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What's going on in your game?

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I like my games having some major storyline to follow as it means I can plot it out to the finest detail which for some people may sound stupid but for me its how I get some games to go over a year.


My Last Game that went to any length was concieved with the storyline that straight after winning the gold Eric Eisen began getting encrypted messages; much like Jack Bruce did from Eisen. After Eisen passes it off as it being Bruce, the messages begin to get more and more dangerous as Eisen is nearly ran over when fighting Bruce in the parking lot, making Eisen realizes that Bruce can't have been responsible as he would work alone to get revenge on Eisen. This leads him to Rich Money who is instantly out of the frame when shown to be backstage with Remo hanging out.


Eisen then begins to get more and more broken until Supreme Challenge where after successfully defeating Big Cat Brandon (who himself turned face by leaving Emma Chase) he becomes confronted with the face of the person behind his messages as out walks onto the stage Sam Keith with his advisors to the project Nemesis and Phil Vibert.


The way the storyline went was at the start of the game I made myself owner to be able to bring in Nemesis, then edited the head booker position and some of the bio's for CGC to make Jack DeColt head booker. That way left Vibert up for grabs a few months in (didn't even need to edit his contract. Was quite happy, same with Sam Keith)


The way the storyline then went was to have the three men talk about how the SWF ruined their lives by taking away their paychecks and trying to ruin their careers and by getting to Eric Eisen and the SWF they could take away two of Richard Eisen's 3 most important things, but taking number 3 would already be achieved as then the cameras backstage show Jerry Eisen bound, gagged and bleeding. This was the way in which Jerry was wrote out as I felt there was room for improvement for him and as the game ended he was still 'teaching' down in RIPW.


Eisen then faced off with Keith over the coming months it being revealed that through Keith, Vibert and Nemesis' 'career earnings' they bought into SWF and got themselves onto the roster (all in storyline of course). The three men remained faces throughout as it was seen as the Eisen's getting their payback for all they had done, culminating in Keith beating Eric for possesion of the SWF World Title and his fathers stake in the company, all but writing out all three Eisen's in one night and all three leaving the company (well they would have if the laptop hadn't crashed a week later losing the game)


Since then I've been stuck for a game;


I'm either thinking of


* Sending Edd Stone back to Canada as a member of CGC, almost being the Steve DeColt of the Stone's and taking their main belt on the first night.


* Having Edd become owner of 4C after his father buys them as a gift to end their bad blood. Book it from Edd's best friend and head booker's perspective and have Edd really unleash his weird, crazy world on 4C, eventually making them a challenge to his familys company again and restarting the feud.




* Having Rick Law being poached by CGC who then declare war on TCW as they get a US TV deal and say that they are looking to become the Capital Golden Combat and look to become the biggest company in North America.


This always happens around X-Mas where I have 2-3 weeks off and can't get a game going to pass my times.


Any ideas from anyone as to a game I could start in TEW would be great, I'm really struggling for ideas.


(On a side note I've also began booking Stone's finishers as Kenny Omega with the Croyt's Wrath after setting up with the EX Hadouken, quite fun :) )


Why not book a SWF game again? That was your most fun game you said. Might as well do it again. Do it differently though.

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Any ideas from anyone as to a game I could start in TEW would be great, I'm really struggling for ideas.


Rather than settling on a certain promotion and finding stories to tell, try the opposite approach. If you don't have ideas you already want to try, why not think of your favorite real world storylines. Can be big ones (NWO, Legacy, etc) or individual feuds (maybe Hogan-Andre WM3, or Hogan-DiBiase-Andre, etc). Adapt the storyline to fit a C-verse promotion. It won't fit exactly, obviously. But you can make it work. Maybe its signing up Minnesota, Golden, and Law to have an NWO style invasion, or having some former DAVE talent come in and form a DAVE stable. Whatever works. Edit if you need to edit to make it work (pre-game or in-game). Just have fun with it.

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Rather than settling on a certain promotion and finding stories to tell, try the opposite approach. If you don't have ideas you already want to try, why not think of your favorite real world storylines. Can be big ones (NWO, Legacy, etc) or individual feuds (maybe Hogan-Andre WM3, or Hogan-DiBiase-Andre, etc). Adapt the storyline to fit a C-verse promotion. It won't fit exactly, obviously. But you can make it work. Maybe its signing up Minnesota, Golden, and Law to have an NWO style invasion, or having some former DAVE talent come in and form a DAVE stable. Whatever works. Edit if you need to edit to make it work (pre-game or in-game). Just have fun with it.


Cheers BP, never thought of trying that to that extent before :)

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An idea I think would be cool would be a Hart Foundation in the CVerse kind of thing. Be either TCW or SWF and have either the DeColts come over or the Stones come over. Then build them up to be stars doing a USA vs Canada kind of thing. With the Canadians being dissappointed that the US has lesser morals than the Canadians. I think it would be fun.
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Cheers BP, never thought of trying that to that extent before :)


No problem. I find its more of a starting point than anything. Most times I've tried it, the story ends up evolving into something unique after a time anyway. Adding in different characters changes the dynamic or you think of a new direction to take things. But it gives you a starting point, so you aren't starting up a new game, looking at the promotion, and then thinking "what now?"

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Current TNA Game Year 2012


My Main Event roster has been rocked for the last 2 months. I first lost Matt Hardy in June and then a month later I lost Jeff Hardy and Kurt Angle. At the same time I lost Lita and Stacy Keibler. They all went to WWE :(


Damn you Dixie Carter for not allowing me to resign them due to money issues :(


The Hardyz were in a huge storyline with Chris Sabin and Alex Shelly. That had been going on for about 7 months. I was going to end their feud next month and turn Sabin and Shelly face and The Hardyz heel. Not really sure what to do with Sabin and Shelly now :(


Sting retired 4 months ago which was a small blow because I was using him to get the younger guys over.


Ken Anderson's contract is up next month. I'm hoping that Dixie will let me negotiate a higher pay increase with him so he will stay. Cause if he goes I will only have Samoa Joe, AJ Styles and Carlito Colon in my Main Even scene! YIKES!


DAMMIT! I just lost Anderson! Wow, I just can't catch a break. Dixie has a $20,000 cap on contracts. Impacts ratings were usually in the range from 2.30 to 2.40 when I had Angle and the Hardyz. After that the ratings started dropping and now then stabilized at around 2.00. A week after losing Anderson Impacts rating dropped to 1.90. This is the worst rating it's gotten in over a year! I hope it doesn't fall more next week :(


Now I just have Somoa Joe, Styles, and Carlito heading the Main Event Scene. I've got Matt Morgan and Jay Lethal as Uppers but I just can't get them to the next level.


My Knockouts division just took a hit too... Sarita the KO Champ was just injured and won't be back for 3 months! GRRRRRRR!

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DAMMIT! I just lost Anderson! Wow, I just can't catch a break. Dixie has a $20,000 cap on contracts. Impacts ratings were usually in the range from 2.30 to 2.40 when I had Angle and the Hardyz. After that the ratings started dropping and now then stabilized at around 2.00. A week after losing Anderson Impacts rating dropped to 1.90. This is the worst rating it's gotten in over a year! I hope it doesn't fall more next week :(


Now I just have Somoa Joe, Styles, and Carlito heading the Main Event Scene. I've got Matt Morgan and Jay Lethal as Uppers but I just can't get them to the next level.


My Knockouts division just took a hit too... Sarita the KO Champ was just injured and won't be back for 3 months! GRRRRRRR!


That my friends is why TEW is great! You now have new challenges. Your game sounds like a lot of fun.

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DAMMIT! I just lost Anderson! Wow, I just can't catch a break. Dixie has a $20,000 cap on contracts. Impacts ratings were usually in the range from 2.30 to 2.40 when I had Angle and the Hardyz. After that the ratings started dropping and now then stabilized at around 2.00. A week after losing Anderson Impacts rating dropped to 1.90. This is the worst rating it's gotten in over a year! I hope it doesn't fall more next week :(


Now I just have Somoa Joe, Styles, and Carlito heading the Main Event Scene. I've got Matt Morgan and Jay Lethal as Uppers but I just can't get them to the next level.


My Knockouts division just took a hit too... Sarita the KO Champ was just injured and won't be back for 3 months! GRRRRRRR!


That my friends is why TEW is great! You now have new challenges. Your game sounds like a lot of fun.

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DAMMIT! I just lost Anderson! Wow, I just can't catch a break. Dixie has a $20,000 cap on contracts. Impacts ratings were usually in the range from 2.30 to 2.40 when I had Angle and the Hardyz. After that the ratings started dropping and now then stabilized at around 2.00. A week after losing Anderson Impacts rating dropped to 1.90. This is the worst rating it's gotten in over a year! I hope it doesn't fall more next week :(


Now I just have Somoa Joe, Styles, and Carlito heading the Main Event Scene. I've got Matt Morgan and Jay Lethal as Uppers but I just can't get them to the next level.


My Knockouts division just took a hit too... Sarita the KO Champ was just injured and won't be back for 3 months! GRRRRRRR!


This game of yours interests me :) , if I were you I'd have Matt Morgan dominate a few lower talents until he rises up the card. Who's your World Champion now??


In my current game I am playing as HGC and just hit September of 1997, I had Sam Strong as my champ for six months until he lost it to Rip Chord in the feud I had planned since the beginning of my game, i'm going to have the blow off match in a steel cell this month. I 'cheated' and signed Tommy Cornell from SWF (considering what happens later in the c-verse I thought it was justified), he got a win over Dread in his debut match and is now an upper midcard and after I finish this storyline with Dread I'm going to put him in another feud with a main eventer and then hopefully he'll be ready to take the belt from Rip Chord. Dan Stone Jr is another main eventer who was an upper midcarder for a few months but I just had him rise up the card with a win over BLZ Bubb, I plan on an eventual Tommy Cornell (will turn heel) v Dan Stone Jr feud for the World Title, that will be the feud of all feuds!

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I've started a new game again with the New Power database and I'm in control of WWE. I've just completed Elimination Chamber and I'm in the run up to Wrestlemania 26. Edge returned at and won the Royal Rumble and Chris Jericho won the World Heavyweight Championship at Elimination Chamber. While Edge was out injured I had Jericho on Smackdown each week taunting Edge. Once Edge returned and won the Rumble and Jericho won the WHC I had Edge decide he was facing Jericho at Wrestlemania.


Sheamus has held the WWE Championship since November and he defeated John Cena at the Royal Rumble and retained in the Elimination Chamber. The night following EC Sheamus openly challanged aybody to take him on for his WWE Championship at Wrestlemania and Triple H answered.


I'm running an angle at the minute where Jack Swagger (who was lower midcard at the time of the Rumble) eliminated Shawn Michaels and then bragged about it and attacked Michaels after a match the next week on Raw. This has led to Michaels doubting himself and challanging Swagger to a match at Wrestlemania. I've had Swagger win a few squash matches using domination and he is now around Upper Midcard on the cusp of Main Event.


I've re-hired Brock Lesnar on Smackdown and he's going against The Undertaker at 'Mania.


Other feuds leading into 'Mania are:

Bryan Danielson vs CM Punk - Using their history in ROH to fuel this one.

Legacy (Tag Team Champions) vs Motor City Machine Guns (who I poached from TNA)

Christian (ECW Champion) vs William Regal in Regal's last shot at the championship


I'm also debating who to have in the Money in the Bank match. There's the usual suspects of The Miz (US champ), Drew McIntyre (IC champ), John Morrison, Kofi Kingston, Kane (who I can't seem to find anybody to feud with at the minute), Carlito, Dolph Ziggler, Evan Bourne, Matt Hardy, MVP, Rey Mysterio, Zack Ryder and Yoshi Tatsu. Trying to whittle these down to six is proving to be difficult as I don't know who could work well in the main event scene apart from the obvious.

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This game of yours interests me , if I were you I'd have Matt Morgan dominate a few lower talents until he rises up the card. Who's your World Champion now??


My current World Champion is Carlito...which just isn't working for me. He just isn't a huge star in my eyes.


I've pushed the hell out of Matt Morgan and I've tried everything and he just can't seem to jump up to ME status.


shroom_v1, interesting game you've got there. I would feud Dolph Ziggler or maybe Evan Bourne with Kane. I'm a huge fan of Bourne so push that guy to the moon!

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I was excited to see 2 pending decisions in my TCW game last night. They were from Duane Stone currently employed by BHOTWG, and Peter Michaels the lead announcer for the SWF. Neither man would sign with me because they had more lucrative deals with bigger companies.


This saddens me and really makes me want to destroy both of those companies.

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From my long term USPW game:


(Note, I’ve been playing as owner, thus allowing me to tweak the product a bit, although I still maintain Sam Strong as the on-screen “owner” of USPW)


The back-story is that Alicia has secretly been dating world champion Troy Tornado, who Sam considers to be a degenerate and the opposite of what wrestling should be about. Sam, who suspected but could not prove it, became paranoid and over protective of his “little girl”. Eventually, he manages to find out what’s going on, and sets out to destroy Troy. During this time, be becomes increasingly unstable, often flying off in fits of rage over insignificant things. He eventually books him in a handicap match against Savage Fury.


The ref calls for the bell after the interference of Remo. Troy is down on the canvas, suffering a three on one beat down. As the ref continues to call for the bell, Sam Strong walks out from the back. He is heavily limping, leaning on his bamboo cane, still suffering the effects of his recent knee surgery.


As Sam enters the ring, he signals for Savage Fury to pick Troy Tornado off the mat. After screaming in Troy’s face, Sam orders Savage Fury to rip off Troy’s shirt and handcuff him face down against the turnbuckle. After once again getting in Troy’s face, he orders Savage Fury and Remo out of the ring, to stand guard against interference. He then begins to strike Troy across the back and shoulders with the bamboo cane. After the third strike, welts begin to form on Troy’s back. By the fifth, he is bleeding. By the tenth, the blood is running down his back, pooling on the mat below him.


Several wrestlers come out to try and aid Troy, but are stopped by Savage Fury and Remo. A brawl ensues, during which Alicia Strong is able to sneak by and slide into the ring. She puts herself between Sam and Troy, demanding to know what Sam was thinking. Sam simply stares at her and says nothing, and after a moment Alicia turns her back on him. She walks over to Troy, now unconscious from the pain, and leans over, trying to undo the handcuffs.


Seeing this, rage begins to build in Sam, and he snaps completely. He swings his cane hard, catching Alicia across the shoulders and the back of the necks, knocking her out instantly. Heaving with rage, he strikes Troy two more times, shattering the cane in the process.


The final scene of the show is shot from a low angle, close to the mat. We see Alicia’s unconscious form in the foreground, the shattered cane and a bloody Troy Tornado in the middle, and the back of Sam Strong as he, Remo, and Savage Fury depart in the background.


The plan is to have Troy out of action for a couple weeks, leading Sam stripping him of the title and giving it to Remo. Troy and Remo will eventually face off over the title, but Sam will find ways to screw Troy out of winning.


The heel turn for Sam is part of my plan to faze him out of the spotlight. My intent is to have him keep getting crazier and crazier, until the USPW Board of Directors force him to take a hiatus. This will leave a power vacuum, which will lead to the introduction of my user character as the new “Managing Director” of USPW. That character’s back-story is that he works for the State Athletic Commission, and abhors violence and indecency. Think early Bill Alfanso combined with Cyrus and Stevie Richards during his Right to Censor days.

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My current World Champion is Carlito...which just isn't working for me. He just isn't a huge star in my eyes.


I've pushed the hell out of Matt Morgan and I've tried everything and he just can't seem to jump up to ME status.


shroom_v1, interesting game you've got there. I would feud Dolph Ziggler or maybe Evan Bourne with Kane. I'm a huge fan of Bourne so push that guy to the moon!


Have you turned him heel (I think it works better as a heel tho I'm not sure) and used the domination road agent note in his matches?? He should go up heaps in popularity, that's what I do with my monsters in my games and then I usually have an up and coming face beat them but just build up their popularity so they can do it all over again.

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Running my test SWF-no-decided-winners game while I don't have access to the internet on the lappy. What was interesting...oh! Eric Eisen was in a 100 rated promo talking about Gregory Black (who he faced in the ME defending his title).


And Joe Sexy won't lose his dang belt. Did I make it floating? Hope so; he's ME now.

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1. My room gets stolen wireless. BEDTIME DIARY?


2. Jack Bruce went 60 minutes :confused:




4. Hopes your username is a vague "Freaxxx" reference.


5. Got Jeff Nova and Jeremy Stone mixed up again when they won awards the same day on the main page. Grrrrr

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In my current NOTBPW game in December 2013, The Natural (I am using him as Damian Mercury) is my number one guy and his contract is coming up soon. When I went to negotiate with him he didn't wanted more than what I was offering him so I increased the offer to $3,500 and Victoria Stone blocked me from making the offer. I could go to $3,000 but no higher but the thing is why in the hell would she be against me resigning him since he is my number one guy in the company. I wish you could turn off the owner blocks in the game so that that sort of thing didn't happen.
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In my current NOTBPW game in December 2013, The Natural (I am using him as Damian Mercury) is my number one guy and his contract is coming up soon. When I went to negotiate with him he didn't wanted more than what I was offering him so I increased the offer to $3,500 and Victoria Stone blocked me from making the offer. I could go to $3,000 but no higher but the thing is why in the hell would she be against me resigning him since he is my number one guy in the company. I wish you could turn off the owner blocks in the game so that that sort of thing didn't happen.


Yeah, that's really annoying and IMO not very realistic, for example I have no doubt that WWE would be sure to resign John Cena regardless of how much money he wants.

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Yeah I totally agree. It normally doesn't make me that mad but considering the fact that I did all the work to build Damian Mercury (The Natural) up makes me really mad (even though you don't have to build him up to much because he starts the game as an Upper Mid Carder). Plus the fact that he was going to be the guy to defeat Sean McFly for the NOTBPW Canadian Championship really annoys me to no end.
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Yeah, that's really annoying and IMO not very realistic, for example I have no doubt that WWE would be sure to resign John Cena regardless of how much money he wants.


I would agree with you if you were playing a real world mod and Vince wouldn't let you resign Cena because he has gotten to a point where he's not just the face of the biggest wrestling promotion in the world, but he's well known by non wrestling fans too and that means big money for Vince so he wouldn't want to let him go. I bet if someone held a poll asking non wrestling fans which wrestlers they've heard of, John Cena would be near the top alongside guys like Austin, Hogan, Rocky, Taker etc


This is not the case with The Natural and Cult sized NOTPW, though so I can totally understand why Victoria Stone would want to put a price limit on the contract of someone who can easily be replaced. The only case where I think it's unrealistic is when the limit on the contracts of guys like Jeremy and Dan Stone is less than half of price that they are on at the beginning of the game.


Speaking of NOTPW, I attempted to sign Catherine Quine to a written deal in my NOTPW game and refused because she was head booker of AAA, so I just signed her to a PPA but the strange thing is... she left AAA 12 days later to join NOTPW. Is that supposed to happen?

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