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strange events/deaths/other events 2010

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Jazz49ers" data-cite="Jazz49ers" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="25901" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><span>http://i53.tinypic.com/1zbgfev.jpg</span><p> </p><p> Using the latest T-Zone mod, I'm booking TNA, and this just happened. Should be intresting to see what happens.</p></div></blockquote><p> i give it a week till the nasty boys are tag champs and hogan squashes cena and wins WWE title</p>
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Not really a huge thing just something I Found funny. In my WCW game I am doing using the Montreal Aftermath Mod, I am currently in July 1998 and unfortunately I fell to cult. When I went to release some people one of the guys I decided to release was Perry Saturn. When I clicked on release I got a pop up message from Kevin Sullivan saying the following...


"Excellent Decision, the company will be a lot better off without him around."


I just thought that this was funny and thought it was something worth posting.


Edit: Just released Brian Knobbs and got the same message this time from Scott Hall!

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Good lord. What will become of MAW now? Jean Cattley to inherit???


At least Cattley would keep Rip's original vision of MAW intact. We all know Jay Chord is too good to be in a small / regional promotion. He was made for the big time! This is why my WCW game has become what it is. Jay's vision for himself and MAW was much bigger than what his dad saw for the small Mid Atlantic promotion.

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The world may be ending in my game. On the same day that Tasuku Iesada was fired from his Head Booker position at BHOTWG for doing the impossible and screwing it up, Edd Stone signed for CGC :eek:


EDIT: Dean Daniels took over as Head Booker of BHOTWG...while still working for GCG (both are cult). I kid you not...

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Where the hell is that "references" thread or whatever?


Gareth Wayne = Garth and Wayne from Wayne's World.


Prince Adam = Prince Adam. I am a dolt because this is my childhood.


(Hint/spoilers: Prince Adam is He-Man. And Rocky Golden in 2005.)

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Guest codey






I just wanted to post this for the sheer WTFness of it. In my diary game, Christian Faith, the still active wrestler, has been released by the number one promotion in the world due to contract expiry. Let me reiterate, SWF simply neglected to renew the contract of one of the most iconic wrestlers in the world. I just don't understand.

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From my understanding and what I've read in the game, codey, Faith has a problem with the risque in SWF. I think the game will sometimes have Richard re-sign him, but I've seen him be released before. I think I'm gonna playtest this right now....
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I've seen Faith leave a lot over the games I've played. I hadn't taken too much notice in the past, but when I double checked it seems that he's more or less in SWF for as long as his contract is set to be. I picked him up in my current TCW game after the exact same thing happened. I wouldn't be too surprised if it's the risque, actually.
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At least Cattley would keep Rip's original vision of MAW intact. We all know Jay Chord is too good to be in a small / regional promotion. He was made for the big time! This is why my WCW game has become what it is. Jay's vision for himself and MAW was much bigger than what his dad saw for the small Mid Atlantic promotion.


Reminds me of someone...

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Notice how even Melissa herself looks to be confused by this. :D


CWW is my custom all-womens fed. It stands for Celebrate Womens Wrestling.


Just had it with Black Eagle. I...can't remember what triggers it...is it the Written contract, or the company also potentially making a developmental bid...or a glitch.

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Just had it with Black Eagle. I...can't remember what triggers it...is it the Written contract, or the company also potentially making a developmental bid...or a glitch.


Its a bug I thank the newest patch fixed it but I'm not sure

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I re-loaded my game (as in, TEW2010) at one point, but maybe...


Eh, whatever. He's mine now, suckers.


Also, fun fact: NOTBPW is still 7th in Importance. Sure, third on the list that matters, but what the hell do I have to do to rank up?

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  • 3 weeks later...
I was playing a real world mod and there was a news story saying that Rick Steiner was upbeat about retiring. The article below that was Rick Steiner's death article saying he died of a cocaine overdose. So guess he was happy he was retiring, snorted too much coke, and passed away.
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