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The Official TNA / Impact / GFW Discussion Thread

Adam Ryland

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Does anyone else thing that this thing is a complete and total work? Going with a Jeff's falling off the wagon storyline is something TNA isn't above and putting an angle on PPV that should have been on TV is something TNA does all the freaking time.


The thought did cross my mind. However, I quickly dismissed it because there is no way Jeff Hardy is that good of an actor.:D

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Maybe it's the latino in me...but I love SuperMex! LAX was the thing that got me into TNA in the first place.


That must be it. Because he is painfully uninteresting. And I'm Mexican too.


He's just a generic big guy brawler with a generic big guy brawler look. Honestly, he was more interesting in Mexico because there are less workers like him.


In TNA, he's just *meh*

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Hernandez just needs a little something to freshen up his character. I dont think he is a generic big guy, he has a bit more in his arsenal. Plus he can move like not many other big guys can.


Matt Morgan could be another Hulk Hogan (and I mean that in a good way) if pushed right. He's big, athletic, charismatic and can work a crowd. Have him turn in a big way and he could be THE heel moving forward.


Abyss has always been an interesting character to me. He is a bit Mankind, bit Undertaker, bit Kane all thrown into a mixer and then poured out. He has not been too bad on the mic either but if they give him a good manager then he could be that monster bad guy.


Hell turn Joe heel again and have him go on a dominating winning streak. Wins over top faces and maybe some DQ's because he is so violent during the match. Set him up as a big threat to Sting.


I do not want to see Jeff Jarrett in the Title scene again. I have nothing against the guy at all and I think he is a great worker who can work a crowd, but it would be in TNA's best interest to keep him away from the Title scene for now. Maybe a run for the gold a few months to a few years down the road but for now he should be the guy that the young faces have to go through to go from that midcard to main event scene.


Pope is a big contender for top heel, but he needs a bigger push outside this feud with Joe. He's got the charisma, the ability and the drive to be a top guy. Maybe he is pissed that Sting left him to fight against Immortal all by himself and now he wants revenge on Sting.


And just for Nostalgia sake put Sting vs Flair for one last hurray.


Thats just some quick ideas on who could be the top heel in TNA right now.

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Hernandez just needs a little something to freshen up his character. I dont think he is a generic big guy, he has a bit more in his arsenal. Plus he can move like not many other big guys can.


What else does he have in his arsenal, really? He's the kind of wrestler that should never have been given a solo run, as he's much better in a tag team with the right partner. Like Homicide. Plus, he's not exactly the safest worker around.


Matt Morgan could be another Hulk Hogan (and I mean that in a good way) if pushed right. He's big, athletic, charismatic and can work a crowd. Have him turn in a big way and he could be THE heel moving forward.


I definately think Morgan has potential, but a new Hulk Hogan? Never. Noone can be a new Hulk Hogan. Why? Because someone like Hulk Hogan wouldn't get as over doing what he does today as he did in the 80's. Times have changed, and Hogan could never get to where he is today if he had to start all over in 2011. Also, while Morgan is good, he has nowhere the level of charisma that Hogan has. He's a better worker though.


Abyss has always been an interesting character to me. He is a bit Mankind, bit Undertaker, bit Kane all thrown into a mixer and then poured out. He has not been too bad on the mic either but if they give him a good manager then he could be that monster bad guy.


I definately agree that Abyss is a cross between especially Mankind and Kane and, to a lesser degree, The Undertaker. However, he's a watered down version inferior to all three. That's not to say he can't be useful, but TNA already tried pushing him to the stars... and failed. He's fairly interesting, but he's not *that* interesting. And he's not exactly spectacular in the ring.


Common for all three above is that they would have to be built for a while before being anywhere near the top heel spot of TNA... and TNA desperately needs one NOW.


Hell turn Joe heel again and have him go on a dominating winning streak. Wins over top faces and maybe some DQ's because he is so violent during the match. Set him up as a big threat to Sting.


Can't disagree with you here. I love Joe. But the way TNA has been treated him in later years, would the crowd buy him as the top heel just like that...? Anyway, he's still a face and in a feud with Dinero... isn't he? Would take time.


I do not want to see Jeff Jarrett in the Title scene again. I have nothing against the guy at all and I think he is a great worker who can work a crowd, but it would be in TNA's best interest to keep him away from the Title scene for now. Maybe a run for the gold a few months to a few years down the road but for now he should be the guy that the young faces have to go through to go from that midcard to main event scene.


In complete agreement here. Except the part about giving him a "run for the gold" anytime in the future. His time has past, and while he's still somewhat over he doesn't quite have the star quality of Sting.


Pope is a big contender for top heel, but he needs a bigger push outside this feud with Joe. He's got the charisma, the ability and the drive to be a top guy. Maybe he is pissed that Sting left him to fight against Immortal all by himself and now he wants revenge on Sting.


He could be the top heel eventually, but like with others above he needs time. And TNA does not have that time right now.


And just for Nostalgia sake put Sting vs Flair for one last hurray.


I would prefer not seeing Flair embarrass himself in the ring anymore than he already has at this point in TNA. And to be honest, I thought the Sting vs. Flair match of the last Nitro was pretty damn average... and that was 10 years ago! I can't imagine such a matchup would be anything but a disaster now...


Really, the more I think about it, the more I feel they have only one choice: turn Van Dam heel. NOW.


...but knowing TNA, they'll probably just push Matt Hardy or Abyss.

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Hernandez just needs a little something to freshen up his character. I dont think he is a generic big guy, he has a bit more in his arsenal. Plus he can move like not many other big guys can.


Matt Morgan could be another Hulk Hogan (and I mean that in a good way) if pushed right. He's big, athletic, charismatic and can work a crowd. Have him turn in a big way and he could be THE heel moving forward.


Abyss has always been an interesting character to me. He is a bit Mankind, bit Undertaker, bit Kane all thrown into a mixer and then poured out. He has not been too bad on the mic either but if they give him a good manager then he could be that monster bad guy.


Hell turn Joe heel again and have him go on a dominating winning streak. Wins over top faces and maybe some DQ's because he is so violent during the match. Set him up as a big threat to Sting.


I do not want to see Jeff Jarrett in the Title scene again. I have nothing against the guy at all and I think he is a great worker who can work a crowd, but it would be in TNA's best interest to keep him away from the Title scene for now. Maybe a run for the gold a few months to a few years down the road but for now he should be the guy that the young faces have to go through to go from that midcard to main event scene.


Pope is a big contender for top heel, but he needs a bigger push outside this feud with Joe. He's got the charisma, the ability and the drive to be a top guy. Maybe he is pissed that Sting left him to fight against Immortal all by himself and now he wants revenge on Sting.


And just for Nostalgia sake put Sting vs Flair for one last hurray.


Thats just some quick ideas on who could be the top heel in TNA right now.


Those are some incredibly generous and optimistic assessments of TNA's talent. :rolleyes:

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Hernandez just needs a little something to freshen up his character. I dont think he is a generic big guy, he has a bit more in his arsenal. Plus he can move like not many other big guys can.


He looks like a big goof. He walks on his toes. He has zero acting ability. His facial expressions and taunts just make him look like a mentally handicapped gorilla.


Then again, other than the walking on his toes, those are my same feelings about Thwagger

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TNA's is going to do a charlie sheen storyline with Hardy being TNA's Sheen. #Winning


I can see TNA doing something like that.


He needs wittiness and tiger blood to pull that off.


Also, he needs goddesses. Who's that gonna be, Gunner and Murphy? Yikes.


Until then, he's not Winning.

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Am I the only one who just see's another terrible TNA/Russo type storyline being played out when watching this? Sure, it's bad. But it's the usual TNA trying to work the smarks bad. If it's real, that sad. If it's them working a gimmic, that's even sadder, but more likely too.


Spoilers in white


He was sent home and wasent even mentioned on the impact tapings yesterday. Sting also got rid of his belt.


If it's a work, which would be stupid but this is TNA, I think they would have at least mentioned the incident. They tried to play off to the live audience like it was a regular match and Jeff didn't matter anymore since sting won by not mention him outside of "I won last night, lets get rid of this belt" by sting


I would think if it was a work they would have alluded to what happened/ mentioned Jeff hardy


Side annoying note, a no DQ 4 way for the new #1 contender ended in a no contest. That was the main event. are you kidding me TNA?


How many matchs can you end on PPV or free TV with a no contest? once in a while for the correct storyline purpose, ok fine. But it seems like EVERY STINKING WEEK tna ends a major match, some of them no DQ, with a no contest and the "Tune in next week to find out the (shades down) Impact of this revelation!


stupid. fans don't want to tune in week after week to see a poop storm no contest finish and be told "to be continued! mabey! watch next weel! please!!"

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Really, the more I think about it, the more I feel they have only one choice: turn Van Dam heel. NOW.


...but knowing TNA, they'll probably just push Matt Hardy or Abyss.


Heel RVD could work in theory. You could even go as far as to suggest that RVD was considering joining Bischoff's side throughout the whole EV2.0 'inside man' shenanigans. But considering Immortal started by screwing the belt from RVD and basically maiming him, it'd be a bit of a stretch.


That said, this is TNA and wrestlers turn on a dime. Look at how Morgan's face turn was rushed through when Anderson got injured.


As for Hardy/Sting. No chance of that being a work, otherwise somebody needs to put IMPACT! up for the next round of oscars and honestly after that debacle and considering he's already dropped the belt, there's no better time to cut Jeff Hardy loose.

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At first I thought it was quite possibly a work, especially after the reactions of them all, but now I'm not quite sure what to think.....on the one hand, with Hardy in that state TNA were out of their minds to let him walk out there in front of not just those fans but the free world watching the PPV. I can't see any company allowing that legitimately, not even TNA. What makes me think it's a work is A) the fact that he was allowed by TNA to represent TNA publicly when he was clearly in such a state. B) As of right now Hardy is still employed, and C) thus far he has not even so much as received a fine or anything.


Another thing that makes me think it's a work is the fact that Sting looked as though he was following orders but wasn't happy with what he was asked to do.


But ultimately if TNA are to step away from monthly PPV in favour of product placement-heavy big events away from Orlando like the Impact they had recently, with this 'angle' and also with The Network having been suddenly worked in to storylines it would only take 1 promo to bring about such a change. I think TNA made quite a bit more money from their big event (as they had paying customers and a heck of a lot of promotionals on the show which will have been yet more money for them) than they get for their PPVs which the buyrates are paltry.


As I say I'm not sure what to think, if it's legitimate then it was a retarded move by TNA management to allow Hardy to go out like that when even they know the basics of when and where to alter an advertised match up - they've done it before not so long ago so why not here ? Also the fact that TNA catch a lot of hate by the majority of the IWC regardless of what they do so it wouldn't surprise me if this was a staged incident. This is why I suspect it could be a work. That's always a possibility in wrestling, right ?


If it's not a work - I sincerely hope not and I don't think even TNA are that stupid - but if it's not a work then to make such an elementary error well then in that case even TNA die-hards should be asking serious questions about the long term well being of that company....but....I don't think we'll get a definitive answer unless wrestlers start resigning over it, because I think no matter what that TNA will turn this into a work whether it was one to begin with or not.

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I doubt even TNA would pull off a 'work' like that for the main event of a PPV. Even they can't be that stupid. Also, Jeff Hardy clearly tried to kick out of the pin with Sting holding him down legitimately. Why would Hardy do that if it was a work? It seems to me that some people these days would rather claim something legit is a work than risk being worked.
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IIt seems to me that some people these days would rather claim something legit is a work than risk being worked.


I think that's why it took some people, including those within wrestling, a long time to acknowledge that the Montreal Screwjob was real, even though it was pretty clear very quickly how real it was.


Some of it also goes back to the Pillman deal where WCW repeatedly tried the worked shoot angle to the point that they had so little credibility that when obvious shoots did happen, nobody wanted to believe it because they had been lied to so often before.

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At first I thought it was quite possibly a work, especially after the reactions of them all, but now I'm not quite sure what to think.....on the one hand, with Hardy in that state TNA were out of their minds to let him walk out there in front of not just those fans but the free world watching the PPV. I can't see any company allowing that legitimately, not even TNA. What makes me think it's a work is A) the fact that he was allowed by TNA to represent TNA publicly when he was clearly in such a state. B) As of right now Hardy is still employed, and C) thus far he has not even so much as received a fine or anything.


Another thing that makes me think it's a work is the fact that Sting looked as though he was following orders but wasn't happy with what he was asked to do.


But ultimately if TNA are to step away from monthly PPV in favour of product placement-heavy big events away from Orlando like the Impact they had recently, with this 'angle' and also with The Network having been suddenly worked in to storylines it would only take 1 promo to bring about such a change. I think TNA made quite a bit more money from their big event (as they had paying customers and a heck of a lot of promotionals on the show which will have been yet more money for them) than they get for their PPVs which the buyrates are paltry.


As I say I'm not sure what to think, if it's legitimate then it was a retarded move by TNA management to allow Hardy to go out like that when even they know the basics of when and where to alter an advertised match up - they've done it before not so long ago so why not here ? Also the fact that TNA catch a lot of hate by the majority of the IWC regardless of what they do so it wouldn't surprise me if this was a staged incident. This is why I suspect it could be a work. That's always a possibility in wrestling, right ?


If it's not a work - I sincerely hope not and I don't think even TNA are that stupid - but if it's not a work then to make such an elementary error well then in that case even TNA die-hards should be asking serious questions about the long term well being of that company....but....I don't think we'll get a definitive answer unless wrestlers start resigning over it, because I think no matter what that TNA will turn this into a work whether it was one to begin with or not.




Y'know when I said this...


Slag's right in that TNA's PPV numbers are so bad that this won't make a huge difference to them on the business side of things, but it's a black eye for the company and only the snarkiest of TNA fanboys will try to say it isn't


..I was totally thinking of you :p


This is obviously not a work, or else the results at those tapings would've been different.


I just think they screwed up. However, I think you're right in that - no matter what - this is going to end up as part of a storyline. It's the Russo way.

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Just read this and absolutely loved it. It's Mark Madden's take on TNA, The Hardy Boyz, and the call for Jim Ross to join the company. Yep, the last part would never happen but it's an interesting take. Also, the only part I wouldn't agree with is where he said "let em die". I honestly hope he didn't mean that literally, and I'm sure he didn't, but it came across a little harsh.


Either way, here is the article:


Mark Madden: "Every Junky's Like a Settin' Sun".

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Also, the only part I wouldn't agree with is where he said "let em die". I honestly hope he didn't mean that literally, and I'm sure he didn't, but it came across a little harsh.


Either way, here is the article:


Mark Madden: "Every Junky's Like a Settin' Sun".


Knowing Madden, he probably did, and at this point I agree with sentiment. Hardy doesn't want help. He never has; he quit a well paying job with the WWF rather than get help. Fire the guy and let him shoot up or snort his way to death on his own time.

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TNA Wrestling strives to give fans who purchase our pay-per-views as close to a full three-hour event as possible. This past Sunday’s “TNA Victory Road” fell short of that standard. Your support of TNA is never taken for granted. To show you how we value that support, we would like to offer six months of free access to the TNAondemand.com library.


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At least they did something for the 19 people who ordered the PPV.

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Just read this and absolutely loved it. It's Mark Madden's take on TNA, The Hardy Boyz, and the call for Jim Ross to join the company. Yep, the last part would never happen but it's an interesting take. Also, the only part I wouldn't agree with is where he said "let em die". I honestly hope he didn't mean that literally, and I'm sure he didn't, but it came across a little harsh.


Either way, here is the article:


Mark Madden: "Every Junky's Like a Settin' Sun".


I pretty much agree with everything he wrote: Hardy is a waste and TNA needs a back-to-basics, nuts and bolts type of booker who can get away from the Crash TV a bit and get their roster in order.


I sincerely doubt it's Jim Ross per se, but someone like that would help.

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