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strange events/deaths/other events 2010

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That is kinda weird, I rarely see anyone outside of NOTBPW win that award when I'm playing.


It wasn't on regular starting data, but I don't know how much that affected.... Ironically, I was setting up a "cheat" game to play as the SWF, so they had extra talent in development. Despite that, TCW have been dominant. They have dominated the top ten for seven years now. I don't know that the altered data affected NOTBPW at all - they never lost any talent or anything. All their main players are still there, plus they've turned Shooter Sean Deeley into a world class talent.


Simmed another year and Cornell's run is over - he was trumped by Troy Tornado this time around. Cornell ended up at #3.

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Christopher Daniels is my current ROH World Champion, and when i went to negotiate a new contract with him, he'd only sign if he got a promised mid-card title run... uhm, sure. He's already my main event title holder, he's a main eventer... why would he want a promised midcard title run? Just strange to me.
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Christopher Daniels is my current ROH World Champion, and when i went to negotiate a new contract with him, he'd only sign if he got a promised mid-card title run... uhm, sure. He's already my main event title holder, he's a main eventer... why would he want a promised midcard title run? Just strange to me.


He needs another title run now so he probz wanted to make sure this isn't his last title run. He'll still won't resign if he's still world champion at the end of the contract

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Christopher Daniels is my current ROH World Champion, and when i went to negotiate a new contract with him, he'd only sign if he got a promised mid-card title run... uhm, sure. He's already my main event title holder, he's a main eventer... why would he want a promised midcard title run? Just strange to me.


It means midcard or higher, and it means a new run.

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I created myself and made myself a refferee because I used to refferee for a couple promotions. I just had an incident happen involving myself (my character) and Derek Frost sharing a love of pigeons. I officially hate pigeons now...lol just kidding. I thought I would post about it though because Its the first incident I have had involving my character.
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yeah scotsman died 2032 for me


Not surprising. He has a problem with drinking and hard drugs. Also, he has a legal record. He's bound to take a bad developement...


But, how is The Scotsman Adams character? Didn't heard heard that until now.



Where do you view the death list?


--> News Site

--> "News"

--> Filter: "Year: All", "Story Type" Worker Deaths"



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So In another thread I posted that I created myself as a refferee and assigned myself to NOTBPW because its my favoriote promotion in the c-verse. The weird thing is that his contract is coming up so I went to negitiate with him and a few days later I got a message saying that he wasn't going to resign because he didn't feel that NOTBPW was a big enough company. I just shot myself in the foot because I made him too good.
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Guest TheLexEffect

<p>"Todd Grisham and Road Warrior Animal have really bonded backstage over their love of pigeons."</p><p> </p><p>

That was a new one for me today</p>

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<p>It's March 2012 in my 0/0/0 game (just made small 3 months ago!) and Dread is <em>still</em> wrestling! He's only semi-active, but he has yet to retire, and, as such, is still listed as only a "Future member of the HoI."</p><p> </p><p>

I'm pretty amazed by this. </p><p> </p><p>

His highest rated match was an 89 in a loss with Yoshimi Mushashibo and Shuji Inukai to Mito Miwa, PRIDE Koiso and Eisaku Kunomasu.</p><p> </p><p>

On average, he nets a nice little 72 rating with 43 wins and 32 losses. He's yet to wrestle in 2012.</p>

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="TakerNGN74" data-cite="TakerNGN74" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="25901" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>So In another thread I posted that I created myself as a refferee and assigned myself to NOTBPW because its my favoriote promotion in the c-verse. The weird thing is that his contract is coming up so I went to negitiate with him and a few days later I got a message saying that he wasn't going to resign because he didn't feel that NOTBPW was a big enough company. I just shot myself in the foot because I made him too good.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> How popular is he?!</p>
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