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Wrestling is exploding in other parts of the country and it is really screwing with my Wrestling Without Borders game. I appear to be weathering the storm alright but the following young prospects on my roster have been poached by the likes of SOTBPW, GCG, and WLW:


El Hijo Del Zonk

Extraordinario Jr.

Dragon Del Arco Iris Jr.

Mr. Lucha III



I've also lost guys like Kazuma Narato and Lobo Blanco to those dreaded written contracts. It really sucks because not only am I still a little too small to bring in some of the instant main eventers that would fit my promotion, but I'm also running out of young international prospects that I'm excited about bringing in and building up. Time to get more creative and hope some new talent makes a timely debut I guess.

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In my game TCW just won the war and SWF dropped to cult. And, bonus for me, this was just days before Spencer Spade graduated but with all their problems SWF didn't sign him so he's now sitting in my midcard losing to guys guys like Samoan Machine, American Elemental & Steve Flash. His stats improve every match, its amazing!
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In 2001 playing as Pro Wrestling MAX


The Rules of the Promotion

1. The most you can weigh is Middleweight

2. If your an egotistical twat you job (Drake Masters)


World Champ is Chris Morrisette and has been for PWMAX's 2 month existence just defended against Troy Tornado who won a 30 man battle royal to become the N01 Contender, other contenders for the title include Alex Braun, Electrico, Fumihiro Ota, Silver Shark & The Great Hisato


The Tag Titles are held by Joel Bryant & Robert Oxford, contenders are Sammy Bach & Teddy Powell, Art Reed & Bobby Thomas, The Natural & Owen Love, Jack Giedroyc & Joey Poison, Shingen Miyazaki & Nate Johnson, Brent Hill & Human Arsenal, Matt Sparrow & Johnny Bloodstone


There is a group of workers who don't go for titles (although i'm thinking about a secondary title) they are: Adam Matravers, Angel De Mexico, Barry Kingman, Cal Sanders, Drake Masters (just came back from suspension now will be buried for eternity), Gentleman James King, Greg Black, Jake Harvey, James O'Reilly (User Character), Sandy Townsley, Steve Flash (just signed) & Stevie Grayson (will get push when Tornado becomes champ soon)



Ana Garcia (Jake Harvey)

Pettle (Love & Natural)


Terry Smith

Cueball Lynch


Jay Fair


Owner is J.K Stallings and everyone is on a written contract

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Heading into WrestleMania as WWE: SmackDown! (playing brand splitted version of MCD). Some minor changes before the game saw Orton/Sheamus sent to RAW and CM Punk/Michael McGuillicutty come to SmackDown!.


The main event of WrestleMania is going to be CM Punk vs. The Undertaker. CM Punk came and won the World Heavywight belt from Mark Henry at the Royal Rumble. He challeneged Undertaker the next SmackDown! and got no answer. At Elimination Chamber, Punk defended the belt vs. Mark Henry, Big Show, Kane, Wade Barrett, & Christian and lost it to Henry when the lights went out with the gong and such and he was laid out when they came back on. Mark Henry won the belt back. I'm going to force-retire Taker after this match.


The World Heavyweight title is set to be defended by Mark Henry vs. Big Show in a Falls Count Anywhere match. Big Show won the Royal Rumble. Basically its the natural progression of the story they are in IRL. Mark Henry, as dominant as he's been, has been somewhat ducking show who proved he could KO Henry. Also, the night after Elimination Chamber, Mark Henry injured Daniel Bryan by slamming him off the stage. And D-Bryan has been heard from since. The plan now if for Big Show to win the belt, only to have Daniel Bryan cash in the briefcase on him and turn heel. Possibly with William Regal as his manager. Alhough a Big Show/Bryan feud will have to play out, I plan on having a CM Punk / Bryan feud be my main focus over the next year leading all the way to next wrestlemania.


Cody Rhodes is still Intercontinental champion. He lost the belt momentarily to Daniel Bryan at SmackDown! but won it back at the Royal Rumble only 2 weeks later. In a third match-up between them Rhodes won and finally took off his mask finally. This led to Kane challenging him in a weird angle that makes sense in my head. They will face off at WrestleMania and then I will likely force Kane to retire because I have nothing for him.


Ezekiel Jackson returned just before Royal Rumble answeing a Wade Barrett open challenge. The two feuded into the Rumble trying to win the #30 spot, which Barrett did. They took a a break into Elimination Chamber, but I decided to have them feud into WrestleMania. Right now I dont know who will win. With D-Bryan, Mark Henry, Cody Rhodes, Christian, & Wade Barrett set to be all heels it almost makes sense for Jackson to win to give me a #3 face behind CM Punk & Big Show. However I've also toyed with the idea of having Cody Rhodes turn face.


The WWE World Tag Team titles were brought back and won by the team of Justin Gabriel and Sin Cara. They lost them shortly after to the team of Ted DiBiase and Michael Hennig (aka McGuillicutty) in a three-way match. DiBiase & Hennig are faces doing a "earn our heritage" type gimmick dealy. The debuting team of Topher Vance & Antonio Cesaro (Hero & Claudio) have been on a mission to win the belts and have a chance at WrestleMania.


Sin Cara on the other hand has now become engaged in a feud with a returning Kaval. Not much else to say really about it. Kaval's main gripe is he was the international superstar that WWE is trying to market Sin Cara to be, but because he doesnt kiss ass or like kids so the WWE cast him out.


In an angle I didnt put much thought into, I have Justin Gabriel and Christian set to fight at Mania. The whole basis of the feud is Christian has fallen from the main event and sees people like Gabriel as one of the rising stars people overlook him for. Its a fun thing to keep Christian somewhat relevant and elevate Gabriel.


And finally the WWE Women's title is back. Sadly I only have 8 women on my roster right now. Layla, Alicia Fox, AJ, & Kaitlyn as the faces. Natalya, Tamina, Aksana, & Rosa Mendes as my heels... The picture has been the Layla/Alicia/Natalya show mainly and at Mania I'm throwing Tamina in to make a 4-way. My ultimate plan is to really push AJ soon, but that will likely lead to Layla turning heel.

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NOTBPW need to get some fresh ideas, and the Stones need to lighten up.


It's June 2010 and already Steve De Colt and Sean McFly have squared off 12 times, 11 of them for the title, with De Colt winning all 12 matches. This match has headlined 4 of their 6 PPV's so far and the average match rating is 91. A great match this may be, but please find him someone else to feud with. Thank god I'm playing as BHOTWG as NOTPBW have shot to global on the back of these amazing show scores.


De Colt has also faced Dan Stone Jr 6 times. 3 times for the title, which De Colt won, but the other three were non title matches and Dan won. Clean I assume, as NOTBPW's product is made for clean finishes. He has a horrible record against the elder Stone brother as Jeremy has won 4 of their 5 matches, the other being a title match. I guess the Stone Siblings have issues with an outsider such as DeColt being their champion and are forcing him to job to them in non title bouts. Can't say it does much for him as a champion. Still though, there are a few A* matches in there.


Another victim of the Stone Siblings (this years reigning Ed Hanson tag cup champions) is poor Johnny Bloodstone, who has jobbed to the brothers a total of 16 times, mostly Jeremy, and has yet to get a win over either brother!

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MAW August 2012


Just pulled the trigger on Jay Chord's MAW Title run, as Jay got his first pinfall victory over the champ, capping off a year and a half storyline entitled "Jay Chord can't pin Jared Johnson". Of course, this did come after a chair shot from Chord's ally John Hayden (Ant-Man), with whom Jay is also a tag team champion.


This enables me to face turn KC Glenn for the greatest feud ever (surprisingly, Glenn hasn't been stolen yet but is on PPA to GCG so it could happen). First Glenn will have to get rid of his tag team partner (and the guy who will turn on him) Giant Brody, who has been really great in his build to the main event.


Also in the Main Event scene, SWF cast-off Remmy Skye is feuding with CGC reject Ricky DeColt. Not sure why Ricky left, but he's been doing great in this feud putting up 60+ matches with Skye.


In the tag division, The Pistols (Marshall Dillon & a Whistler regen) are heading towards their big title shot/feud with wins over teams like Team EGO (Ernest Youngman & Roger Cage), School of Awesome (Robbie Wright & Cameron Jones) and C-V-2.


One thing I've tried to do in this game is keep original MAW workers around as long as possible, or until they get signed by other companies. As such, Max Mayhem is still around and just turned heel, as orchestrated by the newly debuted Architect, who has targeted "The Heart of MAW" Mean Jean Cattley. Cattley is feuding now with Architect (whose overness I'm trying to increase) and his ally Havoc (Mayhem).

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ROF: September 2010


A Six-Month (two shows a month) Tour Schedule since January has seen me make 75000 at Small, though I've just dropped 10,000 of that to buy out MOSC. Picked up their titles, the Cockney Rebels, the UK Wrecking Crew, Carl Edwards and Jeffery McPeterson as well as Geordie Jimmy Morris. I plan to unify the titles at the next set of shows (Ring Warriors, a tag-team exclusive show and Lord of the Ring, a singles exclusive show), and then have my champs as double champs until I can decide how I'm going to expand ROF as a promotion and ask Noki for new titles. I'm still thinking over what they should be called.


Anyway, the idea is for the next few shows to job down UK Wrecking Crew and Edwards/McPeterson, while keeping Cockney Rebels and Morris on long-term as possible as I make a bid towards Regional and maybe solidifying my changes from Pure to a more traditional basis. We'll have to see though, as Samurai keeps blocking most changes...




ROF Champion: Merle O'Curle

ROF Tag Team Champions: The Shooters

ROF No.1 Contender: Retired


MOSC UK Champion: Harley Neil

MOSC Blood & Beer: Geordie Jimmy Morris (B & B to be retired after my avatar wins it.)

MOSC Tag Team: Carl Edwards & Jeffery McPeterson (not a single defense before I bought out MOSC!)

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BHOTWG: December 2010


I have just held Night of the Burning Hammer, my flagship show, to round off 2010. It was a year that saw two very successful tours and BHOTWG strengthen their national status in Japan and also make inroads into the American market, albeit at a very low level for the time being.


My main story of the year was the slowly building feud between Hiroaki Nakasawa and Taddiyuki Kikkawa. King of Fighters Taddiyuki Kikkakw felt that Nakasawa was not worthy to be a BHOTWG champion. Nakasawa felt that not only was he worthy, but that Kikkawa should put his money where his mouth is and put the King of Fighters title on the line against his Burning World Championship in a winner takes all Championship vs Championship match. At first the arrogant Kikkawa avoided the challenge, claiming he was above such challenges, and that it would be a waste of his time. In the mean time, Nakasawa managed to successfully defend his title against Kikkawas Inspire stable mates Mike Watson, Masaaki Okazaki and Tasuku Iesada. Wanting INSPIRE to be the most dominant force in the company, and seeking to hold as much gold as possible, Kikkawa relented and decided to go after Nakasawa's championship himself, and a match was set for Night of the Burning Hammer in November, the final PPV of 2010.


Hiroaki Nakasawa defeated Tadiuki Kikkawa at NOTBH to unite the Burning World Heavyweight and King of Fighters Championship. This was their first singles match since the Inspire Walkout in 2006 and it was a classic, getting an A* rating. An exciting back and forth contest saw both men unable to put each other away as we had near fall after near fall. Eventually, at the 42 minute mark, Nakasawa was forced to call upon the Super Nakasawa H Bomb, a move that he has only used once in his career (against friend and rival Kinnojo Horri in a title match in 2006) to get the three count over the arrogant Kikkawa. It appears Nakasawa has finally earned the respect of Kikkawa, but the big man said that he will get his rematch and win the title for a record 4th time.


A lot of other great things happened throughout the year but my favourite of them has to be the 66 match losing streak of Davis Wayne Newton. Newton managed to win over the Burning Hammer fans with his excellent matches against just about everyone on the roster. He always appeared very strong in defeat and as time went by he was edging closer and closer to that elusive victory. The losing streak was broken at Night of the Burning Hammer as Newton managed to defeat Mitsunari Fugunaga, and the crowd reaction has showed that they are fully behind the extemely talented gaijin worker. Rumour has it that he could be in line for a huge push in the coming year, as the BHOTWG Heavyweight Division is bereft of good, young talent.

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just about to run the first show of the year as FREEDOM Caribbean Wrestling the card is as follows



FREEDOM Fighters



Amo Del Gato vs. El Hijo Del Zonk vs. Dragon Del Arco Iris Jnr



The 937lbs Express vs. The latino Kings © vs. ??? & ???



Shawn Gonzalez vs. Mainstream Hernandez ©



Hell’s Bouncer vs. Handsome Stranger vs. The Sensational Singh vs. Bradford Peverell



D.C Rayne vs. Puerto Rican Power ©

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I just created my own promotion, at cult level, called the WWF (there's a backstory that explains why i can use this name) and i intend do go to war with TNA and WWE both. As soon as i'm big enough, of course. Some of my stars are: My Avatar, Finlay, Shelton Benjamin, sabu, Colt Cabana, Carlito, among others. I have a nice evenly balanced roster, a tv deal with comedy central and a deal with a tiny ppv distributor that broadcasts all around the world. So i'm now set to promote my first episode of my new tv show: WWF Thunder!
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Currently playing a WCW game starting in 2000 (June, I'm now in September). I decided to let 'Macho Man' Randy Savage go after being disappointed in his dark matches/promos since returning...the following Monday he turns up on RAW!


I also sent David Flair down to NWA:Wildside...and he just beat trainer Curt Hennig for the Georgia Heavyweight title :eek:


Oh, and WCW Hardcore Champion Big Vito autopushes as a main eventer :p

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<p>Been playing an FCW game the last half hour. I'm thinking of turning Bouncer/Messiah into a regular tag-team to eventually replace the 937lb Express as the monster heel tag-team, to move up Kirk Jameson and Mainstream Hernandez up to the main event with Gonzalez, Power and Stranger. Hernandez/Jameson will split over the People's title in a move to elevated them both before handing it to Kashmir Singh as the long-term mid-card heel guy while I train up a few more people. Might make the Latinos Kings hold that part of the card in a major feud with Natural Storm... Will have to bring in someone to back them up of course...</p><p> </p><p>

Edit: Like a dozen legends and veterans just retired over the course of June. Larry Vessey, Dan Stone, Rip Chord, Peter Valentine, Jean-Pierre Baptiste, Kimitada Ohishi, Black Hat Bailey... </p><p> </p><p>

Jay Chord took over MAW, Stone Jr. over NOTBPW and Seiji Jimbo took over PGHW. I'm kinda eager to see how they all do.</p>

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<p>Started my Road to Glory challenge with MAW.</p><p>

Done the first event with American Patriot winning the rip chord invitational.</p><p> </p><p>

Was thinking of doing an angle where Am. Pat attacks rip so he gets suspended losing the title. With that I will do a round robin tournament with one of the participants being Am Pat under a different mask which will then lead to him winning the title again!</p>

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I'm currently playing with a promotion I created called BADASS CHAMPIONSHIP WRESTLING or BCW. BCW is owned by Jesse Allen, who is a huge lover of pro wrestling. Allen bought the company from Jimmy James a wrestler who started Brooklyn Wrestling and is currently still with the company as a maineventer. BCW has done great in it's first year, and with Jesse Allen's big bank account BCW has been able to bring in some veterans like Ric Wild, Hollywood BigGuns, Wildcat Jack, Chaos, and GraveDigger. BCW has also signed some young hot talent and some great indi performers. BCW is about to have it's Sept. PPV FIGHT FEST. On Aggression BCW Wed. night show Allen has just announced one of the main events for the PPV. Kurt Jagger the BADASS champion will take on Chris Stevens and Kevin Kelly in a three way for the BADASS CHAMPIONSHIP. I'm also gearing up for a match between Ric Wild and AJ Awesome at the PPV. Wild was mentoring Awesome but turned on him once he got a title shot, as Wild felt Awesome should of giving the shot to him. These two are ready to go out each other. Awesome just has to find away to get Wild to agree to a match.
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<p>Still playing a great save as WCW using the 1988 real world data. I'm almost to 1990.</p><p> </p><p>

The only edits I made to the game beforehand was deleting the blank WCW titles and assigning the NWA titles to the company. I likes me some deep title histories. I have a pretty mammoth roster (including my bustling developmental fed FCW) so I'll just hit the high points via my various titles.</p><p> </p><p>

NWA Junior Heavyweight - "Hotstuff" Eddie Gilbert... my juniors division has slowly over the course of months and months become a point of pride for me. Chavo, Eddy and Hector Guerrero, young Chris Benoit, Brian Pillman, Keith Hart, Kevin Von Erich, even Dory Funk, Jr. all compete on a regular basis in "juniors" bouts. I've kept the belt on Gilbert since I brought the belt back via a tournament when I started the game. Eddie is currently feuding with Ric Flair, not over the belt, just in general in an effort to build Gilbert up as a star.</p><p> </p><p>

NWA World Tag Team - The Road Warriors... like Gilbert, Hark and Animal have had a stranglehold on their straps since the get go. They've run through every team on my roster pretty much. They've been feuding with Dory and Terry Funk most recently (Dusty Rhodes before that before I turned him heel)... the only team I can see dethroning The Warriors is Ted Dibiase and Stan Hansen. I signed Hansen pretty early on when his AJPW contract lapsed, stone DiBiase very recently and have been pushing both to the moon.</p><p> </p><p>

WCW Television - Dusty Rhodes... I renamed the belt the "WCW" TV title to set it apart a little... seeing as I'm using the NWA name for most of my titles, but it's WCW television shows... *shrug* I don't know, makes sense to me. Since Dusty is so much older and I have an amazing roster as is, I'm using The Dream to train up my young boys like Shane Douglas, Pillman, Benoit, Eddy Guerrero, Scott Hall... I built Vader into a solid main eventer on the back of Dusty and his tag partner Dick Murdoch. The TV title bounces around constantly. It's my "oh, your contract dictates a midcard title reign?" Bam. TV title.</p><p> </p><p>

NWA US Heavyweight - "The Most Interesting Man in the World" Ted DiBiase... my US title is my floating title. It gives my main event guys not vying for the World title something to fuss over. DiBiase took it off Jake Roberts in a stellar match (Ted's debut in fact) and he's held it for a few months. I've just booked him strong at this point, haven't found a good feud for him yet (short of a slow series of matches with The Road Warriors, mentioned above) I'll probably just keep the belt on him for the forseeable future until I'm ready to give DiBiase a run with the big gold belt. The nickname above is sort of a joke sort of not... if you've seen the Dos Eques beer commercial... that's Ted's gimmick right now. More cool globe trotting babyface millionaire less comic book villian heel millionaire if that makes any sense at all.</p><p> </p><p>

NWA US Tag Team - Butch Reed and Ron Simmons... Just like its singles counterpart, it's a floating title. The Horsemen team of Reed and Simmons took the straps off longtime champs Ricky Steamboat and Chavo Guerrero, Sr. in a great match at my last PPV event. It's all in an effort to build Simmons into a viable main eventer. Usual fodder for these two big hoss brawlers are The Midnight Express of Eaton and Lane, The Hollywood Blonds of Shane Douglas and Brian Pillman and The Rock N' Roll Express. Squish squash.</p><p> </p><p>

NWA Women's - Wendi Richter... her, Bull Nakano, two or three other ladies. Haven't done a lot but Richter and Bull have produced really well especially in mix tag action (great way to build up momentum)... the ladies division amounts to a pet project, pretty much.</p><p> </p><p>

NWA World Heavyweight - Sting... feuding with Flair (who Sting took the belt from in the first place). They ended up having great chemistry so they've delivered A* main event after A* main event. I also have Steamboat, DiBiase, Roberts, Windham, Vader, Luger, Race and a few others that spice up my main event scene. I had avoided signing Roddy Piper (who starts the game on hiatus) but decided to say screw it and sign him up. I started a little feud between he and Luger... I've already decided Roddy will probably be the guy to take the World title off Sting when I'm ready to do that.</p><p> </p><p>

My stables are pretty cool to...</p><p> </p><p>

The Four Horsemen</p><p>

- Ric Flair</p><p>

- Scott Hall</p><p>

- Butch Reed</p><p>

- Ron Simmons</p><p>

w/ Woman and James J. Dillon</p><p> </p><p>

C.H. International, Inc.</p><p>

- Sting</p><p>

- Lex Luger</p><p>

- The Steiner Brothers</p><p>

- Eddie Gilbert</p><p>

w/ Missy Hyatt and Jim Cornette</p><p> </p><p>

The Family (my favorite... creepy "Texas Chainsaw Massacre" sort of dynamic)</p><p>

- Jake Roberts</p><p>

- Kevin Sullivan</p><p>

- The Junkyard Dog</p><p>

- Vader</p><p>

w/ Gary Hart</p>

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="25963" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><strong><em>The Family (my favorite... creepy "Texas Chainsaw Massacre" sort of dynamic)</em></strong><p><strong><em> - Jake Roberts</em></strong></p><p><strong><em> - Kevin Sullivan</em></strong></p><p><strong><em> - The Junkyard Dog</em></strong></p><p><strong><em> - Vader</em></strong></p><p><strong><em> w/ Gary Hart</em></strong></p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><p> This = Awesome!</p>
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Decided to bring WCW back in October 2011.


Basically, I've made a bit of a backstory in which Vince gets bored of having no 'real' competition so he puts the WCW & ECW rights 'up for sale'. Panda Energy also decided to give up on TNA which is bought by Bischoff. Bischoff then buys the WCW rights and 're-brands' TNA. Heyman is brought in to be top creative dog and Russo is fired. WCW, and the Monday Night Wars, are reborn.


Before the game began, I gave Heyman a contract with WCW along with Chris Jericho, Batista (now Dave Bautista) and John Layfield. I also took the WCW titles away from WWE (it will be interesting to see how the AI handles the brand split now) and gave them back WCW. I also retired all TNA titles, stripping the current TNA champions of their storylines.


The first show is all about the big return of WCW and heavily features the former WCW guys (Steiner, Hogan, Sting, Flair, Jarrett, Bischoff) Bischoff decided that Immortal cannot continue in WCW and officially disbands the group, booking a 4-Way match: Bully Ray vs Gunner vs Abyss vs Jarrett. They aren't happy until Bischoff tells them that the winner will be placed into a match for the WCW World Heavyweight title.


The match for the WCW World Heavyweight title will take place at the October PPV and will be a Four-Way match. Bischoff also reveals that in the coming weeks, there will be 3 other Four-Way matches to determine the rest of the challengers, and, that in the Main Event, it will be Kurt Angle vs Samoa Joe vs RVD vs a 4th, mystery opponent. The mystery opponent turns out to Chris Jericho who goes onto win the match with Kurt Angle blaming RVD for his loss, setting up a feud.


Bischoff also made a 6 Man Tag match: Crimson & The Motor City Machine Guns vs Matt Morgan & Beer Money with the WCW United States title and the WCW Tag Team titles on the line. Crimson & The Guns win which sees Morgan & Beer Money turn heel, attacking their opponents, setting up 2 feuds.


Rest of the show was just promos, interviews, hype angles etc. It ended up getting a B.

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Decided to bring WCW back in October 2011.


Basically, I've made a bit of a backstory in which Vince gets bored of having no 'real' competition so he puts the WCW & ECW rights 'up for sale'. Panda Energy also decided to give up on TNA which is bought by Bischoff. Bischoff then buys the WCW rights and 're-brands' TNA. Heyman is brought in to be top creative dog and Russo is fired. WCW, and the Monday Night Wars, are reborn.


Before the game began, I gave Heyman a contract with WCW along with Chris Jericho, Batista (now Dave Bautista) and John Layfield. I also took the WCW titles away from WWE (it will be interesting to see how the AI handles the brand split now) and gave them back WCW. I also retired all TNA titles, stripping the current TNA champions of their storylines.


The first show is all about the big return of WCW and heavily features the former WCW guys (Steiner, Hogan, Sting, Flair, Jarrett, Bischoff) Bischoff decided that Immortal cannot continue in WCW and officially disbands the group, booking a 4-Way match: Bully Ray vs Gunner vs Abyss vs Jarrett. They aren't happy until Bischoff tells them that the winner will be placed into a match for the WCW World Heavyweight title.


The match for the WCW World Heavyweight title will take place at the October PPV and will be a Four-Way match. Bischoff also reveals that in the coming weeks, there will be 3 other Four-Way matches to determine the rest of the challengers, and, that in the Main Event, it will be Kurt Angle vs Samoa Joe vs RVD vs a 4th, mystery opponent. The mystery opponent turns out to Chris Jericho who goes onto win the match with Kurt Angle blaming RVD for his loss, setting up a feud.


Bischoff also made a 6 Man Tag match: Crimson & The Motor City Machine Guns vs Matt Morgan & Beer Money with the WCW United States title and the WCW Tag Team titles on the line. Crimson & The Guns win which sees Morgan & Beer Money turn heel, attacking their opponents, setting up 2 feuds.


Rest of the show was just promos, interviews, hype angles etc. It ended up getting a B.

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wow with like 42 wrestlers at the moment, just realized my roster of active wrestlers in small compared to WWE and TNA. Haven't started the new game yet though, so it can improve..no wonder I would keep having more time in shows than wrestlers and would have to keep editing so often in other games.
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Sam Strong is the stingiest bastard ever. 10 months of play this game and trying to signs guys like Rocky Golden, Sam Keith, Scout and Joey Minnesota, but noooooooooooo. Strong doesn't want to go over 17000 per person. <img alt=":mad:" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/mad.png.69834f23b9a8bf290d98375f56f1c794.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" />
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We just completed our annual event: Golden Ticket: It's our promotion's 'Money in the Banks/Ultimate X' PPV and it was well received!


My Golden Ticket match is a little complex, but I wanted to make something a bit different to set apart from a traditional MITB/Ultimate X. It's a roofless-steel cell match. Overhead Wires run across the top and form an X-Shape. In the middle of the X is the item wrestlers must retrieve to win. They can climb across the wires, climb up ladders whatever they have to do to win. One more added thing: 2 wrestlers start, then every minute and a half a new one comes out with timed entrances until the max-amount in the game (6) are in the ring. There are qualification matches that occur in the weeks prior to determine the workers in the match.


I know it sounds as overly complicated as a TNA gimmicky match, but I liked the sound of it.


Anyway our card was:

1st Golden Ticket Match: AJ Styles vs. Wade Barrett vs. Vladimir Kozlov vs. Matt Morgan vs. MVP vs. Christian: Styles won it B+ rating


Madison Eagles defeats Ayako Hamada to retain the Vixen's Championship C+ rating


Del Rio, Kenzo Suzuki and Giant Bernard defeats RVD, Mr. Anderson and Kofi Kingston B- rating


Mark Henry defeated Big Show in a Last Man Standing match B rating


Austin Aries and Shawn Spears defeated Low-Ki and Li-Fang to retain the tag team championships B rating


2nd Golden Ticket Match: Ted DiBiase defeated Mark Jindrak, Brent Albright, Carlito,Seven Thorn, Sheamus B+ rating


World Champion Bobby Lashley defeated created wrestler Joshua Caleb to retain the title: B rating, sadly enough, the video package before the match got a better rating with a B+


Universe Champion Brock Lesnar defeated Muhammed Hassan and Daniel Bryan in a grueling triple threat match to earn an 'A' rating.


Not sure when and against who I'm gonna let Ted and AJ cash in their golden tickets, but I'll just let them surprise me!

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This = Awesome!


Jake is the "Pa" of the family, the boss. Sullivan is Jake's second, doing whatever is asked of him no matter how sick... he's Roberts' number one acolyte. Vader is without a doubt the "leatherface" of the group, the enforcer. JYD is my sacrificial lamb for most angles involving The Family, a glorified jobber to the stars. I just like the idea of him standing there on a chain... the evil racist overtones make the group that much more sick and twisted. If my Horsemen are "in it for the gold" The Family is pretty much just in it for blood and guts. To just cause as much chaos as possible. Give my storylines a little more depth... and seeing as my storyline authority figure or "liaison to the board of directors" as I call it is Jim Cornette, I get to do a lot of screaming match backstage segments between he and Roberts which always produce a great rating.

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