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The Official TNA / Impact / GFW Discussion Thread

Adam Ryland

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I think this is it more than anything. I liked ECW a lot back in the day, but I just have no interest in seeing the vast majority of those guys in what is supposed to be the #2 promotion in the world in 2010.


The Mamaluke thing wasn't even a big deal to me, really. It sort of annoyed me for a moment, but it was just a little thing.



Yeah, even if I had thought that opening brawl had made Storm look bad (which I didn't, really), that annihilation would have more than offset it.


I don't mind EV2.0 if its a vehicle to get Fortune over (not the members, the stable as a brand). The FBI did an amazing job. They certainly earned their pay checks tonight.

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This is the first time I've watched TNA in a long time. And I guess I know why I don't watch it on a regular basis now. That opening between Hogan and Flair was just brutal.


MAn, you aren't kidding. I'm looking at this group of Flair's and I'm wondering what masochist put this monstrosity together. AJ's to be expected of course.


But Matt Morgan as a flunky? NO.


Beer Money still insisting on working a heel turn I hated to start with? NO.


As fellow flunkies no less? Double NO.


Kazarian anywhere near something this important? NO


Dixie? Okay. She's cute. I could look at her for a little bit.


And that cavalry.


Pope. Sure. I'll take that.


Angle. Works. Last face turn was kind of awkward. But I like him enough play along.


Anderson, Hardy AND Hogan?





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Flair is giving an angry fuming promo and then gets choked by Sting. Then 5 minutes later does a promo with Fortune where he is all smiles. Then comes out to the ring being very calm... Those 3 things bothered me.


EV2.0 bugs me because most that group hasn't been relevant in 10 years. Now they are all being booked like these legends and really they are nothing more than indy wrestlers getting good pushes based on their past with ECW. Blah! EV2.0 only sends 1 guy after Abyss? Why not everyone? Strength in numbers remember?

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Just watched a chunk of Impact. MCMG's rock band promo, The Handsome Devils go shopping, and MCMG vs Generation Me. The promos were fun stuff but the tag match was really weirdly put together. The Machine Guns are coming off of the biggest feud of their careers and are massive babyfaces, yet they proceed to slow the match down, and 'get the heat' on Max Buck, basically playing heel. The crowd didn't know what to think, I didn't know what to think, and until Jeremy hit that X-Factor that Sabin sold AWESOMELY there was no heat for the hot tag & comeback. Generation Me should have been the heels, and if they couldn't do that, they should have booked a different match. It got good by the end, but man that was a weird match.


Will watch more impact later. Despite my complaints, I've been watching far more TNA than WWE for a solid month now. Have I crossed the line?


EDIT: Also... wouldn't you put on the "Generation Me, Impact Players of the week" segment before they have their match? Total nitpick, but putting it on beforehand would have made the match seem more important, and may have even softened the blow of MCMG playing heel. Good little segment, that. Still too 'inside' for my tastes, but Max could be a pretty good talker some day.

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I'm not sure which old people referring to but if you never cared ever about Sting, Flair, Hogan, Foley, then I'd not only be a bit surprised but wonder who you cheered for as a kid.


Didn't cheer for any of them when I was a kid either. The only one in those segments I liked back in the day was Jarrett, who doesn't do a whole hell of a lot for me nowadays.


That being said, I'm enjoying Flair.


P.S. I forgot about Reaction! I gotta track that show down. I'm a fan.

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Didn't cheer for any of them when I was a kid either. The only one in those segments I liked back in the day was Jarrett, who doesn't do a whole hell of a lot for me nowadays.


That being said, I'm enjoying Flair.


P.S. I forgot about Reaction! I gotta track that show down. I'm a fan.


You are certainly an anomaly!


I didn't think Jarrett has ever had an actual fan. The only stuff I've ever really liked out of him were his world title matches with Booker T in WCW and his matches with Angle in TNA. Then again, Booker and Angle carried him to having some good bouts. Jarrett's just so bland compared to everyone else in those segments.


and to quote Christian...


"Don't piss me off...wow that's money!"

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I liked Jarrett in the WWF days, doing the country singer gimmick, and then when he was teaming with Owen Hart. After that I always supported him in a mild way. He's not the most exciting or talented or successful guy, but I don't gravitate towards those things. I simply like who I like, and don't analyze it too much.
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You are certainly an anomaly!


I didn't think Jarrett has ever had an actual fan. The only stuff I've ever really liked out of him were his world title matches with Booker T in WCW and his matches with Angle in TNA. Then again, Booker and Angle carried him to having some good bouts. Jarrett's just so bland compared to everyone else in those segments.



::raises hand::


Jeff Jarrett's one of those guys that shows why so much of wrestling analysis is hyper-inflated. Ever hear the old phrase "jack of all trades, master of none"? That's Jeff Jarrett. He was never going to blow your mind but he's what you were there to see. Beyond a certain level, i.e. a shade below TNA, he was never going to make sense as champion unless he owned the place a la TNA. He's more the guy you called on to let people recharge their batteries so they were ready for the fireworks


But I agree with Self. Jarrett's not the kind of guy you gravitate to because he knocks your socks off. He's the kind you you back because you relate to him or you're the kind that embraces supporting players. Problem is his involvement in the straining days of WCW and his foundership of TNA tends to obscure that for a lot of people. There's sort of a Virgil thing with Jarrett. A sort of "why that guy instead my guy" jealousy he inspires and the fact he's second gen certainly doesn't help with that. There's plenty of room for Jarrett to have fans without them being irrationally exuberent Russo types. I've been a Jeff Jarrett fan going back to the Simply Irresistible days. It's just a different breed of fandom than the megastars get and not everyone can appreciate.


Self's a pretty different cat when it comes to how he approaches his fandom. At times, I can be too. I've always had an appreciation for the support guys. Even when I was a kid. At times, I feel like that can be a double-edged sword in my life. But that's what it takes to really be a Jeff Jarrett guy.


Truth be told, I can't think of too many guys in the biz I'd rather be if I got the chance than Jeff Jarrett. The guy had a long running ring career that astounds critics like you who find him bland. He founded his own company to ride off into the sunset in. He's created a platform for young talent that might otherwise have gone overlooked. Granted the platform doesn't always perform that function perfectly. But over the life of the company it seems to have done pretty well at it. The guy's living what a lot of us would consider a dream. A guy like that may never get gushed over a like a Cena or a Hogan. But that kind of guy's always going to have his pocket of fans. Quiet and easily overlooked as they may be by comparison.

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I wasn't bashing Self for liking Jarrett. I actually like Self quite a lot, well based on his postings on the forums that is. Other than my friend, I've never heard anyone admit to being a Jarrett fan.


There are a lot of wrestlers that aren't megastars that I like. Kevin Fertig for one. I'm such a huge fan of his work that I just wish someone would give him another shot.


Sorry if it seemed like I was bashing you Self. That wasn't my intention at all :o

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I wasn't bashing Self for liking Jarrett. I actually like Self quite a lot, well based on his postings on the forums that is. Other than my friend, I've never heard anyone admit to being a Jarrett fan.


Can't speak for Self naturally. But no worries on this end. I never thought you were bashing him. I was just trying to explain the appeal and how one might come to be a Jarrett fan.

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I do not mind Jeff, I have been watching him going back to his days in the USWA. Then again I tend to be fans of the guys that most people do not pay attention to I am a huge fan of Bobby Eaton, Arn Anderson, and George "The Animal" Steele. As you can see my favorites do not match up with the favorites of others.
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Are you kidding me? Absolutely no offense taken. Not even the slightest bit.


I'm not so much a Jarrett fan now, although when I went to a TNA show on their first UK tour, and he came out as a special unannounced guest, I popped! Well... as close as I can get to popping. I'm a quiet chap. Still, I was psyched in my own low-key way. Brand loyalty. He got me young, so I'll support him in some fashion forever.


I also liked Tatanka and the Beverly Brothers.

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