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The Official TNA / Impact / GFW Discussion Thread

Adam Ryland

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Geez.. I usually change the channel when it comes to the Diva's of WWE, but I thought the Knockout's of TNA would be much better, I've been proven wrong by Karen Jarrett... She seems like either a watered down version of Vickie Guerrero, or either Vickie Guerrero is the watered down version of her, either way, she's more than annoying.
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Watching the opening promo with Robert Roode and I'm getting a Shane Douglas (during his ECW days) vibe from his delivery/mannerisms. If he keeps this up then he's got a fan in me.


I can totally see that.... actually they are pretty similar in size and ability too....


James Storm, the uh.. New TNA Heavyweight Champion? Wow.. Truly out of nowhere.. I'm guessing Roode turns Heel, or James does now..?


I can see a ****y smug, "I did what you can't do" James Storm... Slowly morph him into a Pompous punk.

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So this leads to the question is Roode the Marty Jannetty of Beer Money??


Also James Storm is the #1 trending topic on twitter right now.


While I haven't watched TNA much lately, mostly because we don't have extended cable in my apartment right now, I did watch the main event from tonight with Storm/Angle via youtube. I don't really think we can go as far as to label Roode as the Jannetty of "Beer Money" just yet. I mean, If TNA is booking this right then it's bound to create a "tension storyline" with Roode and James eventually warring with one another over the belt. I mean, Hogan, who has a lot of sway right now, said in a recent interview that he thinks Roode would be a better 'heel champion' than a face. That said, I could see them billing a war between the two were Roode ultimately turns heel and then wins the title down the road.


I guess we'll have to see where we go from here before we can decide on if Roode is the second-tier guy within the tandem (as I think you're putting it). Truthfully, this whole thing could really turn out to be a HUGE win for TNA in the long-run if booked right. We could be looking at TNA's Triple H/Rock feud.


What I mean by that is a strong feud that eventually A) defines a company at that time in history and B) elevates both wrestlers to the point of being dual main eventers.


Either way, I loved the quick superkick ending.


Well played TNA.

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Just ended here roughly 20 minutes ago... There may not have been much wrestling but I loved the ENTIRE show. (Aside from the abyss/gunner "match"). This show is a prime example of "angles definitely helped lifted this show as a whole." The angles flowed nicely enough and kept enough of a pace that the lack of wrestling didnt matter that much.... and this is coming from a guy whos hated TNA(to the point of not watching it) and just about everything thats happened since Hogan/Bischoff took over.


Also Hogan has still got "it" on the mic

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I'm the first one to moan about a show that had little wrestling, and although I was disappointed with the lack of in ring action I have to say the rest was actually very entertaining.


I hope they drop the TNA name though because it is very misleading. It certainly isn't a company with "Nonstop Action" as last night showed.

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I liked the Angle vs Storm match. It still surprised me since I read the results but not how they happened. Liked the celebration as well but when Storm tried to hand the belt to Roode I got pissed. I didn't see the Green Bay Packers last year try to give the Superbowl trophy to the Lions.


Either way now onto where I think this is going. I feel like this will lead to the break up of Fortune. Everyone now wants a shot at James Storm. I hope James Storm becomes the fighting champion and becomes known as one of the toughest champions in TNA history!


James Storm could barely get by for a long time and win a lot of close matches with his kick out of nowhere. It would come across legit and make him a major name in this business I feel.


I said a few weeks ago I liked Storm more than Roode and hoped that Storm got that push since he has more personality. To me Storm is easier to push as he has more to offer I feel. In my opinion James Storm has more star quality and charisma in tew terms.

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Whist I still don't agree with not giving the title to Roode I am happy that Storm has been given the gold as he is, for my money, far more entertaining to watch. The question remains though, why didn't they just have Storm win the Bound For Glory series and have the title change hands on the biggest stage TNA has to offer.
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Whist I still don't agree with not giving the title to Roode I am happy that Storm has been given the gold as he is, for my money, far more entertaining to watch. The question remains though, why didn't they just have Storm win the Bound For Glory series and have the title change hands on the biggest stage TNA has to offer.


Because that would have taken some of the spotlight away from Hulk Hogan making his big turn. We can't be having that, now can we?

Well, there's that, plus I bet they had no clue James Storm would be winning the title until, at best, the day before it happened.

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Well, there's that, plus I bet they had no clue James Storm would be winning the title until, at best, the day before it happened.


Storm and Roode had a pretty good match that told a story of a relationship that is being stressed with the world title looming in the balance. I wonder if maybe this WAS the plan all along? I don't know though. I'm glad because a Roode/Storm series isn't going to suck. At least we'll see some wrestling.

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Whist I still don't agree with not giving the title to Roode I am happy that Storm has been given the gold as he is, for my money, far more entertaining to watch. The question remains though, why didn't they just have Storm win the Bound For Glory series and have the title change hands on the biggest stage TNA has to offer.


Maybe they see Storm and Roode as the two biggest TNA stars of the future and wanted a big setup for a feud between them?

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Maybe they see Storm and Roode as the two biggest TNA stars of the future and wanted a big setup for a feud between them?


Yea I'd say they're going with that. I dont mean to be reptitive, but they had a very solid match on Impact. It really built some nice tension between them. Good in-ring storytelling that you don't see all that often anymore.


So hopefully it'll be a nice slow build with them.

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Storm is the highest drawing champion in TNA history :cool:


Swing and a miss with that one.


Here are the quarters:


Q1: 1.38 rating - Sting promo, Sting calls out Hulk Hogan, Dixie Carter walks to the ring before the commercial break


Q2: 1.38 rating - Sting and Dixie Carter in the ring, Kurt Angle and Beer Money segment


Q3: 1.32 rating - Sting books the main event, Storm steps up and takes the title shot when Roode contractually could not, Eric Bischoff and Immortal confront Hulk Hogan backstage, two commercial breaks


Q4: 1.42 rating - Brooke Tessmacher and Tara vs. Angelina Love and Winter, Jeff and Karen Jarrett call out Jeff Hardy


Q5: 1.38 rating - Jarrett and Hardy pull apart, Angle promo backstage, Hogan and Sting video package, Eric Young announces to Robbie E and Rob Terry that he's bringing in a guy from Jersey Shore, Gunner calls out Abyss


Q6: 1.30 rating - Abyss vs. Gunner, Velvet Sky backstage, Gunner backstage, Velvet video package, Velvet, Karen Jarrett, and Traci Brooks in-ring segment


Q7: 1.34 rating - Knockouts continuation, Immortal and Hulk Hogan segment with Sting and Garrett Bischoff


Q8: 1.29 rating - Beer Money backstage, James Storm beats Kurt Angle for the TNA Title


The rating was driven by the key Male demo being spiked by the Knockouts. Also, avoid the tnainsider message board at all costs.

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Storm and Roode had a pretty good match that told a story of a relationship that is being stressed with the world title looming in the balance. I wonder if maybe this WAS the plan all along?


Can't see it - why not give Storm a couple of wins between the PPV's? Or even at the PPV? Answer - they had no idea at that point he was going to be champion.

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I just watched the Sting vs. Hogan match from BFG. And holy cow, that match was terrible! Guys like Hogan and Flair should really really REALLY stay as far away from in-ring action as they possibly can... I mean, Hogan made Sting look like Bryan Danielson in comparison. It almost reminded me of the Bret Hart vs. Vince McMahon match from last year.


The turn was pretty good though.


People are wildly overrating the match simply because Hogan did far more than expected and more than he really should be doing. The entire match was made by Sting working his ass off and Flair working his ass off, and even then it wasn't good. But Hogan bumps, when his own doctor has told him he shouldn't, and people suddenly think it's a good match.

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People are wildly overrating the match simply because Hogan did far more than expected and more than he really should be doing. The entire match was made by Sting working his ass off and Flair working his ass off, and even then it wasn't good. But Hogan bumps, when his own doctor has told him he shouldn't, and people suddenly think it's a good match.


Indeed. It also amuses me that they seem to believe that if they all blade like crazy, the match will suddenly become 50 % better.

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