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Almost a year into a new game I started as a Local fed WWA - pop>perf. Set us with 10% pop in MidWest and now at Small...


Ernie Turner was the inaugural champ. He picked an argument with a man in the crowd who to his surprise took up the offer to go him in the ring, that man claimed he was just a Regular Joe. After that fued and with title still around his waist, ET was petrified by an interuption during a promo by the debuting Sammy the Shark who claimed ET owes him a lot of money through past dealings. Deciding the belt was worth roughly the amount of the debt, they ended up in the ring and Sammy is our 2nd ever champ.

Got tag straps going as well, which will actually be our main focus. Hoping to bring in experienced duos that become available as the game goes on to boost our shows, especially when we're close or at Regional. Hopefully come across a few chemistries along the way too. Generally it will involve a champ team and challengers coming in and out of the promotion via an ambitious manager. So far it's Playboy Jack Sawyer, who after failing to win the straps by recruiting Rex Reeves & Jed Jones (Super Sonic), he brought in The Good ol' Boys and succeeded in beating Wiley Coyote, who were the inaugural champs.

Wiley Coyote will split though. Ernie Turner's match stipulation with Sammy was he couldnt get the singles strap back for a year, so he's turning his attention to the tag belts and will partner his old mate Coyote Dynamite (already C- tag exp), who'll turn heel against Wiley Steinway and release Wiley for a singles push to the title over a heel-turned Sammy (I always push Wiley as a likeable simpleton, a gimmick he always scores well on). Whilst The Southern Assasins (ET & CoyD... although I might rename them) will fued and go over a recently face-turned Good ol' Boys, who'll rebel from their pompous and demanding manager PJS.

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I think Problem is one of the most heavily roided people in the game.


That is not going to stop me from hiring him again at some stage. It is one of my personal objectives with TEW to make that lunk into something (as well as making Harry Allen and Danny Fonzarelli main eventers, removing Matty Faith's suck and pushing Big Smack Scott).


I love him so much that I actually edited his profile to give him a real name (Sean Saban) and Shawn Michael'd him (rewrote his backstory to have him gone into a deep spiral after his NYCW firing before reforming thanks to a new found faith, which meant I did the following):


1.took him down a size

2.bumped up his religious stat

3.made him a reformed drug user

4. gave him a +2 on all his skills

5. Made him a Class Act




I don't always resign him, but it's nice knowing he's figuratively done better by himself.

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There is cruelty and then there's this. All right, I'm in 2010, I'm booking NYCW and I'm in March. Halfway to one of my big shows, this third show I'm running has not one, but two C-s drawn, and one of those matches being from mid-carders, the other from a main-eventers tag match. Also keep in mind that this is a game where the worst decline is Black Hat Bailey at seven years. Seven. In NYCW, that's practically nothing.


So keep all that in mind, and then find out that my Jack Avatar alternate, the guy I was booking to work a chase-feud with Black Hat Bailey... has Awful chemistry with him. The guy I'm meant to take the belt off of in July at Kings of New York. FML. There is no justice.

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Sixth anniversary of my women's hardcore promotion...


We open with a mystery man (Herb Stately, but he's not mentioned as such) being shown backstage. What he's doing there, nobody is sure...


May Walton (Ellie May Walton) beats Calamity Joan in a squash opener.


The mystery man is then seen backstage, stopping Power Girl as she's about to head to the ring, giving her a flower and blowing her a kiss. Power Girl seems a bit conflicted...


Power Girl and Roxy Kitten (w/ The Riot Girls) face the Les World Order (Militia Sister and Nurse Darla Knight, w/ Officer Goodhead) in an LWO Rules match. LWO is a militiant lesbian stable, who have been fueding with both Power Girl and Roxy Kitten's stable The Riot Girls (a punk band/wrestling stable). LWO Rules are elimination bra and panties. Power Girl got stripped first, but as Roxy Kitten was about to stage a comeback, Power Girl drags Roxy Kitten to the floor and hits her with a stunner to allow the LWO to finish her off. She then walks away, looking to the camera, and saying "Let's go home, Magic Man".


Laura Flame vs Maria Guest vs Christy Higgins is next. Higgins is one half of a tag team (with Natalie DiMarco as the thrill-seeking "Death Junkies") but DiMarco is injured. Laura Flame has had a mysterious heel gimmick and Maria Guest is a sadistic heel. Higgins manages to win with a cradle on Laura Flame... who shakes Christy's hand afterwards.


Riot Girls members Eve Grunge and Roz Larren (with Roxy Kitten and Kammy Ling) face off for the LEW Southern Tag Titles against the Brute Force Alliance of Deborah Young and Julliette King. The Riot Girls look like they're about to win after throwing King to the floor through a table, and hitting Deborah Young with their Mosh Pit finisher (sandwhich avalance followed by dual rolling elbows to the face/back of the head). But the LWO run in with chairs and Officer Goodhead with her nightstick, and after taking down Roxy and Ling manage to drop Grunge and Larren. Young then recovers and flattens Roz with a sitout powerbomb to retain the belts.


After an intermission dance number by Kali Fornia, Joanna Silver, and Sweet Tabitha (the LEW Girls)...


Main event time and it's Principessa vs Thea Davis, for Davis' LEW Championship and her unofficial "LEW Thea Davis Is The Queen Of Wrestling" championship. These two are bitter rivals, so we bring out an LEW trademark match, the Iron Maiden match, which is a casket match only with the casket being lined with barbed wire. Principessa and Davis have a brutal contest that ends with Davis looking for the flying elbow drop finisher, but Principessa stops her, puts the Iron Maiden in place and looks for a superplex to put Davis inside it, but Davis rakes her eyes then hits a flying spinebuster into the Maiden then she closes it to win the match.


Davis then sits on the Maiden and demands a microphone, ranting on how she is the most dominant women's athlete of all time, and decides that she since nobody can beat her anyway, that she will make an open challenge for her titles.


Cue Christy Higgins, who says since her partner is still hurt, she'll take Davis on next month instead.


So what I have planned:


-Davis will still be dominant, up until the second anniversary of her title win. She'll lose her LEW title in a ladder match but will still have her Queen of Wrestling title, while laiming that she didn't really lose so she's the actual champion.


-Power Girl will be going by her real name, Ali Cameron, and will be given a bit of a push. Not to the top though.


-Laura Flame will now embrace on-screen her teacher/student relationship with Hell Monkey, wearing a mask and becoming Flame Monkey


-Once DiMarco is healthy the Death Junkies will take the Southern Tag belts.


-LWO and Riot Girls will keep fueding, not sure how I'm going to end it, but probably with the end of the LWO. Militia Sister is the only original core member left so when she's retired, no use keeping the stable around.

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I am still playing the WWF TGA game that I had going last year (took a break from it for a few months). Now I am headed into Wrestlemania IV. Dibiase held the Championship from Survivor Series until Royal Rumble, defending the belt against Hogan & Savage on different occasions, but always getting himself intentionally disqualified or counted out to ensure that he remained WWF Champion. On the final time that he pulled this stunt, Commissioner Jack Tunney came out to the ring and announced that since Dibiase had been unable to successfully defend the Championship within a 2 month period of time, he would be stripped of the belt. This has set up a scenario where the title has been vacant for a month now, and it is heading into Wrestlemania, and a Title Tournament, must like how things were in real life.


I have filled out a bracket to keep track of the tournament and everything. There are currently 57 active competitors (males) on my roster, and it is a 54 person tournament. I am planning on having it start at my Sunday Night Show this week, with the tournament ongoing until Wrestlemania (which is a little over a month away in game time). Then the last few rounds of the tournament will be a part of WM 4. I am unsure about how much of the tournament to include into WM 4 though. I'm torn between 2 rounds (which would just be the final 4 of the tournament (3 matches total counting the finals) or up to 4 rounds of the tournament. I've got several of the top dogs competing in what would be the elite 8 of the tournament, but backing it up to the round before that I am worried will water down Wrestlemania a great deal. What are your guys' thoughts?


There are going to be some twists and turns in the tournament, with a huge heel turn by someone, but in the end I plan on sticking to real life too and it will be a Savage Vs Dibiase Finals, with Macho Man winning the belt. Hogan & Andre are set to meet in the tournament as well, knocking each other out with a Double Countout (much like real life), but the advantage of having only the last 2 or 3 rounds of the tournament is that I would be able to have Hogan Vs Andre (after the tournament match) at WM again, this time with the vendetta of costing each other the tournament match. Hope that makes sense lol. I've also toyed with the idea of banning Flair from the tournament for storyline purposes, and setting up a Flair Vs. Hogan Epic encounter outside the tournament bracket for WM 4.


So question to you guys, which would be a better route to go? 2 Hogan Vs Andre matches in a period of a month (making that 5 overall in the last year of game time, but the ratings keep holding very good for them) or the first ever Hogan Vs Flair match at WM 4 WITHOUT the title on the line? That's kind of my concern about that, I feel like Hogan/Flair almost has to be for the belt. What do you guys think? Keeping in mind this is 1988 we are talking about. Thanks!


Just booked the last tv show before WRESTLEMANIA IV and am soooo excited for this event. Got it all planned out (for the most part) and it should be absolutely epic. Will hold the final 3 rounds of the title tournament with the following matches










All 4 of the matches have had some build up (with Savage Vs Wonderful getting some huge heat, advanced booked at a 96 right now). Piper will win to face Savage, Dusty Rhodes will win via DQ when the other 3 Horsemen invade the match to help Luger. They will do some beatdowns on Rhodes for a few minutes, and then Terry Funk (face) will make his surprised debut in the WWF, coming to the aid of his long time rival (but man that he respects) Dusty Rhodes!! Hoping that will be epic. In the Piper vs Savage match, both are heading into the match as faces, but it will be revealed at the end of the match that Piper is turning heel, and siding with Dibiase. Piper will get himself DQd when he tries to destroy Savage and injure him. The other match in the round will be Dibiase Vs Rhodes. The finals should be Macho Man Vs Million Dollar Man, and should be incredible I hope. This will not be the main event of the night tho, as the two biggest stars in the business are set to close out Wrestlemania IV, Hulk Hogan Vs Ric Flair.


Hogan & Flair have been having an incredible feud for the last month (and dating back to the Four Horsemen's debut at Survivor Series when they put Hogan out of action for a few shows with their brutual attack!) Im hoping that this match is incredible!


In other news, Andre will be battling in a WWF Superstar meets World Celebrity match, when he faces Rambo himself, Hogan's friend, Sylvest Stallone!! Good hype for this match, and if the in ring work doesn't totally suck, should be pretty cool.


Sorry for the long post, just so excited for this event lol. Love this game so much. Think I will post the whole card in the other discussion thread.

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Just booked the last tv show before WRESTLEMANIA IV and am soooo excited for this event. Got it all planned out (for the most part) and it should be absolutely epic. Will hold the final 3 rounds of the title tournament with the following matches










All 4 of the matches have had some build up (with Savage Vs Wonderful getting some huge heat, advanced booked at a 96 right now). Piper will win to face Savage, Dusty Rhodes will win via DQ when the other 3 Horsemen invade the match to help Luger. They will do some beatdowns on Rhodes for a few minutes, and then Terry Funk (face) will make his surprised debut in the WWF, coming to the aid of his long time rival (but man that he respects) Dusty Rhodes!! Hoping that will be epic. In the Piper vs Savage match, both are heading into the match as faces, but it will be revealed at the end of the match that Piper is turning heel, and siding with Dibiase. Piper will get himself DQd when he tries to destroy Savage and injure him. The other match in the round will be Dibiase Vs Rhodes. The finals should be Macho Man Vs Million Dollar Man, and should be incredible I hope. This will not be the main event of the night tho, as the two biggest stars in the business are set to close out Wrestlemania IV, Hulk Hogan Vs Ric Flair.


Hogan & Flair have been having an incredible feud for the last month (and dating back to the Four Horsemen's debut at Survivor Series when they put Hogan out of action for a few shows with their brutual attack!) Im hoping that this match is incredible!


In other news, Andre will be battling in a WWF Superstar meets World Celebrity match, when he faces Rambo himself, Hogan's friend, Sylvest Stallone!! Good hype for this match, and if the in ring work doesn't totally suck, should be pretty cool.


Sorry for the long post, just so excited for this event lol. Love this game so much. Think I will post the whole card in the other discussion thread.


Always enjoy hearing about TGA games. Flair vs Hogan sounds epic, Lawler on the roster is awesome he may not have fit the big man mold of WWF in the 80's but he was one of the best by leaps and bounds IMO, the complete package minus the huge muscular look. Keep us updated and really glad to know you're enjoying it so much :)

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Started up a new Burning Hammer game, taking advantage of the many re-renders that Bull has done for Japan. In February, the contracts of both Dark Angel and Bruce the Giant came up. Bruce wanted too much money but Dark Angel signed onto a written deal. Best super junior in the C-verse coming back to Burning Hammer! I've only run one tour show so far and I only had him in a six-man tag match. Given his popularity in Japan (never realized it was so high), he can probably headline tour shows if I so desire.


Another interesting aspect to this game is the new re-render that Bull did for Marihito Masuko. If you haven't seen it, go check it out in the Re-Render thread. Amazing work. One of my favorite renders ever. The "problem" I had with it is that the existing Masuko re-render (done by jhd1, I think) is one of my absolute favorites as well. That's an impossible choice. So I let Masuko under the render and have given Bull's version to Musashi, who is in development. When he's ready to debut on to the main roster, he's going to go under Bull's version and becoming BURNING Masuko (or perhaps Dragon Masuko), a "brother" of Masuko with whom he will team and then feud. That's a good two years worth of super junior division storylines right there. It plays off an Optimus-Dark Optimus storyline I always wanted to run in the C-Verse '97 data but have never managed to.

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Recently started a new 2010 game. I'm up to Oct 2010 and have been watching a parade of retirements. I think I realized just how crazy it seemed when Katherine Goodlooks joined the retirement group and she's only 26. I checked her physical information to find out if there was something, but at the time she was at 100% physical and still working for AAA.


It's definitely been strange though, lots of retirements so far.

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So question to you guys, what do you generally do when you buy out a promotion? In my game I just recently bought out the UWF in Genadi's TGA mod. I brought in their championships and a few of their wrestlers and I'm just trying to decide what to do with the belts. Do you guys usually use them? I don't really want to do an invasion angle cause I don't think it would be that big of a deal, but I am considering keeping at least one of their belts around. Particularly thinking about keeping their tag belts, since they are slightly more over than mine. Do you guys usually do stuff like this? Just brainstorming...
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In my SWF game, Delirante (who is unemployed) just posed nude which beefed her sex appeal from 75 to 85. This is the first time I've seen this newsbit in ANY of my games and incidentally, this is the first and so far only CV game I've played. Coincidence much?
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It is 2038 in my game that started in 2010. Most default game wrestlers have retired... yet no one dies. The women wrestlers are now in their third generation.


I left TCW a few years ago since my owner is a dick and feuding with other global promotions that go out of their way to take my 90% over guys. So I went to ELITE that seems to be made for beginners. There are no heels or faces, gimmicks seem to be tough because the fans want them subtle and complex... yet no they don't.


Anyway, I've got ELITE from small to cult. Wn global TCW started stealing my talent, I just offered a non aggression pact and they went for it. I have 2 big events per month and I'm losing money, but that's ok because I was making a ton of money in regional.


Things went so well that I bought up 16 young wrestlers and started training them with the best of the best in medium events with a new brand. That way medium shows boosted my mid south region while the main brand was getting 80+ shows in my home territory of southwest.


Unfortunately in my game world... BSC finally collapsed after I had made it cult 10 years ago in the game and made it economically viable with national TV. Good thing when it went cult I made a BSC development called Serority.

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So question to you guys, what do you generally do when you buy out a promotion? In my game I just recently bought out the UWF in Genadi's TGA mod. I brought in their championships and a few of their wrestlers and I'm just trying to decide what to do with the belts. Do you guys usually use them? I don't really want to do an invasion angle cause I don't think it would be that big of a deal, but I am considering keeping at least one of their belts around. Particularly thinking about keeping their tag belts, since they are slightly more over than mine. Do you guys usually do stuff like this? Just brainstorming...


I would not use the new belts other than as a prop for a bit. Use the tag team champions from the UWF and feud them with your tag team champions. Unify the titles by putting both on the line between these 2 teams. Do it a couple of matches in a row and then set the UWF tag titles as inactive. That is probably how I would do it.


Other than that I wouldn't use any of their belts while playing as the WWF in the late 80s. The only belts I'd consider using at that time would be the NWA titles.


If you have a developement fed you could sign some of the UWF guys and send them there if you want to use them down the line but don't have anything for them now. If you have some storyline ideas for guys you want to use then throw them onto your main roster. The great thing about the 80s was that you didn't need anything too complex as someone could just go squashing jobbers for a few months before any real feuds.

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So question to you guys, what do you generally do when you buy out a promotion? In my game I just recently bought out the UWF in Genadi's TGA mod. I brought in their championships and a few of their wrestlers and I'm just trying to decide what to do with the belts. Do you guys usually use them? I don't really want to do an invasion angle cause I don't think it would be that big of a deal, but I am considering keeping at least one of their belts around. Particularly thinking about keeping their tag belts, since they are slightly more over than mine. Do you guys usually do stuff like this? Just brainstorming...


I tend to run a short-term invasion angle or simply present the wrestlers as they are and pull off the unification matches quickly enough at a special show>


For the latter, imagine NYCW just bought out PSW. I would therefore do a special one-off show called NYCW versus PSW: Tri-State Supershow (not the actual name, but go along):


You put up the Empire Championship versus the PSW championship, the National versus the Tri-State, and the tag-team titles against each other. Then you get the guys you want to keep as well and pit them against your guys in a number of "dream matches" to fill up the rest of the card.


And while you're putting this card together, you include your pre-existing storylines and perhaps book the results to indicate post-show booking of active talent.


Or you can do what I occasionally do (which doesn't really work for you), but you can "set up" a territories system. I used to do this with an original company opening in 2010, where I'd buy out both MOSC and then EX2010 and use them as sister promotions by giving them their own brands. If another company went down in the same region, I'd buy them out and amagalate them with the regional brand or replace my original brand with it.

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Rolling into the September 2012 PPV, started January 2010.


It has been a interesting year, we reached Global, started a war with TNA only to have them fall back to Cult, saw WWE (now owned by Eric Bischoff) return to National Level.


The more important side of things, what's coming up at the PPV.


Paul London (The World Champion) will face Stu Bennett (Wade Barrett) in his rematch for the title.


AJ Styles faces Alex Shelley (for the lightweight title) after Shelley debuted this month and caused havoc on Styles.


The Young Bucks (Tag Champions) are facing the Hart Dynasty for the titles. Still haven't decided how this is going to go but I am thinking Nattie Neidhart is going to win the Vixens Title, then turn heel and align herself with TJ Wilson and Harry Smith, helping them gain the titles.


Kenn Doane (North American Champ) defends against CM Punk


Michelle McCool faces Nattie Neidhart and Barbie Blank in the Vixens Three-Way.


Shelton Benjamin faces the debuting Bryan Danielson.


And my personal favorite storyline, Chris Hero faces Sting for Sting's TV Title. Hero debuted this month after a series of videos showed Sting's various career accomplishments before proclaiming "Every Hero needs a Villan" after a few weeks of these videos Chris Hero attacked Sting backstage, leading to this match-up at the PPV.


Also, though not scheduled for the PPV, I have two heel stables I am considering forming.


First and foremost, Oil Inc., Bobby Roode's found himself a load of money in the oil industry and is hiring mercenaries to do his dirty work.


Secondly, Age of the Fall, Jimmy Jacobs, Eric Icarus, Tyler Black, Syn, and Necrosis.

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Did some editing and gave RIPW a TV Show and now I will play as the SWF.


I deleted all the contracts for RIPW's Current Roster, frankly I think they are all talent-less jobbers. So here is the first roster for RIPW after doing some shopping.......


Swoop McCarthy - Considered a NBT almost every time I play, gotta get him.


Mainstream Hernandez


Grandmaster Phunk




Matthew and Greg (Gauge) Keith - Figured, might as well increase the tag divison.


Fearless Blue - Completely talentless, horrible worker.....but he's awesome.


Frankie Perez


Cameron Vessey - Why Not?


UK Dragon - Talented British Worker, if Canadian Dragon becomes available, I'll get him.


Kristen Pearce - The only person from the old RIPW Roster I kept, mainly to please Jessie.




My Feuds also consist of.....


Jack Bruce vs Vengeance - I have been trying to get unique storylines going, not the guide-line of Vengeance vs Frehley, Faith vs Khoklov.etc


Christian Faith vs Remo - Wanted to get Remo and Faith into a storyline


Steve Frehley vs Brandon James - Planning to make James go over and get him into the Main Event.


Eric Eisen vs Rich Money - Just thought this would be a good start, I have plans for the Eisen's, Money and my Avatar.


Yet to book the first show yet, I shall post it once it is done.

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I deleted all the contracts for RIPW's Current Roster, frankly I think they are all talent-less jobbers. So here is the first roster for RIPW after doing some shopping.......


2018!Giant Brody disagrees.



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Rolling into the September 2012 PPV, started January 2010.


It has been a interesting year, we reached Global, started a war with TNA only to have them fall back to Cult, saw WWE (now owned by Eric Bischoff) return to National Level.


The more important side of things, what's coming up at the PPV.


Paul London (The World Champion) will face Stu Bennett (Wade Barrett) in his rematch for the title.


AJ Styles faces Alex Shelley (for the lightweight title) after Shelley debuted this month and caused havoc on Styles.


The Young Bucks (Tag Champions) are facing the Hart Dynasty for the titles. Still haven't decided how this is going to go but I am thinking Nattie Neidhart is going to win the Vixens Title, then turn heel and align herself with TJ Wilson and Harry Smith, helping them gain the titles.


Kenn Doane (North American Champ) defends against CM Punk


Michelle McCool faces Nattie Neidhart and Barbie Blank in the Vixens Three-Way.


Shelton Benjamin faces the debuting Bryan Danielson.


And my personal favorite storyline, Chris Hero faces Sting for Sting's TV Title. Hero debuted this month after a series of videos showed Sting's various career accomplishments before proclaiming "Every Hero needs a Villan" after a few weeks of these videos Chris Hero attacked Sting backstage, leading to this match-up at the PPV.


Also, though not scheduled for the PPV, I have two heel stables I am considering forming.


First and foremost, Oil Inc., Bobby Roode's found himself a load of money in the oil industry and is hiring mercenaries to do his dirty work.


Secondly, Age of the Fall, Jimmy Jacobs, Eric Icarus, Tyler Black, Syn, and Necrosis.


What promotion are you? Are you a made up one? Sounds like an interesting game. Did Vince McMahon leave the wrestling business or something to allow Bischoff to buy WWE?

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I had to start my WCW 2012 free agent game over. Tried to import some new angles, somehow messed everything up and lost my game. Probably a good thing, as I wasn't doing very good. Dropped to cult, lost my TV show, wrestlers were wanting out. Oh well.


Starting over, I think I have a better roster than before.


Main event:

AJ Styles

Chris Jericho

Christian Cage

Cody Rhodes

Harry Smith

Jake Hager




Upper Mid:

Brian Kendrick

Bryan Danielson

David Otunga

Joe Hennig

Mason Ryan

Shelton Benjamin

Ted DiBiase Jr

TJ Wilson



Alex Shelley

Austin Aries

Bobby Roode

Charlie Haas

Chris Hero

Chris Sabin

Davey Richards

James Storm

Mike Mondo

Paul Burchill

Paul London

Samoa Joe


Lower Mid:

Claudio Castagnoli

Eddie Edwards

Jimmy Jacobs


Kevin Steen

Shinsuke Nakamura



Colt Cabana

Doug Williams

El Generico

Mike Quackenbush


Enhancment Talent:

Josh Alexander

Sami Callihan

Tommaso Ciampa


Women's Division:

AJ Mendez

Ashley Lane

Beth Phoenix

Gail Kim

Katie Lea

Nattie Neidhart

Sara Del Rey

Taryn Terrell

Trish Stratus

Velvet Sky


I have Bret Hart and Maria as managers, Jim Ross and Nigel Sherrod as announcers, Paul Heyman as color, Shane McMahon is my owner and authority figure, and my road agents are Arn Anderson, Dean Malenko, Ricky Steamboat, George South, and John Laurinaitis as Road Agents.


I have a great tag team with the American Wolves, Beer Money, Kings of Wrestling, London and Kendrick, Motor City Machine Guns, Stampede Bulldogs, and Wrestlings Greatest Tag Team, who just won the tag team titles.


At my next show, AJ Styles and Chris Jericho will fight for the World title. Bryan Danielson is the current United States champion. Beth Phoenix, Gail Kim, Nattie Neidhart, and Sara Del Ray are the final four in a tournament for the Women's title.


Sorry for the long post, I'm just excited for this game and wanted to share with everybody.

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Starting a TNA/IW game with NPR Jan.2012


Main feuds are John R. Hennigan vs AJ Styles, The New British Invasion (Magnus and Burchill) w/Winter vs MCMG for Tag Team Titles, Samoa Joe TV title regin, Gina Carano vs Mickie James,Maryse vs Velvet Sky (eye candy base feud), Gail Kim vs Melina, Roode vs Anderson,Angle vs RVD vs Hardy, trying to sign Davey Richards to feud with Aries for X title before moving Aries on to feud with Kurt Angle.

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2018!Giant Brody disagrees.




Blake, what skin or setting do you use to see both the number as well as the grade? I like seeing the grades, but there are times that knowing the numbers would help and I'm tired of switching back and forth.

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It's not just a skin, there's several dual grade mods that can be applied to any skin out there.


nice. :) so how does someone go about obtaining the dual grade mod and installing it. I'd love to have that, especially since I'm considering being completely insane and putting together a diary or 2 and it would definitely make writing the diary a bit more fun.

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WWE as of the first week of May 2015 (Started August 2011)

RAW Brand Roster


Main Event

CM Punk (Face) (2014 RAW Money in the Bank Winner)

Cody Rhodes (Heel) (WWE Heavyweight Champion) (2015 Royal Rumble Winner)

Damien (Jimmy) Jacobs (Heel)

James Storm (Face) (WWE Intercontinental Champion)

John Cena (Face)

John Morrison (Heel)

Randy Orton (Face)

Tyler Black (Face)

Upper Midcard

Alberto Del Rio (Heel)

Chris Sabin (Face)

Alex Shelly (Face)

The Miz (Face)



Drew McIntyre (Heel)

Evan Bourne (Face)

Heath Slater (Heel)

Jack Evans (Face)

Jay Briscoe (Heel) (Co-WWE Unified Tag Team Champion)

Krimson (Crimson) (Heel)

Mark Briscoe (Heel) (Co-WWE Unified Tag Team Champion)

Naomichi Marufuji (Face) (WWE Jr. Heavyweight Champion)

Nigel McGuinness (Heel)

Paul Burchill (Heel)

Ricardo (Rocky) Romero (Heel)

Zack Ryder (Face)

Lower Midcard

Roderick Strong (Heel)




Enhancement Talents

Joker (Heel)

Justin Gabriel (Face)

Jonathan Moxley (Heel)



Giovanna Yannotti (Heel) (Manages Alberto Del Rio and Ricardo Romero)

Tag Teams

Blitzkrieg (Jack Evans & Evan Bourne)

Los Magnificos (Alberto Del Rio & Ricard (Rocky) Romero)

The Briscoes (Heel) (WWE Unified Tag Team Champions)

The Motor City Machine Guns (Face)



The Age Of Tragedy (Heel) (Damien (Jimmy) Jacobs and Krimson)

Los Magnificos (Heel) (Alberto Del Rio, Ricard (Rocky) Romero and Giovanna Yannotti)

The Killer Elite (Heel) (Randy Orton, Cody Rhodes and Britney Orton)

Announce Team

Jim Ross and Jerry Lawler

Smackdown Brand Roster



Chris Hero (Heel)

Chris Jericho (Face)

Daniel Bryan (Heel) (2014 Smackdown Money in the Bank Winner)

Jack Swagger (Heel)

Samoa Joe (Face) (World Heavyweight Champion)

Upper Midcard

Claudio Castagnoli (Heel)

Davey Richards (Face) (Co-2015 Last Team Standing Tournament Winner)

Dolph Ziggler (Heel) (WWE United States Champion)

Jeff Hardy (Face)

Sheamus (Heel)



Christian (Face)

Colt Cabana (Face)

Eddie Edwards (Face) (Co-2015 Last Team Standing Tournament Winner)

El Generico (Face)

Low Ki (Heel)

Primo Colón (Heel)

Sin Cara (Face)

Ted DiBiase (Heel)


Lower midcard

Curt Hawkins (Heel)

David Hart Smith (Heel)

Matt Jackson (Face)

Nick Jackson (Face)

Richie Steamboat (Face)

Timothy Donst (Heel)



Benjamin King (PAC) (Face)

Eddie Kingston (Face)

Epico Colón (Face)

Kota Ibushi (Face)

Tyson Kidd (Heel)

Enhancement Talent

Jacob Ziggler (Heel)



Maryse (Heel) (Manages Dolph Ziggler, Jacob Ziggler and Ted DiBiase)


Tag Teams

El Sin Caras Generico (Face) (Sin Cara & El Generico)

Priceless Perfection (Heel) (Ted Dibiase & Dolph Ziggler)

The American Wolves (Face)

The Colóns (Heel)

The Hart Dynasty (Heel)

The Jackson Boyz (Face) (The Young Bucks)


Priceless Perfection (Heel) (Dolph Ziggler, Ted Dibiase, Jacob Ziggler and Maryse)

Announce Team

Michael Cole and Booker T.

Divas Brand Roster


Mainevent (78+ Overness)

Beth Phoenix (Face) (Co-WWE Divas Tag Team Champion)

Britani Regal (Knight) (Heel) (WWE Divas Television Title)

Britney Orton (Lacey) (Heel)

Katie Lea (Face)

Kharma (Heel)

Mickie James (Face)

Natalya Neidhart (Face) (Co-WWE Divas Tag Team Champion)

Rebecca Rhodes (Face) (Rain) (WWE World Divas Champion)

Shaul Guerrero (Face)

Midcard (66 - 77 Overness)

Angelique (Christina Vone Eerie) (Face)

Gina Carano (Face)

Jessie McKay (Heel)

Lucrezia Wölfe (Face) (Basically a young female version of CM Punk) (Based off Suicide Girl Sawa)

Madison Eagles (Heel)

Nikki (Nicole) Matthews (Heel)

Paige Price (Jetta) (Heel)

The Rest

Angelica (Cheerleader Melissa)

Angelina (Love) (Heel)

Ashley (Madison) Rayne (Face)

Ayako Hamada (Face)

Ayumi Kurihara (Face)

Emily Michelle (Daizee Haze) (Face)

Jamie (Velvet) Sky (Heel)

Jennifer Hart (Blake) (Heel)

Kelly (Kelly) (Heel)

Misaki Ohata (Face)

Portia Perez (Heel)

Rosita (Face)

Sara Del Ray (Heel)

Serena (Face)



Rebecca Knox (Heel) (Manages Britani Regal, Paige Price and Drew McIntyre)

Britney Orton (Heel) (Manages Cody Rhodes)


Tag Teams

Ayumi Kurihara & Misaki Ohata (Face)

England's Finest (Heel) (Paige Price (Jetta) & Britani Regal (Knight))

INSIDIOUS (Face) (Angelique (Christina Von Eerie) & Katie Lea)

Jessie McKay & Madison Eagles (Heel)

Rosita & Ashley Rayne (Face)

The Beautiful People (Heel)

The Canadian NINJAS (Heel)

The Divas Of Doom (Face) (Beth Phoenox & Natalya Neidhart (WWE Divas Tag Team Champions)



Knox Incorporated (Heel) (Rebecca Knox, Britani Regal, Paige Price and Drew McIntyre)

Team Japan (Face) (Ayako Hamada, Ayumi Kurihara & Misaki Ohata)

Announce Team

Joey Styles and Trish Stratus


Rest Of Game World (Top 3)


TNA (Global)

TNA World Heavyweight Title - Matt Hardy (defeated Mr. Anderson at Victory Road 2015)

TNA World Tag Team Titles - Brock Lesnar and Carlito (defeated Booby Roode and Eric Young at Destination X 2014)

TNA Television Title- Eric Young (defeated Jay Lethal on Impact)

TNA X-Division Title - Teddy Hart (defeated Paul London on Impact)

TNA Knockouts Title - Gail Kim (defeated Ms. Tessmacher on Impact)

TNA Knock Outs Tag Team Titles - Gail Kim and Ms. Tessmacher (defeated Layla and Eve Torres on Impact)


ROH (Cult)

ROH World Heavyweight Title - Ryan Reeves (defeated Teddy Hart at Driven 6)

ROH World Tag Team Titles - Mike Dalton and Rhino (defeated Eddie Colon and Phil Shatter at All Star Extravaganza VIIII)

ROH World Television Title - Phil Shatter (defeated Joe Hennig on ROH TV)


DGUSA (Cult)

Open Freedom Gate - Chavo Guerrero (defeated Naruki Doi at DG Rage 2014)

Open United Gate - Deranged and Averno (defeated Eddie Colon and Kenny Omega at Way of the Ronin 2014)


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