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What's going on in your game?

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My current game is a game where I created my own company on Rock Hard difficulty after simming a year to January 2011. I've grown to Small from Local, and am currently making ~$12,000 a month, I'm currently at $114,301.


I've just signed Larry Wood, I was looking for someone with high menace, and also decent stamina so they can go longer, as I tend to have ~20 minute main events, and I want to have a monster able to hold my world title, Bear Bekowski also has decent stamina, and he's only 23 years old in my game currently, I have him as a face.


I'm thinking of getting both their overness to ~70 in the North West USA, and then have them face-off in a hoss vs hoss match, Larry could spend a year smashing my faces, and Bear could spend a year smashing my heels... what happens when they face off against someone their own size?


I love these games with small companies, you can do whatever you want, and even if you get a 30 rating for your show, you still gain popularity. It's kind of fun also playing a unofficial development territory of sorts for the bigger federations, forcing you to use many different characters after your main event gets raided.


Of course, I haven't had that happen in this game much, but I've had it happen in the past. This game I've only lost KC Glenn, which was my most talent wrestler, damn Japan and their tours... skyrocketing everyone's overness in Japan... making them very appealing to being snagged by the National+ Japan feds. :(

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It's kind of fun also playing a unofficial development territory of sorts for the bigger federations, forcing you to use many different characters after your main event gets raided.


Its not fun when they steal about half your roster, people that have ditched me for "better companies".


Tom (Angry) Gilmore (x2) (Once while he was champion)

Ares (Vengeance)

Randall Hopkirk

Alex Braun

Freddie Datsun

Raymond Diaz (Stolen just after he won my title)

Dark Angel (x2)

Human Arsenal (x2)

Piston Pete Hall

Sam Pratt

Johnny Bloodstone

Remo (I built from nothing to my biggest star and he ran off just before he was meant to get the belt)

Sammy Bach (x2)

Jack DeColt

Grandmaster Phunk


Chance Fortune

William Hayes

Joss Thompson

Edd Stone



And also signed Joel Bryant to a written (he was on p.p.a) when he was my champion.

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I'm thinking of making a stable similar to Orton's Legacy, but on a much larger scale, and they come in to say SWF and interfere in matches, and beat down the competitors. They feel due to their heritage they deserve the spotlight, and no one else, the storyline could start off with Richard Eisen being laid out backstage in a pool of blood and having to be taken out on a stretcher, leaving SWF without anyone to run things, but no one is shown who takes out Richard.


During that event's main event match,


Matthew Keith, Greg Gauge (Renamed Greg Keith), Ash Campbell, Luis Montero Jr., Gino Montero, Jay Chord, Cameron Vessey and Hollywood Bret Starr hit the ring, followed by Lisa Bowen, who will be the manager of every single one of them, I hope I don't get any bad chemistry.... xD


They proceed to over-power whoever is in the main event due to outnumbering the two established superstars 8-to-2.


They then take credit for taking out Richard Eisen, and they say they are taking over. Then at the PPV, they have a 5-on-5 tag team match, which is led by Eric Eisen under the guise of wanting revenge and consisting of various SWF stars, including the two in the main event that were taken out during the stable's TV debut, but it turns out Eric was the mastermind all along, and turns on team SWF, becoming the leader of the Stable. Jay Chord wins the SWF North American title during the PPV, and The Keiths win the SWF World Tag Team titles. The other 5 being the ones in the 5-on-5 tag team match.


This is, if I start the SWF game I've been wanting to start for the longest time, lol.... I start one, get a few months in and then stop, as I run out of things to do.


Maybe it'd work better and be more of a shocker if Eric turned face, and it was Jerry Eisen being the mastermind? Er, looking at his skills, Jerry has a 10 in heel, so I dunno if that would work out very well...


Make it Faith that turns :p.


The Young Faithful. Sounds like a heel stable to me.

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Using the "Montreal Aftermath" by Genadi playing as OMEGA where I'm now in January 1999. WWF just got a new World Champion on their second show, WWF RUMBLE, Ken Shamrock! This was on Sunday week 4 and at the same night he retained against Faarooq at Royal Rumble, Faarooq also won the Rumble.
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First event by my 0/0/0/0 promotion in the '77 C-Verse mod. Yes it's called Awesome Max Wrestling (I like the logo), and yes it will be better than the AMW. :p


Gotta love 'Handsome' Tommy Handell :D


Was the word "Awesome" even around in 1977?

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The word "awesome" goes back to the about the 16th century. So yes, it would have been around in 1977... :-)


I think he meant was it around in the context Awesome Max uses it. In which case, I'm not so sure it was either. Of course, I'm also not old enough to have given thought to word etymologies in the late 70's. I was too busy just trying to figure out what stuff meant to start with.

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Copied and pasted from the Local Fed discussion, as it's my current game, and this is what it going on, haha.



Over the last year, 2012-2013, with only one event a month, I've got Bear Bekowski from 4 popularity in the North West USA to 65. He won the 2012 King Of The West Invitational, and then my World title the following month. June, which was when the tournament for the King of the West took place, he jumped from 18-38 popularity.


The Big Problem walked out on me in anger after I jobbed him out trying to steal his overness, which sits at 62 in North West, where I run my shows.


He was useless anyways, with his low stamina, both Bear Bekowski and Larry Wood are way better for abusing menace, as they can go ~20+ minutes, and not get tired, due to their high stamina, not to mention they can actually pull decent match ratings (My product is equally based on pop and performance) It's nice to be able to have Wood and Bekowski be useful Main Eventers, as my main events go 15-30minutes.


Bear managed a 45 rating with Paradox... who has 10 pop in my area, pretty sure it was a 1minute squash, lol





Time to begin 2013.


I wonder if I should push The Pilgrim to the moon, I just turned him Heel, and he's currently the holder of my midcard title, the Internet Championship. He's actually a 3-time Champion over the course of the 2 years I've been running. No champion has held their title for a full year yet, I'm thinking of making him the first to do so, and then maybe hold it a second year running, before winning my main event tournament title in June 2015, if he's still with me at that time.


Yea, I think I will do that, open each event with him issuing an Open challenge for his title, and he won't drop it for 2+ years, I think I will even get people on one-off appearances, and if they impress in the match rating, shortlist em for possible more permanent employment in the future.


Eh, I need *someone* to push other than American Patriot, Bear Bekowski and Larry Wood. ;)



EDIT: OMG, Bear Bekowski and Larry Wood have "pretty good" chemistry when fighting eachother. They just got a 74 rating for my main event, and I'm only drawing 277 people. This is the third positive chemistry Bear has. Good Chemistry when fighting Larry Wood, Great Chemistry when fighting my user char, and Pretty Good when being managed by Haley Buck.

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Okay. After several days of stalling and being distracting it's time for me to update things in the IWL.


I'm into April of 2012 and some things have been shaken up. Aleksander Knyazev won my world title from Bob Casey at the end of February. Casey had successfully defended 35 times to that point. Don't think Knyazev is getting that far though. He's already feuding with Klaus Blut (Herman The German) who I intend to take from worst to first if you will. Charter jobber to world title holder. Plus Knyazev has picked up a contract with UEW and considers them his higher priority. Shouldn't be an issue as we hold shows on different days. But it's the principle of the thing.


I've also been getting notes about freshening characters. Most notably with Bob Casey, Quick Kick Nakao and my user character, Mystery Mask. Casey's been regimmicked as a Fan's Own face while Nakao turned is now feuding with Casey. There was a big four way for Knyazev's first feud and Nakao turned in anger at the end of the match. In Nakao's mind, Casey is what came in between him and defeating Knyazev for the belt. So now they are spinning the wheel to make the deal. Haven't done anything with Mystery Mask but I'm thinking I'll eventually turn him heel too. Being the UC, he doesn't matter as much creatively.


The British Bothers (Minor Annoyance and Wade Orson) still hold the tag titles and are currently in a catch all feud with the whole four team division. But after the big four way, that attention's going to get focused more on Island Ink (Donte Dunn and Zack Inkling). Which team will ultimately end up champs after that I haven't decided yet. Will probably see how the storyline heat goes and decide accordingly.


But the biggest news is probably on the business side. Attendances have grown so I can regularly expect to get 500+ fans in for a show. So I've left my former base venue, the gay bar Club X, for the much larger Portland Center. Max capacity up from 300 to 1,000. And despite this jump in arena size, I made a $6600 profit in March. My largest to date. I figure I'm nearing Regional as my Popularity's been at E+ since December. And I have no plans of try to rush to Cult once I hit Regional. A rush to further growth once I hit Regional doesn't jibe with my purpose as a training fed.

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Where in that gay bar at club x? Like what game area.


Already been answered but the Northwest. I like to put my training feds in places that are underserved in the game world. And I've been playing to it with both Hartley Valentine and Ben Williams having been playing amibiguously gay faces. I am more a proving ground than a profit-minded promotion. So I can afford to take those kind of risks.

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Already been answered but the Northwest. I like to put my training feds in places that are underserved in the game world. And I've been playing to it with both Hartley Valentine and Ben Williams having been playing amibiguously gay faces. I am more a proving ground than a profit-minded promotion. So I can afford to take those kind of risks.


I've been running shows from Club X, I never did any gay gimmicks though.


Why would they be faces though? You'd think any club regulars would be offended by pro wrestling pretending to be gay. But I have no idea.


I too am almost Regional I think, maybe another year or so. I've been making a nice profit every month for years now, ever since my sponsorship money per month jumped to ~$16,000. Averaging out my monthly profit for the last 11 months... I've made $5438 per month on average. Highest profit being $7966, lowest being last month at $1028.




Here's my roster as of June 2013 (I started my fed in Jan 2011.) Heels in Red, Faces in Blue.




King Of The West Invitational 2012 Winner: Bear Bekowski

WCW World Champion: Bear Bekowski

WCW Internet Champion: The Pilgrim (3-Time Champion)

WCW World Tag Team Champions: Regular Joe & Nigel Svensson

WCW Women's Champion: Power Girl (2-Time Champion)





American Patriot

Bear Bekowski

Larry Wood

Matthew Keith



Mr. Lucha III

Nigel Svensson

Robert Matthews (User Character)

The Pilgrim




Ash Campbell

David Foster (Randomly generated, turned off random generation recently.)


Regular Joe




Ashton Barnaby (Renamed Paradox)

Mark Smart





Cal Sanders




Amber Allen

Olivia Diamond

Power Girl

Thea Davis



Haley Buck

Jemma Griffiths

Kali Fornia







I am about to book my King of the West tournament show now, I'm going to have American Patriot vs Matthew Keith be the final. Last year Bear Bekowski won it to break out from the midcard, this year American Patriot will most likely win, as he's been with me for quite awhile now, and he deserves it.


Next year, The Pilgrim will win, to hopefully break out into the main event, after holding the Internet title until then, becoming the longest running champion in my company's history.

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Already been answered but the Northwest. I like to put my training feds in places that are underserved in the game world. And I've been playing to it with both Hartley Valentine and Ben Williams having been playing amibiguously gay faces. I am more a proving ground than a profit-minded promotion. So I can afford to take those kind of risks.


I'm TCW but I play to have fun. If I need more money I go into the editor and give me more money. I'm thinking of doing a charity event (Where I make an event and give it a name like American Cross and TCW Presents Fight for a life. Or something corny like that.. I don't know just for fun... I guess) But I'm think I'm gonna it in Club X for some reason.

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I'm TCW but I play to have fun. If I need more money I go into the editor and give me more money. I'm thinking of doing a charity event (Where I make an event and give it a name like American Cross and TCW Presents Fight for a life. Or something corny like that.. I don't know just for fun... I guess) But I'm think I'm gonna it in Club X for some reason.


So you're going to do a charity event in a venue where you fit 300 people max, using a company that can draw 100x that much.... real good profit for charity right there. :p


Also, part of the fun for me is managing my money. I can't afford to use my entire roster, well I probably can... but I'm trying to make as much as I can, so I have a bank for when I make the jump to Cult, while also trying to not come in last for the regional battle, I've been getting 2nd for months now, then I got last again on the month of my *best* show yet.... I guess CZCW and AAA, moreso AAA pulled all the stops that month, CZCW always wins by a long shot, but for AAA to beat my 66 rated show with a 68 made me go, :mad::mad::mad: they usually don't get more than 50s.

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I've been running shows from Club X, I never did any gay gimmicks though.


Why would they be faces though? You'd think any club regulars would be offended by pro wrestling pretending to be gay. But I have no idea.



Well, the simple answer is because it's a game and I can make them be. But the way I was looking at it is I was catering to the club regulars by giving them characters similar to themselves to root for. Both men have high gimmick ratings. Valentine's is a B- and Ben Williams has an A for his take on it. So I like to think that's worked for me.

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