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Because I fired these people they refuse to work for me. Except for a few of them who I've been able to sign: Casey Valentine, Ernest Youngman, Groucho Bling, Greg Gauge, Lassana Makutsi, SATO, and Gino Montero


I also did this (because that roster is larger than the WWE's (how did you manage that). And fired a lot of people and most of the people you listed now work for me

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I also did this (because that roster is larger than the WWE's (how did you manage that). And fired a lot of people and most of the people you listed now work for me


It's not very hard to manage them if they're split into the three brands. By setting it up like that I looked at them as three separate rosters instead of one. I'm curious what made those workers sign even though I just fired them like everyone else who refuses.

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Getting ready for the 2021 Rip Chord Invitational Challenge that's at the end of January. I've put together a 32-worker bracket. I've excluded all champions (besides Tag Team Champs, Gidayu Katou is a past winner). These are the eight past winners automatically entered in. I'm going to use the three brand-only PPVs to get through the first three rounds and the fourth PPV of the month will include the final rounds of the tournament.


It'll be interesting to see how this works out. I've never set up any of the tournaments in the years prior and sort of just 'winged it'. I decided with such a bloated roster I might as well make it the best I possibly can. And when I found a lightweight bracket program that throws it together like that it was a no-brainer.


Things have progressed quite a bit through January and we're moving into round three of the infamous Rip Chord Invitational. American Patriot and Aaron Andrews are the only past winners remaining.

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That game where you are going to war with WCW is great. You could write it off as though those guys decided to leave with you. Storyline wise... Jay Chord offered the whole roster a 1 day out. If they wanted out of their contracts they could get out free of charge.


So they jumped ship for you. The others didn't wanna be in WCW or work for you.


The new direction sounds much more interesting to me.

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I decided to make a copy of my 2021 WCW game and resign to open my own promotion. Haruki Kudo took over as head booker (he's was the best road agent for me).


I've decided to play it off like Jay Chord and I got into a massive argument at an event before The Rip Chord Invitational. He wanted to win the tournament for the fifth time and I told him it was the "dumbest idea he's ever had". Because I had full control of WCW without Jay's interference I fired every single main eventer without his knowledge. A day later I went to give my resignation and he fired me on the spot because of what I did.


Because I fired these people they refuse to work for me. Except for a few of them who I've been able to sign: Casey Valentine, Ernest Youngman, Groucho Bling, Greg Gauge, Lassana Makutsi, SATO, and Gino Montero. I'm really not sure what made any of them want to sign with me the same day I fired them from WCW, but I'm glad they decided to come with me Jerry Maguire-style. I took the "Easy" route when creating the new promotion because I wanted immediate results. I did a little editing to make us National and have got a TV deal with GNN Total Sports already, along with PPV deals in all of North America without running a single show yet.


I didn't feel like creating new titles so I purchased the DAVE Unified (to be World) and Tag titles, RPW World (to be TV title), and California Pro Championship (to be National title). Very nice title lineage to start with. I picked up working agreements with NOTBPW, TCW, USPW, SWF and we're at war with WCW (if that wasn't obvious).


I'm going to kill the promotion I made enormous :eek: and I named the save game "FU JC" :)


Did you fire Hannah Potter (Rodzen)? That would have made an interesting marriage. :p

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I'm playing as NOTBPW and I'm 3 months in.


I've been doing pretty good. All of my shows have been B average, with a C+


I've signed the two missing Stone Brothers, Duane and Edd.


My highest TV rating was 1.34 and my PPV buy rate was 0.37. I re-activated the Unlimited Action title, removing the weight restriction. Which makes my championship listing as,


NOTBPW Canadian: 7 Time Champion, Dan Stone Jr. beating Steve DeColt


NOTBPW Tag Team: 3 Time Champions, The Can-Am Blondes beating Omar and Harlem


NOTBPW Unlimited Action: 5 Time Champion, Edd Stone, beating Derek Frost and my user character in a triple threat


NOTBPW Womens: Kristabel Plum


And with NOTBPW's 90% ratio, I love booking shows with like..no angles. Looking forward to holding my first tournament in TEW. Of course some pointers would be nice on how to do a tournament.

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APWF have claimed their first victim.


With me wanting to, one day, be able to sign The Minnesotta Mauler (a solid talent and the... 1970s internets?... keep saying to keep an eye on him), I knew probably only way that would happen is if CCW went out of business.


They've been on the brink for months and refusing to sell out (first with the "we're not in bad enough shape" followed by "we don't want to sell up"), but were finally starting to show a few signs of life... by my math, they should've been in the green when June ended, and likely gone on to survive for lord knows how long.


Unfortunately for them, a few *ahem* associates of The Lambert Family informed CCW's sponsors of a multitude of reasons why it was better for their health if they dropper their support of CCW.


Rather than get out of debt, CCW fell just $1454 short of once again breaking even. Five days later, and APWF's traitorous former child promotion was no more. Badda-bing, badda-boom.


Come an open roster space, I figure The Minnesotta Mauler can start making up for the grief he caused my company. Only one question remains: Why on Earth is he mauling Minnesotta?

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1993 RW

Start Date - January 1993

Current Date -week 2 or 3 March 1993

Current champions

WWF World Heavyweight - Bret Hart

WWF Intercontinental - Shawn Michaels

WWF Tag Team - Diesel & Razor Ramon




Hulk Hogan won the Royal Rumble to set up the "dream match" @ Wrestlemania IX. It will be Hulk Hogan going over Bret though because I don't want to cheat and remove Hogans creative control clause in the editor. Oh well....




Bret Hart successfully defended the title against Razor Ramon at the Royal Rumble and teamed with Mr Perfect at SNME in Feb in a losing effort against Diesel & Razor Ramon, with the latter retaining their tag team titles which they won 2nd week in Feb on Raw against the Steiner's who had won them at the Rumble against Money Inc.




Ric Flair signed a new contract in January and beat Mr Perfect at the Royal Rumble in a 2/3 falls match. Flair to show he

"can go all night" also entered the Rumble match itself and eliminated the Undertaker. The actual final 4 were Undertaker, Ric Flair, Tatanka, Hulk Hogan so it could of happened I guess although. The Undertaker didn't take to kindly and climbed back in and chased a scared Ric Flair to the back who eliminated himself. I needed to put a spin on things for my own storyline purposes.


Ric Flair wasn't seen then until SNME at the end of Feb but Paul Bearer was abducted by 2 men on on the Raw before SNME. Ric Flair then showed up at SNME in Feb he claimed responsibility and challenged Undertaker to casket match at WM with Paul Bearers "life" on the line. Undertaker has been continually attacked by the 2 masked men who at the minute are being portrayed by Macho Man and Roddy Piper. Yeah I cheated there to boost the angle ratings because up to now I have no idea who to have as the masked men.




Shawn Michaels was and still is the IC champion who successfully retained his title in a loser must leave match against Marty Jannetty at the Royal Rumble (Jannetty is in my created developmental promotion until a, I find something for him or b, I fire him). Anyway, back to HBK, he appeared on an episode of Royal Court in February and iissued an open challenge for SNME "next week" which was answered by WWF Authority Figure Roddy Piper. Piper won by DQ which meant HBK retained.




They're my main story-lines leading in to Wrestlemania. Current card below


WWF World

Bret Hart © v Hulk Hogan

Casket - Paul Bearers life on the line

The Undertaker v Ric Flair

WWF Tag Team

Razor Ramon & Diesel © v Steiner Brothers


WWF Intercontinental - no DQ

Shawn Michaels © v Roddy Piper

No1 contenders match for WWF World title

Randy Savage v Million Dollar Man v Mr. Perfect v Bam Bam Bigelow


undefeated streak v undefeated streak

Lex Luger v Tatanka

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Using my created promotion in the CV 97 mod. Currently in April 03 and at cult.


SWF contract time came around again, last time they were at cult i took a few people on PPA's. This time they are back at global so they have taken Seth Storm and Duane Stone back which is a bummer.


In the world title picture champion Raymond Diaz, who is a few weeks away from 2 years as champion is battling Remo, who has A* popularity thanks to a brute push. Diaz is likely to come out on top after the feud, but im not sure who will take the title off Diaz, as i want to end the reign soon. It will probably be Rich Money or Tom Gilmore, who used to be in my 4 horsemen group with Diaz, so them turning on Diaz could be an interesting story, with them saying they want some of the spotlight that was on Diaz (who was World Champion at the time the stable was around, and still is). But Money & Gilmore are one of my main tag teams so im not sure what to do.


In my Junior Heavyweight Division American Elemental is on his second run with the belt after taking it from Duane Stone, who as mentioned before has just left. The division isnt that strong so i cant wait till Pablo Rodriguez will negotiate with me again (I foolishly let him go before). Elementals next real defence will be at my end of month show against Danger Kumasaka, who is in on a talent trade from PGHW and the pair pulled a B match before on Dangers first match of the deal, thanks to great chemistry.


My tag team division is currently the most interesting, with Mike Watson & Buddy Garner as champions. Garner is currently working under a gimmick where he has abandoned America and declares his loyalty to Canada (Mainly due to a mistake by me by changing the teams name from MMA Inc. to the Canadian Wolves. For some reason i thought Garner was canadian. I also have the McWade's, who have recently been not showing up much due to me not having anything for them to do, and the Young Money Generation of Tom Gilmore & Rich Money. The orignial plan was a rematch of Canadian Wolves vs. Young Money Gen (Who were the previous champions), but i had the McWades return to attack Money & Gilmore so it looks like it might be a triangle tag match.


My User character Takayuki Avatar has only won 2 times since i started the game, both being tag wins over my jobber tag team of Wiley Steinway and Coyote Dynammite, and i have lost 84 times. But i really should push myself as i am the most talented worker on the roster. But i am doing better than Wiley Coyote, who have lost 61 times, drew 1 time, and never won.


Outside of the title scenes not much is going on storyline wise, but i am jobbing Rav Kapur despite him being p****d off with me. My crowd dont want to see him wrestle so i am letting people go out and dominate him.

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Guest codey
Could you post Faith's stats in your game? I'm tempted to sign him as a project, but I'm scared that he just won't develop.
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Could you post Faith's stats in your game? I'm tempted to sign him as a project, but I'm scared that he just won't develop.


These are his stats a year into his debut (from a copied save). And these are his stats in 2021. I'm not sure why his reputation is still 100 considering he's been caught with steroids before. And it's pretty scary how high his respect is at only 24 years old.


EDIT: The before stats are actually from late 2016, so it's two years into his debut and not one.

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Guest codey
Are you using a base copy of the game, or did you do a little bit of tweaking for him? I only ask because my version of Faith starts out with far poorer stats than that, and his SQ is only 32.
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Are you using a base copy of the game, or did you do a little bit of tweaking for him? I only ask because my version of Faith starts out with far poorer stats than that, and his SQ is only 32.


Yeah, I bumped it up quite a bit because I figured he needed at least something to fall back on. Pretty sure that's the only thing I tweaked though.

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Playing as WCW in Logan's Chaos mod of the Cverse...


I started a stable around Jonny Streetz(Streetz) called the Connection. It's a group of lower card workers that I want to push. My original goal was to make them sort of a mafia style group, but the members didn't really fit that. So I'll try to think of a mafia style gimmick for another stable later. The Snowman and Atom Smasher were the first two members added. They're dominating everyone that gets in their path. Sam Keith had the unfortunate duty of being the first main eventer to feel their wrath. During the beat down of Sam, Gregory and Matthew Keith came out. At first they scared off the two attackers, but then started laying the boots to their father.


Jonny grabbed a mic and told the world that no one is safe from their assault and that he's guaranteeing that Snowman will be world champion within a year(I doubt that's going to happen honestly, his pop is really low and his stats aren't the greatest either, but damn it, I like the bastard!). He also swore that the Keith twins are going to take the tag titles and step out of the shadow of their father. I don't really have any title plans for Atom yet, but I'm thinking maybe him winning the US title or TV title to be the first gold holder of the Connection.


I have Chopper Rourke, Blitz Simpson, and Vaughan down in developmental, so when I bring them up, I'll probably have them join The Connection as well.


I'm not sure who exactly the Connection is going to feud with as a whole, but I'm really trying to get them over.

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