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The Official TNA / Impact / GFW Discussion Thread

Adam Ryland

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Thats a pretty loaded question. Right now TNA's roster is a mess.


the ECW storyline is boring, I don't like Pope, Anderson or Angle as the champion. Pope isn't there yet, Angle if I'm not mistaken has a contract coming up fairly soon, and Anderson doesn't need it. In fact they turned Anderson WAY too fast just because the guy is getting cheers doesn't mean you turn him. Austin was getting cheered in November but didn't turn until March.


If it were me as I said AJ Styles would be world champion. They would have built to a HUGE match between AJ Styles and Rob Van Dam, at that match up there is a double pin, the next match up RVD has it won but the referee is bumped allowing Fortune to win.


After a few months of screwing AJ over in comes Angle, Angle again gets screwed over. Basically its the Horseman all over again, everybody and their brother is trying to keep the title on AJ.


During this time Lethal is running through everybody in Fortune on Pay Per view. first Beer Money in a handicap match, then Kaz, then they send the big man Morgan after him nobody can beat him. So finally Flair has a fit and HE challenges Flair to a match.


At the end of the match Lethal has bloodied and beaten Flair. He gets on the mic and says he's going to finsih Ric Flair once and for all right here. I don't know lay a chair on his unconcious head and threaten to come off the top. AJ comes out and warns him not to do it. Lethal says he'll let Flair go free and clear if AJ puts the title on the line at BFG. AJ reluctantly agrees and there ya go. Lethal vs. AJ at BFG.


Its tough to say what would you do because their stories are so convulted and uninteresting. I wouldn't have let it get to that point.


I don't know what I would do going forward because there isn't a single match on the show that interests me.


This is their wrestlemania but why do I care about MCMG vs. Gen Me what was the build up to that? Who's even the heels in this thing? I really don't care about ECW and the main event match doesn't even really have an antaganist its three faces isn't it? Anderson vs. Angle vs. Hardy. I'm ok with dual babfaces but THREE faces in ONE match as your main event?


So yeah Bischoff says they have been building to this since March so many of these stories have been played out since then but come on you know thats not the case. They never intended on RVD losing the title because he worked too many dates, they never intended on Anderson's babyface turn, etc.


They certainly couldn't have planned ECW because in March Dreamer was under contract and I really doubt this thing goes forth without him. Maybe they give Foley a bigger role in it but I think its common knowledge that wasn't planned until they did the market research in Philly.....I still don't know why they did it in Philly or if thats just what their saying instead of saying "we were trying to get Paul E to come in".


Angle has signed a contract extension btw. Pope isn't in the Main Event and Anderson could need it to solidify himself as no1 Heel/Face.


Sorry but as Jaysin pointed out this has been pretty damn clear. Could be an honest over-site and this is more a general grip but people complaining about not understanding TNA's booking when they are not paying attention is kinda weird. Not saying TNA's booking isn't often convoluted but still.


No Bischoff said the "They" idea etc started and was worked out in March. That is not the same as the story having started there.


Yeah doing the research in Philly and having the result: ECW = relevant was a real shocker lolz.


BTW my patience with TNA is also wearing pretty thin. "They" better somewhat deliver or I am taking a break from wrestling or something.

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Has there been a giant DECREASE in ratings since the X Division was de-emphasized? No? then no one is really all that put-off by it.


Hard to take that as evidence given all the other stuff that has gone on like the Monday move and the possible substitution of the old fan-base with a new one over time etc. The question is: "If the X Division was featured more prominently would the rating's have been higher?"


And people might still be tuning in because they hope/expect X Division action. And often times they get it only it's not officially in the X Division. Last week for example AJ vs Kendrick and Gen Me vs Ink Inc.

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BTW Bruce Pritchard has been added as an Agent to TNA. What his role exactly is/will be we will see but he had some poignent things to say about TNA so let's see if he can execute them.


Pritchard on MNM recap on PWI:




Some of Bruce's Podcasts:




Haven't had time to listen to it all yet but will do.

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Hard to take that as evidence given all the other stuff that has gone on like the Monday move and the possible substitution of the old fan-base with a new one over time etc. The question is: "If the X Division was featured more prominently would the rating's have been higher?"



Hyde, the X Division being de-emphasized goes back a lot farther than when Eric and Hogan showed up. It's been happening for a while. And Impact's ratings have still remained fairly steady. Which, to me, means that the fanbase -while disappointed on message boards - still watches in basically the same numbers.

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Not too sure about tonight's Impacted.... seemed like an awful lot of talk and a little light on the rasslin'. Not sure what that holds in store for Bound For Mediocrity, but we'll see.


I was actually concerned during that opening sequence with The Monster Abyss, Dixie Carter, and Janice. I could just see Abyss accidentally doing the ol' Three Stooges slapstick, turning just a little too sharply and catching some unlucky fan right across the bridge of the nose with the fair maiden Janice.



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Just watched the 'live' Impact...better than I expected but that's not saying much. A few months ago (when I last commented in this thread) I actually watched Impact consecutively because it was, on the whole, pretty good. Now, I'm just not really that interested - in fact I rarely read the results.


Flair vs Foley was not as bad as I thought it would be but hardcore's not my thing. Mickie James seemed to be the most popular person in the episode. Abyss' nails-and-stick-thing is ridiculous - are we supposed to believe he'd actually ever use it? I'm with dvdWarrior, I kept expecting him to accidentally whip a chunk out of D'Lo's arm.


What really stood out about the episode is Cookie and Robbie E. It could simply be that I don't get the reference but The Shore seems destined to fail from the off. Like I said, I don't pretend to know what they are supposed to be but to me they really just look bad. I'd ask what the point of giving someone a gimmick that, at best, makes them a slightly more identifiable jobber but I don't think I want to know the answer...

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Just watched the 'live' Impact...better than I expected but that's not saying much. A few months ago (when I last commented in this thread) I actually watched Impact consecutively because it was, on the whole, pretty good. Now, I'm just not really that interested - in fact I rarely read the results.


Flair vs Foley was not as bad as I thought it would be but hardcore's not my thing. Mickie James seemed to be the most popular person in the episode. Abyss' nails-and-stick-thing is ridiculous - are we supposed to believe he'd actually ever use it? I'm with dvdWarrior, I kept expecting him to accidentally whip a chunk out of D'Lo's arm.


What really stood out about the episode is Cookie and Robbie E. It could simply be that I don't get the reference but The Shore seems destined to fail from the off. Like I said, I don't pretend to know what they are supposed to be but to me they really just look bad. I'd ask what the point of giving someone a gimmick that, at best, makes them a slightly more identifiable jobber but I don't think I want to know the answer...


I loved that the crowd chanted boring during Ronnie E and Cookies promo. That wasn't even a good knock off impersonation of the Jersey Shore.

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I loved Foley/Flair.


I was a bit meh over the battle royal, but probably because they burned me out with said Foley/Flair match.


Wasn't Dixie's "major change" supposed to be unveiled on the show? A presentation change or something?


I somewhat enjoyed The Shore. I've never seen the show that they're referencing.

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I loved that the crowd chanted boring during Ronnie E and Cookies promo. That wasn't even a good knock off impersonation of the Jersey Shore.


know what I think the problem was? They where trying waaaay too hard... I mean if Zack Ryder can pull it off.... These guys I assume aren't from Jersey, or the area... and are trying to imitate the whole scene. I was hoping someone would come out and end them right then on the spot...

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Oh right.




30 minutes of match, 90 of talky talk :mad:


60/55 talk and 30 commercial and other stuff. 30 minutes is decent on average especially seeing as it was a hype show for the ppv. I can't get to the by the numbers page PWI does atm but of the top three shows TNA averages the most. Although Smackdown has longer matches on average.


Yeah was also wondering about the so called change announcement but apparently it's not an announcement but just a change that would start at 7/10.


The Shore went on too long, when they started they got some cheep heat and then that switched to boring. Get in, make your point, get heat, get out.


On the gauntlet Tenay announced it would be every 45 seconds per entry.

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