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The Official TNA / Impact / GFW Discussion Thread

Adam Ryland

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agreed. My only issue, was didn't the ref count to three before the one guy jumped to break up the pin near the end? That seems to happen a little too much in TNA.


solid match though. Also had me wondering, what is Creed up to? (btw I saw lethal is part of whatever this AWW thing is, so he is still sort of with TNA)


Creed is on a dev deal with WWE

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I must admit, that was a pretty good match,

and I think good things might be happening for Shiima Xion...

(thats whats was his name on the Indy's)



Seen Shiima upclose at a few local indy shows about two years ago (ringside seats so maybe 6 feet from the ring) Great high-flyer type with some innovative moves...unfortunetly he is pretty small and that will make it hard for him to get very far in the US. Shame though 'cause he's got a ****ton of talent




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If Dakota Darsow is any good in the ring, then he has a huge fan in me already. That promo cracked me up.


Dakota is a pretty nice guy outside the ring, at least when he was younger. I don't know about nowadays but I used to wrestle with him in amateur wrestling back in the day. So it's good to see him on Impact Wrestling even if it is in a loss.

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It's already been said in this thread :p


Pretty decent match between Bully Ray and Scotty.


I've been really impressed with how Ray's carried himself since the Team 3D split. Sure, he's always been an effective heel and most of the Bully Ray gimmick isn't new ground for him, but he's put out some really solid promos and matches.


That triple threat was pretty good. If the focus on the X Division continues after Destination X, it'd be nice to get all three of those guys.


Hopefully TNA will consider using a few more occasional talents for the X-Division after Destination X. Use the matches as spotfests to pop the crowd and interchange several of the workers to keep them and their offence fresh, mixing them with a few static regulars.

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Last I heard Sting said Jeff is riding his bike 10 miles a day and is in the best shapes he's been in a long time, and that he is straighting out his "Personal" problems.


Sting heard that from Matt Hardy. I am a massive Hardy fan, but they don't seem to think Jeff even has a problem.

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A very good threeway match between Low Ki, Matt Bentley and The Flying Elvis Jimmy Yang. Definitely something that I enjoyed.



Really enjoyable match. Yang is a super good athlete and does some amazing things and I've always enjoyed Low Ki in the ring. He's just fun to watch.



Edit- C-verse worker Mikey James just got a mention on Impact. LOL

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