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The Official TNA / Impact / GFW Discussion Thread

Adam Ryland

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Complaints against TNA's HOF are either that they have only been around 10 years or that they don't have anyone worthy of induction.


The WWF started the HOF in the early 1990s, at time when they had basically only existed since the early 1980s. (The WWF of Vince McMahon rarely acknowledged the fact that they existed prior to Hulkamania, and even less so the idea of the WWWF.) WCW also had a HOF in the mid 90s.


Also, the WWF HOF is full of wrestlers and promoters who didn't work for them, some who hated the WWF and wanted it put out of business. There are plenty of people TNA can induct.


Lastly, TNA can induct guys based on their WCW/NWA careers as well. TNA is the logical survivor of WCW, even if the two promotions aren't related. Sting being inducted makes total sense.


TNA are nowhere near the size of either WWF or WCW when they opened their HOF, and WWF bought out most of their earlier competition so inducting workers from those promotions made sense since they owned them. And even if they didn't fully acknowledge their entire history, at least they had history to ignore.

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After all the big stuff TNA has been attempting to do lately, I'm surprised people are that interested in TNA's hall of fame either positively or negatively. I'm not saying this from some superior postilion of sarcasm. I just figured this would be a big "meh" all around. I'd say for their purposes right now though, TNA has people talking and thats probably a good thing for them.


The live show was pretty cool. It really did have a special feel. Like I've said previously in the thread, I don't feel that "Same ol crap" feeling from TNA right now. They're trying to give us something different and fresh and I am interested right now.

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Can't say much either way given that the timeslot move was involved and I think q5 opened with Brooke which many of the TNA hardcore viewers and haters wouldn't like. Also the rumors that TNA would go PG didn't help. In general TNA has been booking more for long term then short term rating's and they shouldn't give that up.
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I can't imagine how difficult it must be to account for missed TV viewers. I know I watch most of TNA through youtube, and all of WWE through other methods.


It's no wonder they reach out to social networks, because it's becoming the only way to pull big numbers.


I haven't touched a TV in 6 years. All my viewing is through the internet either by netflix or other, unspeakable means. I wonder how many people are in the same boat.


TV just needs to die already. Internet is the way to go.

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I can't imagine how difficult it must be to account for missed TV viewers. I know I watch most of TNA through youtube, and all of WWE through other methods.


It's no wonder they reach out to social networks, because it's becoming the only way to pull big numbers.


I haven't touched a TV in 6 years. All my viewing is through the internet either by netflix or other, unspeakable means. I wonder how many people are in the same boat.


TV just needs to die already. Internet is the way to go.


Well, TV as a show broadcasting concept to try and take the advertisers target audience will probably never die, they will just find a way (if they are smart) to do a transition to the internet. Which, let's be honest would end up being the same thing, but appealing to larger audience, because eventually internet will BE the audience. But it takes time.

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The Bully Ray/Joseph Park story line is probably my second favorite story line going on in wrestling right now(behind Punk/Bryan/Kane) and probably the most entertaining Abyss has been in years. Ray is one of the best heels out there nowadays.


and lol @ Abyss's wig.

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Slammiversary Predicitions:

Daniels & Kazarian© vs Styles & Angle for tag championship

Bully Ray vs Joseph Park- Park wins when he snaps and reveals he's Abyss's other personality

Robbie E and Robbie T vs Devon and Garett

Gail Kim© vs Brooke Tessmacher for KO Title

Austin Aries© vs Samoa Joe for the X Belt(if it gets readded to the show)

Mr Anderson vs RVD vs Jeff Hardy

Bobby Roode© vs Sting for the TNA title



On paper this looks like a pretty good show(except the Robbies vs Devon and Garett)


I'm excited to watch it.

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Here are my picks, I think Hardy is going to win because the fans for some odd reason are really into him. I think the fans like him more than RVD who also gets a great reaction.


Slammiversary Predicitions:

Daniels & Kazarian© vs Styles & Angle for tag championship

Bully Ray vs Joseph Park

Robbie E and Robbie T vs Devon and Garett

Gail Kim© vs Brooke Tessmacher for KO Title

Austin Aries© vs Samoa Joe for the X Belt

Mr Anderson vs RVD vs Jeff Hardy

Bobby Roode© vs Sting for the TNA title

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TNA just made a deal to be aired in 11 countries in South East Asia and in Hong Kong. More money and more exposure. This makes 130 countries now and a lot where added since 2010. This is a major reason why you keep guys like Hogan around.


Hyde I don't have numbers in front of me but they had done the bulk of their over seas tv deals before Hogan. The deals they had in the UK were the basis for all other countries. Showing they could succeed and even thrive there and at the time their willingness to give a more international flavor than WWE. (People forget TNA nearly from day one has promoted several international stars at a time).


I don't buy that you had to bring Hogan in to get these deals. I dont think I read a single report of people shooting TNA down in other countries. 2010 was 2 and a half years ago I think any business that wants to succeed should be able to point to some growth in some areas in two and a half years.


And honestly on the subject the two best things TNA has ever done internationally is build a special relationship with the UK fan base more so than other promotions and in some ways treating it as a true home away from home. This happened before Hogan came in. Ra King Ka another fantastic idea that TNA has internationally minded and funny enough Hogan had nothing to do with that either. So I wouldn't argue that Hogan has had anything to do with their international success and I would argue even more that they would have achieved these same things without Hogan. Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't India in South East Asia? Isn't Ra King Ka a huge deal in India? So wouldn't it reason that it has atleast SOMETHING to do with their growth in that area as much if not more than the Hulkster?


Love ya Hyde but I think on a few occasions you haven't realistically looked at the Hogan deal. I'm not saying they lost money on the deal but I've seen him accomplish nothing that TNA couldn't and wasn't already accomplishing on their own.

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Whole Middle East deal, new France deal and a couple of others where all since Hogan came aboard. And I am not saying it is down to him alone but having his name can't but have helped. And India is not South East Asia it is its own sub continent.


Look as far as he is involved in creative we don't know what was his and wasn't and I think it is/was more the system that screwed up 2010-2011. On screen they used him very badly imho and he had mediocre performances. But for stuff like this it is important to have name people and Hogan is the biggest name out there other then The Rock.


The UK deal doesn't do much for them when expanding to other countries other then saying we are doing good in the UK just like we are in the US.


Like I said guys like Hogan I wasn't saying it was all down to Hogan and I didn't say all of the 120 now 130 countries outside USA but that a sizable number was added. It's more that people in general in the IWC seem to totally ignore that aspect of why you have guys like Hogan around when it is TNA's (,and WWE's mind you) primary source of income.

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Slammiversary Predicitions:

Daniels & Kazarian© vs Styles & Angle for tag championship

Bully Ray vs Joseph Park- Park wins when he snaps and reveals he's Abyss's other personality

Robbie E and Robbie T vs Devon and Garett

Gail Kim© vs Brooke Tessmacher for KO Title

Austin Aries© vs Samoa Joe for the X Belt(if it gets readded to the show)

Mr Anderson vs RVD vs Jeff Hardy

Bobby Roode© vs Sting for the TNA title



On paper this looks like a pretty good show(except the Robbies vs Devon and Garett)


I'm excited to watch it.


They can't ad the belt unless they have officially announced that the weight limit has been lifted again. Not that continuity has ever stopped a wrestling show.



Daniels & Kazarian© vs Styles & Angle for tag championship - Keep the story going till it's conclusion then move Daniels and Kaz as champs vs a real (old or new) tag team. Possible 4 stars or more

Bully Ray vs Joseph Park - Ray can lose till the cows come home and keep heat. Hard to tell as depends how they play it 3 stars good guess

Robbie E and Robbie T vs Devon and Garett - squash and hopefully end the Robbie's involvement in the tv title scene. Pitty City 1-2 stars.

Gail Kim© vs Brooke Tessmacher for KO Title - Don't think it should be Brooke, should be James. 2 to 3 stars if they get time.

Austin Aries© vs Samoa Joe for the X Belt(if it gets readded to the show) - Draw or something like it to keep this feud going for a while. Possible 4 stars again.

Mr Anderson vs RVD vs Jeff Hardy - Anderson costs RVD somehow moving them into a feud and Hardy can go after Roode till Storm comes back. 3 and a half possibly more.

Bobby Roode© vs Sting for the TNA title - Only thing they should do, plus no1 contenders are all quasi faces. Again 3 and a half and possibly more


Stars are more enjoyment factor and personal then anything else. So 2 probably great matches, 3 good to great matches, 1 Decent match and 2 squashes including Crimson. Ad in some surprises and nostalgia and should be a good show.

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TNA president Dixie Carter announced that WWE star Christian will be at Slammiversary weekend. "On a plane headed to Dallas for the big PPV this weekend," Carter wrote. "Very excited (Christian) is joinin(g) us for the night. He's one of my favorites."




I wish she'd specify if he's going to be at the pay per view or part of their fanfest thing.


Either way, I love Christian and it's cool WWE and TNA worked out something like this.


Also, Kid Kash vs Hernandez got added to Slammiversary. Why? I don't know, but I didn't realize either of them was a face. I hope Kash wins, but I highly doubt it. I'd just rather never see Hernandez on tv again.

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Christian being at Slammiversary is pretty cool. What if he is the mystery opponent for Crimson? JK won't happen.


I'd love for WWE and TNA to pair up on things like this down the line. It would be really cool to see them do stuff that Japan has done in recent years.


As for my thoughts on TNA I feel like they are doing a great job since BFG. I think it is dumb to have one of your top faces like AJ Styles and Dixie Carter having an affair. They are supposed to do faces and you are tarnishing AJ at least. The heels are pointing out their immoral behavior. There were better ways to do a storyline that would lead to this match. Other than the storyline behind that feud TNA has been exceptionally well.


I am pulling for Mr. Anderson to win the #1 contenders spot. I like him a lot and he could be in a good feud with Roode I feel. James Storm should be built up to face Roode at BFG this year where he should get his big win there. That is what I want to see ultimately.


EDIT: By the way loved Crimson saying his streak has lasted longer than Goldbergs. If Goldberg was the opponent I would probably mark out. Just saying.

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Christian being at Slammiversary is pretty cool. What if he is the mystery opponent for Crimson? JK won't happen.


I'd love for WWE and TNA to pair up on things like this down the line. It would be really cool to see them do stuff that Japan has done in recent years.


As for my thoughts on TNA I feel like they are doing a great job since BFG. I think it is dumb to have one of your top faces like AJ Styles and Dixie Carter having an affair. They are supposed to do faces and you are tarnishing AJ at least. The heels are pointing out their immoral behavior. There were better ways to do a storyline that would lead to this match. Other than the storyline behind that feud TNA has been exceptionally well.


I am pulling for Mr. Anderson to win the #1 contenders spot. I like him a lot and he could be in a good feud with Roode I feel. James Storm should be built up to face Roode at BFG this year where he should get his big win there. That is what I want to see ultimately.


EDIT: By the way loved Crimson saying his streak has lasted longer than Goldbergs. If Goldberg was the opponent I would probably mark out. Just saying.


I doubt Goldberg would show up to job to Crimson and it'd be pointless booking if Goldberg ended Crimson's streak.

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Daniels & Kazarian© vs Styles & Angle for tag championship - This has the makings to be a great match, but there would be no sense in making Angle and AJ tag champs, especially as Kazarian & Daniels haven't had the belts that long.

Bully Ray vs Joseph Park - If they reveal "Joseph" to be the alter ego of Abyss then this should be great. Sinister smile, pulls the mask out - whatever. Then he goes back to being "Joseph", thinking Abyss is his brother again. Really play out the split personality angle.

Robbie E and Robbie T vs Devon and Garett - With the exception of Devon, I couldn't care less about anyone in this match so this will be where I fast forward the recording of it!

Gail Kim© vs Brooke Tessmacher for KO Title - Don't really like Gail Kim (annoying voice), but she'll keep the belt. It's booking 101 in this one.

Austin Aries vs Samoa Joe - Difficult one to call. I'm going to go with Joe but like I said I can see it going either way really. For me this will be one of the best matches of the night.

Mr Anderson vs RVD vs Jeff Hardy - On a scale of 1 to who cares I'm bored of these 3 who are all supposed to be Face yeah? I'll go with the ego RVD just because Mr Anderson bores the hell out of me and his character is a less than impressive piss poor and less bad ass Steve Austin. I just hate everything about Jeff Hardy and always have. Him, his brother the whole OMEGA fraternity to be honest could all retire tomorrow and I wouldn't care.

Bobby Roode© vs Sting for the TNA title - If Roode loses, then it's going to set TNA back again. They've just made him into what I consider the companies top heel and to have Sting (who I have nothing but respect for) win the belt would make no sense whatsoever. Having Roode beat Sting cements him as the #1 heel, and #1 star in the company. Some may not agree but for me Bobby Roode is probably one of the best things in TNA right now.

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If you look closely at all the AJ stuff most of it can bee misconstrued, so as long as they explain it away in a good way AJ will come out the bigger face and Daniels the bigger heel. And yeah TNA booking has been improving lately. Seems they are getting their ducks in order. BTW Christian so the HOF dude like I said;), direct trade with Flair + the adding of TNA names to wwe alumni and twitter lists. TNA got the better part of that deal. For the Crimson kill i'll guess/hope a former TNA talent, someone like Rhino/ Monty Brown/ Williams/ Dutt etc. would be cool. Don't get the adding of Hernandez Kash, that makes 9 matches which means others will suffer for time.
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