears. Punk and Bourne had a pretty good match, and I enjoyed seeing Ziggler put Hornswaggle to sleep, but other than that, I was just waiting for the show to end. Impact at least managed to catch my interest a few times.


Yeah, at one point I looked at the clock, and wondered why we needed a 3 hour Raw for 8 picks.. 3 of which were in one match.


But, I will say, it did beat seeing Flair bleed for the 30th straight show.

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Anyone else gone to TNAwrestling.com and voted on that ranking system thingy? Obviously it'll be tweaked for storylines but OUR VOTES COUNT! Desmond Wolfe is currently winning the poll (26%) with Jeff Hardy in second (21%). Curiously, Abyss is in last. Why people don't think a blubbering, sycophantic hulkamaniac is world champion material is beyond me.


Didn't watch TNA (or RAW) but still felt qualified to tell them who they should push. I voted Pope, because he's pimpin'.

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Anyone else gone to TNAwrestling.com and voted on that ranking system thingy? Obviously it'll be tweaked for storylines but OUR VOTES COUNT! Desmond Wolfe is currently winning the poll (26%) with Jeff Hardy in second (21%). Curiously, Abyss is in last. Why people don't think a blubbering, sycophantic hulkamaniac is world champion material is beyond me.


Didn't watch TNA (or RAW) but still felt qualified to tell them who they should push. I voted Pope, because he's pimpin'.


I voted for Wolfe just because he is Nigel McGuinness! However I think the poll looks very jobberific, couldn't they in this day and age have a poll on their own website. Maybe it's just being picky.

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The ranking system better have more to it or I am royally dissapointed. To pitch it as ground breaking and never before done I was expecting something at least interesting, and if it all it is is a fan poll...lame.


Biggest thing I loved were the backstage videos. I thought they were awesome and the production values were awesome. They tried it last week with RVD which I thought was a good segment then this week using Abyss, AJ, Neal/3D, and Flair were all awesome. Hell Flairs was his best promo he's done in TNA, it wasn't an old guy spazzing out, it was vintage Flair and I loved those. I also felt it gives them legit production value since their regular produciton values obviously are very cheap and poor.


As far as Morgan, I don't like what they have done with him as he was a top babyface on the verge of ME to now turning him heel but I like his "We/Us" character and how he talks with it, I think he does it well, but he is above Moore and Neal so hopefully Neal doesnt become a long feud.


Show was alright, nothing really sucked bad which is an improvement, I was hoping the HOF thing would be done by now but can't win them all. It seems like Abyss and Wolfe feuding would do more good.


Don't like how they've booked Pope either, he's getting over since I think most of us like him, but Hey I have an idea, lets have him get injured, that hasnt been done yet! Seriously? Since the new Year he gets injured one week, comes back next week with a cast or w/e, then gets injured the next, his medical bills must be through the roof. Please do something different with him besides getting injured, after all, you did have him beat the champion cleanly.


Also hate how they've used Styles since the new year how he went from legit athlete to weasel whiney useless heel overshadowed by Flair, he's lost on Impact cleanly twice then lost to RVD last week clean after RVD already went through a "war" with Hardy, I read Styles was upset about losing the title like he did since like Hyde said the original plan was for Sacrifice but they moved it up since they felt RVD being champ would boost house shows.


Samoa Joe is back, lets see what they do, I think he is best when he plays the no cares beat people up bad ass. Also after Terry has been squashing people he better not lose to OJ or that will be a total waste

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Final Countdown would agree :)


So, I report and wow, it's looks like two in a row for TNA, 3 counting Lockdown. It seems everyone (well, most people, apparently Amazing Red is Dead, but hey not everyone can be winners) is fitting into a storyline and advanacing nicely which is what I always ask of my wrestling shows; that they give me reason to be invested in most of the characters, just like any other TV show.


Little question for the Big time TNA fans: How are you finding this Matt Morgan angle? People cried rehash when it first came out but it seems like its kinda going over now that it's offering nice plot stuff like tonight with Jesse Neal. Is that the case?


I like Morgan as he is now, wish he moves on to the Global Division though after a while as I prefer dedicated tag teams and do not like Terry.


Plz give me back Daniels!


Overall decent show, not great but not bad and really digging the documentary type backstage stuff.


PS The ranking system is not a pure fan vote, you can check out TNA's website for details.

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You know what I'd do with that video? I'd cut it down a bit, throw in a few more clips of MCMG in-ring badassery, and run it as an advert. Maybe that'll draw some casual fans to the show.


In other news, bad rating this week. 0.5. You'd expect it to go up after the crowning of a new babyface champion, at least for a couple of weeks.

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What did their first hour do? Its tough to spin this in any positive direction, RVD as World Champion, they started an hour earlier. The only thing I can think of is they got their usual 1.0 (although I'd hope a slight bump after such a "big night) and then when RAW came on half their audience bailed.


None the less what is the point in being on Monday nights when you have to re air your show on Thursdays because half your audience or more tunes out the minute RAW comes on.


Anyway the show wasn't that bad this week I enjoyed last weeks a bit more. Its been said Matt Morgan saved the show from being dull.

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I believe it was 0.5 for both hours. RAW was 3 hours though, so Impact had competition for both hours, and it was a 'draft special', so you'd think that if anyone was on the fence, they'd choose RAW to see the draft results. RAW got a 3.1.


This is my opinion, but I don't think there are enough fans of this modern brand of wrestling to keep 2 shows afloat head-to-head. In the 90's, this format was revolutionary. Over a decade later it's same-old-same-old, and now that curiosity is out of the picture, we're getting back to around the usual numbers. In January, I was surprised at how high the ratings were because I didn't think TNA & WWE had all that many unique viewers. I thought I'd been proven wrong. Now I'm not so sure. WWE's rating is down. TNA's rating is down. Wrestling fans are making a choice between the shows, but it doesn't look like many new fans are being generated, or old fans are being lured back.

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To be fair, Raw's two hour numbers wer up from last week ..@ a 3.3.


The bad lead in from last week's volcano show and the spotty advertising AND dealing with Impact led to a piss poor 2.4 or so for the first hour.


But I do see your point..maybe there just aren't enough big venue wrestling fans to support two prime time TV shows.

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Yeah see for RAW to be at 2.6 for that first hour there is no reason for Impact to be at a .5 you can't blame the draft when the first hour numbers were down by a lot for Vince as well.


I thought it would have been smarter for Impact to stay on Thursday nights while they grow their brand and then in maybe a year after a steady incread in viewership start doing Monday night specials ala SNME.


Instead they jumped right onto Monday nights. I get the whole wanting to compete thing but what happens when their numbers dwindle so badly their forced back to Thursday nights? In TEW terms that would damage their momentum badly.


I think their JUST now getting a handle on what their doing but it took them nearly 5 months to get there. If they were on Thursday nights and showing a bit of patience who knows what the scene would be in a year.


For anybody out there screaming since TNA went to Monday nights that the war is back on and that TNA is set to topple the empire anytime now. This should be a wake up call that its just not going to happen anytime soon. With RAW scoring a 2.7 in their first hour thats way down and if anything those missing fans should have given TNA a record first hour. Instead Vince does his lowest number in a while and TNA answers by setting a new record low for their show.


So Vince should be quoting Twain these days "reports of my death have been greatly exaggerated"

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Former WWE Women's and TNA Knockout champion Tara has only a few weeks remaining on her current TNA contract, and hasn't re-signed with the company. Despite nearing the age of 40, she apparently feels she has one more run with WWE. Apparently Tara has tried to make the TNA locker room more like the WWE locker room, which has rubbed the knockouts the wrong way. Dixie Carter has addressed squabbles that have surfaced, but prefers for the knockouts to resolve issues amongst themselves. Some of her complaints about the knockouts include being told what moves she and cannot do, and some of the women working stiff with her. Tara has asked for more time off to focus on her custom car shop and is seeking a raise from TNA.







Yesterday, we reported that former TNA Knockout Tara had only a few weeks remaining on her contract, and had yet to commit to a new deal with the company. Tara confirmed our story, and posted on her Twitter page that her current contract expires on 5/21.



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This will devastate TNA! Especially since there are no recent WWE releases that have more talent and/or are bigger names! Whatever will they do? :rolleyes:


I like Tara..but let's face it...if I were her I wouldn't be in a hurry to re-sign. Her storylines have been a mess. She was most effective as a dominant heel who played an obsessed psycho and in TNA she's been a face who loves spiders. WTF?


Her momentum when she arrived was wasted . Let her go and sign Mickie James and no one will even notice.

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Tara's gone..and she took some shots at TNA on the way out. Look for her to get a poor send off.




Lisa Marie Varon (aka Tara) posted the following blog, announcing that she is leaving TNA…


Hey Gang!!!


It's been a while since I've posted a blog. I'm more into the daily updates. But the following is too long for an update.


It appears that I'm winding down at TNA. Unfortunately some organizations "leak" information to wrestling websites to put their spin on a situation, to make sure they come out in the best light. Not me. I'm gonna say it. I'm gonna put my name on it. And I'm going to stand behind it.


I came to TNA last year because I still had a lot of wrestling left in me. I was paid a fraction of what I thought I deserved. But I wanted to show I was still at the top of my game. Now my contract is up in May. I want a modest pay increase. They don't want to pay me what I think is fair. I have no problem going my own way.


But about 12 hours after the conversation where we didn't agree on pay, unnamed sources claim that I am hard to work with and that I don't give my best effort. My only response is that TNA made an aggressive effort to re-sign me, among other things saying that they want to build the women's division around me. And I think wrestling fans see, both on TV and at live events, that I always give 100%. I take pride in that. Smearing me on the way out the door is an act of second rate character.


I take pride in making my best effort to elevate my own wrestling and the entire TNA Women's Division. If people were rubbed the wrong way in the process, I stand behind my work and my positive intentions.


In closing I will say this. In the few weeks that I have left in TNA, I will be the same wrestler that you have seen for the past ten years. After that, I haven't decided if I will stay in wrestling, or finally make the jump to MMA. I do have a lot of irons in the fire. We'll see where life takes me. But wherever that is, there's gonna be competition, and I'm gonna give it my all.


Thanks For All Your Support!!!


Later Taters, Lisa Marie Varon : )



This pay thing rears it's ugly head again. If TNA does actually beleive they can biuld around the KOs they may want tto try paying a few to stick around.

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