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The Official TNA / Impact / GFW Discussion Thread

Adam Ryland

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It was about the same thing though and first they where in rapid succession around Slammiversary on the same change and then she said that same change would start at the pre BFG show. Which probably means she meant the Immortals taking over her company as she was non kayfabe before.


Jarrett's stuff was about his daughters appearing in some country singer's video.


Anyway it's been blown way way out of proportion imho.

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It was about the same thing though and first they where in rapid succession around Slammiversary on the same change and then she said that same change would start at the pre BFG show. Which probably means she meant the Immortals taking over her company as she was non kayfabe before.


Jarrett's stuff was about his daughters appearing in some country singer's video.


Anyway it's been blown way way out of proportion imho.


It was. But it was always likely to be. The IWC is a voracious bunch - and when you hype something, you better deliver. Not realizing that the hype would be taken literally and create expectations makes me think that Carter and even Jarrett dont' really understand a good portion of their audience.

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Yes but along with that goes




Hardy (still young)




The Gunz



If im not mistaking your favorite wrestler is Hardy right? If so his new heel gimmick is awesome.



I very respectfully disagree on Hardy. I think this new gimmick is garbage.

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The Mr. Anderson concussion is legit after the chair shot to the back of the head. He posted some pictures a couple of weeks back after the taping that showed the gash in the back of his head. While this sucks for Anderson, it's a huge shot for Matt Morgan. Morgan in Fortune was doing nothing for him, same as Douglas Williams. Now Morgan might renew his push and while I dont see him winning the Title from Hardy, its nice to see the Big Man in the Main Event for a change. Now we just need to get Douglas Williams out of there and have him back in the X-Division kicking some ass and things will be good. Plus, hey, I like Jeff Hardy's new attitude. It works for him as a heel.

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TNA's Hulk Hogan posted a new worked-shoot video blog tonight promoting upcoming changes to TNA storylines. Hogan said it's about to "get real" with the elimination of "fake" characters and storylines.


"I guess you could call this the final warning to the weak, the frail, the faint of heart. TNA is for real. It's going to get more real as we move along in the coming weeks," Hogan said.


"We're not going to be like wrestling used to be with a bunch of fake-poo (PG) wrestlers and fake storylines. We're going to start shooting. This is about drawing money. And if you don't draw money, you don't belong here.


"We're going to blow the roof off this place. We're going to do in TNA what should have been done all along. We're going to make it interesting. We're going to make it real interesting."


To view the video, http://www.twitvid.com/ZFNGA <--Click Here

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I just can't see Hogan being on board with what we want. Any ideas what this could mean though?


You just spent the last few pages of this thread saying you LIKE the direction TNA is going and you LIKE the Immortals/Fourtune storyline...so who is this "we" you're speaking of?


I don't think this "means" anything. They're going to do episode after where Hogan and Bischoff abuse their power and screw over the faces. There will be questions as to who is "really" with the good guys. At least a dozen major characters will turn. Mostly inexplicably. And 6months form now we'll be right back where we started.


So.. status quo for the most part.

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I have to say this upsets me to no end. Eric Young is one of there most entertaining guys and they are giving him a pay cut. Thats just wrong on so many levels. While I am a fan of Rhino, he has not done much in TNA for a long time. If he were given a push, maybe for the TV Title or such I would care more. As it is if he was released, it would not put me out very much/ As for Kiyoshi, eh, I dont get Xplosion so it does not bother me.

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I have to say this upsets me to no end. Eric Young is one of there most entertaining guys and they are giving him a pay cut. Thats just wrong on so many levels. While I am a fan of Rhino, he has not done much in TNA for a long time. If he were given a push, maybe for the TV Title or such I would care more. As it is if he was released, it would not put me out very much/ As for Kiyoshi, eh, I dont get Xplosion so it does not bother me.


Those are all good moves as all three are fairly useless. TNA needs to cut dead weight. If it were me i wouldn't have even offered Young that...lotsa guys working the indys that would be better as comedy jobbers.

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You just spent the last few pages of this thread saying you LIKE the direction TNA is going and you LIKE the Immortals/Fourtune storyline...so who is this "we" you're speaking of?


I don't think this "means" anything. They're going to do episode after where Hogan and Bischoff abuse their power and screw over the faces. There will be questions as to who is "really" with the good guys. At least a dozen major characters will turn. Mostly inexplicably. And 6months form now we'll be right back where we started.


So.. status quo for the most part.


I do enjoy that storyline but that is because it left me wondering what was happening and where it was going. To me when I think of what Hogan would want I see Nasty Boys (already happened this year), Meng and Barbarian (thankfully hasn't happened), and other old guys getting a lot of air time.


While that doesn't truly fit with what he said I wouldn't be surprised to see more old washed up guys get signed by TNA.


With the Immortal storyline I only see Jeff Jarrett being used in the ring regularly out of the old timers. Mick Foley will be in a couple matches a year, and Ric Flair still may have a couple more matches but he is just a manager really. So that is why the Immortal storyline doesn't bother me.

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TNA's Hulk Hogan posted a new worked-shoot video blog tonight promoting upcoming changes to TNA storylines. Hogan said it's about to "get real" with the elimination of "fake" characters and storylines.


"I guess you could call this the final warning to the weak, the frail, the faint of heart. TNA is for real. It's going to get more real as we move along in the coming weeks," Hogan said.


"We're not going to be like wrestling used to be with a bunch of fake-poo (PG) wrestlers and fake storylines. We're going to start shooting. This is about drawing money. And if you don't draw money, you don't belong here.


"We're going to blow the roof off this place. We're going to do in TNA what should have been done all along. We're going to make it interesting. We're going to make it real interesting."


To view the video, http://www.twitvid.com/ZFNGA <--Click Here


Looks like there's no point in me turning on TNA for the foreseeable future. There's no way Hogan can convince me he's capable of making this kind of vision work. On the one hand he wants to play it straight and yet he flat out states guys like himself don't belong. So if you'll excuse me, I have to go make a world champion out of Herman the German.

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I do enjoy that storyline but that is because it left me wondering what was happening and where it was going. To me when I think of what Hogan would want I see Nasty Boys (already happened this year), Meng and Barbarian (thankfully hasn't happened), and other old guys getting a lot of air time.


While that doesn't truly fit with what he said I wouldn't be surprised to see more old washed up guys get signed by TNA.


With the Immortal storyline I only see Jeff Jarrett being used in the ring regularly out of the old timers. Mick Foley will be in a couple matches a year, and Ric Flair still may have a couple more matches but he is just a manager really. So that is why the Immortal storyline doesn't bother me.


Ahhhh..I see...


No idea then. Because to me the video is totally a work so i don't see it signaling any change or any effect really other than - as I mentioned - more time with Hogan and Bischoff driving the storylines.


Are TNA even trying to sell PPVs anymore? the Mainevent of this PPV is a TV mainevent at best


Based on their buy-rates, I'm not sure it matters :p

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