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The Official TNA / Impact / GFW Discussion Thread

Adam Ryland

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So, three big matches advertises for the live Impact tomorrow.


Austin Aries vs Zema Ion vs Chris Sabin Ultimate X for the X Division title

Mr Anderson vs Bobby Roode for the World Title

12 Man Bound For Glory Series Gauntlet Battle Royal


The first two have potential to be pretty good matches. I hope the BFG series is less convoluted this year because I like the concept, just didn't like their execution of it.

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Check out their website or some of the news sites. They have made it a straight round robin so barring injuries etc is everyone has same number of matches and faces each other once. With a point system covering the type of win/draw.


And yeah Impact is looking good. Hope the good press from the Slam increases viewership a bit.

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Somewhere, backstage, Samoa Joe was in the fetal position, rocking back and forth going "Not again..."


Lol, hell maybe they will explain it now sometime. Its probably one of the biggest loopholes left over from that time. Anyhoo Jarrett vs Sting called it lol. Love the worked shoot stuff they have going on.


Not pure round robin as the start wasn't one but everyone, barring injuries, will have the same number of matches and faced each other once.

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I am probably in the very small minority but I am glad to see Jeff Jarrett coming back and I hope that it is him behind the attacks. I have always been a fan of Jeff's going back to his days in Memphis and I think people tend to crap on him for no reason.


Is he the best wrestler out there?


No but he is pretty good and he has always kept me entertained.


Let us just hope that this feud does not go into Black Scorpion territory.

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I am probably in the very small minority but I am glad to see Jeff Jarrett coming back and I hope that it is him behind the attacks. I have always been a fan of Jeff's going back to his days in Memphis and I think people tend to crap on him for no reason.


Is he the best wrestler out there?


No but he is pretty good and he has always kept me entertained.


Let us just hope that this feud does not go into Black Scorpion territory.


I think most people would agree that Jarrett is a good worker and if he had been an upper midcard, occasional main event level worker most of his career people probably would have no problem with him. I like you have considered myself a fan. I loved his work in the WWF in the later part of the 90s. The man was a heat magnet during his stuff with X-Pac and then the woman beater angle lol. I even liked him in WCW. He just isn't a guy who should be a 10 time world champion and he certainly should never be a guy who a company is built around.

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Lol, hell maybe they will explain it now sometime. Its probably one of the biggest loopholes left over from that time. Anyhoo Jarrett vs Sting called it lol. Love the worked shoot stuff they have going on.


Not pure round robin as the start wasn't one but everyone, barring injuries, will have the same number of matches and faced each other once.


Loophole? I thought he was stolen by Samoan ninjas who trained him in the way of the Nation of Violence. No loophole there.


EDIT: Too much to hope this is a Joey Ryan led rebellion?

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Wrong choice of words plothole is what I meant. Nation of Violence was pre abduction and actually toned down to just his intro post abduction. The whole abduction was to get him away from that inc on his face knife wielding gimmick. Now it probably just refers to Samoa in his intro. Who or why etc abducted him was never explained.


I think we might get a Joey Ryan led anti TNA faction with the goal of bringing back Impact fans lost during the 2009-2011 period. But that it is a separate storyline I think. Could be the same though or a shoot, hell its fun either way but still thinking work.


Another thought I had was Daniels already starting a new storyline for when the AJ one plays out. It would fit with the current persona he is portraying. Avenging Angel Sting vs Fallen Angel Daniels could be a good program if played right.

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All 3 seemed a little bit taller than Sting who is like 6'1-6'3, so its pretty big dudes. That leaves out Ryan, Morrison, and most of the AAA promotion whom Jarrett is down with, and with TNA use of social media today to promote storylines and work angles - I imagine he is behind it. If I had to guess it would be Cliff Compton, DH Smith, & Jay Bradley.
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Yeah but as we don't know where they are going with it its just fun speculation, they might never be revealed and just referred to as hired goons kinda like muhamed hassan's pals who did that job on taker that caused such a storm. They could just be some 3D students and or OVW talent, like with the other Abyss at the Slam.
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Apparently it's not a straight round robin tournament...


But, let the speculation begin




Jimmy Reiher Jr.(right), Chris Masters(left), John Hennigan(middle)



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Did you actually think they would have AJ have an affair with Dixie? Of course, there was going to be a swerve. It was done fairly well, other than the 'druggie' being a bad actor. AJ and Dixie did a decent job on their parts though. And the story made sense, unlike some of WWE's convoluted stories that obviously are written 2 minutes before they are acted out.


BTW, I hope Hendrix gets a job at TNA. She is someone I have used in my women's feds in TEW many times. Very nice on the eyes. :p

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Did you actually think they would have AJ have an affair with Dixie? Of course, there was going to be a swerve. It was done fairly well, other than the 'druggie' being a bad actor. AJ and Dixie did a decent job on their parts though. And the story made sense, unlike some of WWE's convoluted stories that obviously are written 2 minutes before they are acted out.


BTW, I hope Hendrix gets a job at TNA. She is someone I have used in my women's feds in TEW many times. Very nice on the eyes. :p


oh yea, this storyline has shown a commitment to deep thinking and fantastic writing :rolleyes:


A completely unbelievable storyline (the cheating) that made NO SENSE.


1. why would dixie not tell serge she was helping an addict? why let him think she was involved in an affair? why would he care that she was helping a person and being noble?


2. Why would dixie freak over the truck playing the telephone convo? and why wouldn't she come clean WEEKS AGO if the only thing she was doing was helping a drug addict recover?


3. im seriously stuck on this point. I get that she wouldn't want to reveal the person's identity. But she could have done that EASILY and still cut this whole "cheating" angle off at the knees. I realize that it's wrestling, and the viewer is expected to suspend disbelief to an extent, but there was literally no reason why she couldn't have told her husband and the audience weeks ago that AJ and her were just helping someone with a personal matter instead of, for some reason, dragging this out.


What was she afraid of? that AJ and her would come off looking too noble for helping out a drug addict in need?


This "swerve" reeked of creative writing itself into a corner and drawing a writers block on what could be so "bad" that dixie/aj would put their marriage's at risk to hide it, but something noble enough to keep them face. and what they finally decided on smells like a pile of dog poo.




Combine that with the fact that, somehow, the addict was an even WORSE actress than that plank with a mouth that is dixie carter, and this show put TNA back 3-4 weeks.


The last few impacts have followed the same pattern, hot start killed by the "family and friends hour" that TNA does for it's main events. You didn't have your champion anywhere near the ME tonight. great move.


Seriously, dixie, brooke, garrett, and sting have been cringe inducing.


The only reason i still watch is for the guys there using to start the show hot (aries, abyss-park, BFG, storm ect.0

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Great show......Ending was ehh, but I read it has alot more twists and turns I'm intrested how does Daniels know her?, was Dixie keeping it from Serge for a reason? We will find everything out in the long run just let it play out she where it goes.
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The twist in the story is quite nice but the execution was horrid and yeah they still have some plotholes to fill before moving forward more. BTW papa that's the first time in a long while that the execution failed so badly.


Show was too full as well but that we knew coming in. For the rest nice show and the opening segment was great.

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Watched Impact. Ending sucked. Muted all of the Brooke Hogan segments. Otherwise liked the show. Brooke Tessmacher impressed me. Points in her match she looked a little unsure, perhaps uncomfortable, but the chain was good, and... That ass. Is it her posture?


Also enjoyed Chris Daniels' drink, RVD doing something different from the top, the BFG guys getting scraps of promo time. Didn't like the Gut Check girl (awful waistlock takedowns, giving and receiving) and most of the BFG matches beginning with a jump before the bell.


Overall, liked it. Fine way to kill 90 minutes.

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