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Started a new game, using the new NPR mod. Using my own created Japanese promotion, Junior Heavyweight Pro Wrestling, which obviously focuses on Junior Heavyweights.


I am going to run league format, similar to the BFG series. The scores will be:


-1 Point for a loss (Just so people don't get an advantage by having more matches).

1 Point for a draw

2 Points for a singles wrestler winning in a tag match

3 Points for a win


On the final show of the two month tour the top 2 will face off for the Tour Championship.


The singles roster is:


1. Alex Shelley

2. BxB Hulk

3. Daisuke Sekimoto

4. Fegal Devitt

5. Kid Kash

6. K-Ness

7. Kota Ibushi

8. Pac

9. Roderick Strong

10. Shingo Takagi

11. Shuji Kondo

12. Taiji Ishimori

13. Teddy Hart

14. Volador Jr.


And the tag roster is:


1. The Briscoes

2. Speed Muscle

3. Young Bucks

4. Fleisch and Storm


Hopefully I get some good resuts out of the tour (I.E lots of growth, which should be easy considering I am starting from 0 :p)


Edit - Well it's now going to be a three month tour because I forgot you couldn't change touring months when you have people on touring deals. 5 people showed up for my first show :p. Also trying to added Davey Richards to my roster.

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Added Davey Richards, Dr Wagner Jr & Jack Evans to my roster, all as singles. After 5 shows the standings are (Neither of those 3 have debuted yet):


Fergal Devitt - 10 Points

Roderick Stong - 10 Points

Shingo Takagi - 8 Points

PAC - 7 Points

Alex Shelley - 6 Points

Daisuke Sekimoto - 6 Points

Kota Ibushi - 3 Points

Volador Jr. - 2 Points

BxB Hulk - 1 Point

K-Ness - 1 Point

Shuji Kondo - 1 Point

Taiji Ishimori - 1 Point

Davey Richards - 0 Points

Dr Wagner Jr. - 0 Points

Jack Evans - 0 Points

Kid Kash - -2 Points

Teddy Hart - -5 Points


The original plan was a Devitt/Roddy final, but I may change that now Richards is in. Will probably have a look close to the end of the tour which two out of Devitt/Strong/Richards are the most popular.


The tag standings are:


The Briscoe Brothers - 8 Points

Speed Muscle - 8 Points

Fleisch and Storm - 0 Points

The Young Bucks - -1 Points


I think it's obvious already what the Final will be, already I will probably level up the scores a bit before the end of the tour.


Edit- Ahh, NJPW signed Devitt to a written. He was leading the way as well. Guess the final will be Richards/Strong.


Edit 2 - Also Teddy Hart has been fired, first he missed a road agent meeting, then he pulled a prank on Davey, so he had to go. Now Davey is loyal to me :D

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Harrison Hash has gone up 5 pts in Mic, Charisma and Acting in two shows. O_o


I could beat that, but given that you probably didn't spam the hell out of him, I'm jealous.




Right now I'm reading the descriptions for quick worker templates.

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Playing APW. Swoop is going over everyone, Debonair David Peterson is Australian and tag team champ as a result of a contract stipulation and me splitting up the Melbourne Blondes who are now feuding. Rick Stantz turned heel and now has Autumn Gleeson from RAW as his manager. Hoping to elevate these guys into the main event.


I am running two events a month at regional and actually making 20k+ a month in profits, so I'm doing pretty well. I pull C averages for my events. Bringing in The Original Lone Rider as my Road Agent has been awesome.


I also brought in Hatemonger and Warmonger from DIW, and paired them with Mac Guffin as their manager, kind of like an Australian Legion of Doom thing. I want to get them the tag belts and have them hold them for years and years, because I am a mark for two big men with painted masks.


So yeah, having a lot more fun with APW than I usually do with Raw, as I can have more/longer/better matches. It's going to take a long while before I can get to Cult, but that's a good thing as APW only starts with 250k and I'm going to want to save up a lot more before I go Cult. Good news is I am winning the regional battles consistently.

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Okay, I set up my ELITE diary. Made a test save to check for what workers I'd edit onto the roster. Good.


Did all that ELITE stuff. Made a test game. Looks like it set up well. Good. Now to do all the stables.


Okay, stables done. I need me some storylines. *looks at stables a few times to remember workers* huh, I need to make a few storylines *spends a few minutes writing and applying storylines*


Let's see how bad my backstage is...


91%? How the hell does a locker room with Big Smack Scott have 91%? I mean, he's right there on the...




Why is Big Smack Scott not a negative influence?



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In my JHPW game Roderick Strong won the Tour Championship, beating Davey Richards in the final, while Speed Muscle won the Tag team honours, beating The Briscoes in the final.


The Top 5 Singles Wrestlers:

Roderick Strong - 45 Points

Davey Richards - 39 Points

Pac - 34 Points

Prince Devitt - 25 Points (Despite leaving halfway through the tour)

Shingo Takagi - 23 Points


However we were screwed by Dragon Gate's good form, as PAC, Speed Muscle, Shingo and BxB Hulk decided they were too big for me, so they are going to be absent for this tour. I will probably hit regional about half way into the tour, at which point I could sign them, but I am not sure whether to get them then or wait until the next tour.


I am happy with my singles roster, however our tag division looks less impressive without Speed Muscle. My roster at the start of the tour is:




Chavo Guerrero

Christopher Daniels

Daisuke Sekimoto

Davey Richards

Doug Williams

Dr. Wagner Jr.

Jack Evans

Karl Anderson

Kid Kash


Lance Storm (Ocassional wrestler)

Masaaki Mochizuki

Ricky Marvin

Roderick Strong

Shuji Kondo

Taiji Ishimori

Ultimo Guerrero

Volador Jr.

Zack Sabre Jr.


Tag Teams:


Fleisch & Storm

The Briscoes

The Golden Lovers

The Young Bucks

AIBOU (Ikuto Hidaka & Munenori Sawa)


There are several people who may take the singles title depending on performances, but the favourites are: Richards, Strong or Daniels. And unless injury strikes The Briscoes will get the Tag championships.

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Currently at Monday, Week 3, June 2010 in my SWF game and NOTBPW just went national. Hopefully that means that a national battle will start soon and that I can finally be involved in a national battle. Hopefully I will be able to win at least one and get the achievemnt for winning one National Battle! Also after I complete the month of June I will post an update for this game and then after that I will post updates after every six monthes of game I complete. So You will get an update on the first day of July of the current year and the first day of January as I start a new year.
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Johnny Bloodstone (finally, after some editing) re-debuts for NOTBPW at the final "Maple Leaf Raids" of January 2012.


In a 98-rated segment attacking Steve DeColt.


Then, in a 99-rated match with Jeremy Stone.


God I love him. Especially because, like Steve, he only has 80 psychology *cries*

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Just getting into an SWF game for real. I've continued all of the feuds and we're now two weeks past our first PPV. I debuted two new feuds at this recent Supreme TV: Lobster Warrior VS Marc DuBois and Giedroyc and Valiant VS McClean and Runaway Train.


The tag team one isn't too interesting. It starts when Jack Bruce and Rich Money are facing Khoklov, DuBois, Train and McClean in a 2 on 4 Handicap. Needless to say, McClean and Train feel they could tear it up in the tag division (despite losing the handicap) and have a motive after they were attacked by Giedroyc and Valiant, who were assisted by Faith and Lobby in ensuring Bruce and Money get the win.


Lobby interfered by attacking DuBois and while it sounds 'meh' now, the reason Lobby did so was because DuBois' pretentious French Canadian people, for years, have feasted on poor Lobsters in their disgustingly over priced restaurants. Lobby wants revenge for all of the Lobsters who have been boiled alive for DuBois' filthy pleasure, and he will not stop until the French Canadian rascal apologises for the monstrosity his country has created, and for the blood that he has all over his dirty hands.


In other news, Faith was attacked backstage. He believes that it was Khoklov, and is going crazy to get his revenge. In future, it is this madness that makes people believe he ran over Khoklov in a fit of rage. Faith and Khoklov will deny what they themselves apparently did but still want revenge on the other. Ultimately, it will be revealed that this was all the work of a... newly debuting superstar! ... Who will be signed and revealed at a later date.

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Wow I couldn't have planned this better if I had tried to do it but it was completely by accident. Nothing huge but I thought it was cool how I did it and didn't even try.


Jack Bruce defeated Eric Eisen for the SWF World Title to end the 3 way battle for supremacy storyline.


After that Christian Faith attacked Jack Bruce to set up a feud between Jack Bruce and Christian Faith.


The storyline started in April 2010 and they have had two matches so far...

The first match was in May at Master of Puppets

The Second match was in June at Times of Trouble.

Both Matches were won by Jack Bruce


At the next ppv SWF Surpreme Challenge 30 which is pretty much SWF's version of WrestleMania, they will have their final match. The match will be a stipulation match on which I haven't decided the stipulation yet but I am planning for Christian Faith to win the match and the title because Jack Bruce has pretty much dominated the feud with the two wins he got and though various backstage attacks. After this match their feud will end and they will each go onto another feud with someone else.


Like I said though the fact that I didn't plan for this to happen and that it just happened to work out this way really gets me wanting to continue this game more and more. Normally I am not like that with an SWF game because I used to always fall to cult before I figured out how to stay above National (currently at global) and after falling to Cult I used to just stop the game all together because I lost interest and its really hard to keep your top talent in place after you do so.

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Supreme Wrestling Federation


July 2010

with $33,756,552

46 Shows completed.




SWF World Heavyweight Championship: Jack Bruce

Prestige: 71

19 Defenses made so far

defeated Eric Eisen


SWF North American: Joe Sexy

Prestige: 66

8 Defenses made so far

defeated Brandon James


SWF World Tag Team Titles: The Samoan Wildboyz (Akima Brave and Kid Toma)

Prestige: 40

8 defenses made so far

defeated Jack Giedroyc and Valiant




Angry Gilmore vs. Lobster Warrior

Remo vs. Rich Money


Christian Faith vs. Jack Bruce ©

SWF World Heavyweight Championship feud


New Signings

Jack Griffith

Jay Chord

Craig Prince

James Prudence

Hells Bouncer

Dean McWade

Man Mountain Cahill

Nicky Champion



Hells Bouncer – Saturday week 1, May 2010

Big Smack Scott – Friday week 4, May 2010 – after two steroid incidences

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The JHPW Legendary Tour has reached it's conclusion, after 20 tour shows the final standings have been revealed.


Tied at Number 5 with 29 Points - Doug Williams & Daisuke Sekimoto


At Number 4 with 30 Points - Christopher Daniels


In at 3 with 40 Points - Jack Evans


Now, the two people who will fight it out for the tour title.


At Number 2 with 49 Points - Last tour's champion, Roderick Strong


Meaning in at Number 1 with 52 Points - Last tours #2 and losing finalist, Davey Richards


So the final is set, for the second tour in a row Davey Richards will square off with Roderick Strong to determine who is #1. These two squared off during the tour, with Stong forcing Davey to tap out just before the 30-minute time-limit expired, will Davey suffer the same fate or get his first singles victory over Roderick in Japan.


Also in the tag team division, AIBOU (Ikuto Hidaka & Munenori Sawa) defeated the Golden Lovers (Kenny Omega & Kota Ibushi) on the last show of the tour to leap from the Lovers, and qualify for the final, when they face off with last tours losing finalists The Briscoes.



Will post again tomorrow with the results from the big final show, where champions will be crowned.

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The JHPW Legendary Tour has reached it's conclusion, after 20 tour shows the final standings have been revealed.


Tied at Number 5 with 29 Points - Doug Williams & Daisuke Sekimoto


At Number 4 with 30 Points - Christopher Daniels


In at 3 with 40 Points - Jack Evans


Now, the two people who will fight it out for the tour title.


At Number 2 with 49 Points - Last tour's champion, Roderick Strong


Meaning in at Number 1 with 52 Points - Last tours #2 and losing finalist, Davey Richards


So the final is set, for the second tour in a row Davey Richards will square off with Roderick Strong to determine who is #1. These two squared off during the tour, with Stong forcing Davey to tap out just before the 30-minute time-limit expired, will Davey suffer the same fate or get his first singles victory over Roderick in Japan.


Also in the tag team division, AIBOU (Ikuto Hidaka & Munenori Sawa) defeated the Golden Lovers (Kenny Omega & Kota Ibushi) on the last show of the tour to leap from the Lovers, and qualify for the final, when they face off with last tours losing finalists The Briscoes.



Will post again tomorrow with the results from the big final show, where champions will be crowned.


And now is the moment you all get a laugh at my expense.


Well two days after the 'league' portion of the tour finished, leaving just the finale show to go, Roderick Strong breaks his metatarsel ruling him out of his big show down with Davey.


The curse of the metatarsel strikes again to ruin an Englishman's hope. (Me not Roddy).


I am with Kevin Steen, **** Ring of Honor. (And also Brian Kendrick)

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Hey guys. I'm actually setting up to start a May 2001 InVasion game (which I plan on doing a diary on as well). I'm gonna take a different approach however than they did in real-life. Its actually gonna be more like (though nowhere near identical) Jim Cornette's guest-booker approach to the angle with the realism and stuff. Only with a better blowoff WrestleMania 18 card of course. Here's my rough draft... upon looking it over though I dont know how I really feel about it.




First, a few footnotes:


- The two promotions will stay seperate throughout most of the year (due to storyline purposes of course with each of them battling one another in the ratings), as Raw Is War will air on Mondays and Nitro will take over SmackDown's spot on Thursdays.


- There will be 12 Major PPV's throughout the year (along with one Saturday Nights Main Event and one Clash Of The Champions), with each promotion hosting six a piece... or seven if you count the additional two.


- The 'InVasion' will be minor at first, but will pick up bigtime around the Starrcade/Rumble portion of the year, leading into 'Mania.




Mind you, I'm still in setup mode and chances are guys like Scott Hall wont even last ten weeks, never-the-less ten months. But I feel its definitely good to have a rough-draft outlook for where I'm going. Anyway, here goes....


** I have a ton of storyline ideas mapped out as well like how Cactus ends up in WCW with Terry, why Jericho and Hogan are gonna clash on the big stage, etc... and of course the 'TakerKane/PageKanyon storyline will be way different. I chose to keep Sting away from 'Taker (as I know that's quite the popular choice) because The Undertaker is in biker mode at this point. I also have no idea what I'm gonna do with the womens division. lol. **


WWF/WCW WrestleMania 18


First Ever 8-Man Money In The Bank Ladder Match:

Whoever Retrieves The Briefcase Receives A Title Shot At Any Point He Chooses Throughout The Year:

The Big Show (WWF)

"The Five Time WCW Champion" Booker T (WCW)

Raven (WWF)

"The Canadian Crippler" Chris Benoit (WCW)

Edge (WWF)

Eddie Guerrero (WCW)

Christian (WWF)

Rey Mysterio (WCW)


WCW Television / WWF European Championship:

Chris Candido © (WCW) Vs. John Cena © (WWF)


WWF World Tag Team Championship:

Brock Lesnar and Dave Batista (WCW) Vs. The Hardy Boyz © (WWF)


WCW Cruiserweight / WWF Light Heavyweight Championship:

Billy Kidman © (WCW) Vs. "The Heat Seeker" Sean Waltman © (WWF)


Tables Match:

The Hardcore Icons (Cactus Jack & Terry Funk) (WCW) Vs. The Dudley Boyz (WWF)


"The Whole Fn' Show" Rob Van Dam (WCW) Vs. Mr. Perfect (WWF)


WCW World Tag Team Championship:

Steel Cage Match:

The Brothers Of Destruction (The Undertaker & Kane) (WWF) Vs. Diamond Dallas Page and Chris Kanyon © (WCW)


If Flair Wins: He Gets Five Minutes Alone With Eric Bischoff:

No Holds Barred Street Fight:

"The Nature Boy" Ric Flair (WCW) Vs. "The Genetic Jack Hammer" Vince McMahon (WWF)


WCW United States / WWF Intercontinental Championship:

"Big Poppa Pump" Scott Steiner © (WCW) Vs. "Your Olympic Hero" Kurt Angle © (WWF)


The Outsiders (Kevin Nash & Scott Hall) (WCW) Vs. DeGeneration X (Shawn Michaels & Triple H) (WWF)


WCW World Heavyweight Championship:

"The People's Champion" The Rock (WWF) Vs. "The Icon" Sting © (WCW)


"The Immortal" Hulk Hogan (WCW) Vs. "Y2J" Chris Jericho (WWF)


WWF World Heavyweight Championship:

Goldberg (WCW) Vs. "Stone Cold" Steve Austin © (WWF)



** I plan on having a point system (hence the odd number of matches) with the winner of each gaining one point for his respected company. Right now I have a certain promotion in mind to take the cake here.... but with a huge asterik in regards to it. This will indeed roll the angle into SummerSlam, where Hogan will face Austin, Shawn Michaels will clash with Triple H after defecting to WCW with his boys, Sting will collide with The Rock in a legendary rematch for the ages and The Undertaker go will head-to-head with Goldberg in a modern-day clash of the titans. Again, all tentative. **



Feedback welcome.


Thanks dudes :D

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If Flair Wins: He Gets Five Minutes Alone With Eric Bischoff:

No Holds Barred Street Fight:

"The Nature Boy" Ric Flair (WCW) Vs. "The Genetic Jack Hammer" Vince McMahon (WWF)


My one question, why does a WCW guy want to get Eric Bischoff? And probably more importantly, why would Vince defend him?


(Not a complaint, just a query since you probably have a reason)

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My one question, why does a WCW guy want to get Eric Bischoff? And probably more importantly, why would Vince defend him?


(Not a complaint, just a query since you probably have a reason)


Well, Shane would be running WCW and wouldnt want ANYTHING to do with Bischoff because he solely blames the lazy over-paid wrestlers for the WCW demize. This then leads Eric to 'beg' Vince for a job in 'middle-management' for the WWF... that is, if Vince is looking for someone with a tad bit of experience of course. Seems slimey, grimey, and very Bischoff like to me. lol.


After Vince tells Eric to prove his loyalty, he sets a up trap for Flair in-which Vince immediately capitalizes on. Vince then makes Eric the Raw GM/his personal lackey. Most of the WCW roster hates Eric as well, as they label him a first class turncoat.


Flair obviously seeks out vengeance on both of them.



** The mod starts in May. The real invasion actually started in May as well, but the night Shane came out on Nitro was March 26th. And me, being a perfectionist and all, cant just change wrestling history and/or what really went down. I can only take whats happened thus far and start from the month of May. **


Hope that gives you a clearer insight, brother.

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Running a Watcher Game to entertain myself while I write my DOA write ups.


Some of my rules:


+ The Stones are on a 'Wrestling Journey'. They must stay away from NOTBPW unless they retired, took over the company or have been unemployed for a year.


+ SWF, TCW, USPW and NOTBPW must cut it's lowest momentum ET or Opener each month (given they've had a fair shake of 6 months or more in the company)


+ I also did some random events in the CVerse, like a huge Rick Law and Tommy Cornell fight which saw Law leaving TCW. Grunt opening up a company and SCCW reopening.


+ Grunt's Domination School (GDS), SCCW and MAW all use the MAW hiring rules (No one over 30, must be unemployed). If someone gets hired to another company, I cut them.


+ I am using Eras to decrease the title reign lengths.


We are at the end of April


CZCW and NYCW started a East Coast, West Coast war in wrestling with Cliff taking shots at NYCW's 'Retirement Home' status, and the Stomper stealing away Fox Mask and James Prudence. Cliff has been quoted as saying those two will never work in CZCW again! The war has been great for both companies exposure.


New heel Gregory Black is becoming the breakout star of 2010 in SWF. The unmasked Lobster Warrior (also turned heel) Chris Morrisette is right on his heels. However it was the big Russian Marat Khoklov who took the title off of Eric Eisen, who is slowly falling down the ranks again.


TCW is TCW, with the Syndicate and RDJ at the top but not in the title picture. Tornado beat Golden for the title early in 2010 after it became clear the big man was not the right man to lead TCW.


NOTBPW signed DWN and has been pushing the man to replace the Stones. He has wrestled B matches with Sean McFly and The Can-Am Blondes (with Steve DeColt) and even a B+ with John Maverick!


USPW brought in Rick Law. Not really making them interesting though.


Lots of fun for a little distraction.

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And the Legendary Tour is over, champions have been crowned, and a blockbuster announcement was made:


In the opening match of the night Chavo Guerrero was matched up with Christopher Daniels, after the pair went to two time limit draws during the tour. However Daneils was focused on ensuring there wouldn't be a third and came away with a victory after hitting the Best Moonsault ever. (B-/75)


After joining the tour in the final month Delirious has not seen eye to eye with Doug Williams, and the two squared off for the second time in this big match. It would be Doug Williams who emerged victorious with the Chaos Theory, however Delirious gave a good showing and should find himself back for the next tour. (B/80)


After missing out on a final spot after losing on the final tour show, The Golden Lovers bounced back with a win over Fleisch & Storm and the Young Bucks in a threeway tag match. (C+/68)


Jimmy Yang looked to secure his first win in JHPW, in his third match. And while Zack Sabre Jr. seemed like an easier opponent than he had in his previous matches (Davey Richards and Roderick Strong), Sabre put up a good fight and escaped with the victory. (B-/74)


Rocky Romero was in the same situation as Yang, having lost his previous matches to the same opponents, he took on the tours special attraction, Lance Storm. Unlike Yang, Romero was able to walk away with the victory after a hard fought 21 minutes. (B/81)


In a block buster announcement it was revealed that from the next tour JHPW will be re-branded All League Wrestling, and a Heavyweight division will be added. This led to a special attraction match between Daisuke Sekimoto, and the first heavyweight signing, and current ROH Champion...Samoa Joe. Joe secured his first win for the promotion, but will be facing competitors his own size when he returns full time. (C+/68)


Last years losing tag finalists, The Briscoes were determined to secure their first tag league win, however AIBOU stood in their way. It took 21 minutes before The Briscoes managed to secure themselves the win, after hitting Ikuto Hidaka with the Doomsday Device. (B-/74)


The final was stated to be Davey Richards vs Roderick Strong, however due to injury Roderick Strong could not compete. Therefore Jack Evans, who finished in third, was given the opportunity to steal the tour crown. Stood in his way was Davey Richards, who in similar fashion to the Briscoes was looking to ensure he wasn't a losing finalist two years in a row. Jack Evans looked like he could have won the title, however in the end Davey Richards showed why he was number 1 in the league, and secured himself the win. The question now is what will happen on the next tour, when Roderick Strong is set to return, and will surely have something to say about Davey's win. (Unfortunately though Mr. Strong will miss the first month of the tour.) (B/82)

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Just downloaded the 2001 mod and thinking of starting a NYCW game. Not sure yet where I want to go with the game, but something tells me Crippler Ray Kingman is going to get a lot of use as a wrestler at the beginning of the year since the heel/face divide is completely out of whack.


On the bright side getting a 18 year old Joey Minnesota is pretty awesome. During the first show him and the newly acquired Johnny Bloodstone put on a D+ rated match.

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On the August 1st edition of RAW, the CM Punk phenomenon continued, as he made his sanctioned return to RAW with his WWE Championship, leading to WWE COO Triple H putting him in a ladder match against John Cena to decide the true WWE Champion at Summer Slam. Despite interferance from a bitter Vince McMahon, CM Punk won the match, unhooking the WWE Championship.


The next night, after his revelation of the old WWE Undisputed Championship, Vince McMahon admitted that he loves this company more than anything, and he lost it because of CM Punk, and that means he hates him more than anyone can understand, and revealed that he had gotten Triple H to set up one more match. Vince McMahon Vs CM Punk, hell in a cell! Despite Vince's best efforts, he couldn't pull out the win, and after giving it his all for near thirty minute MOTYC, he left empty handed and unemployed.


At Cyber Sunday, CM Punk once again re-ignited his feud with cena, and retained his championship in a fatal four way, fending off The Miz, Rey Mysterio and John Cena.


However, after the match, CM Punk was once again attacked but by Jeff Hardy! Jeff Hardy would go on to defeat CM Punk at the Survivor Series, only to have the decision reversed after it was revealed that Punk's leg was under the top rope when he was pinned. The fued would culminate when Triple H announced CM Punk Vs Jeff Hardy TLC II for the WWE championship at the TLC ppv. Jeff Hardy captured the title, and CM Punk lost the Rumble re match (Vs Jeff Hardy© and The Miz).


He blamed Triple H for the loss of his beloved title, attacking him. Punk played mind games with HHH, leading to him challenging CM Punk to one last match, but Punk only agreed on the condition that if he were to lose, he would hand over his COO position to Punk. HHH, in a fit of fury, agreed, signing the contract, before realising what he had just put at stake for their match at No Way Out. CM Punk won, and the following night, he resigned, announcing his replacement as Paul Heyman! But, due to the WWE Board's power in the company, they gave Triple H one more chance at being in power, but he can't wrestle in the match. Triple H announced that he was going to have the shot, but instead, he will give CM Punk the honour of facing The Undertaker as he goes for 20-0!


Well guys, that's how I got my main event for Wrestlemania, Rate/Hate? Also, do you think I should have CM Punk Vs Undertaker, or Rock Vs Cena as my ME? I'm not sure :S

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Well guys, that's how I got my main event for Wrestlemania, Rate/Hate? Also, do you think I should have CM Punk Vs Undertaker, or Rock Vs Cena as my ME? I'm not sure :S


Rock/Cena. If the mod's like the one I have, Taker should be broken as hell phsycially. So the match is probably going to get dinged for that. And he prolly has lower-ish stamina.


But if he's workable? Eh...whoever's the most over *shrug*

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