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Playing my 0/0/0/0 game to get my mind off diarying a little (in my NOTBPW I've played up to three months in, just need a slight brain break to recharge my storyline batteries)


I managed to turn a terrible situation into my best ever show, record attendence, best ever match and a record profit.


Basically, J-Ro retired whilst working for TCW (I edited them to have a women's division), and to replace the empty spot, they signed Ernest Youngman... my champion and most popular worker. Not only that, but an unusually strong card from FCW (a 77/B-) was beating my 74/B-, which would have cost me the regional battle.


So I changed my New England show back to one set in my home region (Great Lakes), where I'd just ticked over from 59 to 60 pop (C- to C), which jumped my projected attendance up by about 800.


Youngman is in the ring with a mic, and says that he's the greatest ASCW champion of all time (he's had the most defences, and is equalling the record for longest reign), and as such... he can do whatever he wants with the belt. He's out of here... but he's not taking the title... he's destroying it. Youngman grabs a sledgehammer and starts to attack the belt with it, destroying the facing and basically going nuts.


Company owner/announcer/authority figure grabs a microphone and starts yelling - saying that whoever is available backstage should get their butts out - he's making a title match. Responding are Darryl Devine, Steve Flash and Samson Barclay (user character). It goes back and forth for some time, but eventually, Barclay prevails in an 88/B+ match (At Regional, I'm thrilled). He's celebrating with the mostly-destroyed belt when...


Aaron Andrews comes out with his totally-not-a-money-in-the-bank-ripoff briefcase! He announces he's cashing it in (he's a face... remaining pretty faceish here as he already wrestled and won a match earlier)... and a 28 minute title match ensues. At long last though, Andrews prevails in a 83/B encounter, winning the Great Lakes title in only his fourth month in the company!


The show rated 79/B overall, thanks to a couple of angles rating a bit low, but it won us the regional battle and with a record attendance of about 4,500, we look set to make a profit of about $100,000, which is just under double anything we've taken before. Granted two shows in our home region in one month is a major contributer to that, but still, it's a heck of a haul.


So what looked to be a disaster wound up being awesome. Losing Ernest hurts but it does mean some new blood in the main event. The belt destruction angle I took because I wanted to upgade from the 'The Great Lakes title' (which I felt was an appropriate name for a small company) to the 'United States title' (to reflect how ASCW has been expanding across the US), but I couldn't figure out how to make the changeover.

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Just got the 87 Golden Age mod and I'm starting it now as a promotion I created, Virginia Championship Wrestling. I'm using Chuck Norris as my avatar also :D So instead of starting local I bumped the pop up to 20% across the US with the Mid Atlantic having 30% and were finacially stable too thanks to Chuck ;)


Anyways, here's my starting roster:


Main Event:

Abdullah The Butcher

Bam Bam Bigelow

Curt Hennig

Marty Jannetty

Scott Steiner

The Sheik

Villano III


Upper Midcard:

Gene Petit

George Wells

Rick Hunter

Rick Steiner

Shawn Michaels

Steven Regal




Brian Knobbs

Brain Pillman

Eddie Guerrero

El Matemático

Headhunter B

Mick Foley

Shane Douglas

Silver King

Villano IV

Villano V


Lower Midcard:

Headhunter A

Mark Callous

Norman Smiley

Rocco Rock


Savio Vega




Bob Holly

Chris Benoit

Johnny Grunge


I'll be deciding my first Undisputed Champion by a 16-man tournament


1st Round:

Abdullah The Butcher vs Eddie Guerrero

Gene Petit vs George Wells

Curt Hennig vs Sting

Scott Steiner vs Shawn Michaels

The Sheik vs Rick Steiner

Marty Jannetty vs Steven Regal

Villano III vs Rick Hunter

Bam Bam Bigelow vs Brian Pillman


Oh and I'm working on trying to put together a solid tag division, so far I got


The Steiner Brothers

The Midnight Rockers

The Headhunters

The Sheik & Sabu

Los Villanos

Los Villanos II

Los Villanos III

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Update on the game in my above post.


Last year review is here, it's now January 2015.


So, the state of the world.


TCW and SWF are Global, USPW hit National again but once more fell back down to Cult. BHOTWG, PGHW and WLW are all National. GCG got there again but was knocked back. CGC, NOTBPW, SOTBPW, OLLIE and MPWF are all cult.


Young wrestler of the year was Nichiren Amagawa for the fourth time in a row. Bryan Vessey was veteran wrestler, DEVIL Karube female wrestler (for the sixth time running!), most improved WJPW (a created Japanese promotion). Card of the year was a 94/A affair, SWF Let The Games Begin. Nothing too exceptional this time around. Match of the year: Lobster Warrior def. Angry Gilmore at that same event.


SWF defied my earlier prediction by cruising to promotion of the year once again, thanks in majority to several 99/100 rated matches between Lobster Warrior, 2014 wrestler of the year Angry Gilmore and Marc DuBois (Lobby got an 100 out of Eric fricking Eisen). Once again though, their main event took hits as both Vengeance and Gilmore left - leaving the top of their card as now-four-time world champ Jack Bruce (who is at 100s across the US and Canada, scary), Joe Sexy, Kurt Laramee, Lobster Warrior, Marc DuBois, Remo and Runaway Train. Not bad by any means, but looking at the ages...


Marc: 27

Remo: 32

Laramee: 38

Lobster: 41

Sexy: 42

Bruce: 42

Train: 50


Problems MAY be on the horizon. It depends on how retirement destiny treats them. Their upper midcard isn't nearly as strong, containing Brandon James, Eric Eisen, Greg Black, Jack Giedroyc, Jungle Lord and Valiant, though they have been bolstered by the arrival of...




Below that and you've actually got a lot of talent, including both Keith twins, Spencer Spade, a resurgent Robbie Retro (who spent some time with USPW and a few months with me before getting re-signed some three years after he left), James Prudence and a couple of good gens... just none of them are getting pushed. They have a strong women's division as well: Alicia Strong, Belle Bryden, Nadia Snow, Suzanne Brazzle and gen Sarah Hackney.


Bizarrely, SWF fired their head booker Peter Michaels a couple of months ago, even though he was doing a perfectly good job. They brought Victoria Stone in to replace him, but I still have NO idea why they'd fire him.



TCW are putting on strong shows but keep struggling to find that money feud that SWF did. They've had sporadic 99s, but nothing on the frequency of SWF's. Their main event consists of Bryan Vessey, Guide, Joey Minnesota, RDJ, Sam Keith (still going at 53!), Tommy Cornell, Troy Tornado and Wolf Hawkins. Joey Minnesota is their current champ, ending Tommy's seventh reign in late August. Honestly I really doubt they're going to overtake SWF unless they can build up popularity more, because their highest (Tommy) is at B+s across the US, which barely touches SWF's main eventers. ...Although bizarrely, there's about 8 pts difference between here and some of the midcarders, which was a lot tighter than I was expecting.


The upper midcard is Benny Benson, The Machines, Danny Fonzarelli, Eddie Peak, Koshiro Ino, Randy Bumfhole and Rocky Golden, which for my money is a little more solid than SWF's, if a little ageing. Their midcard is pretty strong too - Clark Alexander, Edd Stone, Ernest Youngman (:mad:), Genghis Rahn, Giant Tana, off-drink-off-drugs Jack Griffith, Joshua Taylor, Mighty Mo, International Champion Rick Law (odd to see him this low), Scout (ditto), Texas Pete and undoubted shocker, Dan Stone Jr.


The bottom of their card is practically like the cruiserweight division has been ressurected. Quentin Queen, Mikey James, Fumihiro Ota, Bubba Lee West, Robert Oxford (54 years old!), All-Action champion Acid, American Elemental, Blackfire, Elliot Thomas and Harry Allen. Joel Bryant still has the book, but was forced to retire through injury in 2010.


They have a ridiculous amount of announcers/commentators, too. It's actually quite annoying and it almost seems like something of an oversight. They have four announcers and three colour commentators, which seems... excessive. Azaria and Rhodes are both gone (Azaria wound up with 99 charisma, but no budge in announcing). Instead they have A* rated Mitch Naess, Peter Michaels, A-rated Jasmine Saunders and American Buffalo, to name a few (Buffalo retired late 2011).


USPW keep getting raided by SWF and are also suffering the problem of repeatedly losing people by overpushing them and making them too popular to re sign. So far this has happened to Nicky Champion, Liberty, Chris Caufield, Steve Frehley and Tyson Baine (though the former two came back eventually). Yet not Bruce the Giant, oddly enough. Their champ is Dead Pool, AKA Sammy Bach, who's delivering good ratings for them. Inexplicably (considering Sam Strong retired in 2012 or 2013), they keep re-signing Peter Valentine. I don't understand it - he doesn't even have any active roles. It's like paying somebody to vandalise your car.


CGC world champ is Owen Love - they're due another run at National pretty soon, by my guess. It won't end well. Jeremy Stone is Canadian Champion over at NOTBPW after DeColt ran out on them. I suspect they just pulled themselves out of the hole financially, as they went on a hiring spree. They'll be at Cult a while though.


WLW are looking stupidly strong right now, their main event is Champagne Lover, Emerald Angel, Magnum Kobe, Marcos Flore, Nichiren Amagawa, Sean Deeley and universal champ The Great Hisato. They aren't popping insane ratings, but their shows are just consistent quality. They've also 'made' a lot of previously unknown workers, guys like Stealth Z, Mercury, El Mitco Jr, Hollywood Bret Starr, Masa Kurata, Tanyu Toshusai, Teddy Edwards (Alex Braun regen) - the list just goes on and on.


Burning Hammer, booked currently by uh, Steve Flash (O_o), are headed by Yasunobu Masuno and Tadiyuki Kikkawa, Burning World Champion and King of Fighters, respectively (Kikkawa beat Marihito Masuko for his third run with the belt). Awesomely, both members of The Rebellion (Miyamae and Shimedzu) are main event over for them. Overall they're doing... okay, but their main event scene is pretty old, and consists mainly of guys with just performance stats and little else (other than knee troubles). They have some promising youngsters in the mid-upper midcard, (Elemental III, Extraordinario Jr, awesome gen Fujio Maehata, MYSTIC Dragon, Omezo Shikitei, SATO, Sensational Dragon and custom worker Tom Troy Tomlinson) but they definitely need some new blood at the top.


PHGW's Glory Clown is held by four time champ Yoshimi Mushashibo, and their main event is strong... but their crazily intense style is really catching up with them. Practically their entire roster is in the yellow in some places, even on some guys under 30. It's really going to take a toll in the long run. Amazingly, Dread (53), Masayuki Shiga (50) and Danger Kumasaka (60) are all still active.


Couple of interesting tidbits: Rip Chord finally retired in 2014. Jay took over and appointed Vin Tanner as head booker. Christian Faith popped up in fricking VWA for a while, before eventually leaving when his contract expired. 21CW is dead, but the UK scene is flourishing with NWF, HIW, MOSC and ROF all going strong. The Stomper retired the same day Rip Chord announced his own retirement, NYCW was taken over by uh... Chess Maniac. The Stomp's retirement gave me the opportunity to end the war and quit getting annoyed by having to constantly renegotiate. Still, it was worth it.



On the home front, things are going pretty well. We've hit a C in popularity in the Great Lakes, and have been slowly nudging up popularity in the Mid Atlantic and Tri State (although a miscalculation on my part dropped us about 12 points in the Tri State due to underexposure, which was annoying, since too many visits will get us to Cult... and I really don't want to be Cult right now). It's slow going, but the industry and economy have been horrible for quite a while now, so I'm biding my time before making that push, and in the mean time just building up my finances. (I'm on schedule to hit a 'Increase our balance to $2 mil' goal about a year ahead of deadline).


A lot more roster turnover this year, thanks to me realising that I just plain had too many guys on my roster - it was too much to juggle and morale and storylines were suffering for it. Though having said that I brought in a lot of high calibre guys and the only reason there was turnover there was because of raids. Oh well. I have long known I have absurdly big rosters.


Sadly, tragedy has struck in the regional battles as I FINALLY lost one, their 75 beating my 73 (although quite frankly I think my show was better. Computer ratings bias?). It's awkward, as we share a lot of talent. (8 guys are on both rosters) I might have to declare war to ravage their roster and get back ahead.




Show breakdown.





73 angle




58 angle

69 (co-main)

79 (main)





67 Angle




49 angle

77 (co-main)

70 angle

82 (main)


- Yeah I still say that's better, unless that 49 angle dragged down the entire show by that much (in which case FCW's 58 should've dragged them down too). *grumbles*



All-Star Championship Wrestling



'New School'


Traditional: Key Feature

Mainsteam: Heavy

Modern: Medium

Lucha Libre: Medium


Performance = Popularity, simple, unsubtle and unrisky gimmicks preferred, very favourable towards sponsorship.


Medium Face/Heel divide, Integrated women's wrestling and an 80% match/angle ratio.


Match Lengths: 6/10/15


Based in the Great Lakes ©, $1,835,755 in the bank.


(Not even going to attempt the signings. Too much turnover and guys coming in AND out over the year)



Roster Review


Main Event

Aaron Andrews © - As documented above, won our totally-not-money-in-the-bank briefcase and cashed in on Samson Barclay after he beat a departing Ernest Youngman. Andrews is GREAT for our level, and TCW were foolish to let him go, because he was a definite asset to them.

Chance Fortune - One of the best on the microphone we've got. Consistently strong matches mean he might be due a push soon.

Darryl Devine - He's starting to become a real company favourite. One of the longest running guys in the company at this point and he's still improving. I get some slight difficulties surrounding his relative overness at times (he's popular in Great Lakes/Tri State, but not very much anywhere else, only around E+s, but he's been really valuable). Probably won't do a lot this year, but he's not going anywhere fast.

Frankie Perez - Has been engaged in an on-again off-again feud with Samson Barclay. Treading water a little because he's good-not-great, but he's put in some good matches.

Samson Barclay - Now a four time Great Lakes (I guess I should say United States) champion, our main belt, but his latter two reigns have been very short (as in, 20 minutes short). He's been putting in GREAT matches and is still improving. I'm hoping for some good luck with destiny, since he's 33. Don't want him to enter decline. Amazingly, constant exposure has greatly increased his entertainment skills, he's at 68/79/66 now, up from 60/76/63 at the start of last year and 42/64/49 at the beginning of the game.

Steve DeColt - I don't even know how this happened. I really don't. He got too big for NOTBPW but wasn't that popular in the US (he had C-s), and that meant I could bring him in. Crazily lucky, awesome promos, 41 years old and not even brushing time decline. Future champion for sure.

Swoop McCarthy - I picked him up once his SWF stretch came to an end in April 2014, leaving him at Ds across the US. He's been feuding with Zimmy Bumfhole for much of the year. On which note...

Zimmy Bumfhole - USPW's inconsistency means I get one of my favourites back. A definite MVP and future champion if I can avoid getting him stolen again.


Upper Midcard

Buddy Garner - He came off hiatus a couple of months ago and barely into time decline even at 42, which was very pleasing. Currently working off ringrust, and has excellent chemistry teaming with Nelson Callum, which I'll be sure to exploit.

D.C. Rayne © - Spent most of the year feuding with The Solution, who they traded the titles with (The Natural Storm actually only just won them back, for their third reign). They're now feuding with the Crippling Crew team of Brooke Tyler and Remmy Honeyman, who they're likely to drop the belts to and then get depushed a little to give the scene a shake up.

Eddie Howard © - As above.

Mario Alessio - Doing decently and has turned in some pretty good performances, including in the 'Golden Opportunity' (totally-not-a-MiTB-ripoff) six man ladder match. I'd like to build him up, but he's not quite there yet skillswise (although his star quality keeps going up and up, it's 94 now). Oh, also USPW keep jobbing him and knocking his popularity back.

Remmy Honeyman - His team with Brooke Tyler is going pretty well, (they're unbeaten in tag team competition) and he's improving too, mostly in performance stats. Should get a title reign this year.

Rudy Velasquez - Currently teaming up with Brendon Idol, replacing Huge de Aske, who wound up departing on a written to WLW. They're a... decent team, but by no means a great one.

Steve Flash - Roster reshuffling has made him slip down the pecking order a little. He's been dependable as always, even at 48 - although that may change now that he's booking for Burning Hammer.

Steven Parker - Let go from SWF and has been a great signing, working as Zimmy Bumfhole's main henchman as well as putting in some really good matches. Really glad to have him.



Berik - Associating with Youngman all of last year earned The Solution a solid title reign (February-October), his menace translating perfectly to the role of the stable's muscle (along with Lance, of course). They're turning into real personal favourites for me - the type of gens that you wish you could import because they've developed such a character. In any case, one half of a good team that got a good feud with the Natural Storm. Going onto the backburner a little thanks to Youngman being gone though.

Brendan Idol - He's had to improve just to stand still. In spite of being heavily into time decline now, Idol's really stepped up his game and improved quite a bit... but obviously he started at a disadvantage. He was our first ever champ, so he's not going anywhere

Brooke Tyler - See Honeyman, Remmy. She's obviously the more talented part of the team, but I'm content to use them as a duo for now, at least until her entertainment skills improve. She's been getting tons of matches in, since she's a regular for both CWWF and AAA as well as us - any extra work for my people is fine by me.

Dean Waldorf - As expected, the Generals had a slow year. This might pick up a bit later on in 2015, but it depends on how the Natural Storm/Crippling Crew feud develops, because I can see that going well and lasting a while, and I want to rotate another face team into contention to give the fans a break from the Storm once they lose that feud's over.

Giant Brody - Still working as the personal bodyguard/attack dog of Samson Barclay. He got a lot more matches in last year, and he's showing steady improvements. Okay he's never going to be a great worker but he's seriously matured over the time I've had him.

Jeremiah Moose - Another year of being an 'also-ran'. I'm going to push the boat out a little this year and tenatively give him and Lawler a push, since their Blitz Off! team has middling experience now. I might start cracking down harder on his drugs habit soon though.

KC Glenn - Japanese popularity (C+ across the country) has resulted in him getting spillover EVERYWHERE and jumping about 12 pts across the US and Canada. He's still great, of course, and still improving (I've been giving him a few opportunities to pull up the poor mic skils too). Naturally I'm still a bit hesitant to push him, but I've had him since he debuted... and I'm starting to think that I may as well give him a shot. Japan will carry him off eventually anyway.

Lance - See Berik. He's the better of the two of them, but they come as a unit.

Marv Statler - See Waldorf. Just hit an A* in consistency.

Nelson Callum - More SWF windfall. He hasn't really done a whole lot, but he's set to join Zimmy/Parker's little group, probably as a team with Buddy Garner thanks to their chemistry. A great asset so far.

Steel - I must've gone momentarily nuts, because something made me think it was a good idea to hire Steel and Richie Riggins to team up as a pair of freakishly muscled lumps. Actually in all fairness to Steel his stint in RIPW vastly improved him (still not enough to get onto the main roster) and made him somewhat worth hiring. I managed to get him off roids and loyal to my user character too, so that's a plus.


Lower Midcard

Ashley Grover - Hasn't featured much this year, though 5SSW did bite for a tour at the beginning of the year. She's working for CWWF too, which helps, but overall she's mostly stuck to the same holding pattern.

Connie Morris - Another rare sight, only working 7 matches for us all year, in the midst of a solid touring schedule with 5SSW. A real ring general though, so there's no reason not to keep her for those occasional dates,

Harry Lawler - See Moose, without the drugs habit. He's a decent worker, but not really a great one. Might need some more time to shine on the stick, as his entertainment skills are a strength I haven't really allowed him to make use of.

Lenny Brown - Fizzled a little as part of Youngman's stable, which was predominantly my fault for not featuring him enough. He's a bit of a work in progress.

Richie Riggins - Yeah I have no idea why I rehired him either.

Sayeed Ali - Came to within an inch of being allowed to leave until I changed my mind and renwed his contract. His skills seem a little stagnant, so I'm banking on the news stories that keep proclaiming him to be a hot prospect to come through.



Ant-Man - Stole him back from NYCW and put him under a mask to form my very own Colony. Didn't wrestle a lot last year, but improving.

Josh Jones - A masked Josh Jones joins Ant-Man as his regular tag team partner to form a jobber team.

Regular Joe - As Grover, without the benefits of working elsewhere.

Wade Orson - Surprised yet glad still to have him, given constant touring in the East. Would get pushed if he wasn't still such a prime candidate for theft.


Enhancement Talent

Bernice Stevenson - A regen with good brawling and performance skills, needs some building up, but so far her matches have been good. She's also getting *ahem*... experience working for BSC.



Heather Halo - Currently at a 65 in refereeing, but seems to have hit something of a plateau. In any case, since all the better referees are signed I don't really have many options.

Hugo Makela - America-Based Norwegian manager with very strong mic skills. Works as Barclay's mouthpiece and has good chemistry managing Brody.

Jordan Brigstock - Just hit 72 in announcing, 76 mic, 82 charisma, 64 acting. Slow improvements, but very welcome ones.

Original Lone Rider - No comment. Just a road agent.

Richard Freebush - Still managing Perez/Idol/Velasquez. Coming along really well.

Roy Worrall - At a 71 in refereeing, probably the best available right now, sadly.

Sara Silver - No improvements, but she's working out just fine.

Steve Smith - Since 21CW went under, I decided to invest in a slightly better announcer. Fortunately, not only has he got good chemistry with Silver, but being in work again is making him better.



Annnnd here ends massive long post.

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I'm only about 6 weeks into my WWE Genadi May 2001 game, this probably my frst game ive really got nto since ive got back into the series so m still feeling my way around so to speak.


3 weeks away from KOTR, im not really doing full on invasion but stll got some good (and not so good) stuff happening -


Angle is WWF champ is scheduled to have a 2 PPV feud with Y2J. Angle is white hot at 99 and will reain before facing The Rock (who will get his return win on Booker at KOTR) in the unification at SS.


HHH, Flair and Nash have linked up to take Steve Austin out of the WWF, however with minor support from The Hardyz it should take it nicely through to the Autumn with some good variations


The cruiserweight and Ligthweight divisions are merging with Rey and Chavo to unify the belts at SS with Juvi Hernandez (Guerrera) waiting in the wings along with veteran Malenko and the youngsters of Kidman and Helms in which is develping into a nice division


My biggest surprise is DDP, who is looking really good in his breakout feud with Taker. Currently sitting at A pop accross North America, DDP is going to destroy Biker Taker at KOTR before The Deadman Gimmick returns in time to cost DDP title in July PPV and set up a blow off at SS.


KOTR tournament will feature recently turned Benoit taking on former stable buddy, Eddie Guerrero in the final with The Rabid Wolverine taking the crown, im hoping for big stuff from these too.


Other things of note is William Regal is leading an opressed European stable, i figure he's got the skills to carrry them up to midcard and beyond. The hardcore division is being revitalised largely thanks to RVD who is going to bring Taz out of retirement at SS. A few new Tag Teams are being built up as well as about 5 new female wrestlers (not divas) but this will obviously take time.


Sorry for the long post but im thoroughly enjoying the game, its very absorbing. I know its particularly reveloutionary stuff but im learning and ideas are popping up all the time, im enjoying the challenge, epsepcially now i have 11 months to make Austin happy since he got angry over losing in 2 triple threat matches (despite not taking either fall)


thanks guys

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Heading into my September PPV in the TGA mod. I just hit global with the WWF and have brought in some new blood. Dusty Rhodes is making his debut at my tv tapings currently (going against Paul Orndorff, gonna have some outside interference from Greg Valentine to start them on a feud). Also Wahoo McDaniel is coming into the WWF, he will feud with Rick Rude who will go over him at the October PPV next month for some momentum. The move I am most proud of though with the new talent is I brought in Dean and Joe Malenko (nbd) but I am going to put the brothers in a tag team together, and was thinking, for 2 wrestlers who are so uncharasmatic, who would be a good manager for them?? AND THEN IT HIT ME! The one and only, SUPERSTAR BILLY GRAHAM!!! Idk why, but I am super excited about this manager and tag team pairing, and I think it could go places, only time will tell though. (Had graham on the roster already, so not a new hiring, but got something for him to do, so I'm excited)


Otherwise, Piper and Beefcake are still feuding ever since the end of Wrestlemania. Hulk Hogan continues to hold the WWF title, constantly being tormented by Andre, Heenan, Bockwinkel, and now Paul Orndorff as well has taken an interest in both the WWF Champion and the WWF IC title (involving himself in the Steamboat & Savage feud, even taking turns beating up both of them from show to show). Hogan is looking much weaker as the champion, and I do have plans for him to drop the belt....not going to say how yet though (*sinister smile* actually I think I pretty much already said it earlier in this thread if anyone really cares haha). Enjoying this mod so much!


Kerry Von Erich also just joined my roster, and I am trying to decide how to debut him, as Von Erich, or as The Ultimate Warrior character (since Helwig isn't developing at all in my development fed) or as something entirely different. any ideas would be awesome! thanks in advance!

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Just a small update in regards to my SWF game, I restarted a few days ago and I am now at June 2010. After I complete the month of June and reach the first day of July I will be posting an update for the new game. It might look a bit similar to my prevous July 2010 update that I did in my previous game but it will have some differences especially in the new signings section.
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Just did a pretty poor show of 74 with the SWF, but Awesome Impact is the next show so hopefully I can get back on top. Supremacy/The Supremacists debuted on the second to last show before Awesome Impact, a team of Eisen, Khoklov and Remo, by attacking Jack Bruce. Next week, Bruce did not appear (sent him down to RIPW to train people, but it was basically selling his injury, I'll bring him back up at the end of the month) and they attacked Rich Money.


This leaves Christian Faith as the only face Main Eventer to face Eisen for the belt. With that said though, I want to him to be victim of a Remo interference during a fight against Khoklov so Khoklov can get the win, meaning I'll probably have to use an upper midcarder to 'step up.'


That will probably be Colt Johnson (Jack Avatar) who is also the North American Champion. Only the World Championship will be on the line, so Colt can keep his belt but if he ends up as a Main Eventer from this match, I'll have him lose the belt to

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Massive long post indeed. Honestly, I love reading stuff like that. The recap of your own doings is cool, but I really enjoy seeing how the rest of the game world has unfolded. I always find that facinating.


I definitely hear you there. I find it endlessly interesting just to examine how vastly different things can vary from game to game - like how in the above game save, Shingen Miyazaki is a WEXXV and Hinote dojo mainstay, with multiple reigns with various level belts in both companies (and a brief WLW title run). In a TCW game of mine, it's 2012 and the very same guy is GCG world champion. In the 2015 game, they canned him.


Yeah, it's always something I find interesting, it's why I try and give the state of the world a bit of a write up too.


...Apart from Europe and Australia, apparently. Australia always seems to wind up in an endless stalemate, whilst with Europe, the most interesting thing to happen (other than Faith showing up in VWA for a bit) is EWA failing about ten dirty tricks in a row on UEW.

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Got an 80 for Awesome Impact. Still isn't great, but at least it isn't horrendous. Jack Giedroyc is now a MEer and Valiant is now a UMer after they defeated Clean Runaway (Squeeky McClean and Runaway Train) to retain the tag titles. Frehley finally defeated Vengeance after losing in two straight PPV matches and has moved up to the Main Event also, and despite a losing effort against Eric Eisen in a match where he was attacked by Remo and Marat Khoklov, Colt Johnson (Jack Avatar) is also up to the Main Event and still holds the North American title.


Brandon James and Joe Sexy also went up to Upper Midcard after a match where James defeated Sexy. In a 16 minute match, Sexy ended up looking tired and since his stats aren't very good anyway, he will now be used as a jobber for up and coming stars. Finally, Angry Gilmore beat Antonio Garcia and ascended to the Upper Midcard. I was unhappy that a couple of guys dropped around a month ago but this PPV seems to have fixed that.

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Using the January 2001 Mod: Playing as the NWA. Now heading into October, into NWA aniversary show.


My personal favourite story right now, is my unveiling of the new X-Division, basically I have Christoper Daniels as the NWA Junior Heavyweight Champion. And the Los Luchadores Trio (Juvi, Psciosis, Super Crazy) the NWA Middleweight, Light Heavyweight and Welterweight Champions respectively. The Trio were a strong unit until Daniels got involved causing a slight rivalry between the trio. Daniels playing the devils adovocat played on Juvi's ego causing Juvi to attack Crazy after Crazy defend his title against Mike Quackenbush. Psicosis would act as a tweener and state that what is going on between Juvi and Crazy is between them. Juvi as the heel would try to take Super Crazy's Welterweight title. Psicosis would eventually side with Juvi, claiming Crazy was always the atention seeker of the trio. Daniels proud of his work would then claim that the Junior Heavyweight title is the only title worthy to hold for any lightweight. Juvi and Psicosis not happy with Daniels's claim would attack him, causing Crazy to make the save. Cue in tag match, Juvi & Psicosis versus Crazy & Daniels, the tag match however ended up in a 4-way brawl. This caused NWA President Dory Funk Jr. to announce a ladder match between the four with all championships to be unified and become the NWA X-Division. The plan is for Daniels to walk away as the first X-Division Champion.


I have a similar storyline in place for my tag division, but this time built on respect. A unification match between NWA World Tag Team Champions Doug Williams & Nigel McGuinness and NWA National Tag Team Champions The Briscoe Brothers. Gonna have the British duo win that one. Nigel's pop across the US is exploding during his reign as Champ so far, going to have to split the team up eventually but not yet.


Then to further the unification theme of the NWA Aniversary show, I have the NWA North American Champion Samoa Joe face NWA Canadian Heavyweight Champion Steve Corino and NWA National Heavyweight Champion CM Punk. Either Joe or Punk will come out on top, not sure yet. But those two will continue the feud, whilst Corino will team up with Kevin Steen once, Steen is brought in.


And the money match. NWA World Heavyweight Champion the devilish heel Sabu will face off against the face Rob Van Dam. This feud started when RVD and Sabu came into the company in february. RVD worked his way to become number 1 contender, only for Sabu to become jealous of RVD's success and take him out. The new heel Sabu would destory everyone in his path and eventually become NWA Champion, Cue "shock" RVD return, the heat in this feud is amazing, and they have good chemistry against each other. Gonna have RVD win this match, send the fans hope happy.

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In my ASCW game, Angry Gilmore just showed up in BHOTWG on a touring contract, meaning.... ELEMENTAL IV!


And TCW just stole A*s-across-US-and-Canada-SWF-World-Champion Jack Bruce. Game on.


Edit: Annnnd in spite of there being no fewer than THREE shows between Bruce signing and Bruce leaving, he departed with the title. Not only that, but he WON his last match against their biggest future star, Marc DuBois.


Oh and who won the title upon Jacky-boy's departure? Kurt Laramee.

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Playing a modified real life database as the WWE. I'm the owner and head booker of the company. Vince McMahon has retired from the business. I've got two brands going RAW and ECW.


Interbrand Angle

Following my first NXT (which was won by Wade Barrett) the rookies went on to form the Nexus in the company. Barrett was mentored by Grant Rice (original character) on the show and made him his target. The Nexus defeated WWE at Surivor Series and gained ownership of Grant Rice and Ted DiBiase in a wager that was meant to flush Nexus out of the company. Barrett ended up winning the WWE title and eventually stripped DiBiase of the WWE title for not following his orders. Cena (who betrayed WWE for the Nexus) was going to be awarded the title but Michael McGillicutty (DiBiase's rookie in NXT) felt he deserved it. They had a match and McGillicutty won the belt.


Kharma showed up on RAW terrorizing through the Divas division only for Beth Phoenix from Smackdown to stand up to her. They are set for a Last Woman Standing match at Wrestlemania.



Ted DiBiase was put in the Royal Rumble to ensure that a member of Nexus came out with the victory so Barrett and McGillicutty's titles would be safe at Wrestlemania. DiBiase ended up winning and since he was technically a member of Nexus, he couldn't be fired for failing to follow orders. He's now free of Nexus since he's guaranteed a Wrestlemania match (which he's selected to challenge his NXT rookie McGillicutty) but if he loses then he becomes property of Nexus again.


Rob Van Dam showed up during an open challenge for the US title by then-champion CM Punk. RVD won, but ended up losing the belt to Evan Bourne a few months later. RVD became bitter over the loss and eventually turned on Bourne. Randy Orton has been sticking his nose in the feud since he's been shut out of Wrestlemania due to DiBiase's Royal Rumble win.


The Nexus (Justin Gabriel and Horus Osbourne (original character created for NXT)) ended up winning the Tag Team titles, but when Batista and Johnny Stamboli ended up in a Triple Threat for the WWE title against McGillicutty at No Way Out they got a tag title match and picked up the belts. Nexus then dumped Osbourne from the group, blaming him for all their short-comings and put Gabriel and Cena together to challenge for the titles at Wrestlemania.


April Lynn (original character) won the Divas title from Maryse and they've been caught up in a rivalry since then. Maryse helped April retain against Kharma just to take credit for the victory and weasel her way into a Wrestlemania match.


In non-title feuds: The Hart Dynasty (Smith, Kidd, Natalya) are feuding with LAX (Hernandez, Homicide, original character Hector Ramirez, Sarita), about to introducing Teddy Hart to the Dynasty. Chris Masters defeated MVP in a Loser Leaves RAW match, but MVP keeps sneaking into the arena to mess with Master. They're headed for a Loser Fired match at Wrestlemania.



Grant Rice jumped Zack Ryder at No Way Out and took his spot in the Elimination Chamber to win contendership for the World Heavyweight title at Wrestlemania. He's now in the same boat as DiBiase with freedom unless he loses at Wrestlemania.


I've currently got a second world title on ECW that used to be the ECW World Title, but Ken Anderson renamed it to the Global Heavyweight title while he was in possession of it. The Rock ended up winning it and CM Punk is gunning for it. Matt Morgan and Ken Anderson are also pushing their way in for contendership. Going for a fatal four-way and then this title will either be unified with the World Heavyweight or I'll re-open Smackdown for a third brand.


Kofi Kingston is the IC Champ and pretty much finished off his feud with Zack Ryder. They're still on-again-off-again feuding. Kofi just beat Ryder to get in Money In The Bank. Ryder will be stealing Santino's spot to get into the match as well.


Lucas Torres (original character) is the Cruiserweight Champion and is feuding with Ethan Adams (Davey Richards). Ethan just turned on Lucas and sent him out on injury. Ethan has possession of the belt and is making himself the unofficial Cruiserweight Champion. He's making enemies of all the Cruisers. Once Lucas returns for Wrestlemania, it'll be a Lumberjack match with Alex Shelley, Chris Sabin, Daivari, Jaime Noble, and Kaval at ringside (AJ Styles was supposed to be there, but went out on injury). I've got Sonjay Dutt, Christopher Daniels, and Jay Lethal waiting in the wings to debut as part of Ethan's stable that's going to take over the division.


Lita is the Women's Champion and set to defend against Mickie James at Wrestlemania who won a Women's Rumble for the right to challenge for any female title. They've got a history but are currently in a tense face vs face feud.


There are no non-title feuds on ECW at the moment as everybody is currently involved in a division some way or another.


Matt Striker is currently in charge of both brands, but CM Punk is about to take him out when he finds out he's not getting a one-on-one match against The Rock at Wrestlemania. Linda McMahon will then return and put Shane in charge of ECW and Stephanie in charge of RAW following Wrestlemania with a Draft taking place to shake up the rosters.

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After Restarting my SWF game here is an update from the new game.


Supreme Wrestling Federation


July 2010

with $31,227,351

46 Shows completed.




SWF World Heavyweight Championship: Jack Bruce

Prestige: 89

3 Defenses made so far

defeated Eric Eisen and Rich Money in a three way match at The World is Watching.


As you can see Jack Bruce has only defended the title 3 times this time around, I am only having the World Title defended on Pay Per View in this save and occasionally on Supreme TV.


SWF North American: Marat Khoklov

Prestige: 65

5 Defenses made so far

defeated Brandon James


SWF World Tag Team Titles: The Amazing Bumfholes (Randy and Zimmy Bumfhole)

Prestige: 44

7 defenses made so far

defeated Jack Giedroyc and Valiant




Angry Gilmore vs. Remo

Rich Money vs. Lobster Warrior


Christian Faith vs. Jack Bruce ©

SWF World Heavyweight Championship feud


New Signings

Jack Griffith

Jay Chord

Lisa Bowen



Dallas McWade

Dean McWade

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Pretty sure Amazing Fire Fly in this save sucks.


Sure, the 82-ish Aerial and 97 Flashiness is amazinglolpun.


But the 52 psychology that hasn't moved in...a hell of a time? Yeah. Also, it might be 46 psychology...


Point is, I can carry a 70-psych worker (Raymond Diaz). Not Fire Fly.




In other news, Night Hawk can finally be signed! 53 Basics. I'm very happy.


I'm unhappy that The Force, his obvious tag partner, is aging in development. His Brawling went from 57 to 56 this month. :'(

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Just held TCW Threatening Behaviour 2010 which has been my best show of the year at an 85/B+ rating.


Tommy Cornell defeated Liberty in a Cell match to retain the TCW World Heavyweight Championship. This was their third PPV match in as many months and signalled Liberty's last chance at the title while Cornell holds it. Rating = 86


Wolf Hawkins defeated Champagne Lover to retain the TCW International Championship. This was Lover's rematch after losing the International Championship to Hawkins at the previous months PPV, Destructive Energy. Lover will now go on to win a number one contender match at Total Wrestling this week to face Tommy Cornell at A Little South of Sanity. Rating = 86


Art Reed defeated Sam Keith in a Last Man Standing match. This was the decisive thrid match in Reed and Keith's feud which stemmed back to Keith intefereing in Reeds last championship match against Cornell in July. Rating = 81


Rocky Golden defeated Troy Tornado. This was their second PPV match in a row. Troy Tornado didnt't have a match at Destructive Energy and held an open challenge to anybody in the locker room. Former TCW World Heavyweight Champion Golden answered but was left defeated after Tornado bested him. There will now be a deciding third match at A Little South of Sanity. Rating = 77


John Anderson defeated Ricky Dale Johnson when the ref stopped the match. Anderson has been on a wrecking streak recently and RDJ tried to stop him in his tracks on an episode of Total Wrestling. RDJ was beaten down but came back the next week with a challenge for Anderson. They will now go on to have a No Holds Barred match at A Little South of Sanity. Rating = 81


The New Wave defeated The Keith Foundation by DQ. The New Wave have dominated the tag division all year until last month when The Latino Kings defeated them at Destructive Energy following inteference from The Keith Foundation. They were disqualified in this match when their father, Sam Keith, broke up a pin attempt by Guide. Rating = 80


The Latino Kings defeated The LA Connection to retain the TCW Tag Team Championship. The LA Connection won a number one contender match on an episode of Total Wrestling earlier in the month to face The Latino Kings. Rating = 67


TCW Threatening Behaviour, held at The Ketley Arena (Mid South) in front of 29'079 with a PPV buy rate of 3.25.

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Haha, I signed Nighthawk as well in my SWF game. I also signed War Machine, who will become huge (lol) if he does well in development.


War Machine and...shoot...Pit Bull Brown make a natural tag team in my eyes.


That or a gen named Tony Stark >_____________________>

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I haven't made any progress in game since my last post, but I might as well add that in order to make up for Awesome Impact not doing so well, I have taken the time to plan out the build up to The World Is Watching and hopefully make some good, exciting matches for the show. The Supremacists' reign will continue in the weeks building up, and the Vengeance/Frehley will take a dramatic twist and the Lobby/DuBois will also have a change of pace to freshen things up. This time they'll be on the PPV, too. :p
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July 2013


A short primer: Began with NYCW using the Default database. Applied for, got, and took the 5SSW job in December of 2011. Since then, I've taken them to Cult, gotten a TV show on J-Sports East 3, and become the 6th most prestigious promotion in the world (behind TCW, NOTBPW, SWF, GCG, and PGHW).


In January of 2013, I had Fuyuko Higa (the best women's wrestler alive right now) drop the 5 Star World Championship to Shiori Jippensha. The next night, she caused an incident and I gave her a stern warning. The next night, she walked out on the company.


No worries, I hit Cult in May and added some people including HEART Saitoh, Rei Chikanatsu (the don't sign anybody with under 35 Toughness stip expired right when I hit Cult), and some enhancement talent.


Right now, I'm working on going National but basically keeping the momentum going with Shiori Jippensha, Megumi Nakajima, and Yuma Maruya as my top 3.


The weird thing is...when I signed Rei and HEART they were at MC and LMC respectively with Etsuko Arihyoshi as a ME.


After my June tour concluded (July is an off-month), I auto pushed the roster and to my surprise Rei and KICK Yamato (a 20-year-old whose wrestled a total of 5 matches for me) were ME. HEART was an UMC and Etsuko was back down to MC. Very bizarre.

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So I once again started over on my SWF game so once again the updates will start over. I wont go into details as to why I decided to start over but hopefully the third time will be the charm for this save because if this one doesn't go the way I want I probably won't play as them for a while.
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My last PSW show of 2015, X-Mas Massacre VI:


-Sonny Wildside d. Primal Rage

I picked up Wildside earlier in the year, he's an incredible worker but needs time to mature and get older. Pairing him up with the experienced Rage to get him over in a classic David/Goliath matchup.


-Evil Spirit d. Steel

I originally had big things planned for Evil Spirit but he never caught on with the fans and seems to underperform no matter what I do with him. This is to keep him relevant by taking out the big man.


-Bullseye d Nomad

Bullseye is my newest signing to replace The Pilgrim who left for RIPW. Pushing him a bit because he's a great high flyer and seeing if he gets over quickly. This match didn't deliver though, oddly enough.


-Redneck Warriors d. New Jersey Devils to retain the PSW Tag Team Titles

Redneck Warriors are the repackaged Good Ol Boys, having lost to Dead Bolt and Nomad in a "Losers Leave PSW" match in late 2011 and coming back under flannel masks. And yet, they still have the same theme music and finishers! The Warriors have been heel for a while now, and retaining the belts they won from Muscle Militia (Ant-Man and Steel).


-Cobra d. Ash Campbell to win the PSW National Title

I had Cobra undefeated in singles action for a LONG time before Ash beat him earlier in the year after Ash made his comeback to compete... and win... last year's X-Mas Massacre. This is their rematch, and Cobra's underhanded tactics gave him the win.


-Nelson Callum wins the X-Mas Massacre match. Order of elimination: Dead Bolt, Ant-Man, Ford Gumble, Fumihiro Ota, and Teddy Powell.

X-mas Massacre is a six-way match in a cell with weapons and tables placed around the ring, last man standing wins the X-Mas Massacre trophhy. Callum is one of the best workers in PSW by far so this was to hopefully cement his place in an 'all former winners' edition of the match. Unfortunately the first champ was Idaho Punisher and I might not be able to rehire him...


-Johnny Martin d. Steven Parker to retain the PSW Championship

Why do I keep giving Johnny the belt, he never wants to drop it? Oh, he's our top babyface. So Parker loses by a hair and will eventually take the belt from Martin... just not tonight.


Overall: 64. Matthew Keith, why hath thou forsaken me?!


-Edit: FML... Steven Parker, 31 years old, is #5 on my time decline list.

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Ouuuuch. Condolences. I had that happen with a main eventer in my ASCW game, but Brendan Idol isn't a patch on Parker (and far easier to replace). Has there not been much windfall from bigger promotions? At various points I've managed to get my hands on Roger Cage, Aaron Andrews, Robbie Retro, Zimmy Bumfhole, Darryl Devine, Chance Fortune and Frederique Antonio Garcia.


As a matter of fact, Steven Parker himself, Nelson Callum, Matt Keith, Spencer Spade, Frankie Perez and Ernest Youngman have all come to me that way too , though one or two of the list were with me before they left for the big leagues, then came back again.



Edit: Noriyori Sanda just got jailed in the same week that MYSTIC Dragon ODed and died. BHOTWG and PHGW are looking pretty damaged right now.

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I seem to have a lot of fun playing the watcher game. Find it interesting to see who the AI pushes through the ranks, signs for my promotion, makes champions. It also helps me take note on someone it brings in and pushes for ideas on new indie workers.
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