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The Official TNA / Impact / GFW Discussion Thread

Adam Ryland

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How was Homicde a True TNA Original? Honest question, because he didn't join TNA until quite some time after TNA opened. Heck, I believe Sting was there before Homi.


As he has had his greatest exposure as part of TNA. If you put: "been there from the beginning" as a rule then you rule out a lot of talent.

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Well Hyde if greatest exposure in TNA is what makes you an original how could you really say Angle is as much TNA as WWE.


Angle had WAY more exposure in the WWE. I mean come on The Rock, Triple H, Undertaker, Hogan, he's feuded with everybody and been a part of the biggest pay per view in history WMX7.


Also if you have to make a conscious decision to push your guys and have had to come up with a name for them then that shows you just how poorly they do it. I never heard the term WCW original or WWF original.

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Well Hyde if greatest exposure in TNA is what makes you an original how could you really say Angle is as much TNA as WWE.


Angle had WAY more exposure in the WWE. I mean come on The Rock, Triple H, Undertaker, Hogan, he's feuded with everybody and been a part of the biggest pay per view in history WMX7.


Also if you have to make a conscious decision to push your guys and have had to come up with a name for them then that shows you just how poorly they do it. I never heard the term WCW original or WWF original.


In Cide's case. And Being an original or most identified with tna =/ same thing imho. Sorry I did not make that clear.

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On Homicide: I actually think he's done his best work in ROH. And since I think most TNA fans are internet wrestling nerds at heart, i think they view him as mostly "ROH" too.


I remember like 3 years ago when everyone had all this buzz about ROH, I bought a bunch of their DVD's like the first 5 or something and it was garbage to me. I don't see how people love it so much. =/


Only thing I liked was the Black Nature Boy.

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I used to enjoy Vampiro in WCW early on when he was with Raven.


Anyways back to TNA talk. I would love it if Fortune became bigger than anything else in TNA. Then some face guys who aren't WWE rejects come up and main event with AJ Styles and or Matt Morgan for awhile. To me that would make people want to watch TNA.


You build new stars, and show that WWE talent is not better than your talent as proof by the fact they can't get to the top of your card. Occasionally guys can get up to main event like the Angles, Pope, and guys like that.

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How was Homicde a True TNA Original? Honest question, because he didn't join TNA until quite some time after TNA opened. Heck, I believe Sting was there before Homi.


You're right! I've clearly got Homicide confused with someone else... not sure who. No wonder they never pushed him as an original.

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I used to enjoy Vampiro in WCW early on when he was with Raven.


Anyways back to TNA talk. I would love it if Fortune became bigger than anything else in TNA. Then some face guys who aren't WWE rejects come up and main event with AJ Styles and or Matt Morgan for awhile. To me that would make people want to watch TNA.


You build new stars, and show that WWE talent is not better than your talent as proof by the fact they can't get to the top of your card. Occasionally guys can get up to main event like the Angles, Pope, and guys like that.


i dont get why people make such an issue out of wwe rejects...


the pope got relesed reinvented himself, got a spot in tna and got himself over to the point where he is now knocking on the main event/world title door. he got over in tna far more then he did in the E so if anything tna can claim they have done for him what E did to jericho when he first came in is some respects there so i see the problem with that.


why on earth a company that angle on its roster and didnt use him as a headline act is beyound me! the guy is one of the best ever and im not even a huge angle fan.


anderson and rvd both struggled in the E main event scene for many and diffrent reasons.. so why not bring them in and showcase them?


take moore and kendrick as an examples of x div guys that come from a company that had no real intrest in there cuirsewight title then droped it all together why not take advantage of them too?


would people complain if Matt Sydal/Evan Bourne got relased and he joined tna and won the x title? i doubt it.. while rvd world title win over aj was poorly booked in both the match and for money reasons due to the fact that not only did he beat aj in a short match as well as beating jeff just befor that match and also give away a match that people would have paid to see with no large build up is that smart..


i like most fans like to see new people in the mainevent and world title picture but im really dont care if there a tna originals, wwe cast off or guys signed from the indys with strong followings..


just making a bunch of tna originals isnt going to get people tuning in to tna as the past shows it storylines is far more important then that.. take two examples as it took nWo for wcw to kill wwf when they did for that near 2 year period. while it took took thw whole austin vs mcmahon storyline to save the wwe.... neither austin or hall, nash and hogan where wwe or wcw originals.

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i dont get why people make such an issue out of wwe rejects...


the pope got relesed reinvented himself, got a spot in tna and got himself over to the point where he is now knocking on the main event/world title door. he got over in tna far more then he did in the E so if anything tna can claim they have done for him what E did to jericho when he first came in is some respects there so i see the problem with that.


why on earth a company that angle on its roster and didnt use him as a headline act is beyound me! the guy is one of the best ever and im not even a huge angle fan.


anderson and rvd both struggled in the E main event scene for many and diffrent reasons.. so why not bring them in and showcase them?


take moore and kendrick as an examples of x div guys that come from a company that had no real intrest in there cuirsewight title then droped it all together why not take advantage of them too?


would people complain if Matt Sydal/Evan Bourne got relased and he joined tna and won the x title? i doubt it.. while rvd world title win over aj was poorly booked in both the match and for money reasons due to the fact that not only did he beat aj in a short match as well as beating jeff just befor that match and also give away a match that people would have paid to see with no large build up is that smart..


i like most fans like to see new people in the mainevent and world title picture but im really dont care if there a tna originals, wwe cast off or guys signed from the indys with strong followings..


just making a bunch of tna originals isnt going to get people tuning in to tna as the past shows it storylines is far more important then that.. take two examples as it took nWo for wcw to kill wwf when they did for that near 2 year period. while it took took thw whole austin vs mcmahon storyline to save the wwe.... neither austin or hall, nash and hogan where wwe or wcw originals.


I don't have a problem using WWE Rejects as they say. RVD should not be the World Champion. He could be competing for the TV Title or even X title but he doesn't have it. This is coming from a guy who is an RVD mark. I always thought he should get a shot in the E at something more than an IC title run.


After seeing him as TNA Champion I think he shouldn't be the top champion. I do think he could be used as a gateway to the main event though.


I like your ideas of showcasing Moore and such for the X title.


Pope has made a name for himself in TNA because he truly is a great talent and has a lot of charisma. He should be main eventing or at least be on his way there. However AJ and Samoa Joe should be contenders for the World Title with guys like Sting, Angle, Pope, Hardy, and Anderson.


Hall and Nash were 2 of the top WWE guys when they defected. That was why the start of the nWo was so big. Plus that storyline was booked very well with a lot of good shocking actions early on. Austin was made by the WWE and had some success before joining WWE.

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I don't like WWE Rejects because I like to see new characters and fresh ideas. Take Shannon Moore for example. I've been watching that guy for a decade. I've been watching him since he was in 3 Count, and he hasn't changed much since then. Sure, he lost the boy band look for a mohawk and some eyeliner, but in the ring he's practically identical (and not all that good). I was a fan back in the day (when was he with Matt Hardy Version 1.0?) but in 2010 I'm bored of the guy.


Same with Brian Kendrick. Liked him in 2003. Bored now.


Pope is a different situation. He was sporadically on the WWE 'C' show for year or two when I wasn't watching too much. He came to TNA, reinvented himself, displayed skills on the microphone I'd never seen from him before, and... He was fresh. He felt new and interesting.


Granted, some of the ex-WWE guys are worth it. RVD & Jeff are big stars with talent and fan bases that will follow them no matter how stale they are. Some will be able to reinvent themselves to a worthwhile degree. To me, most are not worth it.

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I don't have a problem using WWE Rejects as they say. RVD should not be the World Champion. He could be competing for the TV Title or even X title but he doesn't have it. This is coming from a guy who is an RVD mark. I always thought he should get a shot in the E at something more than an IC title run.


After seeing him as TNA Champion I think he shouldn't be the top champion. I do think he could be used as a gateway to the main event though.


I like your ideas of showcasing Moore and such for the X title.


Pope has made a name for himself in TNA because he truly is a great talent and has a lot of charisma. He should be main eventing or at least be on his way there. However AJ and Samoa Joe should be contenders for the World Title with guys like Sting, Angle, Pope, Hardy, and Anderson.


Hall and Nash were 2 of the top WWE guys when they defected. That was why the start of the nWo was so big. Plus that storyline was booked very well with a lot of good shocking actions early on. Austin was made by the WWE and had some success before joining WWE.


Im an RVD mark too but yes as a long term champion he is fair from the best choice in tna. granted he has a large fan base there i do see why they gave him the run they did but idealy they should use him as a short term champ now and then, a month or two at a time have him beat the champ then have him drop it to an up-and-coming heel.


aj and joe should be considered by the tna booking team as up there with the likes of angle and such. why they have stuck the tv title on aj i really dont know, other then giving the title some cred in the fans eyes which could be easly done by a few other memebers of there roster.


stings days of being the guy who is the main man are long over and have been for awhile. now him and nash have aligned themself with the pope that should be the factor into turning pope in to a true main event guy. after all it cant hurt having two of the biggist stars of the 90's on your side and with them as heels it wont matter as much if nash and sting interfere in a title match if he gets one in the near future.


mind you moore and jessie seem like a nice fit as a team and with both gen me and the guns they could work well there as they have the lax thing with the power house and the flyer going agaist two high flying teams and with beer money waiting in the wings once ev2 have done there thing you have four teams there ready to go.


while nash and hall while two of vince's main stars at the time wcw had already picked up both savage and hogan before that and neither of those made wcw the number one company. while it did give them the ratings wins here and there but its not like anyone could say that wcw where the #1 company in the states then. wwe made stone cold that i will give ya but austin had proven both in wcw and ecw that given the chance to he could be a star so that hardly makes a pure wwe orignal.

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I don't like WWE Rejects because I like to see new characters and fresh ideas. Take Shannon Moore for example. I've been watching that guy for a decade. I've been watching him since he was in 3 Count, and he hasn't changed much since then. Sure, he lost the boy band look for a mohawk and some eyeliner, but in the ring he's practically identical (and not all that good). I was a fan back in the day (when was he with Matt Hardy Version 1.0?) but in 2010 I'm bored of the guy.


Same with Brian Kendrick. Liked him in 2003. Bored now.


Pope is a different situation. He was sporadically on the WWE 'C' show for year or two when I wasn't watching too much. He came to TNA, reinvented himself, displayed skills on the microphone I'd never seen from him before, and... He was fresh. He felt new and interesting.


Granted, some of the ex-WWE guys are worth it. RVD & Jeff are big stars with talent and fan bases that will follow them no matter how stale they are. Some will be able to reinvent themselves to a worthwhile degree. To me, most are not worth it.


im loving Brian Kendrick in tna personaly, tho i would have prefered it if he stayed away from ev2 but he sorta fits in well with those guys seeing as quite a few of them seem a little sort of sanity.

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Im an RVD mark too but yes as a long term champion he is fair from the best choice in tna. granted he has a large fan base there i do see why they gave him the run they did but idealy they should use him as a short term champ now and then, a month or two at a time have him beat the champ then have him drop it to an up-and-coming heel.


aj and joe should be considered by the tna booking team as up there with the likes of angle and such. why they have stuck the tv title on aj i really dont know, other then giving the title some cred in the fans eyes which could be easly done by a few other memebers of there roster.


stings days of being the guy who is the main man are long over and have been for awhile. now him and nash have aligned themself with the pope that should be the factor into turning pope in to a true main event guy. after all it cant hurt having two of the biggist stars of the 90's on your side and with them as heels it wont matter as much if nash and sting interfere in a title match if he gets one in the near future.


mind you moore and jessie seem like a nice fit as a team and with both gen me and the guns they could work well there as they have the lax thing with the power house and the flyer going agaist two high flying teams and with beer money waiting in the wings once ev2 have done there thing you have four teams there ready to go.


while nash and hall while two of vince's main stars at the time wcw had already picked up both savage and hogan before that and neither of those made wcw the number one company. while it did give them the ratings wins here and there but its not like anyone could say that wcw where the #1 company in the states then. wwe made stone cold that i will give ya but austin had proven both in wcw and ecw that given the chance to he could be a star so that hardly makes a pure wwe orignal.


The argument I have about the Macho Man thing is he had been used on the commentary team. He had lost his spot in the WWF by the time he left. Hogan also hadn't been on TV in some time. Losing his last PPV match to Yokozuna and then sitting out a long time before finally going to WCW. While Hogan was still a huge draw Macho Man hadn't been a factor in a wrestling ring for awhile. While still a draw the WWF moved on while he was still able to wrestle for them.

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You guys are still arguing the 'WWE rejects' thing as if it makes a difference.


Look at that roster...there ARE no TNA originals. Mainly because TNA got rid of them years ago. As a matter of fact, TNA has pretty much got rid of everything that made them stand apart from the WWE. Also...years ago.


They have done a good job taking guys like Pope, Anderson, and Morgan and using their full potential. And guys like Steiner and the Dudleys haven;t reinvented themselves, but they definitely have brought a lot to the company.


But they brought just as many guys who were total busts and/or added nothing to the company: Test, Rikishi, OJ, Val Venis, Dustin Runnels...i mean the list goes on and on and on...


In the end though the argument doesn't matter because if you take out those "WWE rejects" i don't really see anyone on the roster - other than AJ - that you can really call a homegrown STAR anymore.


TNA shifted their focus a long time ago. They're "Sports Entertainment" now. People still worried about how the 'originals' are being treated have really missed the boat.


That time is gone.

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