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The Official TNA / Impact / GFW Discussion Thread

Adam Ryland

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Lol proving my point. They keep the numbers to themselves but do disclose them to relevant partners like sponsors. As far as public perception goes I already made my case that ppv numbers are a negligible factor in that. Even ratings are not as strong as is believed, as far as a marketing tool.


And even if they did release said numbers what do they have to gain other then proving the sheets wrong? If one of their ppv´s ever outsells their major competitor in the same month. Sure that could be useful as a marketing tool. Otherwise nope.


You seem to be thinking I believe that TNA should release the numbers. I honestly do not care. Its their right to keep them secret.


My entire point is that if the numbers are at least respectable, there is no reason not to release them. I'm not saying they have to, but the only logic reason to hang onto the numbers is to protect them. Now if the sponsors know, its not to protect the sponsors from reacting negatively. How exactly would the WWE use these numbers against TNA? If the TNA sponsors know, Vince can't exactly tell them something they already know and WWE doesn't acknowledge TNA's existence on-air, so its not going to be used in that regard. The WWE literally would not care, any more than they would that TNA was drawing 0.50 ratings on Monday nights. So if you have a positive number, something which either does no potential harm to your promotion or actually makes it look good, why maintain secrecy? Basically, what do they stand to gain by protecting the information? The only way they gain something is if the numbers are poor or worse, it would be somewhat embarassing to TNA. Does it do them serious harm in any? No. Just some "I told you so's" from people who really don't matter.

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I'm critical of everyone Hyde, I'm critical of my own two year old daughter. When she says "Dadda" I say "NO ITS DADD-Y with a Y DAMMIT, NOW AGAIN FROM THE TOP"


Ha Ha I kid....seriously I'm not the biggest Dave fan in the world. I think its funny that now days (not you) smarks are saying "Man screw Dave" when ten years ago the guy was untouchable and god like on the internet.


That being said I maintain my point. Before the WWF was publically traded they released numbers, as did WCW, as did ECW, as does ROH I believe or they atleast give a more honest outlook on things.


You don't have to beat them in order to release the numbers. Nobody is expecting guys who tape a full month worth of shows in two days on a t.v studio to go up against the global giant of the WWE and win. However if they released on their website "thank you to the 50,000 people that ordered the pay per view" that could be a good marketing tool.


If you say "thank you to the TEN thousand that ordered it" well then I'm thinking "I'm glad I missed that if only ten thousand people wanted to see it anyway". But if I hear 60 or 70 thousand people ordered a TNA pay per view I might be inclined to say "damn what am I missing". It can and should be used for a marketing tool if in fact the numbers aren't as low as the dirt sheets claim they are.


That being said Dixie can be VERY delusional when it comes to TNA. Atleast with WCW and the WWF ONE group of people had Eric or Vince's ear. It feels like every month somebody new has Dixie's ear. They change direction, focus and defocus on workers seemingly at will.


Remember they were building Morgan up, I was enjoying his "we" stuff. Heck they were promoting him for a pay per view match up against Ink Inc and then out of nowhere boom they bring Joe back on television and have him cost Morgan the match.


Ok that doesn't make much sense why you would kill that character dead like that. So now you're thinking well now their going to do Joe vs. Morgan, but if they did do that I missed it. It certainly wasn't the big deal it should have been given Joe returning and given Morgan losing the tag titles all in one segment.


Its things like that, its things like Desmond Wolfe being number one in the polls for weeks at a time and when he's given a title shot its a throw away match in which they don't even mention his poll standing. Its like Desmond being one of the biggest deal in the promotion and then turning into Hogan and Flair's whipping boy before being cast down to Xplosion.


But then Dixie with her tweets makes it seem like its all part of a plan when in reality there can't be a plan. There is no way people set out in Febuary and planned that Joe stuff, or planned Desmond to beat Kurt Angle and two months later be getting beat up every week.


I like Dixie but the truth is what experience does she have in pro wrestling? Whether its Jarrett, or Nash, or Angle, or now Hogan and Bischoff it seems like the guy that has her ear changes yearly and you can tell with who's pushed and how their pushed. Jarett was the focus of the show, then Angle, now Hogan/Flair, etc. Its like whatever WWF cast off former main eventer comes to TNA that year gets to tell Dixie what to do for the year.


I liked TNA for roughly three months but I've soured on them. I'm not a fan of EV2.0 or whatever its called. I think its silly, I think its lame and I think the only thing worse than former WWF guys taking up screen time is having former ECW guys taking up screen time. I like Tommy but the guy does nothing for me. The only time I've seen him do a great promo is when talking about ECW 15 years ago, I like Team 3D but they have 20 something tag team titles I'm sick of seeing them on my screen. Rhino the last time this guy was relevant was back when he was feuding with Christian or when he decided to burn the ECW title and declare it dead only for Dixie and TNA to bring it back to life (again).


Impact was at an all time peak from Lockdown until right before Hard Justice. I just need more from TNA to keep me interested than three good months of television. They've proven maybe for the last time that they can't keep focus on anything for more than two pay per view. I don't watch the WWE and TNA was starting to feel like a good old fashioned pro wrestling show but their right back to having ADD guys writing their shows.

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You seem to be thinking I believe that TNA should release the numbers. I honestly do not care. Its their right to keep them secret.


My entire point is that if the numbers are at least respectable, there is no reason not to release them. I'm not saying they have to, but the only logic reason to hang onto the numbers is to protect them. Now if the sponsors know, its not to protect the sponsors from reacting negatively. How exactly would the WWE use these numbers against TNA? If the TNA sponsors know, Vince can't exactly tell them something they already know and WWE doesn't acknowledge TNA's existence on-air, so its not going to be used in that regard. The WWE literally would not care, any more than they would that TNA was drawing 0.50 ratings on Monday nights. So if you have a positive number, something which either does no potential harm to your promotion or actually makes it look good, why maintain secrecy? Basically, what do they stand to gain by protecting the information? The only way they gain something is if the numbers are poor or worse, it would be somewhat embarassing to TNA. Does it do them serious harm in any? No. Just some "I told you so's" from people who really don't matter.


I agree. The root of the problem, though, is TNA should cut most of the PPV's when they have the chance to do so. And there doesn't seem inclined to do it. They probably don't make enough money doing it. Hell, ROH PPV's make more money. And that's saying something, when a much smaller company does better PPV's. That's not to add their show attendance is probably better than TNA's as well.


TNA isin't making a lot of money of PPV's. It's been repeated by TNA UBER-SMARKS that they don't make money, so they don't matter. If that's the case, TNA fans should push TNA to cut PPV's, not defend TNA's stance on them.

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So are Bubba Ray and Devon back together now? I thought with the whole Jesse Neal storyline, they were breaking up. I seem to remember an interview about six-months ago where Bubba said he was basically done, but Devon thought he had a singles run left in him, so I was assuming the entire story was leading to a retirement match between the two of them.


To anyone who saw the ECW PPV; did Team 3D seem like it was a one-night only thing, or does it look like it has it been shelved?

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So are Bubba Ray and Devon back together now? I thought with the whole Jesse Neal storyline, they were breaking up. I seem to remember an interview about six-months ago where Bubba said he was basically done, but Devon thought he had a singles run left in him, so I was assuming the entire story was leading to a retirement match between the two of them.


To anyone who saw the ECW PPV; did Team 3D seem like it was a one-night only thing, or does it look like it has it been shelved?

I hate to say this, but Stennick is wrong on this... they don't have ADD, they have ADHD. Those writers go through storylines like Jim Cornette goes through burgers.



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H Ha Jim Cornette through burgers thats funny.


Self I think what happened was Jesse Neal beat him on an episode of Impact, he called out Devon, and shannon moore and they all randomly made up after months of build up.


That my friends is what I'm talking about. They made up so they could do this EV2.0 faction which if it was truly planned since Feb they why start a storyline with Bubba you have to end early? Anyway Bubba apologized and all was forgiven, the match between Bubba and Neal was I think just under six minutes long.

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I don't know if I'm more excited for Angelina winning the title or Velvet helping her.


I miss them together. I still love Madison, but Velvet and Angelina had a lot of chemistry together.


Anderson, Pope, and Morgan was a little short, but I liked it a lot.


Shannon vs Jeff was really good as well. I'm hoping it elevates Shannon's status in a lot of people's eyes. I've been a fan of his for a little over ten years now. Definitely an underrated talent in my opinion.

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He ended up not being hurt. At least he didn't show it anyway. I was talking about the spot where RVD got pushed over and his legs got caught on the top rope and he landed rather awkwardly head first onto the ladder set up between the ring and security railing.
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I think this is what it's all about. Fortune


Matt Morgan

AJ Styles


Beer Money

Doug Williams



Never had more than a cup of coffee in WWE and never worked for ECW or WCW. They are all home grown TNA stars.


When you think about it, I'm pretty sure Jay Lethal is the top TNA face right now that hasn't previously worked for WWE, WCW or ECW.


Perhaps this storyline is TNA's final goodbye to the Attitude Era? One can only hope.

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