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The champions in my game are crazy too. Junkyard Dog is currently champ for the WWF and has defended against King King Bundy for the last few shows.


WCW look in bad shape already, this might be something to do with their champion Tony Atlas and his battles with One Man Gang and Ricky Martel.


My fed is going from strength to strength. Cactus Jack has been champion for almost two years and I have just turned him face so he can go up against Steven Regal and 'Cyanide' Sid Cooper.


A certain menacing worker called 'Mean' Mark Callous is getting a monster push :)

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Nice. I'm doing a wrestling-as-sport promotion with emphasis on hard hitting brawlers, so face/heel doesn't matter. Regal has been the first and only champ and defends in 2/3 fall matches. He hasn't given up a single fall, though he's used a lot of dirty tricks to keep the belt.


I'm also playing with the rule that I'm an "outlaw" territory. Meaning that if anyone joins a major NWA player or AWA, I have to cut them ASAP. And can only hire workers if they aren't employed in the US or NJPW (given NJPW's ties to the NWA). I'm keeping this rule until 1994.

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I'm clinging to my workers for dear life. :)


WCW just hit a huge home run in my opinion. Bret Hart just defeated Atlas for the big gold belt. WWF are still hanging their hopes on JYD and his mid 70's match ratings; maybe we will have a war after all.


Edit: Maybe not, they hired Verne Gagne as booker and Hart jobbed the title straight to Dick Murdoch. The show was quite good though.

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In my 2010 WWE save, I have quite a bit going on and most of it(at least 70% is on the RAW side)


Fallout from Hell in the Cell-


Triple H the co leader of the nexus beat John Cena by ref stoppage in a Hell in a Cell match, Triple H busted John Cena open and hit him relentlessly in the ribs with a sledgehammer until the ref stopped the match much to the the dismay of John Cena.


Wade Barrett defeated Edge, Jericho and Randy Orton to the win the WWE championship. He threw Orton out of the ring after Orton rko'd Chris Jericho and earned the win that way.


Undertaker earned a title shot at Cm Punk by beating Big Show in the only other cell match I booked on that show. That's also really the only thing on the smackdown side that has happened recently since I focused mostly on the Nexus right now.


Raw and the looking forward to Armageddon(its replacing Bragging Rights,which I just saw as unnecessary , the Smackdown vs Raw match will just take place at Survivor Series)


John Cena came out pissed at instantly called out Triple H at the post Hell in the Cell show and argued he didn't tap and he wasn't pinned, but a ref decided it was over. Him and Triple H went back and forth before Cena proposed an idea to HHH which was HHH vs Cena at Armageddon with the stipulations being if Cena wins he gets a title shot at Wade Barrett and if HHH wins Cena will quit the WWE for good.


Orton had a talk with his former stable mate Ted Dibiase, at first the cocky Dibiase dismissed what Orton was saying, until Orton made it clear that nexus wants what Ted has(the United States championship) and at the next ppv Orton will take on Nexus member Skip Sheffield while Ted takes on David Otunga.



An unlikely alliance has formed to take the tag titles away from Heath Slater and Justin Gabriel and that team is The Miz and Daniel Bryan. The Miz and Daniel Bryan agreed to team up and win the tag title so lessen the power of the Nexus. Shortly after Daniel Bryan and the Miz were attacked by Otunga,Slater and Gabriel, which opened the Miz's eyes to how serious the Nexus threat was.

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Having a really cool game with PGHW, just finished the first tour of 2010 with great results, started building on top of an already strong tag team division and had a few A-rated bouts.


One of my favourite parts of the game so far has been Danger Kumasaka announcing his retirement. He's a negative influence backstage, but he had been part of a really strong veteran tag team with Masayuki Shiga as 'The Guard' and done the job to numerous youngsters with no complaints. For his service, and for generally being a highly respected veteran, in his last match ever (the main event of the last show on the tour) I gave him a shot at the PGHW Glory Crown against PRIDE Koiso. 23 minutes of what I can imagine being very high drama, scored a 86 B+, which I was really happy with. A great send off for an underrated C-Verse legend.


Here's hoping Dread doesn't retire for at least a bit, his massive overness boosts from domination notes to pass that on has been pretty invaluable. Also, Mito Miwa just entered the Time Decline list after turning 37, the only other one of my main eventers besides Dread to do so, which sucks. At least Eisaku Kunomasu, my 2010 Elite Series winner, has been holding it down. He's been involved in 6 out of my top 10 matches so far.


My next big event is Night of WARRIORS in July, in which I'm going to bring in Haruki (Hooded) Kudo on a working agreement with GCG and have him face off with PRIDE Koiso in a Special Attraction Main Event, and probably have him do a few six-man tags with the main eventers if I can get him on a three match deal.


Raymond Diaz is the most over worker on my roster. The dude is a beast. His squash matches have got him to an average 97 overness across Japan, only Kikkawa in BHOTWG is more over in the country.


Also secured Dan Stone Jr shortly before the tour end - went from Opener with 35 overness to Lower Midcarder with 57 overness in a few shows. I'm gonna put the Historical Japan belt on him at the next event and have him run with it.

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I'm so bad at this game. :o


USPW, going into December 2010 and, after losing James Justice, Tyson Baine and Bruce the Giant already, T-Rex is about to go because, while trying to get his overness low enough to bring him back, I waited one day too long to resign him. Fortunately, he was able to bleed some over to Art Reed (and another name TBD on the upcoming American Wrestling) on his way out. My momentum is gonna be so low, I'll be lucky to be able to sign writtens by the time I hit National.


As for feuds and what-not, Darryl Devine is the champ, I kinda megapushed him out of nowhere because I needed someone and he got way over really fast and fit the role perfectly. Sadly, I'm having to protect him as champion, and feuds with Jack Griffith and Nicky Champion were only pulling high 60s in my MEs, which won't help me get to Nat. He's got Chris Caulfield for now, but he's getting a 2 month break to change gimmicks and come back after Devine and his new stable which includes The Instant Classic (Matthew Keith & Davis Wayne Newton), Steven Parker and Nelson Callum. Art Reed is gonna feud with Devine in the meantime.


Andre Jones turned face and has great chemistry versus James Prudence, a happy fact that has led to a couple of mid 70s matches on PPV. I had always planned on Prudence going over but with my upper card faces looking kinda "ehhhh" I might go with Jones while I have the heel champion. Not sure yet.


Nicky Champion is dealing with a combination of a disagreement with Peter Valentine, who never came to Sam Strong's aid over the past year when Sam's been beaten by whoever I felt like needed a little boost, and "Canadian Wildman" Dallas McWade, who has been attacking Nicky since losing his feud to Caulfield after 2 double dq/countout draws led to an I Quit match.


Enygma turned heel a bit ago and for now he's beating on Jack Griffith whose whole schtick is that he won't back down or be done. Which means he gets to lose another month and bleed some overness, his ratings haven't been what I wanted over the past year and I'm strongly considering not resigning him.


The tag titles are on the team of Overkill, Goliath (The Big Problem) and Jumbo Jackson, and they're about to start a feud with The People's Team. The old champions, Fists of Violence (Bradford Peverell and Dazzling Dave Diamond) are going to split (possibly over Hannah Potter), feud, and then Pev is gonna move up the ladder while Dave forms a new team, probably with someone I'll bring in at the time.


The TV title is on Antonio Champagne (Champagne Lover) and his character is basically that of WWE's Alberto Del Rio. I have no idea who to throw at him feud-wise, but I may feed him KC Glenn a time or 2 while I try to get Glenn over enough to win a few matches.

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Just made a new sim: C-Verse without contracts... WEXXV have gone and got Haruki Kudo as their booker. BHOTWG, GCG and PGHW now have a surprising new challenger :D

EDIT: aaaaaaaand add WLW to that, Hiroaki Nakasawa is THEIR booker...

EDIT2: CORNELL AT SWF. ALERT. ALERT. Don't worry about TCW though, they have Jeremy Finch (Scout), a megapushed Art Reed, Brandon James and Sean McFly.

EDIT3: Match of the year 2010: Jack Bruce, Christian Faith and James Justice defeated Tommy Cornell, Bruce The Giant and Rich Money.

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On the save i'm currently playing. started Jan 2001 with WWF. I cut a lot of the workers and brought in youth like Punk, orton, danielson, Londrick, carlito etc to learn in the main roster.


Christopher Daniels has been brought in, imo his skills are ready for a storyline and a push past his current opener status.


Badass Taker is feuding with Kane, with Taker getting the win at Royal Rumble in there match. At there next encounter they'll face in a burried alive match. Kane will win with help from Christopher Daniels "randomly" helping. Taker will be burried and off for a little while.


The next night on Raw Daniels will appear in the ring with Paul bearer and Kane to explain why Daniels helped in the "destruction " of the Undertaker. Thinking of leading and growing the group of Kane, bearer and Daniels into a new ministry of darkness lead by daniels. Could have fun with that especially when Taker returns.


My other feuds are basically just fillers until I can buy out WCW and start my huge storylines developing around that. Will be full of twists and turns and uncertainty. It'll be better then the real life invasion and certain events will be unexpected.


Current filler feuds are:


My user Chris Flash Heart is playing as the bad authority in feud against Jericho. Which is to keep Jericho busy untill it's his time to win the strap.


Edge and Christian v hardyz v Dudleyz- a continuation from there TLC encounters. it'll continue until I can get better tag teams in the division for them to have separate feud with.



HHH v Angle: the Heavyweight title feud. Angle held the title from the start and lost to HHH at the next PPV. Don't know where i'm going with this so i'm thinking of putting the strap on someone from the next feud. I'm not keen on having Angle as the man on the game as he's annoyed me irl.


The Rock v Austin v Beniot. This feud will soon have the title involved in it. This feud is to keep Austin and Rock busy untill the WCW buy out and also to push beniot from upper midcard to main event champion... eventually

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Sooooo. Matty Faith just came loose from SWF through contract expiry.


...Nursing an urge to sign him again.



Though frankly, I'm currently pleased with myself for 'only' signing 7 guys when I had 30 guys making a strong case on my shortlist. I am not good at managing my roster.



Edit: Hollywood Brett Starr is WEXXV Warrior's Heart champion. Because you see a full-of-himself smirk and sunglasses, and you think hardcore.

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Well as of today here is what is going on.


I'm running a real world WWE promotion.


- Fired Scott Steiner because of multiple steriod issues.


- Suspended HHH, and Randy Orton due to multiple steriod uses.


- CM Punk is the WWE Heavyweight champion. Just defeated The Miz at Over the Limit.


- Sheamus is the World Champion after defeating The Big Show at Over the Limit.


- I'm planning a strong push for christian in the near future.

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Running a Cornellverse CGC game to get back in the swing of things before TEW 2013 gets released in a few months. About 5 months in, standard DeColt vs Elite main events, with Gargantuan recently thrown in the mix after basically assaulting his way up the roster till he finally started attacking the DeColts.


However, I had an idea for a group to use that I thought I would share.

It consists of Art Reed, Lassana Maktutsi and CGC rookie Donte Dunn.

I call them The Dreadlock Nation ( reason is obvious once you see their photos :p )


Haven't gotten them assembled yet as Reed is on a touring contract and I have to wait till thats over, and Makutsi is on a developmental contract with SWF, so have to wait till they jettison him, but, aside from the obvious resemblence, I think this a group that could do quite well in the long run.

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So in my 1987 game, WCW crown their first champ as Kevin Sullivan. Meanwhile Toshiaki Kawada is being crowned Wrestler of the Year 1988, Shawn Micheals heads down to Turner country, and despite his retirement in May Johnny Saint is #99 on the Power 100.


My promotion OWF is about to make it to Small, with Dave Finlay having beaten Steven Regal to become champion. I also have a tag belt originally held by Axl Rotten and Mick Foley dubbed "Brothers in Violence", but Foley went to WCW, so I had to replace him with a certain man from Nutley, New Jersey...

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Interesting. Regal and Finlay are two of my main guys now also.


I just had a chaotic end to 1990. Sid Cooper was asking for too much money so I let him go and he dropped the title to Steve Austin. Idiotically I had not checked Austin's contract and he refused negotiations the day after winning the belt. I had to bring my December show forward so he could job it to Regal.


Regal can hold it for a bit as he is with me for at least a year now but he has already created two negative backstage incidents.


I am monster pushing Bryan Adams, he is perfect for me as my fans lap up any kind of menace based angle.


Elsewhere...Harley Race is WWF champion and WCW are thriving with Dick Murdoch as champion. I think WCW will be challenging the WWF in the nest few years.

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The First Rip Chord Invitational, what should be the smallest in my eventual history with the company, will feature over 64 competitors. If I do hit 80, then I'm looking at 80-81 matches to determine the winner.


In one night.


I'm posting the bracket in my diary tomorrow (today, I guess...it's 3:24 AM) as well as the Rate My Card thread.


Because, y'know, that thread doesn't have enough grids.

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Getting my Dreadlock Nation group together in my CGC game. Managed to snag Lassana Makutsi from RIPW when his contract renewal came up, and Art Reed is now off tour so I can send him a contract offer.


Also snagged Bryan Holmes from PGHW ( which left them without a head booker) and teamed him with a recently turned Shooter Sean Deeley ( who I had leave the Elite when he had good chemistry with Phil Vibert as a manager, love house show feedback! ) and they are going to be the Canadian Machines ( Canada's version of the TCW team.)

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I decided to make Rocky Mountain Wrestling active to start the game and gave them Steve Flash as an owner. It's going pretty well. I finally have the right guys to have pop a great show rating once a month. CZCW is my closest competition. It is July 2010


Haruki Kudo retired on GCG, but made sure to finish the tour for them. Good guy. However, I can't stand GCG. Hopefully, I can get Pistol Pete Hall from them after I hit regional. We'll see if their trek to National takes a while longer now.

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Just hit the first day of May 2017 in my CGC save and have held 792 shows (The most I have ever held in a single save) here is what has been going on from the start of January to the end of April of the year 2017.


Sean McFly is still the CGC World Heavyweight Champion having held the title since May of 2016 he has made a total of thirteen defenses of his title thus far. He is in a best of seven series with Eddie Chandler who will defeat him for the title in match 7 (once Eddie wins the CGC World Title he will be the first guy to have more than one reign as the CGC World Champion since I started the save).


James Prudence is the Canadian Champion having defeated Aaron Andrews for the title back at The DeColt WrestleFestival Day 1. He has made one defense so far having defeated Shane Nelson at DeColt WrestleFestival Day 2.


The Almighty Dollar (Rich Money and Remo) are the current CGC World Tag Team Champions having won the titles at Elimination XV in January. They have made three defenses of the titles since winning them.


The CGC Heavyweight Champion is Christian Faith after he defeated John Maverick back at Elimination XV to become the first holder of the championship. He has made three defenses of the title so far.


The CGC Province Champion is Bryan Holmes after he defeated Steve Flash at Elimination XV to become the first holder of the championship. He has made three defenses of the title so far.


The CGC Heavyweight Tag Team Champions are Alex and Ricky DeColt having defeated The Specialists (Bobby Thomas and Nate Johnson) at Elimination XV to become the first team to hold the new titles. They have made three defenses of the titles so far.


Here are what my current storylines look like on my respective brands.


Golden Brand


Eddie Chandler vs. Sean McFly ©

CGC World Heavyweight Championship feud

Best Of Seven Series

Heat: 73

Started: February 2017

Have had two matches so far (Initial Match and match one)


Jack Bruce vs. Edd Stone

Heat: 53

Started: February 2017

Have had one match so far (Which is why it’s rated so low as far as heat is concerned)


Note: I know that I said in my last update that Jack Bruce and Sean McFly were going to be feuding for the title after their respective feuds were over. However I decided to do a feud between Eddie Chandler and Sean McFly so that I could finally have a repeat champion for the CGC World Title because I haven’t yet in seven years.


Bronze Brand


John Maverick vs. Christian Faith ©

CGC Heavyweight Championship feud

Heat: 100

Started: January 2017

Have had four matches so far and will have one more at Chaos in the Cage before their feud ends.


Davis Wayne vs. Steve Frehley

Heat: 62

Started: January 2017

Have had three matches so far and will have two more before their feud ends.


New Signings: Crockett Tubbs, Air Attack Weasel, Insane Machine, Nathan Black, Paul Steadyfast, C.H. Threepwood, Bryan Holmes, Darryl Devine, Jim Force, Sammy The Shark, Jay Chord, Andre Jones, Cameron Vessey, Chance Fortune, Grimm Quibble, Rayne Man, Christian Price, Jack Griffith, The Toronto Terror, Warren Technique, Hudson Drake, Skull Debones (Vengeance) Owen Love, Steve Frehley, Jack Giedroyc, and Angry Gilmore.


Finally here is the card for CGC Chaos in the Cage which is my next pay per view


John Maverick vs. Christian Faith ©

CGC Heavyweight Championship Match


Steve Flash vs. Bryan Holmes ©

CGC Province Championship Match


Davis Wayne vs. Steve Frehley


Frankie Perez and Mikey James vs. Alex and Ricky DeColt ©

CGC Heavyweight Tag Team Championship Match


Jack Bruce vs. Duane Stone


Joey Poison vs. James Prudence ©

CGC Canadian Championship Match


Owen Love and The Natural vs. Remo and Rich Money ©

CGC World Tag Team Championship Match


Eddie Chandler vs. Sean McFly ©

CGC World Heavyweight Championship match

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