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The Official TNA / Impact / GFW Discussion Thread

Adam Ryland

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I hope mama Carter stops the useless expenses such as paying 18,000 for an ugly purple belt that will only be used for a few months on tv (which is actually like 12 days of work if ya think about it with two Impacts shot in each day usually). Gotta spend money to make money but spend it wisely myjebus.


The belt really isn't that ugly up close.



In fact I'd say it looks pretty badass.

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Yeah. Up close that's pretty bad. Well made, but ugly concept.


However, as a heel Jeff Hardy vanity belt, it's perfect. Although I always thought the point of vanity belts was to sell replicas on the merchandise tables, in which case this probably isn't the best design. Who knows? Maybe's Jeff's still popular enough to shift some.

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It didn't cost them that much. Go check out the website of the company that made it and see what the price is for a completely custom belt. http://www.topropebelts.com


I have heard as low as 6,000 and high as 20,000 from different people. It is being reported by Ryan Clark and the Wrestling Observer as 18,000. Not that means fact but he knows more people than I and def you. I have seen TRB belts before and been to their website as well and the key word is custom. That belt for Jeff Hardy is actually a painting he did he considers himself an artist and he got it carved into the form and dispite being ugly as sin is very detailed and is alot of poundage of metal. I don't know how much you think something that peticular would cost but 11,000-15,000 grand sounds accurate IMO and I would not be surprised if the cost was more.

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I have heard as low as 6,000 and high as 20,000 from different people. It is being reported by Ryan Clark and the Wrestling Observer as 18,000. Not that means fact but he knows more people than I and def you. I have seen TRB belts before and been to their website as well and the key word is custom. That belt for Jeff Hardy is actually a painting he did he considers himself an artist and he got it carved into the form and dispite being ugly as sin is very detailed and is alot of poundage of metal. I don't know how much you think something that peticular would cost but 11,000-15,000 grand sounds accurate IMO and I would not be surprised if the cost was more.


All the custom belts on that site are carved into the metal and most are painted. I just don't think $18,000 is even close. I could see maybe $6,000 but again who cares about how TNA spends their money. They need to learn how to book regardless of how much money they are spending.

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Custom belt debuts..rumors of it's cost arise....stories about Dixie's mom stepping in to control finances start appearing....




Could Jeff's belt be the last straw that makes the folks at Panda wonder "What the hell has our girl been doing these past couple years?"


Or how much did they pay JWow? That could have been the last straw financially when Panda said oh that didn't lead to long lasting ratings. My point is who cares what they spend. Until they book better consistent shows TNA won't be successful.

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Actually, I don't think the belt looks all that bad - aside from maybe bringing Merman to mind a little. Don't think I'd have replaced my World championship with it though; I might've just had Jeff show up with it after being shafted out of the World title a couple of times, and having it be a little like Taz's old FTW title from ECW maybe.


I also think it'd suit babyface Jeffro much better than heel Jeffro, but again, that's just an opinion.

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Even-though a lot of people are not fans of TNA's current product, like me, I would advise everyone to see the guns vs bucks empty arena fight/match reaction style.




part 2


Such a shame it remains. TNA does and has so much good it just gets mired by all the bs.


BTW I do think the reports of TNA's financial troubles are exaggerated. Dixie's mom is just helping out with the finances as Panda has done in the past and the belt isn't too expensive.


PS the rumours about Dixie's mom came before the belt.


PPS Ugly Belt but it fits Hardy and the Storyline. Shouldn't have trashed the old one though simply replaced it.

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Or how much did they pay JWow? That could have been the last straw financially when Panda said oh that didn't lead to long lasting ratings. My point is who cares what they spend. Until they book better consistent shows TNA won't be successful.


It was a crazy amount like thirteen grand for her one appearance 100% agree with this assessment by the ninja. How much doesn't really matter in the long run as long as it is spent right.... which in these two instances under discussion (belt/Jersey shore chick) is not.

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Even-though a lot of people are not fans of TNA's current product, like me, I would advise everyone to see the guns vs bucks empty arena fight/match reaction style.




part 2


Such a shame it remains. TNA does and has so much good it just gets mired by all the bs.


BTW I do think the reports of TNA's financial troubles are exaggerated. Dixie's mom is just helping out with the finances as Panda has done in the past and the belt isn't too expensive.


PS the rumours about Dixie's mom came before the belt.


PPS Ugly Belt but it fits Hardy and the Storyline. Shouldn't have trashed the old one though simply replaced it.


decent stuff, but Taz needs to STFU almost ruined it for me... and TeNAy for that matter.


Also don't know why but angles like the MCMG/Nucks always remind me of cut scenes in Smackdown vs Raw 2008 or 09

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Its such a shame that TNA is going down the path it is. They have such talent and by watching that brawl between the Guns and Gen Mr its obvious they have guys who are passionate about wrestling there and TNA could make a identity for themselves as a hard hitting fast past show. I have not watched in a few weeks so I dont know what is going on, but I do feel a loss inside that I use to fill watching my favorite wrestlers in TNA every week.
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