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I've just started a new NOTBPW game that I'm hoping to take long term. The backstory is Dan Stone Sr. has sold the company to Victoria, who has decided to finally try and reach the promotion's potential and take it global, so she hires Michael Sabean, my user character, and the two of them re-brand the promotion for a not-so-Canadian feel and tweak the product to be a bit more mainstream. My user character is a charismatic chap who was once a promising wrestler but was forced to retire from wrestling due to an injury, so he shifted his focus backstage, working at MAW and SWF before getting the job from Victoria.


Right away I got some good news. Not only is Lauren Easter a next big thing, but on the default roster, this is what my 'Time Decline' list looked like:


Owen Love


That's it. All my main eventers, who range in age from 34 to 43, will apparently be going strong for a while, so that's nice. Jeremy Stone especially has been on fire, delivering five different matches in the first month with an average rating of 94.


The Canadian-turned-World-Heavyweight Champion is still Steve DeColt, and he's locked in a feud with Sean McFly. Helping DeColt out is his stable, The Horsemen, which consists of him, Johnny Blood, Larry Wood, Davis Wayne Newton (also a next big thing), and Lauren Easter. I've got an angle specifically for them where those guys are rated respectively on entertainment, overness, menace, overness, and sex appeal. I figure that reflects how the others stand around and contribute while DeColt works the mic.


And the wrestling gods further smiled on me when before the first show DWN had with the company, DeColt decided to take him under his wing and mentor him. With DWN in the ring while DeColt does his thing, he's already gone up 2 points each in mic skills, charisma, and acting just in the first month. I figure I've got a few years to build DWN up in the Horsemen before he usurps control and turns DeColt face.


But yeah, DeColt has been feuding with McFly. DeColt got the tainted win at the first PPV, and he'll get another one at the next PPV. To stop McFly demanding a clean rematch, the Horsemen are going to "injure" him. I'm planning on keeping McFly off TV for two months until he makes a surprise appearance at my Royal Rumble equivalent in April and winning the battle royal to get his rematch in June at Summer Bash 2011, what will be my biggest non-Henson-Memorial PPV of the year. In the two months following the rumble McFly will dodge attacks from the Horsemen and convince the commissioner, me, to make the match at the Bash a steel cage match to prevent any interference. In that match I figure DeColt will take a crazy bump and McFly will win clean to end that feud for now.


In other title news, the Can Am Blondes are going to take the titles at the next PPV and enjoy a nice long reign with them to help build the prestige since they've been having very good matches. Melody just took the Ladies Championship back since she's got the most popularity and momentum of any of the women right now. I've got my character almost exclusively hyping up this division right now, so the ladies are slowly gaining popularity. And March is my Shooting Stars tournament, which will showcase the under-25 guys, and that will of course be won by DWN (as it will every year he is under 25).


So yeah, so far so good. Certainly not the toughest promotion to book, but I'm having a lot of fun with the roster so far.

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Today's events on my WWE game: It was saturday and i advanced to sunday. The random profile on display while loading that day advance was Amy Dumas'. Suddenly it was sunday and i felt achieved. The End! :D


After such a successful weekend i decided to go for one more day...and i had the proof that we must always quit while we're ahead. The week started with Low-Ki asking me for 12 grand a month for him to sign with me. Talk about ripping off! :D

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<p>Started yet another SWF Game....</p><p> </p><p>

making a long-term Supreme Challenge 30 Card...</p><p> </p><p>

SWF World Heavyweight Title Match</p><p>

Champagne Lover vs Rich Money</p><p> </p><p>

Generations Collide Match (Similar to Cena vs Rock)</p><p>

Christian Faith vs ???</p><p>

<em>Not sure who i want him to face, which would be the bigger match him vs Bruce? him vs Strong? or him vs Chord?</em></p><p> </p><p>

Angry Gilmore vs Remo</p><p> </p><p>

Masked Patriot vs Vengeance</p>

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="shawn michaels 82" data-cite="shawn michaels 82" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="25963" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Today's events on my WWE game: It was saturday and i advanced to sunday. The random profile on display while loading that day advance was Amy Dumas'. Suddenly it was sunday and i felt achieved. The End! <img alt=":D" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/biggrin.png.929299b4c121f473b0026f3d6e74d189.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><p> </p><p> After such a successful weekend i decided to go for one more day...and i had the proof that we must always quit while we're ahead. The week started with Low-Ki asking me for 12 grand a month for him to sign with me. Talk about ripping off! <img alt=":D" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/biggrin.png.929299b4c121f473b0026f3d6e74d189.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Tell me you didn't sign Low-Ki. If you did tell me he is going to job to the least talented and lowest over worker on your roster. If you don't have one be sure to sign one to put over Low-Ki.</p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="juggaloninjalee" data-cite="juggaloninjalee" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="25963" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Tell me you didn't sign Low-Ki. If you did tell me he is going to job to the least talented and lowest over worker on your roster. If you don't have one be sure to sign one to put over Low-Ki.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> The lowest over worker on my roster (and the most talented) would be myself. But i haven't signed him yet. I looked at his demands and closed the game in anger (so to speak) without saving, so i could think what to do. (Plus, with was dinner time. LOL) I think i might sign Paul London instead, who just signed with ROH, who got severely raped by me...and would be again if i sign London. But Low-Ki's demands infuriated me so much that i may as well sign him just to job him out to death. And i don't dislike the guy, i just got furious with him playing the "You pay more to other guys in my situation" card. I really hate when a worker does that. I generally brake negotiations or hire them and make them regret...a lot!!! <img alt=":D" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/biggrin.png.929299b4c121f473b0026f3d6e74d189.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p>
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<p>Two more months into my NOTBPW game and things are going great. The ladies are starting to get over. Melody's title defense against J-Ro at the last PPV got a 77, which was easily my highest-rated ladies-only match. Tamara McFly was supposed to challenge for the title, but when she won the #1 contender's match at the final show before the PPV she also won a sprained ankle that kept her out for 6 days, just enough to miss the PPV. So she'll get her match sometime this month, but J-Ro will probably take the title from Melody at the next PPV.</p><p> </p><p>

Davis Wayne Newton won the inaugural Shooting Stars Showcase, but not without some trouble. He thought he had it made when he had Larry Wood take out Kirk Jameson, the other finalist. But at the PPV my commissioner came out and announced a new finalist to take on DWN that night: Edd Stone. I seriously considered letting Edd get the win, but Edd was only on loan from TCW, so I ultimately decided to let DWN win. Now it's going to be a couple of months of DWN losing to everyone to try and control his popularity. His personality has already changed to where he's now only humble and generous, so I don't want him to win many more matches for a while. He'll probably move back into his one-sided "feud" with Dark Angel again, since DA beating DWN has got me two nice grades at PPVs.</p><p> </p><p>

Speaking of Dark Angel, he used his two PPV wins over DWN to get a title shot against DWN's mentor, Steve DeColt. Dark Angel lost clean, but the two delivered a 99 rated match, so I'll be going back to that as the main event on the May PPV. As for April, DeColt will be beating Dan Stone since those two guys have popularities in Canada at the moment of 98 and 97 respectively.</p><p> </p><p>

McFly returns from his vacation in a couple days, which will let me run some hype videos showing his "injury rehab", leading up to his return at this month's PPV to win the rumble and get himself a title shot in June.</p><p> </p><p>

As for the company, our popularity is up to 70 in British Columbia, which means it's went up eight points in three months. I've got to get it to 76 or 77 to hit national, so I'm making good progress.</p>

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="KingAj" data-cite="KingAj" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="25963" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Started yet another SWF Game....<p> </p><p> making a long-term Supreme Challenge 30 Card...</p><p> </p><p> SWF World Heavyweight Title Match</p><p> Champagne Lover vs Rich Money</p><p> </p><p> Generations Collide Match (Similar to Cena vs Rock)</p><p> Christian Faith vs ???</p><p> <em>Not sure who i want him to face, which would be the bigger match him vs Bruce? him vs Strong? or him vs Chord?</em></p><p> </p><p> Angry Gilmore vs Remo</p><p> </p><p> Masked Patriot vs Vengeance</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Solid.</p><p> </p><p> I'd say...Bruce, for "this" generation, or Strong for the previous. Rip would be the better match than strong.</p><p> </p><p> Who's face?</p><p> </p><p> ...Uh...Masked Patriot. On PPV?</p>
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I'm working on a WCW game from 1996 using BurningHamster's mod. The thing that will keep me 1000% interested is the nWo. I plan to do it right, without Buff Bagwell, Scott Norton, etc. Just WWF guys.


I'm only in February, but here's my projected Starrcade card. Disclaimer: Card subject to change:


WCW vs. nWo - War Games - Losers Leave WCW:

Team WCW (Ric Flair, Randy Savage, Lex Luger, and Hulk Hogan) vs. Team nWo (Kevin Nash, Scott Hall, Shawn Michaels, and ???)*


WCW World Heavyweight Championship:

The Giant © vs. Eddy Guerrero


WCW World Tag Team Championship:

The Steiner Brothers © vs. The Road Warriors vs. Harlem Heat vs. The Four Horsemen (Chris Benoit and Brian Pillman)


WCW Cruiserweight Championship:

Syxx © vs. Rey Misterio, Jr.


WCW United States Championship:

Chris Jericho © vs. Kid Kash


WCW World Television Championship:

Lord Steven Regal © vs. Rob Van Dam


Raven vs. Sting


The Dungeon of Doom (Kevin Sullivan and Mankind) vs. Fire & Ice


* I'm hoping for one of the Harts, Austin, Helmsley, Jarrett, etc.


Currently, the Four Horsemen consists of Ric Flair, Arn Anderson, Chris Benoit, and Brian Pillman. My plan is for Arn Anderson to announce his retirement, and say that he is disgusted by the way the Horsemen have carried themselves, and that there needs to be a change. He says that he is willing to take a step back in order to let the Horsemen rise to the top of the wrestling world again. Double A goes on to say that Ric Flair has gone soft, and that he needs to step aside, as well. When Flair says that he is willing to let the youngsters take over, he gets attacked from behind by the new Four Horsemen:


- Chris Benoit

- Brian Pillman

- Chris Jericho

- Dean Malenko


Flair turns face, feuds with the Horsemen, then focuses on the nWo. Meanwhile, Anderson and Woman remain the managers.

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="soxfan93" data-cite="soxfan93" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="25963" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I'm working on a WCW game from 1996 using BurningHamster's mod.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Do you have all the logos, and stuff of the pictures folder from that mod? Cause i downloaded it and i seem to recall that the only graphic thing it had were worker's pictures and not that much. And to mee that is a deal breaker. The mood looks good, but if logos, banners, tv show images and stuff like that are missing than it is a no go for me.</p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="soxfan93" data-cite="soxfan93" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="25963" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><p> - Chris Benoit</p><p> - Brian Pillman</p><p> - Chris Jericho</p><p> - Dean Malenko</p><p> </p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Jericho as a Horseman? Interesting. On one hand Flair's mastery of the promo needs replacing, OTOH Jericho would be the youngest member I think so I'm not sure about the wisdom of making him the mouthpiece. Not sure how well you've built up Jericho to this point, but I guess you could have him be the leader with Pillman being the veteran passing his experience to the others.</p><p> </p><p> EDIT- Not a fan of Mick Foley as Mankind in WCW, though. It was a gimmick he made specifically as a compromise to WWF writers.</p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="shawn michaels 82" data-cite="shawn michaels 82" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="25963" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Do you have all the logos, and stuff of the pictures folder from that mod? Cause i downloaded it and i seem to recall that the only graphic thing it had were worker's pictures and not that much. And to mee that is a deal breaker. The mood looks good, but if logos, banners, tv show images and stuff like that are missing than it is a no go for me.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I combined a few different mods so I have everything with a picture. It's a pet peeve for me, as well.</p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="OctoberRaven" data-cite="OctoberRaven" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="25963" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Jericho as a Horseman? Interesting. On one hand Flair's mastery of the promo needs replacing, OTOH Jericho would be the youngest member I think so I'm not sure about the wisdom of making him the mouthpiece. Not sure how well you've built up Jericho to this point, but I guess you could have him be the leader with Pillman being the veteran passing his experience to the others.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Jericho will be 25 at this point, so yes, he'd be young. But of course, Arn would be the mouthpiece of the stable for a while, with Pillman and Jericho covering for Benoit and Malenko. I'm building him up quicker than I expected. He's teaming with David Jericho (Kid Kash) as a face tag team who are primarily wrestling on the B-Show.</p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="OctoberRaven" data-cite="OctoberRaven" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="25963" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>EDIT- Not a fan of Mick Foley as Mankind in WCW, though. It was a gimmick he made specifically as a compromise to WWF writers.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I always loved the Mankind gimmick, and thought that it went perfectly with the Dungeon of Doom. I figured that it would be fine, because he hadn't signed with the WWF yet, so the gimmick never existed. I also love the fact that I can use a real picture with him in the brown mask/outfit.</p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Astil" data-cite="Astil" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="25963" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>If your looking for a Cena v. Rock type match imho it'd have to be Jack Bruce vs. Sean McFly.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Given that both men are excellent (at least very good...at <em>least</em> passable) on the mike...</p><p> </p><p> Then who the hell is Sean McFly? <img alt=":p" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/tongue.png.ceb643b2956793497cef30b0e944be28.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p>
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<p>Supreme Wrestling Federation (Global) July 1979</p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="25963" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><strong><span style="font-size:14px;">SWF Supreme Challenge III</span></strong><p> </p><p> <strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">SWF Television</span></strong></p><p> Eddie Powell vs. El Aguila Americana vs. Jason Jackson vs. Ken Wakata vs. Othello Dawson vs. The Shaman</p><p> </p><p> The Hollywood Studs (Hollywood Mike Kinsey & Wade Morris) vs. The Texan Brawlers (Johnny Boy Tucker & Mark Krogan)</p><p> </p><p> Derek Barnes vs. Marcus McKing</p><p> </p><p> <strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">SWF Golden Briefcase</span></strong></p><p> Dusty Streets vs. Extraordinario vs. Luis Montero vs. Wild Man Sullivan</p><p> </p><p> <strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">SWF United States</span></strong></p><p> Burt Selleck © vs. Rick Rumble</p><p> </p><p> <strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">SWF Tag Team</span></strong></p><p> Brutal Domination (Identity Black & Mighty Thor) © vs. Micky Starr and Sam Strong</p><p> </p><p> George DeColt vs. Teddy Flame</p><p> </p><p> <strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">SWF World Heavyweight</span></strong></p><p> Crippler Ray Kingman © vs. Angus McCloud</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Just about to hit the 2 and a half year mark in my game, grown to Global and putting out consistent B+/A shows. </p><p> </p><p> Added a B show called Tuesday Takedown to go with the A show Sunday Slamfest which I moved onto GNN Total Sports which broadcasts both shows.</p><p> </p><p> I also have a development territory called New England Wrestling with about 15 people in it at the moment, slowly introducing anyone who looks ready with three being moved up recently.</p><p> </p><p> The tag team division is thriving, about 10 teams currently although do need to balance things by adding a couple more face teams.</p>
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So after realizing that getting CGC to national by spamming the DeColt's wouldn't be as fun as I expected, I am back to fiddling around with USPW. Took the time to lay down some pretty specific plans, which usually helps me stick with a game a bit longer... usually...


The planning makes this one feel like a diary game... but its not and not intended to be. The intent is to take elements from all the USPW diaries I've enjoyed on the board here - J Silver, angeldalyette, jhd1, and others. The closest I can define the vision for the promotion is late 80s WWF cartoonishness (is that a word?) combined with some Russo-esque wrestle-crap booking. Stuff like goofy gimmicks, random and illogical match stipulations, some marginally offensive stuff (playing off the idea that Sam Strong is old school and doesn't get political correctness). I want to avoid the trap of trying to focus too much on the talented guys, but rather make it about the good characters and gimmicks (like if I was doing a diary with it).


The main storyline will be a basic battle for control. But it won't really be control so much as influence on the future direction of the company. The idea is that Sam is recognized as the owner and is addressed as such, but he's lost day-to-day on-screen control (a couple potential backstories there). Which is why Doom still has control on-screen. The three contesting for influence are Strong, Shane Sneer, and Nemesis (cheated to sign him).


Sneer believes that USPW should remain a land of lumbering giants. He believes that size and power triumph, but that doing whatever is necessary to win is permissable. Huge monsters are what built USPW from day one and that is how they should move forward into the future. Sneer is also in favor of "artifically enhancing" the size and power of the talent.


Strong advocates ideals like hard-work, fair-play, and equal opportunity. He believes those who are fundamentally "good" should lead USPW forward. Its an extention of how I perceive Sam Strong the wrestler's character would have been. Sam backs the likes of Enygma, Caufield, Alicia, and Champion.


It kinda sounds weird, but I wanted to use Nemesis in this game since I was laying some plans for a TCW game that utilized him (stealing ideas from Derek). He starts showing up in early January and his purpose in USPW isn't clear - he is seen backstage talking with different people. Is he there as a new authority figure? Is he going to lead a hardcore invasion of USPW? No, he's there as a manging, "bringing in" some athletic talent from around the world. The likes of Champagne Lover, Joanne Rodriguez, and the Samoans. The emphasis from Nemesis will be on athleticism, innovation, and integration of overall skillset.


The idea of the three-way battle is a take on the "Americanism" of USPW. Its basically a clash of the differing American ideals.


I'm kinda torn on giving Champagne Lover a heavy push. I mean, he's worthy and he can have a pretty awesome character (I imagine him being a more over-the-top version of Alberto Del Rio, and clashing often with his manager Nemesis), but he just gets used so often by everyone. I haven't used him as much more than a jobber for awhile, so I figure its time. I fully expect that I will lose him once his 18 month written contract is up, so he probably won't win the USPW world title. In that time, I'm hoping he can build up both Darryl Devine and Nicky Champion. DD will be his primary feud and I'm hoping that by the end, Devine will be about B- Psychology and quite over. Then Lover can move on to TCW or the SWF, leaving USPW a better place...


One of the things that always bugged me when considering USPW is what the hell do you do with Giant Redwood and Peter Valentine? Stealing a bit from NoNeck, but my idea was to have Valentine get rich (kayfabe) with a big bet on the C-verse version of the Super Bowl in late January. He would still be on-screen as a character but rarely actually wrestling anymore. He tries to buy USPW but Strong won't sell. So he buys "help", in the form of some talented youngsters who make their way into the promotion. But despite being talented, they end up losing constantly since the lumbering giants of USPW aren't so easily tipped over. I realize that Valentine can't really carry angles, but I'm hoping that having some back-and-forth angles with Strong will give him the overness to do okay with them going forward.... though Peter Valentine with popularity seems a dangerous thing...


Still not sure on Redwood. I'm really hoping he retires pretty quick...


Definitely want to try to turn the women's division into a key strength. There isn't much competition for talented ladies, so it should be easier to keep them under contract. I spent $750k opening a small developmental territory, and I ended up signing more female prospects than male.


I think one of the things that has always bothered me to a small degree about running USPW is that it is - obviously - a very very patriotic promotion. But I'm not American, so coming to terms with that patriotism has always seemed tough. I feel like I got it more this time and its really opened up ideas and possibilities...

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My modified NOTBPW promotion, WPL, just hit the halfway mark of 2010, and we did it in spectacular fashion.


The last Saturday of June marked the arrival of WPL Summer Bash 2010, one of my two big PPVs each year (the other being the new Ed Henson Memorial, a 1v1 tournament based on technical wrestling). I spent $50,000 on a special set, $25,000 on a minor band, and $20,000 on a C-list celebrity. The event took place in Toronto in front of 23,386 people and garnered a PPV buyrate of .74, about 50% higher than the average of my other PPV buyrates so far. Here's how the card went down:


WPL World Heavyweight Championship

Steel Cage Match - Only way to win is by pinfall or submission

Sean McFly defeated Steve DeColt by pinfall to become the new champion

DeColt had scored two tainted wins over McFly at the first two PPVs, and when McFly went to the commissioner, my user character Michael Sabean, to demand a fair match, DeColt had Larry Wood attack McFly. The attack left McFly injured and out of action for two months, but he made a surprise appearance as the final entrant at the King of the Ring, a 10-man battle royal to determine the #1 contender for the title at the Bash. The battle royal ultimately came down to McFly and Johnny Blood, with McFly coming out victorious. Unwilling to see this opportunity wasted, McFly convinced Sabean to make the match a steel cage match to keep DeColt's cronies, The Horsemen, from interfering.


The match was a classic, getting a 98 rating, suffering only from a little bit of inconsistency on DeColt's part. Despite the crazy bump DeColt took, he came out of the match at 100%, so he'll probably invoke his rematch clause to get a title shot at the next PPV. He will lose that match, because I'm setting up a feud for McFly with...


Opening Match of the 2010 Ed Henson Memorial Tournament

Submission Match - Only way to win is by submission

Johnny Blood defeated Dan Stone Jr. by submission

Not a lot of backstory to this one, other than the typical Horsemen/Stone Family shenanigans. Just two great workers pulling off a legendary match (99) to kick off the new Henson tournament but also to help propel Blood into a feud with the man who eliminated him from the King of the Ring, Sean McFly.


Tim Westybrook defeated Davis Wayne Newton

Solid match put on the card because I knew it would be a solid match, I needed something for DWN, and Westybrook is one of the few MC/UMC that can legitimately beat DWN at this point. I don't think DWN has won more than one match since winning my Shooting Stars Tournament three months ago. But yeah, 78 rating, DWN loss, this match delivered what it was supposed to.


Dark Angel defeated RK Hayes

I needed something for Dark Angel to do now that he's exhausted his feuds with both Steve DeColt and DWN, so I put him into a little program with Hayes. Standard stuff, Hayes sensed weakness after Angel's title match loss at the last PPV, went all grr menace on him, and got his ass kicked at the Bash. Thanks for playing, RK Hayes. 80 rating


WPL Ladies Championship

Lauren Easter defeated Joanne Rodriguez to become the new champion

These two have been feuding off-an-on for the past couple months. The original plan was to let J-Ro keep the title, but for reasons I will explain in a little bit, I made an audible and let Lauren Easter grab it. 77 rating. 77! For a ladies match! My ladies division is pretty over at this point, so that's nice.


John Maverick defeated Jeremy Stone

Jeremy Stone's contract is up in less than a month. Hence, Jeremy Stone has been taking some clean losses lately. And getting nearly $100,000 in bonuses. I've knocked his popularity in Canada down to a 77 now, so once I re-sign him to something reasonable, he'll be put back into a higher profile program. 90 rating to kick off the PPV.


Dark match:

WPL World Tag Team Championship

Four Way Tag Team Elimination Match

The Can-Am Blondes retained the titles by defeating the Samoans (Rhino Umaga & Samoan Machine), the Aces (Erik Strong & Donte Dunn), and Mainstream & Jameson

I would have liked to have put the Can-Ams on the main card, but I just ran out of room. Oh well. Nice 80 rated match to warm up to crowd with and the Can-Ams notched their 14th defense of the belts. If I were them, though, I wouldn't get too comfortable with the belts, because I've got a feeling there's a surprise in store in the next couple months.


All in all, with angles included, the show was rated a 97. That was made doubly awesome because this show is what pushed me into national size. Now I can finally sign people to written contracts. That's why J-Ro has had to take a few losses, one of the reasons why I've been keeping DWN down, and the reason Larry Wood will be getting jobbed for a while (he's currently got a 97 pop in Canada). It'll be interesting to see how the SWF and TCW react to me rescinding my pacts with them now that I don't have to be terrified of them taking my talent.


It's gonna be a crazy couple game weeks coming up with all the contract stuff going down and getting a development territory going, but I've been looking forward to this.

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It was a created promotion (a 0/0/0 fed with $5M at the start).




Begin of October 2010



Antix (ME - Heel)

Johnny Martin (ME - Face)

Mario Heroic (ME - Face)

Thrill Seeker (ME - Face)


Ant-Man (UM - Heel)

Biff The Bruiser (UM - Heel)

Bob Casey (UM - Heel)

Great Tiger (UM - Face) (my avatar)

Hugh de Aske (UM - Heel)


Regular Joe (M - Face)

Running Wolf (M - Face)


Roderick Remus (LM - Heel)


Duncan Kendall (Road Agent)

Remmington Remus (Announcer)

Wilson Carlisle (Referee)



World Champ : Vacant (since July 2010) (ME title)

North America Champ : Mario Heroic (since April 2010) (floating title)


My world title is vacant since the former champ Davis Wayne Newton leaves me to concentrate on his other contracts (CGC, 4C and CZCW... but this must funny here, is than CZCW didn't use Newton since he sign the contract... and he don't have any downside). A tournament was made to find a new champ. Antix will be the one who will won it (due of his momentum). But Martin don't want to loose against him (in the final). So, I will work to convince him to accept this.


For my NA title, a storyline is in his way up to a fatal 4 way match between Heroic, Roderick Remus, Regular Joe and Hugh de Aske. I have not decided yet who will won that match... Maybe the one with the highest momentum at this moment.


An update of my game




Begin of March 2011


My promotion is now in a small size since end of January.



Davis Wayne Newton (ME - Heel)

Mario Heroic (ME - Face)

Thrill Seeker (ME - Face)


Antix (UM - Heel)

Regular Joe (UM - Face)

Johnny Martin (UM - Face)


Ant-Man (M - Heel)

Biff The Bruiser (M - Heel)

Great Tiger (UM - Face) (my avatar)

Hugh de Aske (UM - Heel)

Roderick Remus (M - Heel)


Bob Casey (LM - Heel)

El Diablo (LM - Heel)

Running Wolf (LM - Face)


Joey Beauchamp (Opener - Face)

Mr. Lucha III (Opener - Face)


Duncan Kendall (Road Agent)

Remmington Remus (Announcer)

Wilson Carlisle (Referee)



World Champ : Johnny Martin (since January 2011) (ME title)

North America Champ : Mario Heroic (since April 2010) (floating title)


I was a little surprise than I was able to become small size so fast. I give Johnny Martin the World title since he was (at that time) my best wrestler. Since I am now small, I think to give the title to another... maybe Newton again... if he stay with us...


For the NA, I will give it to another wrestler to my next show... but no one have great momentum at this time... and I will put the title a mid-card title now.


Since my roster is bigger, I think than I will add the Tag Team title... it will be a floating one. I just need to find some interesting tag team to create.


Others thing happen in my game. Exodus 2010 have closed in December (not surprising...) MOSC have closed in February (money too). CWWF have open in February (founded by Jason Rogers). NOTBPW are hot. They give better shows than TCW and SWF each weeks.


another update will comming soon.

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In my CSCAN game in April 2014


Current Champions:

CSCAN World Heavyweight Champion: Rafael Vega (3x) defeated Dwayne Wilson at New Year Brawl

CSCAN World Tag Team Champions: The Outcasts (Notorios F.R.E.A.K & The Minor Annoyance) defeated Team Victory (Matty Macks & Jasper January) at Warriors Walk

CSCAN International Champion: Gravedigger defeated The Hurst at Cold Warzone

CSCAN Cruiserweight Champion: Ricky Storm (2x) defeated Apollo Prince at Warriors Walk


No Mercy Battle Royal Winners:

2010: Phillip Hartley 2011: Rafael Vega 2012: Wade Orson 2013: Dwayne Wilson



Cruiserweigt Division:

Ricky Storm (Heel) Apollo Prince (Heel) Jason Dempsey (Face) Josh Jones (Face)


Tag Team Divison:

The Outcasts (Face) Team Victory (Heel) The Asian Warriors (Bali & Sifu/Face)


Main Eventers:

Rafeal Vega (Face) Phillip Hartley (Heel) Stig Svensson (Face) Edward Cornell (Heel)

Upper Midcarders:

Charlie Paul (Face) Rolling Johnny Stones (Heel)


Eetu Kristiansen (Face) JD Morgan (Yet To Debut) The Hurst (Heel)


Diego Diez (Heel)

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I just completed the August PPV, the Ed Henson Memorial, of my modified NOTBPW game. I changed the Memorial to be a 1v1 submission tournament that takes place over two months. That seemed very Canadian while at the same time giving it its own niche. It was just an 8-man tournament this year, but I'm planning on a 16-man tourney next year.


After my big June PPV I hit national, so I ended up setting up a new development territory, Quebec Pro Wrestling, and started stocking it with young prospects and talented old-timers. It's currently owned by Fumihiro Ota with the head booker being Eric Tyler, who I had sent down as a trainer along with Sensational Ogiwara and Dark Eagle. Plus I've got Larry Wood and Steve Flash ready to go down to train whenever they decide to hang up the boots. Eric Strong has won the first-ever QPW National Championship, and the Amazing Fire Fly (hell yeah!) has won the first-ever QPW Quebec Championship.


Setting all that stuff up caused me to lose track of my booking for my July PPV, so the build-up probably wasn't as good as it should have been, but oh well.


The run up to the Ed Henson Memorial was much better. Here's how the PPV went down:


Ed Henson Memorial Finals

Submission Match

Johnny Blood defeated Sean McFly to win the Ed Henson Memorial Trophy

After being "injured" in February, Sean McFly made a surprise appearance at the April PPV as the last entrant in a 10-man battle royal to determine the #1 contender for the heavyweight title at the June PPV. The end of the battle royal saw McFly eliminate Blood to get the win, something Blood wasn't happy about. He got a match with McFly at the May PPV, but McFly beat him clean.


Three months later, McFly is the heavyweight champion and the two are scheduled to meet in the finals of the Memorial. This was an incredibly anticipated match, with 100 heat and both men sitting at 100 overness across Canada. This time, Johnny Blood got his revenge, scoring the submission victory after 40 minutes of back-and-forth action.


Now that Blood has won the Memorial, he's gonna want a crack at the heavyweight championship.


By the way, I'm loving this feud. Not only are both guys very good and very over, they have good chemistry together. Both their matches so far have been rated 99.


WPL World Tag Team Championship Match

Jeremy Stone & Steve Flash defeated the Can-Am Blondes to win the titles

The Stone Brothers were scheduled to face Larry Wood and Davis Wayne Newton at the July PPV, but Dan Stone was attacked backstage by an unknown assailant, causing him to be taken from the even on a stretcher. In a stroke of remarkable coincidence, Steve Flash had just signed a contract and was backstage at the PPV. He ended up teaming up with his old tag partner to get some revenge on Wood and Newton.


After winning a #1 contender's match, Stone and Flash faced off with the Can-Am Blondes for the titles. Despite being the more experienced team, the Blondes weren't able to hold on to their titles, finally ending a run that spanned six months and 19 defenses.


Cage Match

Dan Stone Jr. defeated Larry Wood

Stone figured, like the rest of the world did, that Wood was behind the attack the previous month, much like Wood had attacked Sean McFly and Kirk Jameson at earlier times in the year, and Wood did nothing to dissuade such an opinion. As a result, Stone and Wood met in a cage match, which saw Stone celebrating the win after he beat down Wood.


Before the cage was unlocked, however, the lights went out. When they came back on less than 30 seconds later, the cage was still locked, but now Dan Stone had joined Larry Wood in being beaten senseless and laying flat in the ring. The mysterious assailant was gone.


WPL Ladies Championship Match

Joanne Rodriguez defeated Lauren Easter to retain the title

Lauren Easter beat J-Ro for the title in June, and then promptly refused to defend it under any circumstances, even going as far as interfering in a #1 contender's match between J-Ro and Melody. That led to a triple threat match in July where J-Ro won the title back by pinning Melody.


Furious that she lost her belt without even being beaten, the commissioner gave Easter a match against J-Ro at the Memorial. Easter lost clean. There's a realistic chance J-Ro will have this title now until she decides to retire.


John Maverick defeated Tim Westybrook

Maverick had accidentally caused Westybrook to lose a match, so Westybrook returned the favor by intentionally causing Maverick to lose his Memorial tournament semi-final match to Sean McFly (not that McFly needed the help). That led to a quick blow-off match at the Memorial.


This feud had a surprising amount of heat (90+) because Westybrook had a stupid amount of overness. Westybrook found himself as the lucky recipient of the "Who the hell can I get to dominate Larry Wood a couple time in order to lower Wood's 99 overness so I can sign him to a reasonable written contract" award. As a result, Tim Westybrook found himself briefly listed as a franchise player in this promotion. Not anymore.


Steve DeColt & Davis Wayne Newton defeated Dark Angel & Buddy Garner

Just a match to give these guys something to do at the PPV. Solid enough open to the show.


Dark Match

Revolution (James Hernandez, Kirk Jameson, Jacob Jett, Darryl Devine & Sara Marie York) defeated Rhi...five other people

John Campbell (Nemesis) made his debut this month determined to inject new blood into what he sees as a stagnant wrestling scene. To that end, he's assembled a group of young talent and called them Revolution.


I've got relatively big things planned for this group, because I think it's a really good way to help get the youngsters over and improve their entertainment skills by basking in the glory of Nemesis.


All in all, a very successful show. It got a 95 rating in front of a sold out crowd of 30,000, my highest to this point, and got me a PPV buyrate of .73, my second-highest. I'm continuing to make about a million per month despite the economy/industry being a 35/64 and both falling.


In other world news, both SWF and TCW are global. Once TCW gets a little more pop in British Columbia, I'll get to trounce them in national battles in Canada. I'm leaving America to them right now while I get a handle on my newly enlarged roster. I don't want to go too big too quick and drown myself. RAW has made it to cult and NYPW to regional. Everyone else is holding pretty steady, though CGC is going to get decimated once their guys' contracts start expiring. First up is Gargantuan, who will make a fine addition to QPW.

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