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The Official TNA / Impact / GFW Discussion Thread

Adam Ryland

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Seriously considering getting a group of people together to order Destination X.


I haven't ordered a pay per view in a good 5 years...at least.


I am really excited for Destination X though and I'd like to at least help support the pay per view.

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Destination X looks like it's going to be amazing. Just those two matches are enough: AJ Styles vs. Christopher Daniels and Rob Van Dam vs. Jerry Lynn.


I don't have the money to get the pay-per-view but I will definitely be buying the dvd eventually.


Already drooling for the 4-way match next week.

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I'm calling for Jay Lethal to come back at Destination(SP) X in the four way, or in the Kendrick/Abyss match. So in the Abyss/Kendrick match Kendrick is being beat down 3 on 1 Jay Leathal and the winner of the Four way match(Aries or Lo Ki) run in and take down Abyss, which sets up a Abyss V. Winner of four way match V. Jay Lethal for the title at Hardcore Justice.
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I'm calling for Jay Lethal to come back at Destination(SP) X in the four way, or in the Kendrick/Abyss match. So in the Abyss/Kendrick match Kendrick is being beat down 3 on 1 Jay Leathal and the winner of the Four way match(Aries or Lo Ki) run in and take down Abyss, which sets up a Abyss V. Winner of four way match V. Jay Lethal for the title at Hardcore Justice.


I read yesterday that TNA and Lethal did talk about him participating at Destination X, but that the deal fell through.

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I read yesterday that TNA and Lethal did talk about him participating at Destination X, but that the deal fell through.


Isn't Lethal part of that All Wheels Wrestling thing that Jarrett is doing?


If so it wouldn't surprise me to see him back.

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Isn't Lethal part of that All Wheels Wrestling thing that Jarrett is doing?


If so it wouldn't surprise me to see him back.


Yes he is. But I repeat what I read yesterday: they talked about Destination X, but it fell through.

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- Mexican America suck. IF they bring in Chavo. Keep him away from these losers.


- Joker Sting is growing on me, but I still am not keen as other people seem to be.


- Good X match, better than last week, think I preferred the 1st one with Aries in.


- Angelina is back normal and accepting it?!?!?!


- Steiner is better as heel, but silly considering he came in as part of They V2 against Immortal.


- D-Von winning :eek: wtf


- For me Gunner is losing his bad ass mystery the more he speaks but he's still okay.


- Rob Terry turn lol.


- Jerry Lynn!

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