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The Official TNA / Impact / GFW Discussion Thread

Adam Ryland

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Rob Terry has reportedly fallen out of favor with a number of people in TNA Wrestling, according to the Pro Wrestling Torch. The Welsh bodybuilder has been on the losing end of numerous matches as of late not to mention left off television tapings entirely. One company source noted that past supporters of Terry are distancing themselves from him.


This was posted two posts up :p

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Rob Terry isn't very good right now, but he's really young (and Welsh) so I hope TNA don't throw the baby out with the bath water. He may never be a "great technical wrestler" but a couple of years of solid time in the ring, learning how to work in front of a crowd, matched with his killer physique and he could be something someday. Toss him in a tag team. Let him develop.
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Rob Terry isn't very good right now, but he's really young (and Welsh) so I hope TNA don't throw the baby out with the bath water. He may never be a "great technical wrestler" but a couple of years of solid time in the ring, learning how to work in front of a crowd, matched with his killer physique and he could be something someday. Toss him in a tag team. Let him develop.


That's what I've been saying. Plus, that spin kick he does is awesome!

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A) What made you start watching Impact?


Back in 2004 they used to show the old weekly PPV's on the wrestling channel, I was flicking the channels one day and got hooked by the X-Division.


B) What kept you watching Impact?


Despite some questionable booking, I saw potential in a talented roster. The fact that is seemed to be a more wrestling focused alternative to WWE's Sports Entertainment approach.


C) If applicable why did you stop watching?


Various times where the crappy booking has got too much, and over the years they have moved away from being an 'alternative' to the WWE in trying to compete with them head on. Seems like most weeks there is also actually more in-ring action in the WWE, than TNA these days and that makes me a sad panda. Though to be honest most breaks would be pretty short , however after the eye gouging crap-fest that was the beginning of the Hogan reign I pretty much stayed away this time for about half a year and pretty much had declared myself done with TNA.


D) If applicable what made you start watching again?


Hearing that the shows had improved, and especially hearing good things about the Beer Money-MCMG feud. I still see the same problems as ever before since returning to watching TNA again but I think the creative low point for the company was at the beginning of this year, so there is always the promise that it can't get any worse. I must admit I am also intrigued by the whole 'they' storyline even if knowing TNA it will end up being something really lame like an NWO reunion or it was the voices in Abyss' head.


Actually on average of the 2 hour A shows Impact has the most wrestling for the whole year. Smackdown averages longer matches though. They have even had a week where they had more wrestling then Raw and Smackdown combined and this is excluding the Whole F'n Show.


Source: By the numbers by PWI.

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Thing is there is plenty of talent within or even outside TNA that are more deserving of air time then him whatever his potential. If TNA had a dev territory where they could keep him for say 2 years and had the funds to do so then sure, otherwise cut him.


this. totally...this.


they already have too little time to showcase the wrestlers they have. devoting more time to someone who may or may not pay off down the road (and Terry's potential iMO is a giant IF) is silly.


Cut him loose...tell him to go overseas ..work in Japan...and then come back when he's more useful

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TNA Wrestling president Dixie Carter has discussed bringing Scott Hall back to the organization once he completes rehabilitation, reports Dave Meltzer on Wrestling Observer Radio.


Hall’s last stint with the organization came to an end shortly after his May 14, 2010 arrest on charges of disorderly conduct and resisting a police officer.



Thing is there is plenty of talent within or even outside TNA that are more deserving of air time then him whatever his potential. If TNA had a dev territory where they could keep him for say 2 years and had the funds to do so then sure, otherwise cut him.


Like they did with Hernandez and AAA. Does A'more have a promotion in Canada or sumthing?

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TNA Wrestling president Dixie Carter has discussed bringing Scott Hall back to the organization once he completes rehabilitation, reports Dave Meltzer on Wrestling Observer Radio.


Hall’s last stint with the organization came to an end shortly after his May 14, 2010 arrest on charges of disorderly conduct and resisting a police officer.





Like they did with Hernandez and AAA. Does A'more have a promotion in Canada or sumthing?


I love you Hall but let the memories be mate and move on.




Ehm Hernandez is there for cross promotional reasons not to learn how to work. While he isn't the greatest around he is light years ahead of Terry and I think he has a better look.


I guess you mean Scott D'Amore and yes his Border City Wrestling merged with another company and now he is the head of Maximum Pro Wrestling which is due to the merger as far as I know the premiere indy in Canada and he has left TNA in order to run it a while back.


Excellent for World X cup though if or when they run it again. NJPW, AAA and Max Pro. Maybe get FWA as well?


For training purposes TNA has a deal with Mach 1 in California it's apparently where Lacey is training to get less bad.

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I thought it was a way of introducing Hernandez to the hispanic demographic as well as to learn how to speak the language. It's still a win-win on both sides since Hernandez will gain exposure and TNA can start touring Mexico with the SuperMex.


Hernandez look reminds me of Konnan.

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I thought it was a way of introducing Hernandez to the hispanic demographic as well as to learn how to speak the language. It's still a win-win on both sides since Hernandez will gain exposure and TNA can start touring Mexico with the SuperMex.


Hernandez look reminds me of Konnan.


You mean a Latin thug look? That's the only real connection I see between the two(besides being in LAX).


Konnan always looked like someone I wouldn't want to mess with, Hernandez looks like he'd slip on a banana peel in a cartoon.

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You mean a Latin thug look? That's the only real connection I see between the two(besides being in LAX).


Konnan always looked like someone I wouldn't want to mess with, Hernandez looks like he'd slip on a banana peel in a cartoon.


The bandana (from Konnan Wolfpac days i think), the shaved head and skin tone.





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Eric Bischoff posted a new blog on his official website. Below is his blog where he talks about "wrestling in general," Hulk Hogan and politics.

On Wrestling In General:


Sitting on Delta flight 2284 headed to Nashville to meet with Vince and Matt to go over the live iMPACT on the 7th and the BFG PPV.


There are some things I like about the production schedule of iMPACT (mostly not having to travel 52 weeks a year), but some things that I continue to find challenging. Most notably is the inability to read the crowd and “litmus test” an audience’s reaction to a story, scene or character.


In reality television, networks and the companies that produce these formats usually produce a “casting tape” to get a sense of characters. Once a casting tape passes network muster, a “pilot presentation” or actual pilot is produced based on a treatment or outline that can range from in-depth to exhaustive depending on the network and the project.


The pilot typically goes through a series of network and producer notes BEFORE it goes to a research/focus group and then is re-edited (unless said project messes the bed) and then re-tested.


Should said project be green-lit, each episode goes through a grueling process of notes, edits, more notes, more edits, more notes and more edits and so on until (hopefully) the show sees a place on a schedule.


WWE (and WCW before it) has the ability to “test and focus group” their concepts in front of 5,000-15,000 live fans in an arena every Monday, dissect ratings information by Tuesday and make changes accordingly.


The fluidity of this process cannot be under-estimated.


While I am not sure I would want to sign up to be on the road 52 weeks per year at this point in my life, I do covet the real-time “research” and process that only a live television series like WWE Raw enjoys.

On Hulk Hogan:


I spoke to Hulk on Sunday morning. He sounded better than he had in 3 weeks and confidant that his current treatment was going to go well. By the time I got to Salt Lake City today for my connecting flight I heard that Hulk was back in the hospital for emergency treatment for his back. I traded texts with Hulk’s fiancée and it sounds like he is resting comfortably for now.


Many of you reading this have your own opinions of Hulk Hogan the character. Most of what is written about him comes from second and third hand perspectives from those with their own agendas, and a fair amount is generated by response to Hulks own propensity to promote the product he loves.


Unfortunately, very few people know Terry Bollea.


My relationship with Hulk Hogan started out predictably. It was the classic “office vs. talent” relationship, except that I was green as goose **** and he was a master at the game.


Over the years there were moments when we either chose, or were forced to trust each other. As time went on and the gap between “office vs. talent” became narrower and the trust between us grew more solid, a different person began to emerge from the larger than life character that the world knows as Hulk Hogan.


In time, I began to distinguish Hulk Hogan from Terry Bollea.


Terry Bollea’s real life challenges have played out over the last couple of years in a very public and sometimes painful manner.


But during this time I have been present and witnessed firsthand an uncompromising love of a father whose dedication to his children that knows no limitations. I’ve witnessed the grace and patience of a man who would rather spend time with a wrestling fan than he would in the company of high power entertainment personalities and executives.


I have seen generosity that, at times angered me because I felt it was unappreciated by those who benefited from it.


I have watched a 57-year-old man re-discover his joy and enthusiasm for life and his purpose in it, that is motivating to everyone around him despite situations and circumstances that would crack most people.


Here’s hoping you get well soon and start kicking some ass again bro…in and out of the ring.


And thank you!


On Politics:


-snip- visit Bischoff blog to learn more by clicking here.

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Maybe I didn't read that right, but I think Bischoff may be the only person whom one might call "talent" who LIKES the network TV process! Focus groups, network notes, constant re-writes... Everyone else who has to deal with those things absolutely hate it, but not EB?


Of course his political views seem well blown out of proportion, so maybe that's part of his pathos.

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