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The Official TNA / Impact / GFW Discussion Thread

Adam Ryland

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*facepalm* And its getting more WCW the dying years by the minute.

Go back and watch WCW in its dying days and try to say this again and not feel like an ass.


Many of the WCW-TNA comparisons are apt, but people are forgetting just how awful WCW was in mid-99. TNA is miles, MILES better than WCW was in mid-99.

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Told the whole world it's a work.


Kevin Nash- It's still real to him, damnit!


And yea KEvin, young and talented does sell over to old to be interesting. TNA's finding that out the hard way. they've sure seen alot of improvement ratings wise for sinking a ton of cash in the old guard eh?


At least his firing shows they might be working in the right direction


I think you completely misunderstand what he said. If any guy treats wrestling like a work it's Nash.

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Go back and watch WCW in its dying days and try to say this again and not feel like an ass.


Many of the WCW-TNA comparisons are apt, but people are forgetting just how awful WCW was in mid-99. TNA is miles, MILES better than WCW was in mid-99.


Not saying it's on that level of bad yet. But the whole belts don't matter skit is very much from that period.

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I tell you in my TNA game I have totally hit the reset button and right now my top two guys are Samoa Joe & Jay Lethal. In fact they are getting ready to face each other for the vacant Heavyweight Title. Joe holds major victories over Kurt Angle & Abyss and Lethal holds victories over Flair, Foley and Mr. Anderson. They are both the big names in the company in my game and I think they could be in real life. If TNA were to become the fast past, hard hitting alt to WWE's PG TV, they could draw huge numbers. I use Hogan as a personality who goes to all the major talk shows and events (like it or not Hogan is still a huge name and can draw interest) and puts over the big matches and TNA in general. Bischoff is used as an on-air General Manager of sorts, with Hogan sometimes playing that role as well. A lot f the olders guys (Sting, Flair, Foley) are being used, or going to be used as Managers and Occasional, special attraction wrestlers (I just held a big match between Sting and Flair that was only mid-way through the card on my last PPV). I have grown the tag team, X-Division and knockouts division with names such as Hass & Benjamin, Amazing Kong, Paul London and a few others. Things have been rough in my TNA game because of the money being shelled out to the big names, but I am slowly starting to draw more people and ratings with big matches all the time.

I know this is talk about TNA in its current form, but this is my fantasy booking and how I think TNA could draw themselves out of there funk. JMHO by the way.

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I think you completely misunderstand what he said. If any guy treats wrestling like a work it's Nash.


So your contention is his entire twitter about WWE making a mistake with the miz run because it's telling the world it's a work is also a work?


mabey, but I like to think Kevin's brain is just pickled from all the booze and drugs and he has this idea that most of the world thinks wrestling is still real. It fits in with his hair brained idea's that pushing any young guy is a bad idea because the public only wants to see mid 90's superstars well past their time wrestle.

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So I watched ReACtion which had the main event that I thought was kind of lame. Doug Williams just doesn't look like he belongs with Joe, Pope and Morgan.


That being said Morgan looks like a superstar. The guy is big, athletic, and he can talk. I think his tatoos are horrible, faded and look like they were done by somebody in a basement (for the most part).


Look at Brock and Batista's back tats and they stand out, their clear, their dark enough to pull attention while on camera. Morgans is a good idea its just dull and looks faded which is crazy since he's most likely had a very short time.


I have not watched TNA since BFG and I had not watched a lot of the build up to it. So forgive me if I'm wrong BUT


Didn't Eric get Dixie to sign all decision making rights over to him on the iMpact before TNA? Isn't Hogan a (fifty percent owner) somehow buying out Jarrett and Foley's "stake" in the company. So if Hulk is fifty percent owner and Eric has all decision making rights how did a judge stop Hogan from signing people and how is Hogan not signing people them not having any power? She said until this was cleared up Immortal would have no power. So how does that work? Hogan's an owner of a company and can't make decisions? Dixie signed away rights to her whatever it was to Bischoff and he can't make decisions?


I think thats the biggest problem I have with this is that it feels like their trying to do an nWo like take over and just like then they got the decision maker on their side but the problem is Hogan already owned fifty percent of the damn company and Bischoff had to have some power he was out there ripping up run sheets and booking your fired matches between Foley and Jarrett. All of this was six months before Immortal so what did Immortal change? They already HAD all the power so why did the owner and for lack of a better term "president of operations" need Dixie to sign anything away. And why would Hogan "signing documents he's not supposed to sign" effect Bischoff's rights that Dixie gave him? And why would that effect Immortal's power?


So now what happens wouldn't that essentially cripple them? If Immortal can't make choices what does that do for their story? Isn't this a bit early to be doing the "we took your power away" story? I mean JJ Dillon didn't come in for over a year in the nWo storyline (which by that time was dull but thats not the point).


So anyway as you can see I'm entirely confused by this "power struggle". Dixie was owner, then Jarrett, then Foley, then somehow they got their ownership taken away without their consent because Hogan bought them out? Then Dixie gives Eric power, then Dixie is powerless, now Immortal is powerless? Does that mean Dixie has power again? I'm not saying I want it to be perfect but does no one else thing this is a bit convulted to sayt he least? and if not convulted isn't a bit early for Immortal to have their power taken away even for a few weeks? Shouldn't they be tearing down the iMpact zone and making it the iMmortal Zone?


Or is this their way of getting some "heat" on Immortal? Their going to win their matches but Dixie is going to screw with Bischoff and Hogan to make up for it?


Answers you guys got 'em, I need 'em.

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Ok I haven't watched after BFG either so I can only lay out what happened before then.


Cornette was the original GM and Jarrett had no power other then being the founder. Foley came in and as an investor and was made the executive shareholder by Dixie and Cornette was gone. Suddenly as founder Jarrett had some power but Foley was the "real" general manager as executive shareholder.


Then when Hogan and Bisch came in Hogan was Dixie's business partner and in charge of the wrestling and Dixie revoked all the powers that Jarrett as founder and Foley as shareholder had. So now they where just minority shareholders/ founder.


This means that from that point on Hogan was in charge of the wrestling aspect and Bisch was his appointed GM for a comparison think Dixie as pre campaign CEO and majority owner for real Linda and Hogan as on screen minority owner Vince, with Bisch as Theodore Long.


Now the whole goal of Immortal was/is to take over full control of TNA as they feel Dixie is/was meddling too much in the wrestling aspect and/or Immortal was just greedy and wants everything. Now Dixie signed over full control of TNA on before the glory but as long as the legality of that is still in dispute neither side can exercise any of the "extra" power that comes with it. So Immortal have robbed Dixie of some power but have not gained that same power as of yet.


I know this is in very brief and I haven't followed the latest episodes but this is as far as I can surmise it. Picking apart Russo's brain it's an experience you want to forget lolz. (although he does get some unfair flack as BFG, Turning Point, Final Res 2009 was him on his own booking for the first time and was good.)

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Atleast it makes sense but in my opinion TNA has had WAY too many "director of authorties" dating back to Rhodes and Larry Z and whoever else all the way up to JJ, Foley, Hogan, Eric....it just gets to be a bit much and makes the position worthless.


Atleast you were able to give me answers though and you laid it out in a nice way. Kudos Double H

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In you guys' opinion, what is the best match TNA has ever had? I think that the best match would have to be Samoa Joe vs. AJ Styles vs. Christopher Daniels at Unbreakable.


I would have to agree with this, the match was amazing and was the runner up for match of the year in 2005 (with HBK vs. Kurt Angle from WM21 Winning) Another good match I have never seen but I heard it was really good was the cage match between Elix Skipper and Christopher Daniels vs. AMW

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Joe v Styles v Daniels was great and is pretty much without a doubt the best match (and series of matches) TNA has ever had. But my personal favorite match in TNA was Anderson v Angle at Lockdown. Great blow off to a great feud. Although I could live without ever seeing Angle try another moonsault from atop a steel cage.
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I would have to agree with this, the match was amazing and was the runner up for match of the year in 2005 (with HBK vs. Kurt Angle from WM21 Winning) Another good match I have never seen but I heard it was really good was the cage match between Elix Skipper and Christopher Daniels vs. AMW


The Triple X vs. AMW steel cage match that you are referring to is indeed an awesome match. It is full of good psychology and high flying aerial moves!

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I would have to agree with this, the match was amazing and was the runner up for match of the year in 2005 (with HBK vs. Kurt Angle from WM21 Winning) Another good match I have never seen but I heard it was really good was the cage match between Elix Skipper and Christopher Daniels vs. AMW


Youtube the Triple X vs. AMW match now! One of the best tag matches you'll see including one absolutely ridiculous spot that you'll rewatch a good 5/10 times!


AMW > Beer Money

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