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Hey Logan is your WCW game still going?


In my FCW game again after about two monthes Rich Money was removed as head booker of SWF this time not because he was doing a bad job but because his contract was up and they didn't renew it. I will keep you posted as to who takes the job next.


Edit: Eric Eisen took the job as Head booker of SWF I wonder how long he will last because it seems like SWF are replacing their head booker all the time.

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In my APW game that I've been playing, I've almost finished out the first year, and things are really going suprisingly well. Swoop McCarthy was offered a contract by RAW, but turned them down. :) And Big Daddy Horne was going to get a small push before jobbing his popularity out, but he's managed to catch on with the crowd (kinda) and had a pretty good (52, still in our top 10 matches at #8) match with Swoop, and another solid one (43) with Nathan McKenzie. I think if I felt like megapushing him, I probably could, but I have so many other plans with the Commonwealth title that I can't get him to it for another year at least. Plus, if I want to monster push a guy, McKenzie could get so much further over...
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Just completed year seven of my FCW game so here is an update.


January 2017 with $1,763,737 in the bank.




FCW Puerto Rican: Ford Gumble


FCW Peoples Champion: Antonio Del Veccio


FCW Tag Team: 937IB Express (Ox Mastadon and King Kong Kennedy)

Previous Holders: Natural Storm: DC Rayne and Eddie Howard

Reign lasted between October 2012 - March 2016


Note: Both Ford and Antonio kept their titles throughout 2016 as I really didn't feel a need to have them change. The Titles will probably change hands sometime in 2017 I just haven't figured out to who yet.




Shawn Gonzalez vs. Ford Gumble ©

Standard Singles Feud v3

FCW Puerto Rican Championship Feud


Matty Faith vs. Puerto Rican Power

Standard Singles Feud v2


Here is the card for my first event of 2017 titled FCW FREEDOM Fighters


Billy Jack Shearer vs. Al The Hillbilly


The Latino Kings: Hector Galindo and Rudy Velasquez


The 937 IB Express: King Kong Kennedy and Ox Mastadon ©

FCW Tag Team Championship Match


Handsome Stranger vs. Antonio Del Veccio ©

FCW Peoples Championship Match


Calvin Dark vs. Matt Hocking


Puerto Rican Power vs. Ford Gumble ©

FCW Puerto Rican Championship Match


Matty Faith vs. Shawn Gonzalez

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I just did a test run with something and I think I'm going to hit the "undo" button (as I copied the game before I went and tested)


Basically, I was worried about stalling out with my current fed. I created a promotion called IWC when I first started the game and took it over as a 0/0/0 fed in the Great Lakes region.


The problem I've been running into is I'm now in a regional battle with 2promotions that are totally outclassing me. Basically it's stopping me from growing. Maybe I'm doing something wrong, but we're making money so I don't really care about that so much. This has been a real "learning experience" game anyway.


So anyway, after months of being stuck at a certain level and having what appears to be the wrong guy in possession of our top belt I decided to bail on the promotion and start fresh again. I imported another fed and changed the stats to 0/0/0.


Basically did a takeover of it and I hired everyone I could easily identify (to make a reasonably sized roster) on the most recent American Independent show.


I've learned a good deal from that experience I think, because watching IWC over the last 3-4 months of gameplay I discovered that it's got to be something I'm doing wrong. They fired like half of my roster and replaced them...which I hated. I re-picked up Joey Beauchamp and Fearless Blue (who were one of my Tag Teams) and shoved them into the tag division. (They fired The Tic!!! The NERVE of those people!)


Anyway...I think it was a failed experiment, but it has revitalized my interest in the other game. No effing way should they have fired my entire undercard! It was not "Andy" Paradox and Ben Williams fault that we were putting on crappy main events that hurt the total show rating.


I'm most certainly going to be re-doing some different things now and expanding my horizons. Starting with removing the title from Hell's Bouncer and putting it on Canadian Dragon.

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Hey Logan is your WCW game still going?


Slowly but surely it continues. It takes a lot of planning to put together each show now-a-days so it hasn't been as steady lately. It's in July 2022 and WCW is still the dominant monopolizer of professional wrestling.

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Slowly but surely it continues. It takes a lot of planning to put together each show now-a-days so it hasn't been as steady lately. It's in July 2022 and WCW is still the dominant monopolizer of professional wrestling.


Have you considered uploading the game save or doing a diary on it?

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Have you considered uploading the game save or doing a diary on it?


I've uploaded it in the past, but I haven't had a chance to release the save game the way I wanted to (with back story information and whatnot) recently. I've actually been contemplating starting a diary for people to follow along with. I'd have to give a TON of previous information for the 12.5 years I've already done. I'd need to condense it so that it doesn't bore the heck out of people, but there's surely enough information for people to look at.


I'd love to show people the constant power-struggle that I (Logan Rodzen) have with Jay Chord (the owner).

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I've uploaded it in the past, but I haven't had a chance to release the save game the way I wanted to (with back story information and whatnot) recently. I've actually been contemplating starting a diary for people to follow along with. I'd have to give a TON of previous information for the 12.5 years I've already done. I'd need to condense it so that it doesn't bore the heck out of people, but there's surely enough information for people to look at.


I'd love to show people the constant power-struggle that I (Logan Rodzen) have with Jay Chord (the owner).


Out of curiousity, I assume if you wanted to at this point you could start your own promotion.


Have you ever contemplated doing a copy of your game and doing a "what-if" scenario?


I recently did that with one of my games and it put a LOT of stuff into perspective re: what I needed to be doing differently. Plus, you may decide to run with the idea...go to war with MAW and steal all of your talent back :)

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Out of curiousity, I assume if you wanted to at this point you could start your own promotion.


Have you ever contemplated doing a copy of your game and doing a "what-if" scenario?


I recently did that with one of my games and it put a LOT of stuff into perspective re: what I needed to be doing differently. Plus, you may decide to run with the idea...go to war with MAW and steal all of your talent back :)


It's funny you mention you this because I have done a few simulated scenarios. One of them has me completely resigning as head booker and then simulating for a year or two... just to see where they would go and what would happen under Chord's AI direction. They went from nonstop A-rated shows with me to B-rated shows with other workers in my position.


I recently started a game where I simulated until July 2024 (two years exactly from when I left WCW/MAW). I opened a Cult-sized NWA promotion (using the Easy difficulty to simulate my bookers obvious wealth and respect / reputation over the past 12.5 years). I played around with the Editor to up them to National (so that we could do written deals) without even running a show for a month. Other then starting it I haven't played that very much. But it's a really interesting situation considering there's one unemployed worker would could be very useful for an upstart BIG promotion.


97 (A*) popularity throughout the USA for Jack Bruce (51 years old and unemployed). Can one man carry a promotion?! Before you wonder what's going on here - it's actually simple. Bruce and Tommy Cornell have a Strong Dislike friendship (I saw it during a radio show news story) and he's been working for TCW for the past few years (since SWF's demise). Apparently Cornell felt he was expendable at his age and that nobody would be able to afford him. :p

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I guess it's time to fire up the ol' WCW game and see if I can throw myself back into it.


At first glance I see one of my most recent signings (before stopping) was James Diaz (stealing him from BHOTWG with a big contract). For those who aren't aware (either due to not knowing the CVerse well enough or not playing for an extended period of time) James is the son of Raymond Diaz (he works as a Road Agent for WCW now at the age of 45) whose an American who made his name in Japan with PGHW. James was destined to follow in his fathers footsteps, but being able to sign his dad made it a possibility to grab him.


It's Monday, Week 3, July 2022 exactly. By looking at the past TV shows for the month (Mayhem, Takeover, and Stempede) I can instantly tell what my primary feuds were...

  • Jay Chord © and Sylvester Weatherfield over the WCW World Heavyweight Championship on Monday Night Mayhem.
  • Gregory Black © and Charger over the WCW World Championship on Thursday Night Takeover.
  • Bryan Dread © and Steve DeColt over the WCW Heavyweight Championship on Sunday Night Stampede.


By far the most important feud is Chord / Weatherfield. Mayhem has been the flagship brand for WCW since the very beginning and the World Heavyweight title is nothing to mess around with. That title dates back to the very beginning of MAW. Chord could be considered our Triple H in many ways. Not only is he the owner and champion, but he has the skills to back it up.


For Rocky to become the top babyface I need him to be (as big as American Patriot) he needs to learn from the top guy in the company. He's 24-years old and the future of the company. Now I remember exactly what I had planned for Weatherfield and Patriot. It has to do with some very cool alternative Patriot heel mask pics. :p

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So...here's the most current events from my game (IWC, a 0/0/0 upstart fed in the Great Lakes region)


Hell's Bouncer, whose reign was mediocre at best (totally my fault...only a little bit his), finally gave up the title to Canadian Dragon.


I have HUGE plans for the World Title as it stands...and it is going to be very massive. I've really cleaned up my booking to ensure that only the top dogs, with a few exceptions, are really making waves on a regular basis. I was pretty much simming the matches on a "I don't care who wins" basis and I ended up with crap main events because Hell's Bouncer, try as he might, couldn't get a guy like "Andy" Paranoia over and the show as a reflection of that was horrid.


So my Road Agent, Duncan Kendall, decided to split after his contract was up and work exclusively for FCW. Now my only Road Agent is Leo Davis, who is a retired former tag team champion with Ben Williams (The True Beleivers), and he suuuuuucks...but I feel a sense of obligation with him, so he stays employed anyway.


Keith Vegas decided not to re-sign as well. Thus leaving him in MAW alone. I feel bad about that one because while I like Keith Vegas I never pushed him to his potential. There was a point where I wanted to run a tag team with him and the Tic (they have good chemistry and seemed like they could be an interesting face combo)


So now onto the acquisitions:


Dean Waldorf & Jonnie Perez - I started an offshoot game where I gave up IWC and started a new indy promotion. Perez & Waldorf were (in the 3 shows I booked) my first go-to tag team (I called them High Impact and will continue to do so when they start teaming here). Waldorf & Perez are both quite talented but with diverse skillsets, it will be interesting to see how they fit in on the roster. Thus far I'm mostly using them to help get some of my lesser established guy over. Eventually once they've started settling into the mid-card I'll begin their tag push (at least that's the plan).


Bulldozer Brandon Smith!!! - My favorite guy in the game, hands down...and I don't know why. I think it's because he reminds me of like a hybrid of Bryan Danielson and Samoa Joe. I've already got huge plans for him...I saw in a newswire that he was not being re-signed by TCW and I offered him a contract immediately. It kind of sucks because my roster is now sitting at +1 (my preferred roster size is 26, he puts me at 27) but I feel like his time in IWC will be short anyway. I'm going to push him as hard as I can while I've got him. Sort of thinking of giving him a Morishima as ROH Champion style run...

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It's Friday, Week 3, July 2022 and WCW is gearing up for The Great American Bash! About 77k fans are expected to attend the Thursday Takeover brand-only PPV. Unless I ran it in New York, then I could get about 80k. You have to understand that the Wrestling Industry in the USA is an E+ (rising) and the Economy is a B- (falling). We could easily having over 100k in the Tri State area if the industry was doing better and the economy wasn't slowly getting worse.


I took a look at my recent visibility and see that I haven't traveled to the South West in six weeks (the most out of all North American territories). Therefore I'll be putting the PPV on at the Milne Coliseum (75k). I've never ran a PPV outside of the US and Canada. Maybe I'm afraid "cross the sea" and put on a PPV outside of our realm. I haven't even done a PPV in Mexico over all of these years. One of my goals has been to put on a PPV sell-out in Japan (AT LEAST 30k). Doing that as an American company would be an automatic win. And the fact that BHOTWG is one of our biggest competitors? I have to go for it at some point.


This PPV is being headlined by two big matches. Not only will the WCW World Championship be decided when Gregory Black puts the title on the line against one of the most dominant men in wrestling today, Charger! But a 3 on 3 match including six of the biggest stars on the Takeover brand. That match has Aaron Andrews, Kevin Christopher, and Remo Richardson taking on Swoop McCarthy, Xavi Ferrera, and Ricky DeColt.


Considering the six-man tag match is elimination - whoever is the last man standing for their team will receive a championship match LIVE on TV during Thursday Night Takeover in two weeks. Whether that will be against Black or Charger, nobody knows for certain.

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finally reached National in my USPW game, and i resigned and signed a new deal to become the owner of USPW


Alicia Strong is on air owner with Blood Raven becoming a stalker ever since she has become owner, Steve Frehly is still my most dominat wrestler


and i now have two brands Jeff Nova finally got his wish and there is now USPW American Wrestling and 21st Century Wrestling


Jim Force has gone back to the dark side becoming Jim Fear again, and Runaway Train is now the 21st Century Champion


eventually i'll brand both shows until then its just the one brand, i am pushing wrestlers at the moment and slowly phasing more in

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Just reached Wrestlemania of 2012 in my WWE game and I've just built up the biggest WM card I possibley could have. I'll post the background and then the final card.


The stories...


The Legacy Vs The Briscoes - Following the draft, Ted Dibiase found himself on Smackdown. This father made his return to create the Million Dollar Corporation which involved Cody and Ted reuniting their team, a group which also included Chris Jericho as the Main Event star. Legacy had picked up the championships and following their debut in July of the previous year, The Briscoes of Raw had remained unbeaten. A long term fued with McGillicutty and Otunga of The New Nexus had made their name and leading into Wrestlemania, the youngsters won a tournement to crown the No. 1 contenders. The fued had been simple, but had built up quite a lot of heat as The Million Dollar man tried to "buy off" the contenders.


Money in the Bank - On Raw, Dolph Ziggler looked to show his dominence by taking on Bourne and Morrison in a number of challanges. He had taken them on in handicap matches, one on one matches and on the Raw before Mania, a three man "Money in the Bank" match which entitled the winner to choose one of his opponents to be handcuffed to the ropes for the first ten minutes of the match. Bourne was victourious, choosing Ziggler to be handcuffed. On Smackdown, the team of Gabrial and Slater had their problems as both men wanted to take the remaining place in MITB. Their altercations ended with the break up of their "Corre" tag team which was the only reminence of the Corre group which had broken up the previous year. Kingston and Benjamin looked for constant one-up-manship leading into the biggest opportunity of the year, each trying to find a more innovative way to hurt their opponent.


Del Rio/Mysterio/Sin Caras - Much like the previous year, following his victory at Wrestlemania, Del Rio continued to remove his opponents before having to fight them in a match. Del Rio managed to injure the up and coming Sin Caras in September, placing the high flying superstar in the Cross Armbar. It was Rey Mysterio who came to his aide and the long term fued between Rey and Del Rio continued. Rey cost Del Rio the championship to Edge in November, on the same night that Sin Cara returned to save Rey from the same fate he had suffered months earlier. Mysterio and Cara continued to frustrate Del Rio, joining forces to elminate him from both the Royal Rumble and Elimination Chamber leading to this triple threat match at the biggest show of the year.


Champion Vs Champion - Following Daniel Bryan's rise to the Main Event scene, CM Punk found himself the gate keeper, the fued that proved that Bryan had become better on the mic as well as in the ring. Their match at Survivor Series was named the match of the year and passed the US Title to Punk in turn. Samoa Joe, however, made his debut just one month after the return of Kurt Angle. His reason? Unfinished business with the Olympic Champion. Their fued in WWE was much more brutal than that in TNA, drawing comparisons to the fueds between Angle and Lesnar years ago. Angle was, however, more often than not victorious leaving Joe to focus on Championship gold. He was close to defeating Del Rio before being cost the match by Angle and finally, he caught his first taste of Championship gold by defeating Smackdown's Jack Swagger in December. Punk and Joe met first in the Royal Rumble eliminating one another and fightinh up the ramp; Punk cost Joe his chance in Elimination Chamber, and conversely Joe cost Punk his shot for the World Heavyweight Championship in the same match. In the end, the match was made, Champion Vs Champion in a match not seen for almost ten years.


ShowMiz - Following his loss to John Cena at Wrestlemania, The Miz went on a downward spiral. Losses began to pile up before he was traded to Smackdown in exchange for the returning Chris Jericho in early January. This reunited the team of The Miz and Big Show, and a successful run against Sheamus and Wade Barrett turned The Miz into an instant fan favourite. However, following The Miz's elimination of The Big Show at Wrestlemania, the Giant turned nasty, returning to the ring and eliminating his tag partner before delivering three huge chokeslams on the ramp and one more off the ramp through lighting equipment. The Miz was not seen until two weeks before Mania, returning to cost The Big Show a place in Money in the Bank against Evan Bourne with a Skull Crushing Finale from the top rope. Show instantly accepted a challange for a match at Mania.


Jericho vs Orton - A match that had built for almost 18 months following Randy Orton punting Jericho out of the WWE. Jericho made a shock return at the Royal Rumble, refusing to enter the ring until Orton's number was called. At which point he focused all of his energy on making sure Orton would be removed from the match with force. Jericho willingly and definitively cost HIMSELF the match in order to ensure Orton was eliminated. The same was said at Elimination Chamber with Jericho destroying his own body to hit a top rope Code Breaker to the steel on Orton allowing Triple H to pin both men. Their meeting was booked and Jericho spent the final month before Mania trying to punt Orton in the skull but every time, the assualt was avoided. The Monday before Mania, Orton would have the opportunity to do it again, but refused, making sure Jericho know he would save it for Mania.


The Hall of Fame Vs Sheamus and Wade Barrett - Following a loss at the hands of Daniel Bryan at Wrestlemania, Sheamus was forced to leave Raw. He made his debut on Smackdown destroying every member of the Corre besides Wade Barrett. The run continued until Barrett was convinced a union of the two Europeans may be more beneficial. The Anglo-Celtic Alliance was created and continued to be successful. Following a run of losses against ShowMiz, the the two men began to pick fights with numerous members of the WWE Hall of Fame. They took apart Dusty Rhodes, Jerry Lawler, Jim Ross, Tony Atlas, Pat Patterson, Ricky Steamboat, Sgt Slaughter and Roddy Piper. Despite being on the rival show, following the attack of commentating due Lawler and Ross, Raw General Manager Paul Heyman (revealed in June of 2011) announced that a WWE Hall of Famer would confront the duo at No Way Out. The crowd went wild for the return of Steve Austin who proceeded to run down the young upstarts. His verbal assault was matched only by the physicality of the duo who beat Austin down. The following night on Raw, Austin came back ready for action only to be prevented from entering the arena for his "own good" by Heyman. Austin offered a challange for Wrestlemania for The Anglo-Celtic alliance to face Austin and a fellow Hall of Famer. The alliance accepted, mocking that there wasn't an active hall of famer left to team with Austin. The following week, Austin made his return to Raw to announce his partner. Jerry Lawler returned to commentate, but not to be Austin's partner as did Jim Ross. Roddy Piper returned to tell the youngsters that they didn't keep him down, until finally Austin announced the final inductee to the WWE Hall of Fame class of 2012... "IF YA SMELLLLLL!" boomed through the arena, the crowd went wild, and The Rock and Austin cleaned house. It was signed, seeled, and ready to go for Wrestlemania.


Triple H Vs Shawn Michaels - At Wrestlemania 27, Triple H lost a match against The Undertaker for his career... And refused to retire. He defeated The Deadman in a somewhat dubious rematch at Extreme Rules and then again at Over the Limit "vindicating" his decision to stay active. However, over the next 8 months, Triple H would find himself getting more and more beaten up; still refusing to retire. His heroics would earn him cheers, his body failing him more and more. His best friend Shawn Michaels returned to tell him of the good that has come from retirement but Triple H refused. The cheers suddenly turned to boos as The Game attacked HBK claiming his former best friend was jealous. The attack was hellacious and for the first time in a long time a wrestler was left in a bloody mess. In the build up to Wrestlemania, HBK returned and told Triple H he would finally end The Games career. Triple H asked what HBK had to give, his career was already over and HBK offered the only thing he had left; his Legacy. If HBK lost at Mania, he would be removed from the wrestling archives forever, as if he'd never existed, and would never be mentioned again. The Career Vs Legacy match was made, and made for Wrestlemania.


Cena Vs The Undertaker - Following his victory over The Miz at Wrestlemania, John Cena appeared to be a different man. His battles with The Rock had knocked his status as a fan favourite and his dubious victories in matches with Randy Orton and Triple H in the following months continued the theme. Following the loss of the WWE Championship, Cena snapped, blaming the fans for turning on him. His anger stemmed from a deep seeded jealousy of other superstars who had been cheered no matter what they did. This anger spilt over against The Undertaker, focusing on him leading up to, throughout and after The Royal Rumble. Cena argued that The Undertaker was the personification of evil yet the fans loved him, whereas John Cena broke his neck for them and they booed him. At No Way Out, Cena showed an unbelievable power and strength decimating Kane for ten minutes before sending Kane "straight to hell" with an Attitude Adjustment from the ring into a Casket which was then set on fire. The Undertaker, fearing for his brother, risked injury to open the casket only to find Kane gone before being attacked and locked inside the burning casket himself. The match was announced, John Cena Vs The Undertaker in a Casket match at Wrestlemania


World Heavyweight Championship - In June of 2011, Christian won the Money in the Bank, in November of 2011 Edge regained the World Heavyweight Champion. Over the next four months, Christian would constantly try to find a time to cash in his shot. The rules of MITB forced the man who held the breifcase to cash in his shot before the day after Wrestlemania... Christian, it seemed, ran out of time. His attempts had been fruitless, Edge was still the Champion, and Smackdown General Manager Ric Flair announced that the Money in the Bank stipulation would be put on hold as Edge would face Christian at Wrestlemania in a match that Edge and Christian fans had been looking forward to for man years.


WWE Championship - In June of 2011, Kurt Angle returned to the WWE. The manor of his return? To attack and steal the place of Daniel Bryan in the Money in the Bank Ladder match at the Money in the Bank PPV. Bryan was forced to let the issue lie or be fired by General Manager Paul Heyman. Kurt Angle cashed in his opportunity against John Cena in September of 2011 and won the Championship. Bryan, it seemed, did not let the issue lie, looking to get a chance to take on Angle at every opportunity but being kept seperate. Bryan was forced into a number of high impact fueds, first with CM Punk where he lost the US title, Triple H and even the former Champion John Cena. Daniel Bryan held his own, even defeating Triple H at No Way Out albeit with a promo of Shawn Michael's return to help. It was, however, him winning the Royal Rumble that gave him the opportunity he was looking for, a one on one match with Kurt Angle at Wrestlemania. Over the weeks leading up to Wrestlemania, each man tried to one up the other, with Submissions being locked in left right and centre. The defining moment came where Kurt Angle locked in an ankle lock submission backstage and refused to let go; through two matches and three other segments, officials tried to release Bryan until finally Angle let go. The defining moment? It was reported that for the whole thirty minutes, Daniel Bryan did not tap once. It was set, an Ultimate Submission match in the Main Event of Wrestlemania... Kurt Angle Vs Daniel Bryan.


WWE World Tag Team Title Match

The Legacy© Vs The Briscoes


Money In the Bank Ladder Match

Shelton Benjamin Vs Justin Gabriel Vs Dolph Ziggler Vs Kofi Kingston Vs Evan Bourne Vs John Morrison


Triple Threat Grudge Match

Alberto Del Rio vs Rey Mysterio Vs Sin Caras


United States Vs Intercontinental Champion Match

United States Champion CM Punk Vs Intercontinental Champion Samoa Joe


Regular Singles Match

The Big Show Vs The Miz


Grudge Match

Chris Jericho Vs Randy Orton


Tag Team Match

The Rock and Steve Austin Vs Sheamus and Wade Barrett


Career Vs Legacy Match

Triple H Vs Shawn Michaels


"The Streak"

John Cena Vs The Undertaker


World Heavyweight Championship Match

Christian Vs Edge©


WWE Championship Match

Kurt Angle© Vs Daniel Bryan

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Just reached Wrestlemania of 2012 in my WWE game and I've just built up the biggest WM card I possibley could have. I'll post the background and then the final card.


The stories...


The Legacy Vs The Briscoes - Following the draft, Ted Dibiase found himself on Smackdown. This father made his return to create the Million Dollar Corporation which involved Cody and Ted reuniting their team, a group which also included Chris Jericho as the Main Event star. Legacy had picked up the championships and following their debut in July of the previous year, The Briscoes of Raw had remained unbeaten. A long term fued with McGillicutty and Otunga of The New Nexus had made their name and leading into Wrestlemania, the youngsters won a tournement to crown the No. 1 contenders. The fued had been simple, but had built up quite a lot of heat as The Million Dollar man tried to "buy off" the contenders.


Money in the Bank - On Raw, Dolph Ziggler looked to show his dominence by taking on Bourne and Morrison in a number of challanges. He had taken them on in handicap matches, one on one matches and on the Raw before Mania, a three man "Money in the Bank" match which entitled the winner to choose one of his opponents to be handcuffed to the ropes for the first ten minutes of the match. Bourne was victourious, choosing Ziggler to be handcuffed. On Smackdown, the team of Gabrial and Slater had their problems as both men wanted to take the remaining place in MITB. Their altercations ended with the break up of their "Corre" tag team which was the only reminence of the Corre group which had broken up the previous year. Kingston and Benjamin looked for constant one-up-manship leading into the biggest opportunity of the year, each trying to find a more innovative way to hurt their opponent.


Del Rio/Mysterio/Sin Caras - Much like the previous year, following his victory at Wrestlemania, Del Rio continued to remove his opponents before having to fight them in a match. Del Rio managed to injure the up and coming Sin Caras in September, placing the high flying superstar in the Cross Armbar. It was Rey Mysterio who came to his aide and the long term fued between Rey and Del Rio continued. Rey cost Del Rio the championship to Edge in November, on the same night that Sin Cara returned to save Rey from the same fate he had suffered months earlier. Mysterio and Cara continued to frustrate Del Rio, joining forces to elminate him from both the Royal Rumble and Elimination Chamber leading to this triple threat match at the biggest show of the year.


Champion Vs Champion - Following Daniel Bryan's rise to the Main Event scene, CM Punk found himself the gate keeper, the fued that proved that Bryan had become better on the mic as well as in the ring. Their match at Survivor Series was named the match of the year and passed the US Title to Punk in turn. Samoa Joe, however, made his debut just one month after the return of Kurt Angle. His reason? Unfinished business with the Olympic Champion. Their fued in WWE was much more brutal than that in TNA, drawing comparisons to the fueds between Angle and Lesnar years ago. Angle was, however, more often than not victorious leaving Joe to focus on Championship gold. He was close to defeating Del Rio before being cost the match by Angle and finally, he caught his first taste of Championship gold by defeating Smackdown's Jack Swagger in December. Punk and Joe met first in the Royal Rumble eliminating one another and fightinh up the ramp; Punk cost Joe his chance in Elimination Chamber, and conversely Joe cost Punk his shot for the World Heavyweight Championship in the same match. In the end, the match was made, Champion Vs Champion in a match not seen for almost ten years.


ShowMiz - Following his loss to John Cena at Wrestlemania, The Miz went on a downward spiral. Losses began to pile up before he was traded to Smackdown in exchange for the returning Chris Jericho in early January. This reunited the team of The Miz and Big Show, and a successful run against Sheamus and Wade Barrett turned The Miz into an instant fan favourite. However, following The Miz's elimination of The Big Show at Wrestlemania, the Giant turned nasty, returning to the ring and eliminating his tag partner before delivering three huge chokeslams on the ramp and one more off the ramp through lighting equipment. The Miz was not seen until two weeks before Mania, returning to cost The Big Show a place in Money in the Bank against Evan Bourne with a Skull Crushing Finale from the top rope. Show instantly accepted a challange for a match at Mania.


Jericho vs Orton - A match that had built for almost 18 months following Randy Orton punting Jericho out of the WWE. Jericho made a shock return at the Royal Rumble, refusing to enter the ring until Orton's number was called. At which point he focused all of his energy on making sure Orton would be removed from the match with force. Jericho willingly and definitively cost HIMSELF the match in order to ensure Orton was eliminated. The same was said at Elimination Chamber with Jericho destroying his own body to hit a top rope Code Breaker to the steel on Orton allowing Triple H to pin both men. Their meeting was booked and Jericho spent the final month before Mania trying to punt Orton in the skull but every time, the assualt was avoided. The Monday before Mania, Orton would have the opportunity to do it again, but refused, making sure Jericho know he would save it for Mania.


The Hall of Fame Vs Sheamus and Wade Barrett - Following a loss at the hands of Daniel Bryan at Wrestlemania, Sheamus was forced to leave Raw. He made his debut on Smackdown destroying every member of the Corre besides Wade Barrett. The run continued until Barrett was convinced a union of the two Europeans may be more beneficial. The Anglo-Celtic Alliance was created and continued to be successful. Following a run of losses against ShowMiz, the the two men began to pick fights with numerous members of the WWE Hall of Fame. They took apart Dusty Rhodes, Jerry Lawler, Jim Ross, Tony Atlas, Pat Patterson, Ricky Steamboat, Sgt Slaughter and Roddy Piper. Despite being on the rival show, following the attack of commentating due Lawler and Ross, Raw General Manager Paul Heyman (revealed in June of 2011) announced that a WWE Hall of Famer would confront the duo at No Way Out. The crowd went wild for the return of Steve Austin who proceeded to run down the young upstarts. His verbal assault was matched only by the physicality of the duo who beat Austin down. The following night on Raw, Austin came back ready for action only to be prevented from entering the arena for his "own good" by Heyman. Austin offered a challange for Wrestlemania for The Anglo-Celtic alliance to face Austin and a fellow Hall of Famer. The alliance accepted, mocking that there wasn't an active hall of famer left to team with Austin. The following week, Austin made his return to Raw to announce his partner. Jerry Lawler returned to commentate, but not to be Austin's partner as did Jim Ross. Roddy Piper returned to tell the youngsters that they didn't keep him down, until finally Austin announced the final inductee to the WWE Hall of Fame class of 2012... "IF YA SMELLLLLL!" boomed through the arena, the crowd went wild, and The Rock and Austin cleaned house. It was signed, seeled, and ready to go for Wrestlemania.


Triple H Vs Shawn Michaels - At Wrestlemania 27, Triple H lost a match against The Undertaker for his career... And refused to retire. He defeated The Deadman in a somewhat dubious rematch at Extreme Rules and then again at Over the Limit "vindicating" his decision to stay active. However, over the next 8 months, Triple H would find himself getting more and more beaten up; still refusing to retire. His heroics would earn him cheers, his body failing him more and more. His best friend Shawn Michaels returned to tell him of the good that has come from retirement but Triple H refused. The cheers suddenly turned to boos as The Game attacked HBK claiming his former best friend was jealous. The attack was hellacious and for the first time in a long time a wrestler was left in a bloody mess. In the build up to Wrestlemania, HBK returned and told Triple H he would finally end The Games career. Triple H asked what HBK had to give, his career was already over and HBK offered the only thing he had left; his Legacy. If HBK lost at Mania, he would be removed from the wrestling archives forever, as if he'd never existed, and would never be mentioned again. The Career Vs Legacy match was made, and made for Wrestlemania.


Cena Vs The Undertaker - Following his victory over The Miz at Wrestlemania, John Cena appeared to be a different man. His battles with The Rock had knocked his status as a fan favourite and his dubious victories in matches with Randy Orton and Triple H in the following months continued the theme. Following the loss of the WWE Championship, Cena snapped, blaming the fans for turning on him. His anger stemmed from a deep seeded jealousy of other superstars who had been cheered no matter what they did. This anger spilt over against The Undertaker, focusing on him leading up to, throughout and after The Royal Rumble. Cena argued that The Undertaker was the personification of evil yet the fans loved him, whereas John Cena broke his neck for them and they booed him. At No Way Out, Cena showed an unbelievable power and strength decimating Kane for ten minutes before sending Kane "straight to hell" with an Attitude Adjustment from the ring into a Casket which was then set on fire. The Undertaker, fearing for his brother, risked injury to open the casket only to find Kane gone before being attacked and locked inside the burning casket himself. The match was announced, John Cena Vs The Undertaker in a Casket match at Wrestlemania


World Heavyweight Championship - In June of 2011, Christian won the Money in the Bank, in November of 2011 Edge regained the World Heavyweight Champion. Over the next four months, Christian would constantly try to find a time to cash in his shot. The rules of MITB forced the man who held the breifcase to cash in his shot before the day after Wrestlemania... Christian, it seemed, ran out of time. His attempts had been fruitless, Edge was still the Champion, and Smackdown General Manager Ric Flair announced that the Money in the Bank stipulation would be put on hold as Edge would face Christian at Wrestlemania in a match that Edge and Christian fans had been looking forward to for man years.


WWE Championship - In June of 2011, Kurt Angle returned to the WWE. The manor of his return? To attack and steal the place of Daniel Bryan in the Money in the Bank Ladder match at the Money in the Bank PPV. Bryan was forced to let the issue lie or be fired by General Manager Paul Heyman. Kurt Angle cashed in his opportunity against John Cena in September of 2011 and won the Championship. Bryan, it seemed, did not let the issue lie, looking to get a chance to take on Angle at every opportunity but being kept seperate. Bryan was forced into a number of high impact fueds, first with CM Punk where he lost the US title, Triple H and even the former Champion John Cena. Daniel Bryan held his own, even defeating Triple H at No Way Out albeit with a promo of Shawn Michael's return to help. It was, however, him winning the Royal Rumble that gave him the opportunity he was looking for, a one on one match with Kurt Angle at Wrestlemania. Over the weeks leading up to Wrestlemania, each man tried to one up the other, with Submissions being locked in left right and centre. The defining moment came where Kurt Angle locked in an ankle lock submission backstage and refused to let go; through two matches and three other segments, officials tried to release Bryan until finally Angle let go. The defining moment? It was reported that for the whole thirty minutes, Daniel Bryan did not tap once. It was set, an Ultimate Submission match in the Main Event of Wrestlemania... Kurt Angle Vs Daniel Bryan.


The way you built things up, and the matches you have are all interesting. That is a Wrestlemania I would love to buy! Daniel Bryan vs Kurt Angle in the main event would be amazing!

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Just reached Wrestlemania of 2012 in my WWE game and I've just built up the biggest WM card I possibley could have. I'll post the background and then the final card.


The stories...


The Legacy Vs The Briscoes - Following the draft, Ted Dibiase found himself on Smackdown. This father made his return to create the Million Dollar Corporation which involved Cody and Ted reuniting their team, a group which also included Chris Jericho as the Main Event star. Legacy had picked up the championships and following their debut in July of the previous year, The Briscoes of Raw had remained unbeaten. A long term fued with McGillicutty and Otunga of The New Nexus had made their name and leading into Wrestlemania, the youngsters won a tournement to crown the No. 1 contenders. The fued had been simple, but had built up quite a lot of heat as The Million Dollar man tried to "buy off" the contenders.


Money in the Bank - On Raw, Dolph Ziggler looked to show his dominence by taking on Bourne and Morrison in a number of challanges. He had taken them on in handicap matches, one on one matches and on the Raw before Mania, a three man "Money in the Bank" match which entitled the winner to choose one of his opponents to be handcuffed to the ropes for the first ten minutes of the match. Bourne was victourious, choosing Ziggler to be handcuffed. On Smackdown, the team of Gabrial and Slater had their problems as both men wanted to take the remaining place in MITB. Their altercations ended with the break up of their "Corre" tag team which was the only reminence of the Corre group which had broken up the previous year. Kingston and Benjamin looked for constant one-up-manship leading into the biggest opportunity of the year, each trying to find a more innovative way to hurt their opponent.


Del Rio/Mysterio/Sin Caras - Much like the previous year, following his victory at Wrestlemania, Del Rio continued to remove his opponents before having to fight them in a match. Del Rio managed to injure the up and coming Sin Caras in September, placing the high flying superstar in the Cross Armbar. It was Rey Mysterio who came to his aide and the long term fued between Rey and Del Rio continued. Rey cost Del Rio the championship to Edge in November, on the same night that Sin Cara returned to save Rey from the same fate he had suffered months earlier. Mysterio and Cara continued to frustrate Del Rio, joining forces to elminate him from both the Royal Rumble and Elimination Chamber leading to this triple threat match at the biggest show of the year.


Champion Vs Champion - Following Daniel Bryan's rise to the Main Event scene, CM Punk found himself the gate keeper, the fued that proved that Bryan had become better on the mic as well as in the ring. Their match at Survivor Series was named the match of the year and passed the US Title to Punk in turn. Samoa Joe, however, made his debut just one month after the return of Kurt Angle. His reason? Unfinished business with the Olympic Champion. Their fued in WWE was much more brutal than that in TNA, drawing comparisons to the fueds between Angle and Lesnar years ago. Angle was, however, more often than not victorious leaving Joe to focus on Championship gold. He was close to defeating Del Rio before being cost the match by Angle and finally, he caught his first taste of Championship gold by defeating Smackdown's Jack Swagger in December. Punk and Joe met first in the Royal Rumble eliminating one another and fightinh up the ramp; Punk cost Joe his chance in Elimination Chamber, and conversely Joe cost Punk his shot for the World Heavyweight Championship in the same match. In the end, the match was made, Champion Vs Champion in a match not seen for almost ten years.


ShowMiz - Following his loss to John Cena at Wrestlemania, The Miz went on a downward spiral. Losses began to pile up before he was traded to Smackdown in exchange for the returning Chris Jericho in early January. This reunited the team of The Miz and Big Show, and a successful run against Sheamus and Wade Barrett turned The Miz into an instant fan favourite. However, following The Miz's elimination of The Big Show at Wrestlemania, the Giant turned nasty, returning to the ring and eliminating his tag partner before delivering three huge chokeslams on the ramp and one more off the ramp through lighting equipment. The Miz was not seen until two weeks before Mania, returning to cost The Big Show a place in Money in the Bank against Evan Bourne with a Skull Crushing Finale from the top rope. Show instantly accepted a challange for a match at Mania.


Jericho vs Orton - A match that had built for almost 18 months following Randy Orton punting Jericho out of the WWE. Jericho made a shock return at the Royal Rumble, refusing to enter the ring until Orton's number was called. At which point he focused all of his energy on making sure Orton would be removed from the match with force. Jericho willingly and definitively cost HIMSELF the match in order to ensure Orton was eliminated. The same was said at Elimination Chamber with Jericho destroying his own body to hit a top rope Code Breaker to the steel on Orton allowing Triple H to pin both men. Their meeting was booked and Jericho spent the final month before Mania trying to punt Orton in the skull but every time, the assualt was avoided. The Monday before Mania, Orton would have the opportunity to do it again, but refused, making sure Jericho know he would save it for Mania.


The Hall of Fame Vs Sheamus and Wade Barrett - Following a loss at the hands of Daniel Bryan at Wrestlemania, Sheamus was forced to leave Raw. He made his debut on Smackdown destroying every member of the Corre besides Wade Barrett. The run continued until Barrett was convinced a union of the two Europeans may be more beneficial. The Anglo-Celtic Alliance was created and continued to be successful. Following a run of losses against ShowMiz, the the two men began to pick fights with numerous members of the WWE Hall of Fame. They took apart Dusty Rhodes, Jerry Lawler, Jim Ross, Tony Atlas, Pat Patterson, Ricky Steamboat, Sgt Slaughter and Roddy Piper. Despite being on the rival show, following the attack of commentating due Lawler and Ross, Raw General Manager Paul Heyman (revealed in June of 2011) announced that a WWE Hall of Famer would confront the duo at No Way Out. The crowd went wild for the return of Steve Austin who proceeded to run down the young upstarts. His verbal assault was matched only by the physicality of the duo who beat Austin down. The following night on Raw, Austin came back ready for action only to be prevented from entering the arena for his "own good" by Heyman. Austin offered a challange for Wrestlemania for The Anglo-Celtic alliance to face Austin and a fellow Hall of Famer. The alliance accepted, mocking that there wasn't an active hall of famer left to team with Austin. The following week, Austin made his return to Raw to announce his partner. Jerry Lawler returned to commentate, but not to be Austin's partner as did Jim Ross. Roddy Piper returned to tell the youngsters that they didn't keep him down, until finally Austin announced the final inductee to the WWE Hall of Fame class of 2012... "IF YA SMELLLLLL!" boomed through the arena, the crowd went wild, and The Rock and Austin cleaned house. It was signed, seeled, and ready to go for Wrestlemania.


Triple H Vs Shawn Michaels - At Wrestlemania 27, Triple H lost a match against The Undertaker for his career... And refused to retire. He defeated The Deadman in a somewhat dubious rematch at Extreme Rules and then again at Over the Limit "vindicating" his decision to stay active. However, over the next 8 months, Triple H would find himself getting more and more beaten up; still refusing to retire. His heroics would earn him cheers, his body failing him more and more. His best friend Shawn Michaels returned to tell him of the good that has come from retirement but Triple H refused. The cheers suddenly turned to boos as The Game attacked HBK claiming his former best friend was jealous. The attack was hellacious and for the first time in a long time a wrestler was left in a bloody mess. In the build up to Wrestlemania, HBK returned and told Triple H he would finally end The Games career. Triple H asked what HBK had to give, his career was already over and HBK offered the only thing he had left; his Legacy. If HBK lost at Mania, he would be removed from the wrestling archives forever, as if he'd never existed, and would never be mentioned again. The Career Vs Legacy match was made, and made for Wrestlemania.


Cena Vs The Undertaker - Following his victory over The Miz at Wrestlemania, John Cena appeared to be a different man. His battles with The Rock had knocked his status as a fan favourite and his dubious victories in matches with Randy Orton and Triple H in the following months continued the theme. Following the loss of the WWE Championship, Cena snapped, blaming the fans for turning on him. His anger stemmed from a deep seeded jealousy of other superstars who had been cheered no matter what they did. This anger spilt over against The Undertaker, focusing on him leading up to, throughout and after The Royal Rumble. Cena argued that The Undertaker was the personification of evil yet the fans loved him, whereas John Cena broke his neck for them and they booed him. At No Way Out, Cena showed an unbelievable power and strength decimating Kane for ten minutes before sending Kane "straight to hell" with an Attitude Adjustment from the ring into a Casket which was then set on fire. The Undertaker, fearing for his brother, risked injury to open the casket only to find Kane gone before being attacked and locked inside the burning casket himself. The match was announced, John Cena Vs The Undertaker in a Casket match at Wrestlemania


World Heavyweight Championship - In June of 2011, Christian won the Money in the Bank, in November of 2011 Edge regained the World Heavyweight Champion. Over the next four months, Christian would constantly try to find a time to cash in his shot. The rules of MITB forced the man who held the breifcase to cash in his shot before the day after Wrestlemania... Christian, it seemed, ran out of time. His attempts had been fruitless, Edge was still the Champion, and Smackdown General Manager Ric Flair announced that the Money in the Bank stipulation would be put on hold as Edge would face Christian at Wrestlemania in a match that Edge and Christian fans had been looking forward to for man years.


WWE Championship - In June of 2011, Kurt Angle returned to the WWE. The manor of his return? To attack and steal the place of Daniel Bryan in the Money in the Bank Ladder match at the Money in the Bank PPV. Bryan was forced to let the issue lie or be fired by General Manager Paul Heyman. Kurt Angle cashed in his opportunity against John Cena in September of 2011 and won the Championship. Bryan, it seemed, did not let the issue lie, looking to get a chance to take on Angle at every opportunity but being kept seperate. Bryan was forced into a number of high impact fueds, first with CM Punk where he lost the US title, Triple H and even the former Champion John Cena. Daniel Bryan held his own, even defeating Triple H at No Way Out albeit with a promo of Shawn Michael's return to help. It was, however, him winning the Royal Rumble that gave him the opportunity he was looking for, a one on one match with Kurt Angle at Wrestlemania. Over the weeks leading up to Wrestlemania, each man tried to one up the other, with Submissions being locked in left right and centre. The defining moment came where Kurt Angle locked in an ankle lock submission backstage and refused to let go; through two matches and three other segments, officials tried to release Bryan until finally Angle let go. The defining moment? It was reported that for the whole thirty minutes, Daniel Bryan did not tap once. It was set, an Ultimate Submission match in the Main Event of Wrestlemania... Kurt Angle Vs Daniel Bryan.


Please apply for a job at the WWE.


Thank you.

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So I made two decisions in my game (IWC 0/0/0 Great Lakes upstart):


A) Tighten up the booking.


This has gone incredibly well. Since Bulldozer Brandon Smith has come in the show ratings have jumped up to the point where we actually outclassed some of our Reginal Battle competition.


B) Increase the Match Intensity rating


This, on the short term, has proved to be a collossal mistake! After the best show my promotion ever had headlined by Canadian Dragon vs. Bulldozer Brandon Smith which scored a 53, my highest scoring match ever, I upped the Match Intensity...assuming this may help improve my match ratings a little since it appears as though my fed is a "workrate fed" (we don't run angles really)


Well...we took a MAJOR hit in prestige dropping from 22 to 14. Now my show ratings are dipping back into the mid 30's where they'd been peaking in the mid-high 40's over the past few shows. We dropped from Small to Local and may be digging ourselves back into a financial hole (it's only been a month, haven't verified yet). I haven't checked the popularity but I can only assume we're going to have to win a bunch of fans back as a result...and that does not make me happy.


In terms of goings on...Canadian Dragon has been one of the best champions I've had since Mario Heroic. Plus I put him over Brandon Smith which upped his popularity, which I was afraid was capping out at 33 (he's now at 41).


The only problem now, two of my main eventers Whisky Jack and Canadian Dragon are developing attitude problems. Plus, Brandon Smith wasn't particularly fond of losing to Dragon despite an awesome "bulldozing" run into title contention.


I'm just hoping at this point that we can recover and start putting on shows in the 40's again and get back up to Small. As a local fed I tend to lose money hand over fist.

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It's Friday, Week 3, July 2022 and WCW is gearing up for The Great American Bash! About 77k fans are expected to attend the Thursday Takeover brand-only PPV. Unless I ran it in New York, then I could get about 80k. You have to understand that the Wrestling Industry in the USA is an E+ (rising) and the Economy is a B- (falling). We could easily having over 100k in the Tri State area if the industry was doing better and the economy wasn't slowly getting worse.


I took a look at my recent visibility and see that I haven't traveled to the South West in six weeks (the most out of all North American territories). Therefore I'll be putting the PPV on at the Milne Coliseum (75k). I've never ran a PPV outside of the US and Canada. Maybe I'm afraid "cross the sea" and put on a PPV outside of our realm. I haven't even done a PPV in Mexico over all of these years. One of my goals has been to put on a PPV sell-out in Japan (AT LEAST 30k). Doing that as an American company would be an automatic win. And the fact that BHOTWG is one of our biggest competitors? I have to go for it at some point.


This PPV is being headlined by two big matches. Not only will the WCW World Championship be decided when Gregory Black puts the title on the line against one of the most dominant men in wrestling today, Charger! But a 3 on 3 match including six of the biggest stars on the Takeover brand. That match has Aaron Andrews, Kevin Christopher, and Remo Richardson taking on Swoop McCarthy, Xavi Ferrera, and Ricky DeColt.


Considering the six-man tag match is elimination - whoever is the last man standing for their team will receive a championship match LIVE on TV during Thursday Night Takeover in two weeks. Whether that will be against Black or Charger, nobody knows for certain.


As far as I'm concerned, anyone churning out storylines in 2022 is a king at this game. these updates of yours are great.

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Starting WWE 2011 with KillerWithAHeart RWM Data March 2011


The Raw GM is revealed as Paul Heyman

Starting after Mania the revising of the U.S.,IC,Tag Team, & Diva Division


My Wrestlemania card is as follow


Main Event

John Cena vs The Rock


WWE Title Ladder Match

The Miz (champ) vs John Morrison vs Orton vs CM Punk


World Title

Edge © vs Del Rio vs Christian


U.S. Title

Bryan © vs Sheamus


I-C Title

Kofi © vs Shelton Benjamin vs Rey Mysterio vs Cody Rhodes


First time ever Icon vs Game

Sting vs Triple H

*Undertaker retired due to injury will be a trainer on Tough Enough


Lay-Cool vs Trish Stratus/Lita


Mix Tag Match

Drew McIntyre/Kelly Kelly vs Dolph Ziggler/Shaul Guerrero w/Vickie


If Lawler wins he get 5 minutes with Cole or Cole is Fired

Jerry Lawler vs Jack Swagger w/ Cole in his corner

*Special Referee Steve Austin


Diva Title

Battle Royal


Pre Show

Battle Royal

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Small updates on my IWC 0/0/0 upstart Great Lakes game


The promotion did recieve some backlash after changing popularity, but once I changed it back the match ratings stopped suffering and my popularity and importance is growing once again.


I wasn't terribly happy about these two departures but at the same time I understand it. Hell's Bouncer and Mario Heroic both put an end to their IWC contracts in favor of their other bookings. Threw a bit of a wrench into my plans since Brandon Smith wasn't initially supposed to hold the title a long long time. Now he may end up going after Heroic's 18 month world title reign. (Heroic was supposed to become the first ever 2 time champ)


Either way this is a good thing in some respects. I've been meaning to shake up my tag scene (Danny Patterson & Mario Heroic held the title for nearly a year) and been wanting to throw the Tic into the Main Event picture.


Also I just signed Freddie Datusn and, despite his age, he seems to be a very suitable fit for my fed.

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I downloaded the 1996 mod made by someone here on the forums and have begun playing as the World Wrestling Federation. I've just completed the February Pay Per View so I'm only two months in, but have got big storylines progressing and building towards Wrestlemania.


A.) Since the beginning of my game I was pushing The Ringmaster as the golden child of the Million Dollar Corporation, but Ted DiBiase pushed for and signed the hottest free agent in all of Professional Wrestling- The Loose Cannon Brian Pillman. He made his debut in the Royal Rumble where the other members of the MDC (1-2-3 Kid & Ringmaster) were told to protect him and make sure that he wins. This pissed The Ringmaster off who over the next couple weeks attacked Brian Pillman without anyone known. Finally Ted DiBiase purchased a shot at the IC title for Pillman (due to World Champion being injured), and as luck would have it Pillman was attacked once more. The Ringmaster volunteered to take his place in the match and ended up defeating Razor Ramon for the belt, but was then forced to hand it over to Pillman. They are on a course to meet in a match at Wrestlemania over the belt.


B.) Another feud I've been running is Sid Vicious was attacking my owner character (not Vince).. and laying him out at every show. It was revealed the week before the Royal Rumble that Sid Vicious was not the mastermind behind the attacks, instead it was The Franchise Shane Douglas. The authority figure character decided it was time to fight back and he recruited The Undertaker to help him. At In Your House The Undertaker defeated Sid Vicious, but was promptly attacked by Shane Douglas who I'm working towards wrestling The Undertaker at Wrestlemania.


C.) In my World Title feud, Shawn Michaels won the Royal Rumble just like in real life of that year and he's set to face Bret Hart at Wrestlemania. Shawn, Razor, & Diesel have all turned heel to form The Kliq and they wrestled the team of Bret Hart, Owen Hart, & British Bulldog at "In Your House: Revenge Of The Hart Foundation!" I'm just building up to Shawn vs. Bret at Wrestlemania.


C.) My tag team scene see's The Bodydonnas with the Tag Titles, and they are embroiled in a feud with The Steiner Brothers as well as The Thrill Seekers (Jericho/Storm). The Steiner Brothers got the title shot at IYH.. which they lost. I'm building towards really doing a 3-Way Tag Title Match at mania in that feud.

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