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The Official TNA / Impact / GFW Discussion Thread

Adam Ryland

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Dixie tweeted a month or so ago that Wolfe should be returning soon. But then they cut out the footage of him and Magnus saving Doug Williams from Immortal. So I don't know.


To add to what Jaysin said, I have read that he shows up every week (that they tape shows) and visits friends on the roster but he leaves well before the show starts taping.

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To add to what Jaysin said, I have read that he shows up every week (that they tape shows) and visits friends on the roster but he leaves well before the show starts taping.


Why would you show up every week only to leave before the show? I want Desmond Wolfe back. Does anyone go to these Impact tapings? If so you should try getting a chant for Desmond Wolfe going in the middle of a divas match or something.

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Why would you show up every week only to leave before the show? I want Desmond Wolfe back. Does anyone go to these Impact tapings? If so you should try getting a chant for Desmond Wolfe going in the middle of a divas match or something.


I mean its in his best interest he dont wrestle atm with his health and TNA is doing the right thing by playing it safe.


Also tonights huge ending that will happen any thoughts I thing Sting will be back or Chris Jericho (very unlikely)

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Also tonights huge ending that will happen any thoughts I thing Sting will be back or Chris Jericho (very unlikely)


It's one of those and I'll give you a hint; it's not the guy who has openly criticized TNA in recent weeks and said he'll only ever wrestle for WWE.


Plus, some c-list 'celebrities' to rehash the Jersey Shore angle that went over like a lead balloon and meant nothing.

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Also tonights huge ending that will happen any thoughts I thing Sting will be back or Chris Jericho (very unlikely)


Out of those two it would be Sting, but hoping for more of a suprise instead of something guessable, but doubt we will get that.

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I've been watching TNA since day one... I'd spend the 5 bucks or whatever it was back in the day for the weekly PPV's. But, lately, even though the talent is a 100X better, I find myself fastforwarding through it more and more. I find myself caring about it less and less. I dont claim to have the answers to fix it, I'm not even 100% sure what it's wrong with it. All I know is tonight I had my finger on the fast forward button nearly the entire show. All the way to the big suprise... SMH. Thanks TNA.
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I honestly think that was more of a jab at WWE than trying to emulate them.


Stupid on there part.


This gets back to my problem with TNA and why i don't watch anymore, which jericho said far more eloquently than i will here. They are so concerned with taking shots at WWE and being seens as the "edger" alternative that they don't have there own identity.


TNA's entire identity is tied up in fighting the good underdog fight against the E for fans hearts and minds. The problem is, that sets you up as the underdog, and tailors your product to simply be "different than the more popular company"


TNA would do so much better for itself if it would just pick it's own direction and stick with it, rather than trying to sell themselves as the young upstart company you should watch because the more popular company is popular.


to put it another way, Your never going to be the biggest and best company on the block when your essentially trying to be Goth alternative to WWE's pop/rock. Build your own brand and identity, not a company who tries to appeal to the disfranchised fans of another more popular company.

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Damn, that video at the end of Impact may have ever so slightly been an EPIC FAIL. 'Jab' at WWE or not, all I could see was 'shameless ripoff', and I was even singing "Ain't No Grave Can Hold My Body Down" as it aired.


Bad move, TNA.


Can't help but think this is gonna be bad for the company's image - some of the more.... um... let's call them passionate... fans have already Tweeted Dixie a river of flame.


To me, the vid made TNA look a little bad, and some of the response has made wrestling fans look pretty bad, (some of the things they're saying go just a way bit too far IMO).


:o with a side order of :( .

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Damn, that video at the end of Impact may have ever so slightly been an EPIC FAIL. 'Jab' at WWE or not, all I could see was 'shameless ripoff', and I was even singing "Ain't No Grave Can Hold My Body Down" as it aired.


Bad move, TNA.


Can't help but think this is gonna be bad for the company's image - some of the more.... um... let's call them passionate... fans have already Tweeted Dixie a river of flame.


To me, the vid made TNA look a little bad, and some of the response has made wrestling fans look pretty bad, (some of the things they're saying go just a way bit too far IMO).


:o with a side order of :( .


I have not looked on Twitter but I agree with you. That video made TNA look like a low rent rip-off. There was so much they could have done to promote him coming back and it is sad that was the best that they could come up with.

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Just saw the TNA/Sting video and felt it was child's play versus what the WWE did for the Undertaker. Obviously, there's going to be comparisons given the way it was shot, presented, and the whole 'upcoming date' deal; however, the vignette felt like a sad, sad, attempt at making Sting look cool.


To be honest, I would expect more from TNA. In most ways, they're doing a GREAT job of presenting Pro Wrestling from a new perspective; giving more of a unique tone to their video packages, backstage stuff, etc. With that said, it just fell flat in my eyes.


I'm not one to jump off a bandwagon just for one simple 'let down' but, I must say, I felt that TNA creative missed the mark on this one.

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I'm pretty sure it was making fun of wwe who wanted sting anbd them saying hahaha we got him you cant have him




Let's be real: the idea that Sting was the one in those videos was entirely started by and kept alive by net fans.


The WWE obviusly planned it to be Undertaker all along.


Sting had made no move to sign with the WWE.


Maybe it made fun of the idea that the WWE could get so much hype and excitement generated among fans for the "return" of a guy who is on the roster and takes a long break every year and returns before a big PPV, every year (just like Sting does)


But here's my issue:


TNA is AGAIN creating the comparison to the WWE, and they don't really look good in doing it. Not bad. But not good. And - after reading the spoilers - they are relying on the hype for a video that they didn't create to push a character who - the last time he was on TNA TV - was being booked to look like crap.


Soooo..you are hyping the return of a guy that's been around forever, that was turned heel then face then super secret face because of storylines, and who *probably* is no longer that big a deal in your company.


And you promoted it as 'the biggest thing in the history of the industry'...which pretty much set yorself up to mocked by the haters and to get a bunch of heat from your actual fans


It's not that the video is bad per se, so much as I don't see the benefit. At all.

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These are her own Twitter fans..


Dixie Carter Gets Blasted By Pissed Off Fans

by TNAWrestlingNews.com Staff on 02/25/2011 - 05:54 PM


Dixie Carter took a lot of heat via her Twitter account last night for the 3-3-11 video.


cherberrie: @tnadixie I caught the last five minute of your programming and it blows.. It is terrible... You will never be WWE. stop trying to be!


canadianbulldog: Dear @TNADixie - Nice "Surprise". Maybe next time you can surprise us with a wrestling promotion that doesn't absolutely f***ing suck.


JAVincen: @TNAwrestling @TNADixie Wow...The big surprise ending is a rip off of WWE's Undertaker promo for Sting.... Disappointing......


trtx84: Oh lord. Really @TNADixie? We're just gonna straight up copy WWE wholesale now? Embarrassing... #3311


TweepzMostLuvd: @TNADixie anything to keep them away from #1 huh? That's why this cpmpany will go down. What a let down.


jakeblckmn: @TNADixie could you please be more original, 3-3-11 really? and you wonder why your company sucks and is in the gutter, get new writers


WrestleWrestle: Y'know @TNADixie , if you're that driven to flush money down the toilet, you could just send it to me and save everyone a lot of pain.


MrGamer2558 : @TNADixie a mock video of WWE's 2-21-11 for Sting is your big surprise? you're kidding? this is a f***ing joke right?


thedylan2296: @tnadixie tna is officially dead... dixie... why? at victory have someone squash sting very quick... i wont care as long as sting looses


PocketVolcano: @TNADixie Seriously, just close up the company. Your talent is severely underpaid (esp the women) and you keep rehashing WCW stuff. Stop.


AreYouHie: @TNADixie when can i take over creative control of TNA? im pretty sure i'd bring in more viewers with much better "surprises"


bookerg: Only 1/2 an hour to go till @TNAwrestling & @tnadixie disappoint me with another overhyped "shocking surprise"! Who-hoo!


Lamou420: @TNADixie enough with the surprises already. We all know you can't deliver. Every time #tna announce a "big surprise" it's a let down.


Morris272: Sting in WWE would of been great in TNA its boring and predictable.


CdnOtakuGamer: Actually, the big surprise is that @TNADixie brought a big cake for everyone... But Matt Hardy ate it all backstage.


GrappleKingdom: Dear @TNADixie and @TNAwrestling - see how @WWE announced Sin Cara? THAT is how you make an impact in the wrestling world.


xthegunshow: @TNADixie Oh wow Sting vs Jeff Hardy...you really know how to keep those viewing figures down.


EmJayEch: The WWE is horrible & they lost me as a fan years ago, TNA is my CHOICE but TNA has opportunity and they BLOW IT BIG TIME. F-THIS @tnadixie


NotTripleH: Are we sure that TNA has the real Sting backstage, or the NWO Sting? Because I doubt @TNADixie knows the difference. #VintageDixie.


xthegunshow: @TNADixie No one gives a f*** that Sting is at tonights Impact Taping, people want him in WWE. You use him horribly.


XDustinEFLX: @TNADixie: Instead of paying your wrestlers more,you're wasting more money on a second Jersey Shore 'star'? Are you stupid?


gersfan22331: @TNADixie wow dixie the big suprise was sting wow the old man chose to stay with the 5TH rate trash that is tna


awesome_since88: @TNADixie OMG I wonder who 3-3-11 is??? This is going to change pro wrestling forever!! If I can only control myself for a whole week #TNA


EdgeUniversity: @TNADIxie so...your huge surprise for Impact was that you can copy a promo video that @WWE has been doing for the past month? GREAT JOB!


james_donald: YAY FOR COPYING WWE!!!! f*** you you dumbass bitch @TNADixie.


bookerg: I'M OFFICIALLY DONE WITH TNA. Don't say "SHOCKING SURPRISE" and not deliver. @TNAwrestling and @tnadixie. You just lost a viewer. FU.


Joerrd: @TNADixie LOL. That little 3-3-11 promo? That's the reason nobody takes your bingo hall company seriously.


The_Kliq_Army: @TNADixie so #TNA just basically stole the #WWE #Taker22111 promo lame


divalover159: @TNADixie learn to be original and never EVER copycat. if you want to be taken very seriously and not as a joke that you just made yourselfs tonight. learn to be original or your nothing more but a joke. just saying.


wmkrow: wow, @tnadixie, good job ripping off WWE and their 2-21-11 bit. Same font and everything.


Relentless_J: Lmfaoooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!! TNA really copied WWE by making a 3-3-11 video??? @TNADixie can't use ORIGINALITY!?!?!?


JeebusOMalley: @TNADixie Seriously? Not even gonna pretend to have an original thought huh? Unbelievable. Impact is garbage.


PhantomLordNYC: @TNADixie Jesus Christ can't you people come up with anything original at all???


DarkMatchRaslin: @TNADixie we liked the Sting promo the first time we saw it...when it was for Undertaker in WWE a month ago...seriously, even the numbers?


J712v2: A mock 2/21/11 video? Really TNA? Really? Dear Spike: Take TNA off TV, and put ROH on instead!


1ISchmo: Wow. Creative means being creative, not copying something from another show. The s***s beyond. @TNADixie, enjoy the final year.


Credit: Mike Shalik/Sescoops







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